Smelly Fart Fetish Stories

Smelly Fart Fetish Stories


Smelly Fart Fetish Stories
Smelly Stay at My Cousin's House
by Anonymous
I woke up and saw that Lexi wasn’t in bed. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9:45, and then I heard the shower water running, which meant Lexi must’ve gotten up early to shower. I put on new clothes and went to the guest room where I was supposed to sleep to play Nintendo Switch on the TV across from the bed. I played for about 20 minutes until I heard Lexi’s voice calling me.
“Jake! Jake, where are you?”
“I’m in the guest room,” I yelled back.
She walked in and greeted me warmly. She was wearing a light blue crop top shirt with pink short shorts. Wow, they were really short shorts. I think they might have even been booty shorts because there was way too much ass hanging out from them, but hey, I wasn’t complaining.
Even though I tried not to stare, I guess she has caught me looking.
“Oh, you like my shorts Jake?,” she said, spinning around to give me a full view, already giving me a boner.
“Yeah they look great,” I replied. “I’ve never seen them before”
She said, “yeah this is the first time I’m wearing them. I’ve had them for a while but never really wore them because the first time I wore them, I had to listen to comments from my parents about how short they were. They’re not too short, are they?”
“No, not at all. They look great!”
...they were very short. But once again, who was I to complain.
“Ooh I see you’re playing Mario Kart, I’d definitely be down to play later,” she said. “But first, we should probably eat breakfast. It’s gonna be a long day stuck at home with nothing to do.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Let’s go see what we can have.”
“By the way, how’d you fair last night with all my gas?,” she said to me laughing. “I’m surprised to see you’re still alive hahaha.”
“Oh really it wasn’t that gross at all, you’re making yourself feel too bad. If anything, they kinda warmed up the bed, which was desperately needed considering how cold it was last night.” I was trying to slightly hint to her that I genuinely didn’t mind her farts and I in fact wanted more.
“So are you actually enjoyed the presence of my farts?,” she replied with a little smile and shocked look on her face.
I didn’t know what to say. I could admit right here and now that I was obsessed with her farts and all I wanted to do was smell them, but what if she didn’t feel the same way?
“Eww no, I wouldn’t have voluntarily wanted your farts,” I said, trying to pretend like they grossed me out so she wouldn’t be suspicious of anything. “But all in all, they could’ve been worse.”
We then went downstairs and browsed her fridge and cabinets to look for something good. What I really was looking for though was something that would give her gas. I was hoping I’d get another opportunity to smell her farts today. And by the way, she still hasn’t mentioned anything about my face being right next to her booty smelling all her farts during the movie, so I guess she hadn’t noticed or just hadn’t cared. Either way, I was in the clear. In the end, we decided to each have an omelette, toast, and pancakes with ice cream on top for dessert. I convinced her to eat all this food so she’d be gassy, simply telling her that breakfast was the most important meal of the day and that we should fill up so we have energy for the day. Unfortunately, that meant I had to eat all this food too. I watched her gobble down her 4 egg omelette, two pieces of toast, and 4 large pancakes. Wow, even I was shocked by how much she had eaten.
“Easy there tiger,” I said, trying to tease her jokingly. “If you eat too much then you’ll probably be farting all day.” I wanted to get her talking about her farts so badly.
“Hey, I’m not the one who’s going to be in trouble if that does happen,” she said back with a smile.
I laughed but before I could reply with some sly comment, her stomach started to grumble. And we both heard it.
“Oooof I think you’re right Jake, I had waaaaay to much food. Looks like it’s starting now. You better watch out because you’re in for a doozy.”
Once again, before I could respond with some clever comment, she had gotten up from the table and said, “Hold on Jake, I just gotta run to the bathroom. That food DID NOT sit well with me. Can you clean up the table before I’m back?”
“Yeah of course. Go ahead.”
Lexi then proceeded to run down the hall and up the stairs, and I heard the bathroom door slam shut. I had already been horny from all this talk about farting, and from her pink booty shorts that I couldn’t stop staring at, so I wanted more. I then thought of a good plan.
