Sneaky office slut gets what she deserves

Sneaky office slut gets what she deserves


Sneaky office slut gets what she deserves

Office Confessions
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Some years back, I was having sex with a coworker. We worked in a big office building for healthcare, clinical/claims etc and they had a call center component. She and I would go to and had access to space on a coupled of floors where the areas were recently vacated from other tenants that left so there was still some furniture (tables, chairs, even two seater couches etc, left behind) around lunchtime some days and fuck.
One afternoon, while we were in one of our locations , this woman walked right up on us. She was the manager, two levels higher, from my department (she would come up to the space to read, relax and decompress and she heard us). She cursed us out and pretty much let us know we were fired (we did have a union though). We got dressed and she was steadily chirping. So my coworker went to her department and I to mine waiting for the hammer to drop. Well I saw that manager in the hallway the next day and she pulled me to the side and let me know the procedures with management and the union etc. She let me know how disappointed and disgusted she was with me. Well the next day, same conversation, but no meeting with the union. A couple of days later she made me an offer. She liked to work out, (weights, treadmill, cross country machine) in our exercise room some days after work. Meet up with her after her workout and do what she says. I met with her (she was still sweaty from her workout) , we took the stairs to another floor, went to a spot, followed her command and ate that pussy. It was so good for the both of us that I also licked her ass. Her sweaty ass. Next week, we started fucking and kept on for a few months on and off until she got another position out of state.

Hooked up twice with my female boss from work this year. Everyone thinks she is a mean, frigid bitch but what they don't know is that she is a pain submissive and is open to about anything once she gets a good flogging.
She also wears my favorite stockings and heels at work to signal she wants to get together again soon.

I recently got anew administrative assistant. She is a very cute divorcee. Now, I am married and have never really considered cheating on my wife. But, her cute face, hot body and can do attitude had me dreaming.

We worked well together and she got all of her work done. One day she came in and asked if we could have a personal discussion. I nodded and she quickly sat down and started to cry. She let loose about how difficult it was to be a divorcee, with 2 daughters in college. I listened and consoled her. After a while I had her laughing and she was ready to got back to work.

I stood to open the door. She stood and held it closed and gave me a hug. I hugged back and we had a moment. I stepped back and looked her in the eyes and she kissed me. The kiss was on the lips at first but quickly moved on to passionate tongue wrestling.

She reached over and locked the door. and said I was hoping that this was going to go that way. She reached out and rubbed my cock and smiled while she said, “we are going to have some fun.”

I nodded and kissed her while I unbuttoned her shirt. She was wearing a tank top under her shirt and no bra. I quickly removed them and admired her breasts. Breasts that were bigger and fuller than I had dreamt. I kissed my way down her body kissing and sucking everything while I removed her pants and panties. I kissed and licked every fold of her well trimmed pussy. The flavor was wonderful. I licked away and she moaned.

I looked up and she said let introduce Mr Johnson to Ms. Kitty. I pulled down my pants and she viewed my already erect penis. She said that will do. It was good to hear and made me a little bit harder.

She said one more thing. I want to help lube you and dropped to her knees and swallowed my member. She went to town sucking and kissing my cock. After a minute or so she said, “time for the introduction.”

She laid back and I slid it in. It felt perfect. She whispered in my ear, “that’s better.” I pumped away and came. She moaned softly in my ear and said ,” I am coming too.” We laid there for a few minutes and kissed some more.

I let her know that it was awesome, she was awesome. We started to cleanup and dress. It was then she asked can we make this daily. I said hell yes.

I am looking forward to tomorrow and dreading what will say to my wife tonight. But I do not want to stop....
You are a stupid moron. One day your life will fall apart. It is only a matter of time before she blackmails you at best or reports you at worst and your life falls apart. If you are gonna cheat, it makes more sense to do so out of the office first of all and also with someone who does not work with you.
Stop it before its too late.. she is lonely you are not talk to her and request or you introduce her to a good needy friend..
You are a stupid moron. One day your life will fall apart. It is only a matter of time before she blackmails you at best or reports you at worst and your life falls apart. If you are gonna cheat, it makes more sense to do so out of the office first of all and also with someone who does not work with you.
You are a stupid moron. One day your life will fall apart. It is only a matter of time before she blackmails you at best or reports you at worst and your life falls apart. If you are gonna cheat, it makes more sense to do so out of the office first of all and also with someone who does not work with you.

I started a new job fairly recently. It's an office job and I have a lot of new colleagues.
Someone started calling me Dennis on my first day there. My name is not Dennis and is not even lose to Dennis.

But I am really shy and anxious when it comes to social situations, so I did not correct them when they started calling me Dennis.

