Smell My Feet Loser

Smell My Feet Loser


Smell My Feet Loser

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Hello everyone this is my first post on this site. I wrote this story a while back. I have a part two that I also wrote a while back. If anyone likes part one then I will post part two. This story is mostly fiction although I did have some experiences that were kind of like this when I was younger.

My name is Ryan im 20 years old now. When I was younger I had an experience at the feet of of a woman who use to watch me sometimes when I was young. That experience has stuck with me ever since.

Her name was Lisa she was probably in her 30s at the time. She was a really close friend of the family. She was about 5ft7 and probably weighed like 140 pounds or so.

One weekend she was watching me when my mom was out of town. She was barefoot like always with her tan size 9.5 feet. Anyways she was on the couch watching tv and I kept bugging her.

At the time I was really in to WWF wrestling and I kept hitting her with a pillow and trying to get her to wrestle me. I was pretending it was a steel chair and I would make comments after each hit. I would say things like oh no Lisa just took another shot to the head and stuff like that.

Lisa was getting a little bit annoyed but she wasn't angry. She just kept saying I was gonna get my butt kicked and all that. But of course I kept messing with her because I was having to much fun to stop.

Then the house phone rang and Lisa answered. It was my mom asking how the weekend was going so far. Lisa laughed and said well right now he's hitting me with a pillow because he wants to wrestle me he says ha ha. I told him he's gonna get his butt kicked.
I was standing right next to Lisa and I could hear my mom laughing on the other end. Then I hear my mom tell Lisa well, if you want you can wrestle him and show him who's boss ha ha. Lisa laughed and said Oh I might just do that. Well you guys have a good nite I'll check in tomorrow bye.

Just as Lisa hung up the phone I continued my little onslaught. But after about five pillow shots Lisa had enough. Just as I was about to hit her again, she surprised me by jumping off the couch so fast that it left me in a state of shock for a split second.

Yea that's right Now your gonna get it she said. I laughed and tried to run. Where do you think your going she said as she caught me by the back of my shirt. All the sudden I felt myself being pulled backwards until I fell down with my back hitting the carpet.

Right away I tried to get up but as I lifted myself up Lisa said no no no I got you now ha ha she laughed. As she put her foot on my chest and pushed me back down.

I laughed at her and said you aint got nothing as I grabbed her ankle and tried to lift her foot off my chest. Just then her foot lifted off me a few inches and I was like wow I actually lifted it. But I was wrong she lifted it herself.

I was about to try to get up again and make a break for it. But then came her foot that was hovering a few inches over my chest.

But this time she had somthing else in mind. Instead of my chest as I lifted my head up, all I saw was the sole of her size 9.5 barefoot heading directly for my face.

Lisa had a mischievous smile on her face as she said hey Ryan, here comes my foot ha ha.

It felt like it was happening in slow motion and all I could do was stare in shock as her barefoot reached and then engulfed my whole face. Her foot covered my face as she used it to push my head back to the floor. She kept it planted on my face with her heel over my mouth and my nose buried in her arch as she laughed and kept tapping her toes on my forehead. Ewww haha Look at you with my foot all over your face haha.

I told you I was gonna kick your butt and now look your pinned to the ground with my foot on your face. By the way hows it smelling down there ha ha.

Looks like im a better wrestler than you since I can pin you with my foot ha ha. 1 2 3 I win she said as she finally removed her foot from my face and let me get up.

No your not a better wrestler you just got lucky and got me by surprise. Oh really is that what you call being forced to the ground and pinned with my foot on your face. I basically made you smell my feet ewww ha ha.

No because I didn't even smell it, I said defiantly. Lisa made a funny face and said give me a break my foot was all over your face you definitely got a nice whiff of it. Face it Ryan, I beat you and made you smell my feet. That makes me the winner and you the loser ha ha.

Thats not fair I didn't even know it was a wrestling match until you counted 1 2 3. I want a rematch I challenge you to an I quit match.

Lisa laughed and said well thats too bad because im not gonna give you a rematch. Whats the matter Lisa are you scared your gonna get beat.