I quickly cleaned up the table and put the dishes away, and slowly made my way down the hall. I then very quietly walked up the stairs, skipping a step on each walk and making sure not to make any noises. When I reached the top, I simply sat down. The bathroom was right across the hall from the top of the stairs. I came up here to try and see if I could hear any of Lexi’s farts from the bathroom. I bet they’d be great, and I didn’t want to miss out on them.
And as I predicted, they started coming.
A massive 5 second juicy fart came out of her. That had been one of the loudest farts I’ve ever heard from her. But what followed turned me on even more. I began to hear splash after splash in the toilet, and then realized that she must’ve been pooping like crazy. The toilet was splashing like every 3 seconds. I figured she must’ve had diarrhea. Gee was I glad I got to hear that.
Another three farts left her bowels during her poop, but none that were comparable to that first one. She must not have gone to the bathroom this morning to flush out the pasta and popcorn from last night, because I doubt she’d have gotten diarrhea just from our breakfast meal. Anyway, I sat there on the stairs and quietly brought down the front of my pants and put my fully erect dick in my hand. I felt like I was gonna explode, but I had to hold it in. It then got real quiet for a few seconds, and I was wondering what was going on. I then heard the toilet flush, and knew that was my cue to leave. I darted down the stairs while it was flushing so that I wouldn’t be heard, and quickly ran to the kitchen and returned to my chair by the table.
Lexi came down 3 minutes later with a look of relief on her face.
“And here I was thinking you had ditched me,” I said. “What took so long?”
“Lol sorry Jake. All this food gave me diarrhea I think. I practically went full beast mode on that toilet,” she said with a smile. “But boy am I relieved. Oh, I’m sorry lol. TMI, TMI.”
“Haha no worries,” I replied.
“Thanks for cleaning the table,” she said. As she approached the table and came to sit down next to me in her chair, I looked down and then suddenly realized I had yet to pull up my pants from when I was at the top of the stairs. She couldn’t see my full erect dick from her angle, but she was about to see it in 3 seconds.
“WAIT Lexi!,” I yelled. “Um, can you please pass me a water bottle from the fridge?”
“Of course,” she replied. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to go to the fridge. I quickly pulled up my pants and made sure everything looked normal. That was a close one.
I then just remembered that Lexi had gone to the bathroom. I have a perfect opportunity to go smell all her odors that she left behind by the toilet and in the bathroom. I’m such an idiot, I should have gone before. Now, who knows if the smell is even still there. But, I wanted to try anyway. So I had to come up with an excuse to go upstairs.
“Hey Lexi, I’m gonna go upstairs and change my shirt, I think I dirtied it a bit while I was eating. I’ll be back down in a few minutes.”
“Ok cool,” she responded.
Now was my chance. I walked slowly and casually out of the kitchen so she wouldn’t think anything of it, but the second I was out of her view, I ran down the hall and up the stairs all the way to the bathroom. And how lucky I was. The bathroom door was shut. She must’ve closed it to keep in her fumes from coming to the hallway. This was perfect for me, because while it kept them out, it also kept them inside for me to smell. I quietly opened the door just in case she could hear, and was instantly hit by the rancid smell of Lexi’s diarrhea. But I loved it oddly enough. I raced over to the toilet and discovered the inside of the bowl to be covered with poop stains, presumably from the massive dump Lexi just took. I bent my head down just above the toilet and took a good whiff of the smell. Yup, this definitely has the same smell of pasta and popcorn from last night, but had an extra eggy smell because of the eggs she ate for breakfast. This smell was much stronger than the one from last night. I stayed there sniffing for about 3 minutes before I looked over to the garbage and noticed she had put her toilet paper in it. It was interesting that she didn’t flush them down the toilet, but I wasn’t complaining. I carefully took the top piece of toilet paper out and saw right at its center a light brown splattered shit stain. Now, I’ve never really had a scat fetish or anything like that, so I wasn’t going to lick it or anything. That would’ve been gross, but I must admit I thought about it. Instead, I just put the toilet paper to my nose and sniffed it for about a minute. I then figured that Lexi might start getting suspicious or worried because I was gone so long, so I threw it back in the garbage and went down the stairs, making my way to the kitchen.