It's been 3 weeks now and most of them started calling me that.
Well, I guess I am a Dennis now.
If you want real sex, send me message here:)

There is this woman in our office that I just cannot stand. She is always complaining and she is really overweight. She is always complaining about the shitty office equipment and if she has nothing to say about that, she is complaining about her weight and crying loudly that she needs to lose weight. I have a sweet tooth and have always some chocolate or other sweets with me and I know started asking her if she'd like some. Of course, I am all smiles and friendly, because I only want to share my good stuff, ya know?
She always declines, but I see how she's struggling and that fills me with so much joy.
Please forgive me for my disgraceful attitude.
If you want real sex, send me message here:)
It’s time to find a steady girlfriend. A lot of single ladies are waiting here >>>
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The Four Levels of Slut Sleeping around carries an unfair double standard, but sluttiness does have levels.
by Nathan DeGraaf | June 21, 2006
Points in Case is a daily literary humor publication featuring enlightening and irreverent comedy from seasoned writers and fresh voices, since 1999.
Main: Man, she’s a whore?
Nathan: How can you say that? She never got paid.
Main: I stand corrected. She’s a slut.
I think it’s unfair that women are often considered sluts for sleeping around. Women say that this perception of them propagates a double standard because men are never considered sluts for rampant sexual activity. (Although, if that were truly the case, then why do so many women I know call me a slut?) And recently, because I just dumped a girl who cheated on me, I have been pondering exactly what it is that makes a girl a slut .
Now, when I get to pondering, well, sometimes I just have to get out a pen and write down my thoughts. This was one of those times. You see, there are many different kinds of sluts, and there is not one hard and fast rule that simply defines a woman as a slut. But there are (at least) four levels of slut.
“Sadly, the Cheating Slut is really what most men mean when they say ‘slut' or ‘whore.' The first two levels are just people being people.”
This woman is not technically, by definition, a slut. She is the woman who gets stereotyped as a slut simply because she likes to fuck around. This woman typically has no boyfriend (or a boyfriend who doesn’t care that she fucks other men) and simply goes out looking to get laid. She doesn’t feel that she should have to settle down, and she thinks it’s unfair that other women degrade her for this. She is right. She is also one of the reasons I get up in the morning.
Of the last four women I’ve slept with, three fall into this category because (as far as I know), they were not cheating on anyone, were not lying about who they fucked, and were not asking for anything more than sex. Women love sex, too; they should not be blamed for seeking it. Stereotypes hurt everyone. Ironically enough, usually other women hate this girl because she can fuck who she wants, while men bare her no ill will. She is, after all, simply doing what she likes. And men, for the most part, respect that.
Unlike the whores that make up the second level of slut.
Much like the Sexually Liberated Woman, this slut has no boyfriend. She does however, and for whatever reason, feel she needs to lead men on. She fucks several different men at one time while tricking the men she fucks into thinking that they are pursuing a relationship. Which is to say that every one of the suckers she fucks happens to think that they’re the slut’s soon-to-be boyfriend. She also loves seeing men fight over her, which may be (at least in part) the motivation for her leading these poor bastards on.
The main thing that separates her from the Level 1 Slut is that she is not honest with the men in her life because she derives pleasure from wrapping suckers around her little finger. The women representing this level of slut usually leave me alone. I’m not sure why, but I’m pretty sure the Garden Variety Slut has a radar for suckers, and because I am not one, I hardly have to deal with these bitches.
I can’t say the same for the sluts in levels 3 and 4.
Cheating Sluts come in three different categories. There are those who simply cheat on a boyfriend they’ve had for a few months and then tell him (no big deal); those who cheat on a guy they’ve dated for a few months, never tell him, and force him to find out from his friends (a slightly bigger deal because these sluts lack honesty); and then there are the worst kind—the sluts who fuck around on a man they’ve been with for years and never tell him about it.
The first girl I fucked after the breakup belonged in last category. The bitch was engaged. She fucked me late in the afternoon and left early in the evening because her man would soon be arriving from work. To her fiancée, I say, “I hope your parents are proud of you for preparing to marry a 21-year-old waitress with no education. Oh, and by the way, I’ve never met a girl who had a tell for her female ejaculation before. I mean, her leg quivers like an epileptic in mid seizure and then she squirts. That’s kind of weird. And yes, I like her body, too.”
Sadly, the Cheating Slut is really what most men mean when they say “slut” or “whore.” The first two levels are just people being people, not people being disloyal bitches. What separates this level of slut from the fourth and final level of slut, is, quite simply, the motivation for cheating.
Fortunately for me, I live in a college community where finding a man with his own car, no roommates and a steady income is like hitting the jackpot for most girls. Unfortunately for me, this means I often get hit on by the Money Grubbing Slut.
The saddest thing about the Money Grubbing Slut is that she really does like (or even love) her boyfriend. She simply expects more from her man in terms of monetary consideration. She doesn’t make her own money and can’t live off her boyfriend’s petty McDonald’s wages, so she seeks out men who will take her to nice places and buy her shiny objects. This is the worst kind of whore because she’s pissing on love and respect all in the name of a few dollars.
I love promising this girl I will take her some place nice, then fucking her and ordering a pizza, explaining to her that I’m broke. After this, I can usually count the seconds until she leaves, feeling used. Then I double check my wallet; you can’t trust a Money Grubbing Slut (at least, not until she starts making her own money, in which case, the nickname gets changed to “Materialistic Shark,” which is unfair—I mean, why blame a girl for wanting money and making it?).
So guys, the next time you take a woman home from a bar, or fuck her in the bathroom at a party, or on the rooftop of a shopping mall, or in the grass median on the side of a highway (you know, whatever works for you), you may want to consider exactly what level of slut you are fucking. Remember, it’s not wrong if it’s just sex for sex’s sake (hell, female sexual liberation was the best thing to come out of the women’s rights movement). But if she’s in a relationship with some other guy (or guys) when you first fuck her, odds are she’s not the kind of girl you want to spend six bucks on.
Then again, few women are worth six bucks.
Nathan DeGraaf graduated fucking years ago with a BA in Creative Writing from the University of South Florida, which he still lives near because college chicks are the best. On... See full profile »

