Snapchat Premium Hack

Snapchat Premium Hack


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Home Social Media Facebook Snapchat Hacks: 18 Ways to Get Snapchat Passwords for Free
Snapchat is one of the most widely used social networking app used by youngsters after Facebook and Whatsapp. It has many unique features like Photo sharing and instant messages etc. The high usage of the Snapchat app makes it a target for hackers to hack Snapchat account for free and hack Snapchat password to steal your personal information. This article will guide you on how hackers hack Snapchat account for free.
So, Is there a way to hack Snapchat account and passwords or to spy Snapchat??
In this hacking tutorial, we will see the best methods to hack Snapchat account for free and passwords like a professional hacker.
Like every social media application, Snapchat also invests a large amount of money and manpower for its security and making it hackproof. So there are currently no commonly known zero-day vulnerabilities to hack Snapchat passwords. You might be thinking it’s impossible to break into the Snapchat account password?
Yes, it is the fact that security for apps like Snapchat and Facebook is evolving every day by day, and these apps are getting more secure and difficult to hack with each passing day.
But don’t forget! There is the key for every lock and a hack for every app. The following are some of the methods to hack a Snapchat account. These methods rely on loopholes and human errors. Don’t worry! We will discuss all the methods with straightforward explanations.
DISCLAIMER: This is an educational article meant to aware and educates readers about the hacks. Do not use this tool or website on any website. Do not apply or execute any method or use tools without concern of the party. The team will not be in any way responsible for any illegal activities and usage of tools by you. We want to make readers aware of active threats and how they work. Use this article only for educational purposes.
Enough talking!! Let’s start hacking.
Pass Decoder is a paid software which is one of the best Snapchat hacking software available on the market. According to their website, even the Dubai police uses their software.
It is online software and can be used via any device smartphone, tablet or pc.
It can hack any account as long as you provide the necessary details required to perform the hack(email id, phone number, login ID). Do note that this is a paid service. The hacking world does not provide support for this software. For any queries contact the customer support of their website. You can contact them via their email
Spy apps are apps that play the role of hacking and taking over devices directly and stealthily. Spying in hacking terms refers to the monitoring and manipulation of secret information of the target victim.
Spying is done by installing specific scripts, backdoor or any spy application on the victim’ device, and after that, all the activities of the victim can be monitored by using the app on the client-side.
We are going to give you the list of some of the best apps for spying on Snapchat. All these apps have a good reputation and work as described. Hacking and spying are frowned up by people, so it is always better for you to be secured.
In some cases, it might even be illegal, so reader beware you have been warned.
Read the article below for an in-depth list of spying apps.
Mspy and truthspy are my recommendations for hacking Snapchat.
This is one of the most excellent techniques to hack a snapchat account. Basically, you install malicious software or mobile app that records all the activity of the keyboard, which means that each and every letter that is typed on the keyboard is recorded by the application and is stored as a log file
So, whenever the victim login his or her account on the PC or mobile, its username and password get recorded by the Keylogger.
This will provide you with the complete access of the users Snapchat account.
This method can be used not only for hacking Snapchat account but also for other social media like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc
This is my preferred way of hacking Snapchat account.
Phishing is one of the easiest and most effective ways of hacking not only social media accounts, bank accounts, and corporate accounts.
Phishing is easy, and there are lots of readily available tutorials on YouTube.
So, what exactly is this Phishing??
Phishing is a social engineering skill where we create a fake page that looks exactly like the original login page of a website, in which when the victim enters its username and password.
You will gain access to the victim’s social media account as the credentials are recorded and logged. There are many smart ways by which you can trick the victim to open your phishing link and make him enter his login credentials.
Like you can insert your Snapchat login page in a link and email him the link stating that his account needs to be reviewed and he needs to login with his id and password.
The victim will sign-in to your page because he will think it’s a legitimate mail…. And you are done!!!!
Here are the steps for hacking Snapchat using social engineering
$ git clone
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-dev -y
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Social Phish also has a web interface making it easy to use. See the image below.
Now wait for the user to log in, and you will have their credentials.
Enjoy. You have successfully hacked the victims Snapchat account
Phishing is the most used hacking method for cracking into countless personal and financial accounts over the last decade itself.
Today we have all tons of accounts like Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, etc. and it becomes difficult to remember the passwords of all accounts, so people usually put 2-3 passwords everywhere. So, the trial and error method get simple. Try to get those passwords and use them. Guessing the password is a total game of luck, but you can improve your chances by using things they like. Over 50% of people either use their name or their mobile number as their passwords. Hopefully, you can guess the Snapchat password the same way.
You can read more about on our article how to guess passwords?
People are too lazy to think when it comes to making a password. No one likes to remember the passwords. So, they end up making one good password and reusing it on every account. So basically over 90% of people have been using the same password over and over again. Just think about places where you have used the same password. Maybe Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, or any other site.