“Hey sorry about that,” I said as I entered.
Lexi looked at me suspiciously. “Why didn’t you change your shirt?,” she said.
I looked down and realized I completely forgot to change my shirt. That was my excuse for going up, and I completely botched it. I was so busted now, but I had to think of something fast.
“Oh, uh, I decided not to change it. I was able to use a wet towel to get the stain off, and now it’s good as new.” My heart was beating and I was nervous she’d see through the lie, but luckily, I don’t think she did.
“Ok cool,” she responded. She still had a bit of a curious and suspicious look on her face, but I think she overall bought my excuse.
“So what do you wanna do now?,” I asked. “We can go outside and play basketball, or we can stay inside and play video games, or just talk or something. I’m down for anything”
Lexi answered, “uhh I don’t think I’ll be able to run around now outside and play basketball. My stomach is still kinda full from all that food. But-“
I immediately cut her off right after she mentioned her stomach, saying in a laughing tone “but you just went to the bathroom.” I added in a laugh at the end to show her I was simply joking and wasn’t serious. I was just so desperate to get her talking about her farts or something of the sort, so when she mentioned her stomach I instantly cashed in on the opportunity.
“HAHAHA Jake you know I can’t flush EVERYTHING out of my system in the bathroom. There’s always going to be that remaining food in my stomach that will be bothering me until the next time I poop.”
My mind lay there thinking about the potential farts that she may have soon. I hadn’t even considered the post-bathroom farts that she may give off. This potential made me excited, and determined to get her to fart next to me.
“Ok so do you wanna go back up to the guest room and play Switch?,” I asked.
She agreed and we both made our way to the stairs. I let her walk up first, of course, so that I could stare at her booty-shorts-clad ass while it jiggled as she made her way up the stairs. I was so horny that I could stick my nose right up her ass right there and then. What if I did? Who cares if she’s weirded out? What’s the worst that can happen? No, I have to play it safe. I need to find another way to get HER to fart on me willingly. When we got upstairs, we made our way past the bathroom and past her room and into the guest room. We both plopped down on the bed and were just talking a little bit before we were gonna play on the Switch.
My boner was still rock hard from hearing Lexi fart and poop in the bathroom, and from the further talk about it afterwards. I was too horny to function. I desperately needed more farts. So I started doing the most logical thing I could think to do: I tried to get her to talk about her farts again. And when her stomach grumbled, it gave me the perfect segue to go from what we were currently talking about to the topic of farts.
“Wow that’s quite the rumbling Lexi,” I jokingly said. “Must’ve been quite the farts when you were in the bathroom.” And little did she know that I surely knew they were something out of this world.
She began to laugh and say, “ wasn’t the prettiest situation. I got the whole bathroom to stink up!”
“Oh come on, it couldn’t have been THAT bad,” I replied coyly. “I think you’re just flattering yourself too much.”
“Oh no I’m serious,” she quickly replied back. “Go ahead into the bathroom and smell whatever odor remains. I bet you’ll be running out of there before you even step in.”
Little did she know, I’d already smelled every smell there was to smell in there.
“Nah I’m too lazy to get up, and I bet the smell would probably have dissipated by now,” I responded. We both just sat there on the bed laughing but saying nothing. Desperately trying to keep the topic on farting, and potentially get to smell her farts, I quickly continued speaking to prolong the conversation.
“Also, you know, I had a front row concert to your farts last night in bed. And they weren’t that bad. If I survived that I could survive anything.”
Lexi responded, “ohhh well these bathroom farts were different. They had the weight of not just last night’s food, but of today’s breakfast as well. I was farting out 4 eggs and pancakes!” She laughed and genuinely seemed to be enjoying this conversation. I had to figure out a way to get her to fart for me. I just had to. I was so horny, and I couldn’t let this moment slip.