Lisa looked at me with a smile and said fine, I guess you wanna smell my feet again ha ha. I'll wrestle you one more time but if I win theres not gonna be another rematch. Ok I said but im gonna win. For some reason my 10 year old self was very confident and I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Sure you are ha ha What kind of match is it again she asked. It's an I quit match, you have to make the other person say I quit. Thats the only way you can win the match.

Lisa laughed and said well that shouldn't be too hard my little loser. So lets get this match started she said.

We both squared off in the living room. Being that Lisa was bigger than me I figured my best bet was to go for her legs.

Lisa was taunting me saying lets go bring it on my little loser. Lets see if you can beat the champion. Thats it your going down I said, as I lunged at her legs, but it didn't quite work out as I had planned.

Just as i was about to make contact she side stepped and sent me face first right on to the ground. I tried to get up as quick as possible but Lisa seized the opportunity and sat on my back forcing me back down to the floor.

I tried to push her off but it was useless she had me pinned down sitting on my back. Aw what's the matter Ryan can't get up.

Are you ready to say I quit? No way i'll never say it. You will never get me to say those words. Oh really, well what if I put my feet in your face again. As soon as the words left her mouth her feet were right below my face

With her feet below my face, I kept my head lifted up. Trying to keep my face free from her tan size 9.5 feet.

Ha ha my little slave you should of thought twice before challenging me. But your in luck im gonna have mercy on you. You see my feet right below your face ha ha. All you gotta do is say I quit and i'll let you go. Basically you either say I quit or else you better get ready to smell my pretty feet ha ha.

Oh no I thought what am I gonna do. My pride was telling me not to quit but at the same time i really didn't want to smell her feet. I can't quit i decided shes not gonna win not this time.

So I spoke up loud and said Lisa you will never make me say I quit, NEVER!!!!!!!

Ha ha ha wow Ryan I guess you really wanna smell my feet ha ha. No i don't but im not gonna quit.

All the sudden I looked down and I seen her turning her feet and putting them together so that I could now see her soles.

As I was looking down I felt her hand on the back of my head. Smell my feet ha ha she said right before she shoved my head down and my face went right into her feet.

I felt humiliated as my face was buried in her feet all I could here was her laughing. The only good thing was her feet didn't smell that bad. But either way it was humiliating. Then Lisa taunted me by saying Do my feet smell good? What do my feet smell like? Do you like the way my feet smell ha ha? Come on Ryan give my feet some good sniffs. Sniff sniff sniff my feet smell wonderful right haha.

Oh wait you can't answer with your face pressed in my feet. Just then she took her hand off my head allowing me to lift my face from her feet.

You know ryan this is gonna be such a funny story to tell everyone ha ha. Like when your mom comes home tomorrow and asks me about our weekend.

I can tell her all about you smelling my feet ha ha won't that be funny ha ha.
Lisa your not funny and just wait im gonna get out of this position and make you quit!!!

Ha ha your too funny I got you and theres no way for you to get out unless you quit. I can keep you here like this and make you smell my feet for as long as I want ha ha.

In fact if I really wanted to be mean I could have you licking my feet in no time. Do you wanna find out how my feet taste?

No no I don't wanna know how your feet taste. Are you sure Ryan because you already smelled them, now maybe you should find out how they taste haha.

At this point I was starting to get real worried. I was getting real anxious. I mean its one thing smelling her feet but licking them was a whole other thing. Why did I ever provoke her. I should of never hit her with the pillow and I should of never challenged her to a rematch. I mean what the heck was I thinking. Look at me now, im stuck with Lisa's feet in my face.

I just gotta make it clear to her that im not gonna lick her feet.

Lisa I do not wanna taste your feet so just stop with that. Aw somebody sounds worried ha ha.
Like I said Ryan just say I quit and this will all be over with.

If you don't quit your gonna be at my feet all day long. You must like my big feet ha. No I don't im just not a quitter.

No your not a quitter your just a foot smeller ha. Now Smell my feet she said as she once again forced my face back down into her feet. Now Ryan as your down there smelling my feet I want you to think hard about the next two options im gonna give you. Remember to Sniff sniff while your thinking ha ha.