Chances are very high to get the right password if you know any of their previous passwords. At most, there will be a slight alteration to the password. Many people do not change their Snapchat password a lot.
So be creative I’m sure you will be able to find a way to get some passwords from them. I’ll also be writing an article on Guessing passwords and social engineering. Do read that as well.
Before hacking Snapchat with this method, let’s discuss more this method.
So, what is a Brute force attack in layman’s terms??
A Brute Force Attack is a method where a password is cracked by using different permutations and combinations of the alphabets numbers and characters.
We have software and scripts that will do this task for you. This software simply uses all the possible combinations of the given set of digits or alphabets.
It is effortless and does not employ any intelligent techniques. This method is much faster than manually typing all the different combinations, but still, it takes too much time to crack the passwords as the complexity of the password will determine the time required to hack.
Weak passwords such as “12345678” or “qwerty” are among the first to be tried out, so they are cracked in less than 0.3 seconds. By using a brute force attack, a hacker can hack a weak Snapchat password instantly.
But as the passwords become quite complicated, it will take an exponential long amount of time.
This is a lengthy and less fruitful technique, but the method does work on Snapchat accounts with weak passwords. You can hack Snapchat password online using this brute force method.
git clone
The “” is the hacking script in which we will run the attack.
Find a good password list for hacking Snapchat passwords.
There are few in Kali Linux, but I would recommend getting a specially crafted one.
Create your own file or download it from the internet. Either way is fine.
After you have your password-list file, copy it to the “Brute-Force-Login” directory in the home folder.
Note: You need to have Tor installed on your system in order to carry out this attack. This attack uses different IPs routed through Tor. A single Ip address will obviously be blocked if it sends so many requests.
Python victim-username password-file.txt
“victim-username” is the victim’s username
“password-file.txt”: name of your password file list.
It will now try each and every combination in your list, and as soon as it finds a match, the attack will be completed.
Enjoy hacking the Snapchat accounts!!
Unlike brute force attacks, these dictionary attacks are much smarter.
There is a slight difference between the two attacks, which plays a crucial role in reducing the time required for hacking a Snapchat account online.
The username-password combinations are preselected and have a higher probability of being correct.
Common passwords like qwerty or iloveyou etc. will be hacked instantly since many of them are readily available in the dictionary list.
However, if the password is really unique, then it cannot be tracked using this method.
People tend to have easy passwords for their Snapchat accounts, and hence dictionary attacks work really well in cracking Snapchat passwords.
Remembering passwords is not easy, and as a result, a lot of people save their passwords on their browser instead. This can be an easy attack vector to hack Snapchat password and eventually hack the Snapchat account.
Many people have their logins saved in the browser just do inspect an element and change the format of the password to plain text as shown.
To do and inspect elements on a page. Right-click on a page or press F12. You need to change the “password type” field.
If you manage to get access to the person’s phone or other devices with email, you can surely try to forget the password option and get the reset password link or OTP on the person’s phone and reset the password. This will give you temporary access to the person’s account until they notice it. But it can be helpful if you want to access their account under any condition.
Instead of hacking the account. You can directly hack the victim’s phone taking control of the device.
There are many spy apps and such which can help you do these. We have already written articles regarding these topics.
By using this hack, you can get proper access to both their phone as well as their data and Snapchat account easily.
Cookie stealing or session hijacking is another method where you can access a victim’s Snapchat account without having access to the personal account. I’ll have written an in-depth article on How to Hack Facebook using BeEF & Metasploit, and it’s a slightly technical method. So, it will take some technical knowledge. You can do this by using BURP suite and BEEF, which are tools in Kali Linux. Snapchat can be hacked in the same way just look for Snapchat username password and cookies instead of Facebook.
For now, know that you need to steal the session cookies to hack the Snapchat account of the victim provided he uses the pc version.
If you can get close to your target, you can trick them into connecting to a fake Wi-Fi network to steal credentials via a Man in The Middle (MITM) attack. Tools like the Wi-Fi Pumpkin make creating a fake Wi-Fi network is as easy as sticking a $16 Wireless Network Adapter on the $35 Raspberry Pi and getting close to your target. Once the victim connects to your fake network, you can inspect the traffic or route them to fake login pages. You can even set it only to replace individual pages and leave other pages alone.
The diversity of MITM attacks is what makes it the most difficult to prevent these types of attacks.
Zanti Pentesting Toolkit for Android is a good example:
Step 2: Open the app and give it the necessary permissions. It requires superuser access.
Step 3: Connect to the wifi and select the target IP
Step 4: Begin the man in the middle attack.
Step 5: Password will be available in the saved passwords list.
This zanti is an excellent choice since you can hack facebook on the go with your android phone. Download here
This is another standard method used to steal the Snapchat username password and other credentials. Most people are unaware of this hack, but traditional hackers use this method to hack user accounts all the time.