“Nah you’re just trying to give yourself clout,” I said. “I could even handle those bathroom farts. I doubt they’re as strong as you make them to be.”
I was setting up a trap, hoping that Lexi would take the bait and say to me what every guy wishes a girl would say to them in their fantasies. And boy, my luck, she did exactly that.
“Oh yeah mister tough guy, I don’t think you’re as strong as you say you are,” she said. “There’s no way you can handle my farts.”
Now was my opportunity. Lexi was never one to back down from a challenge, and I’ve known her my whole life to be competitive and never quit until she wins. So, with a leap of courage, I set out to fulfill my ultimate fantasy.
“Oh really?,” I replied. “I bet you I can handle them in their full extent”
My heart was once again beating fast now. I was nervous she might get creeped out and that I would be left embarrassed. But luckily, she didn’t act at all like that.
“Hmmmm, challenge accepted,” she responded with a big and even a little naughty smile on her face. “So what’re the terms of this ‘challenge’? What does the winner get?”
I replied, “um, how about this. I’ll be forced to smell your farts, and if I win and am able to withstand and survive your butt’s fury, then you pay for dinner tonight.” My heart was still racing, and I said my proposition slowly and hesitantly to make it like I was just coming up with this on the spot, even though I’ve been wanting this to happen for a long time. Could it be that my fantasies were finally coming true?
“Ok fine,” she replied back, still with that evil looking smile on her face. “And if I win, AKA if you don’t survive my farts, and you have to gag or leave the room or throw up or pass out or something of the sort, then YOU pay for dinner.”
“Ok, sounds good,” I replied back, trying to contain the smile on my face. “Get your wallet ready, because you’re about to lose, cuz.”
“Oh we’ll see about that,” she retorted back. “So how long do I have to get you to pass out or gag from my farts?”
I replied, “uhhh I’d say about two and a half hours. I mean, I doubt you’d even take up half that time because nobody can fart for that long. But in any case, forget about the time because I’m gonna win either way.” I said this with a challenging smile, and it made her determined to win this bet.
“Ok fine,” she said, now with an even more devilish smile on her face. “I’m just gonna go downstairs for a bit, I’ll be back very soon.”
I wasn’t sure where she was going now but I didn’t care. I was about to openly be able to smell all of Lexi’s farts. This was a once in a lifetime fantasy that every fart fetishist has. I can’t believe what was about to happen. So I sat there on the bed, my boner practically popping out of my pants, excitement rushing through my veins, waiting for her to come back.
5 minutes went by, then 10 minutes, then 20, then 30. Where had she gone? I yelled her name, my voice echoing throughout the house, but I heard nothing in response. I was about to get up from the bed to go check until I heard her coming up the steps. When she walked in the room, I asked her impatiently “where the heck did you go Lexi?” I tried to sound funny and calm while I said it, but I must admit I was very impatient, and my boner was dying down.
“Hey don’t worry, I thought I had two and a half hours, right? I could take all the time I need,” she said. Then she casually added, “oh and by the way I was just downstairs in the kitchen devouring as much food as could fit in my stomach. And boy is it already acting on my stomach.” After she said this, she had a big evil smile on her face, as if she had just “gotcha’ed” me. Her stomach loudly gurgled, and she let out a long laugh, as if she’d thought she’d just won before we even started.
“Oh yeah, what’d you have?,” I asked, curious as to what type of farts I was about to smell.
Lexi happily responded, “oh you know, just some beans, a few pieces of chicken, some slices of bread, and some chocolate chip cookies for dessert. All foods that make me gassy, especially those beans. Even I cringe at my own farts after I eat beans, so you’ll definitely not be able to handle it.”
She noticed the perplexed look on my face saying “how the heck did you eat all that food in such little time,” to which she responded, “hey, well, I was gone like 30 minutes. That was plenty of time to eat what I needed to.”
My face was still in shock at all the food she has said she’d eaten. I was mixed with feelings of excitement and even a little nervousness. Could I really handle her farts? Would I not enjoy smelling her bean farts directly to my face
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