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Oscar Zach is a red piller who detests white knights/manginas, whom he believes to be the actual source from where feminism draws its power to subvert men in modern society. He enjoys philosophy, archery, target shooting, learning new languages, globe-trotting and the company of non-hypocritical, feminine women.
One of my previous gigs (before I discovered the red pill) was in a multinational media firm predominated by women. In hindsight, I see that office as a soul-crushing nightmare for a red piller to work in because the boss was himself a mangina who was under the influence of his mistresses in the office.
She was a mature, progressive feminist spinster (previously a professional call-girl) from the FSU, whom he had given an insignificant job in the HR after having tasted her ‘goods’. I had subconsciously nicknamed her as Madame du HR , out of her self-confessed outspoken fascination for medieval French courtesans. She was an average looking, thin, long-legged pale woman with a conspicuous plump ass, but notable for her sexual allure and pull over men.
In spite of her ‘job’, a respectable family background and a higher education, she used to prostitute herself for money on weekends—to business clients, male coworkers, or any other rich influential man whom she met and caught a fancy to at work—and sleep her way to money and professional influence. The office had effectively become her brothel to ply her wiles on men.
After being on the same team with her, she expectedly made her move on me (like she did on everybody else), which I rejected out of both personal and professional ethics. But during the time I worked with her, I learnt some valuable lessons about workplace prostitution.
Sleeping with the boss, business clients or coworkers for career gain or influence is prostitution —just as sleeping with a man to influence him to pay for domestic or personal expenses. These girls are no different from the working girls on the street whoring themselves for money. That’s what Madame du HR used to do—and often glamorized her own lifestyle to female interns. They were ‘trained’ by her and graduated as full-blown whores themselves to dominate men by the time they left their jobs.
Madame du HR spent most of her office hours chatting on the phone or idly surfing the web at her desk. In spite of being inefficient and incompetent, and the numerous times she was often reprimanded for her “non-professionalism” by the boss himself (sometimes in front of all the staff), she surprisingly retained her job. The reason? Because of her ass (her sexual exploits).
She often mockingly boasted how sexually ‘addicted’ the boss was to her ass, which afforded her the professional immunity.
Madame du HR’s deadpan justification when I rejected her advances was, “You know what, I am a whore. But I know why I am doing it. It’s just another job , like any another profession.” She had firmly rationalized her choice to whore herself.
It’s common to see a lot of modern women having the Pretty Woman complex (a role model for some)—especially from the FSU , to choose voluntary prostitution (a notorious stereotype with some truth), even though prostitution is a social evil. A lot of women keep sponsors for social benefits and end up marrying them, even while having boyfriends, without any qualms about it.
The ability to compartmentalize between love, sex and friendship is a trait unique to whores and sluts. With her dissociation of sex from emotion, a whore often destroys her own nurturing (emotional) ability to bond through sex – a trait unique to the emotional nature of women.
Whores can thus neither nurture nor bond to a man because their minds are self programmed to detach themselves from their emotional natures. Sexual loyalty is a joke for them while sex or love becomes merely an act or a profession, without emotion.
After I rejected her, I faced intrigue and double-standards within the office (due to her sexual influence on the male management).
She made sure to make my office life miserable. Whores need attention because of their fragile egos, while real women need respect. And I had unknowingly implied to her that I rejected her because she was a whore (thus bruising her ego), even though I didn’t call her one.
Things became tense if she saw me even casually complimenting a female client or coworker—I was often given inexplicable disciplinary talks in the boss’s cabin about professional ‘etiquette’ (while she continued to whore herself to men with impunity right under his eyes ). I then realized the depth of a mistress’s power in an office.
I’ve seen many men falling for this bait which usually entails a hidden trap—female control over men—not only in that office, but also in other real life situations.
Madame du HR embodied that– she aggressively pursued men whom she wanted to control (using sex). The men who fell for her sexual bait predictably ended up as her slaves.
A no-brainer which most of my male colleagues there failed to follow. The result was forced subservience to her, who dominated them by often threatening to reveal their shenanigans with her to the boss. She used fear as well as sex to control them.
It’s often said never to mix business with pleasure, but what’s more idiotic is the stupid dog which shits in its own bed. The man who fucks the boss’s mistress becomes a toy boy pup of sorts, whose professional life then becomes a minefield with the detonation trigger in the hands of the eaten forbidden fruit (the mistress).
A lot of businessmen offer their mistresses a job in their firms. The ensuing problem for the male staff is that they then have to actually report to two bosses: the actual male boss and his mistress. Looking at her behavior, I sometimes wondered whether the boss had deliberately h
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