Ok option number one say I quit. Option number two you don't say it and im gonna make you eat my feet.

Now keep in mind when I say eat my feet that means my foot is gonna go in your mouth and your gonna lick it ha ha. I will even make you lick in between my toes ha ha. And you can try and resist all you want but in the end you will know the taste of defeet. I'm so funny I crack myself up ha ha. Yeah your a real comedian I shouted.

Now Ryan I'm gonna give you one minute to decide. If I don't here the words I quit in exactly one minute I will make you eat my feet.

So what's it gonna be Ryan times a ticking. Oh man this is horrible I thought. I don't wanna quit but I really don't wanna eat feet. That would be way to embarrassing.

All the sudden I heard 10 more seconds until you eat my feet. Then she began counting down Ten nine eight seven six five four three two one I QUIT I QUIT I shouted frantically over and over I quit. Please I quit.

Ha ha Relax Ryan thats all I wanted to hear and with that she took her feet out of my face and got up off me.

As I was getting up off the floor she laughed and said see what happens when you challenge me to a wrestling match.

I don't think you are gonna hit me with a pillow again either ha. Not unless you want my feet in your face again. In fact for now on anytime you mess with me i'll just get you with my feet haha.

I've learned my lesson Lisa. But I have a question, were you really gonna make me eat your feet and all that?

I really scared you with that threat ha ha. Well Ryan all I got to say is if you ever try to wrestle me again you will find out ha.

Just remember one thing, don't mess with the champion or else you get my feet in your face.

Yea yea I said, I get it. After that all I could think about was how am I ever gonna live this down.

Like im sure shes gonna tell everybody how she made me smell her feet and all that.

The way she is she will probably bring it up in front of my whole family. This is not gonna be good I said to myself. I should of never wrestled her. All I know is I'm never gonna hear the end of this.

The End of Part one

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Awesome story! Please post part 2 as well, @ [Only Registered Users Can See Links Click Here To Register ] ! :-D

Thanks glad you liked it.

Part two

The next day I woke up to the sound of laughing only to realize my Aunt Janie was there. Lisa and her are really good friends and were in the kitchen talking. Sometimes her and Lisa together could be to much because they acted like teenagers whenever they hung out.

Oh no I thought, I hope there not laughing about me. What did Lisa tell her, I asked myself, oh no this is gonna be so embarrassing.

I was hesitating to enter the kitchen afraid of being teased about me losing to Lisa and being forced to smell her feet.
Ah maybe she didn't even tell my aunt and Im worrying myself for nothing.

Here goes nothing I said as I walked into the kitchen and said hey aunt Janie,
Hey Matt did you have fun last night with Lisa?
I replied yea we had fun.

Lisa and my aunt then let out a little laugh. Oh no she must know I said to myself as I felt my face turning red. Just then my aunt said, so I heard you got some feet in your face last night ha ha.
Lisa chimed in yup I made him smell my feet until he said I quit haha.

Im glad you two think it's funny. Oh Ryan honey we are just joking you need to relax my aunt said.
Its just kind of funny. Lisa torturing you with her feet, just picturing it makes me laugh i can't help it haha. Lisa laughed and said Its to bad I didn't take a picture haha all well maybe next time ha ha.

Yea rite, I said there isn't gonna be a next time because your never getting your feet near my face again. Oh no my aunt said that sounds like a challenge. It does doesn't it Lisa said.

Its not a challenge I said im just making a statement. I don't know honey that sounded like a challenge.
You guys are crazy I yelled as they both were laughing and sipping on cocktails.

Woah woah young man who do you think your yelling at?
Better watch that tone or else i'll have Lisa torture you with her feet again. Yeah Lisa said just say the word and I'll get him real good ha ha ha.

I was starting to get angry and I couldn't bite my tongue any longer. Go ahead im not afraid of her. I know all her moves now so if you want your friend to get beat up then say the word because im ready.

We got a tough guy here my aunt said. Well if you say so, ok Lisa he's all yours. Lisa actually had her socks on for once because it was kind of cold out.