In this method, the malicious hacker targets a particularly low-quality low-security website. This website, where the victim is a member is insecure. The hacker hacks their database to get the stored plain username & password of the victim.
Many of us use the same password for Snapchat. So, it is easy for a hacker to get your password through the low-security website.
Ordinary people, who use the same email and password for these kinds of low-quality websites, may end up losing their Snapchat account.
You can hack their email by a phishing attack or a spear-phishing attack. This is also an attack vector. By hacking their email, we can easily hack a Snapchat account.
There are numerous ways to hack email accounts. I cannot cover all the methods in this single article. So a separate article for hacking emails will be coming soon.
There are USB cookie stealers and keyloggers. You can use these to attack the victim and bypass the security of the Snapchat account indirectly.
Step 1: Folder Contains Many Executable Files for Different Applications, which is Performing to Steal your target Applications used Password.
Step 2:  You Will find the Executable Payload called lasagna.exe. Click and execute it.
Step 3: Once the File will be Executed, then you will get a Document file in notepad that contains all the Browser History.
You can Access the Saved Passwords using notepad, as shown above. Hacking Snapchat is this easy.
This is the simple act of seeing which keys are typed by the user while logging in. You can see the password of the person logging in if you see the keys carefully. You can also record a video of the victim typing his or her password. Without the victim realizing. Then you can see the video in slow motion and use that to recover the password. Shoulder surfing is one of the most prevalent and also one of the oldest tricks to hacking Snapchat.
Just stand behind the person typing the password and check out the different keys pressed by him. This can help you guess the password directly.
A new feature introduced by Google as a method to save passwords on phones and laptops. What it does is it autosaves all the passwords used for apps and devices on Android or chrome. What you can do with this is you can make them sign in to their Snapchat account using your Android device. Their credentials will be autosaved into your account the next time when you type their email address their password will be auto-filled, and you will have access to their account. Smart Indeed.
So the next time you open Snapchat, the victim’s credentials will be automatically filled. This is an easy way to hack a Snapchat password.
While searching for hacking Snapchat methods, you might have come across various websites that claim to hack the Snapchat with just the username of the victim.
If you go in a little more in-depth, you will see Snapchat hacking tools that sound great at first, but the things they claim do not work. They will ask you to pay some money, or they will tell you to have to complete some surveys.
This fake in its name itself is a dead giveaway don’t you think, after all, what do surveys have to do with this?
These “tools” are all over the internet are made for tricking people and getting their money. These tools and sites have a good and professional-looking interface.
Their sole purpose is to promoted ads and videos, again and again. Do you believe this will work? Do you really think they will be able to crack Snapchat password?
These “snapchat hacker tools and online snapchat hacker tools” are completely fake and are only set up to make you click on ads, and give your email or complete a survey. They make money for the owners. But you will not be able to hack any account using these tools.
I have tested them personally from taking surveys and giving my email to paying some cash as well. But always the results are the same that no Snapchat accounts are hacked.
These sites get paid for every survey or offer you look at, and also for the personal information you give like your mobile number and email Id you provide them.
Do you really think that a spammy looking website claiming to have a magic tool to hack into a Snapchat a worldwide company with all those security experts? For free? will actually work
Sorry to break it to you – they do not work.
Please do not fall victim to such scams.
Hack Snapchat password like an actual hacker. Learn proper ways to break the Snapchat account password.
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All the Guides on the site are for educational purposes only. We do not encourage hacking or any illegal activities in any way shape or form. All the guides and tutorials are for readers to understand how hackers hack devices and services.  Hacking World does not take any responsibility for any illegal activities performed by readers. Hacking is illegal and is punishable by law. You have been warned..!!!
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It is not a big deal to hack a snapchat account in the present time frame. Because the snapchat API is open for anyone. So people used to mix many kinds of Snapchat hacking tricks with Snapchat API. You can see so many different methods and tools in a lot of sites which offer you for the Snapchat Hack. But keep in mind you can get banned from your account because of using some methods or tools.
This is one of the best hacking tools that you can find over the internet. You can use Snapchat Hacker for free. And you don't want to provide your snapchat account username. No need to provide your password or user key for this tool. And also absolutely no need for pay to use this Snapchat hack tool.
Snapchat has more servers for storing all the user data. So the snapchat tool spoofs the account with many server requests. So you will be able to see other information except your hacked account. There is no reason to panic about the security because Snapchat uses completely a safe process and also a simple procedure so anyone can use it simply without special knowledge.
Snapchat hack with Brute Force Search
This is one of the famous methods. There was a peak point of attacks in 2013 by using this method. But this method is still available and most of one practice it successfully. You can use the Brute Force method if you are using a weak password and all it requires is only your account username.
Snapchat hack with Social Engineering
From the cloud 30% - 40% of people are using social engineering methods for hacking snapchat. Here
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Snapchat Hacks : 18 Ways to Get Snapchat Passwords for Free - Hacking World
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