She ran toward me on the tile floor and slid because of her socks. Ha ha have another drink i shouted you big doofus. Thats it your gonna get it now you little smart ass she said as she chased me into the living room. Aunt Janie was following acting as a spectator.

Finally I stopped running and Lisa stopped short right infront of my face.
I grabbed her leg and tried lifting her up but as I got her off the ground her weight was to much for my ten year old self.

I immediately fell backwards on my back with Lisa landing on top of me. Oh no my aunt said looks like your done for now haha.

Lisa smiled as she had me in a school girl pin laughing in my face. Suddenly she reached behind her back and starting peeling her right sock off her foot.

Better get ready Ryan my aunt shouted. Looks like Lisa's got a stinky surprise for you. Just then lisa dangled her white ankle sock over my face.
Lisa said oh Ryan, you got something on your face don't worry i'll wipe it off for you. Just then she started rubbing her sock all over my face.

My aunt was cracking up at this point and it was pissing me off. Get your stinky sock out of my face I yelled with my mouth open. Lisa laughed and said shut up as she shoved her sock in my mouth and said thats right eat it. Eat my sweaty stinky sock eat it, eat it all up.

My aunt was laughing so hard and said oh wait I gotta get a picture of this so I can show your mom when she gets home tomorrow she said as she pulled out a camera and snapped a picture.
I couldn't even believe this was happening, it was a dam nightmare.

Just then Lisa moved back a little and adjusted herself so that her feet were now by my face. Here get a picture of this she said as she covered my mouth with her barefoot and proceeded to press down shoving her white ankle sock further into my mouth causing me to almost gag on her stinky sock.
Say cheese my aunt shouted ha ha. This is gonna be so funny when I show your mom these pictures haha.

I tried to shout to protest what was happening but with the sock in my mouth and the foot over it, a mmphh was all I could get out. Lisa laughed and said whats the matter you can't talk with my sock in your mouth. Here i'll be nice and take the sock out.

It was a relief to have that stinky sock out of my mouth. But as soon as I tried to talk she put her barefoot over my mouth again. My aunt was cracking up and I couldn't believe they were doing this to me.
My aunt Janie always had a knack for egging people on and starting trouble.
I think she enjoyed egging people on. She always seemed to get a kick out of it.
Over the past month I have been kind of a smart ass to her whenever she came over and I played a few pranks on her and she always said one of these days your gonna get it big time.

Finally Lisa took her foot off my mouth and then she turned to say something to my aunt. I saw this as an opportunity to throw her off of me and make my escape.
So I counted 1 2 3 and With all my mite I was able to push her off to the side of me.

I immediately scrambled to get up but just as I got up Lisa grabbed my leg saying where do you think your going. As my aunt was sitting on the couch right infront of me laughing and cheering Lisa on.

Lisa was still on the floor but she had a hold of my left ankle and wouldn't let go. I tried so hard to pull it away from her and just then she let go causing me to fall face first at my aunts feet.

Lisa immediately took the opportunity and pounced on my back pinning me down with my face a mere inch or two from my aunts feet.

My aunt laughed and said oh honey it looks like Lisa has you again ha. My aunt had her size 10 white barefeet with black polish on in her slippers that were dangling off her feet which were right by my face.
As she looked down at me she gave me one of those wicked smiles as I watched her drop each slipper off her feet one by one.

Lisa laughed and said you know what Ryan I think you should Kiss your aunts feet. What? No way I yelled. Aunt Janie thats enough tell her to stop.

My aunt just laughed and said no way I think thats a great idea, In fact I was about to suggest it myself seeing how your right at my feet. I also think you kissing my feet will make a really great picture she said as she raised her camera. Just think I can have the picture blown up and hang it on the wall at my house haha.

Then you can look at it whenever you come over and then you will always remember the day you bowed down and kissed my Feet haha.
Lisa laughed and said you heard your aunt now kiss her feet!!!!! No get the heck off of me now!!!!

Just then Lisa grabbed the back of my head and pushed me face down into my aunts feet rubbing my face all over her feet. Then they
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