Smell My Feet Bitch

Smell My Feet Bitch


Smell My Feet Bitch
so I’m grateful that you’ve come here.
I got a meme for this... just give me an hour.

There was nothing for Kyle to do but follow the girl inside.
But the sound of voices made him anxious and he instinctively cupped his hands
over his exposed crotch.
“I need some clothes,” he remarked.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” replied the girl casually.
“You won’t need those here. We’d just have to remove them anyway.”
The girl turned. “What do you mean?”
“But you’re our footboy. Though I don’t see why you couldn’t
work your way up to something more. There are so many ways you can please us.”
The girl scrutinized his body and giggled. “When they told
me all about you I couldn’t believe it.”
“Look. I’m just here to see Becca.”
“You’re here because Becaa told you to be here. And it’s her
pleasure to see us happy. Which is your job. So you’re here for all of us,
And then the girl opened a door to reveal a room full of
women. They turned to face the doorway, noticing Kyle in the nude. A cheer up
as several women raced over to him, grabbing him by his arms and pulling him
into the room.
Kyle recognized Amber and Cassandra as they struggled to
pull him inside. He hadn’t spoken so much as a word to either of them; but how
could he forget their unforgivably cheesy-smelling toes perched atop his nose?
But before he could pry himself loose from the clutching
hands, someone pushed him from behind and he fell to the floor. The door
slammed closed and the girls applauded. Some whistled at his nudity.
“Forgot anything,” said Amber. “Feel like a piece of
meat?” More catcalls.
The girl who ushered him in stepped towards him. All he saw
were her scuffed canvas shoes. She wasn’t wearing any socks. The thought of
smelling someone else’s stinking, unwashed feet made him nauseous. He couldn’t
do it. 
“Though I have to admit” responded a familiar voice. It was
Becca, seated on a nearby loveseat. “He’s improving.”
Two of the girls he didn’t recognize. They looked like
college juniors or seniors. He hadn’t seen them before. But they were cute, if
a little sweaty-looking in their work-out gear. At least they were wearing
socks, but their running shoes looked worse for wear. Neither of them were very
tall, and from the size of it, they both had relatively small feet.
“So this loser really likes smelly feet, huh?” asked one of
the two, a girl by the name of Stephanie. The other one laughed.
“I don’t,” replied Kyle weakly. How could he defend himself?
“Well it’s all you’ve been doing for the last twenty-four
hours,” remarked another familiar voice. It was Karen, her legs crossed. She
was still wearing the same funky slip-on loafers and the same rancid-smelling
tights. This wasn’t happening again. It couldn’t be. “He must love it or why
else would he be smelling so many feet.”
“He’s lucky I have naturally smelly feet,” answered Chrissy.
“I don’t have to try. They just stink.”
“You can say that again,” replied Vanessa with a laugh.
“Mine get pretty funky too,” echoed Steph. “But if that’s
what he digs, I’m all for rubbin’ ‘em in his face.”
The girls laughed at Steph’s enthusiasm.
“We got the right group, I think,” observed Becca.
Kyle scanned the room, seated beyond Stephanie and Chrissy
were Karen and Becca. Nearby were the goth girls from that afternoon: Carmen,
Niki and Jacklyn. Standing over him were Cassandra, Amber and Vanessa. It felt
undignified crouched on the floor; but he couldn’t bare the thought of standing
naked in front of so many mocking faces.
“Well, my feet were totally rank,” volunteered Niki with a
chuckle, “and he got hard when he smelled them.”
“Don’t worry,” said Karen to the college girls. “He just
pretends he hates it. But I bet he’s fantasizing just how cheesy your feet
smell. It probably turned him on that they were filthy.”
Vanessa pressed her sneakered foot onto Kyle’s behind.
Chrissy and Steph giggled
“So he has to do whatever we want?” asked Vanessa.
“I’ve totally got to see him smelling my feet,” said
Chrissy. “I put in a hell of work out today. We ran all the way around campus.”
“Did you wear your lucky running socks?” asked the other
Chrissy nodded and laughed. “Are you sure about this? My
feet must be so super smelly right now.”
“I hope he likes them smelly,” observed Vanessa, “or this
won’t be much fun for him.”
“That’s not the point is it?” asked Karen. “Now do you want
him to worship your sweaty feet or not?”
Steph hesitated a moment before replying. “Fuck yeah.”
Then someone grabbed him by the hair and pulled him towards
the sofa.
“If you’re a good boy, maybe I won’t have to tie you up,”
explained Karen as she took Kyle’s face in her hands, giving him a playful slap
before pointing to her clogged foot.
“Now head on the floor, face up,” commanded Karen.
What could Kyle do? He couldn’t run from it. And if he
didn’t do what they wanted him to do, they could easily overpower him and
securely bind him hand and foot. He would have to endure Karen’s filthy,
reeking feet in his face; but at least he choose it rather than have it imposed
upon him.
Kyle assumed the position, and he could see the sole of
Karen’s clog hovering over his face. With a deft movement, Karen slid the clog
off, flexing her blackened tights, creased from all her foot sweat. The
overpowering stink of rotting shoes and unwashed feet was merciless. The stale,
pungent stink was bad enough, but when she pressed her damp, sweat-soaked
stocking foot onto his face and began rubbing it all over, the degradation
really hit home.
There was a communal groan from the group and someone
remarked: “poor guy.” But Karen’s enthusiasm for rubbing her malodorous feet
all over Kyle’s face was infectious.
It didn’t help Kyle that the other girls whooped and
applauded as Karen manhandled his face with first one smelly foot and then with
both, kneading her foot sweat into his cheeks before cupping her stocking toes
over his nose.
The other girls stepped back, their faces contorted with
disgust. “That is so nasty,” replied someone. “He’s actually smelling them.”
“Smell my stinking feet, dumbfuck,” she ordered. ‘Smell them
so they can all hear it.” Kyle followed orders and the girls loved it.
“You see, it’s that simple. And make sure he smells under
your toes. He really likes that.”
“It’s his funeral,” remarked Vanessa with a giggle. “My feet
get soooo sweaty.”
Vanessa took a seat next to Karen and extended her sneakered
feet, placing one on his chest and then holding the other one just over his
head, using his scalp to pry off the sneaker.
“I haven’t had a pedicure in ages though. My feet are a bit
of a mess.”
“It’s for him to appreciate them no matter what.”
Vanessa shrugged as she kicked her shoe off and slid her
soft, sweaty foot down his face until her toes wiggled just in front of his
Her feet smelled like corn chips with a faint whiff of
something sickeningly clammy and tart. The pungent odor was tolerable, but her
feet were sweaty beyond belief. And as she slid her foot up and down his face,
his face was absolutely lathered in sweat.
“Go on,” she ordered, “Smell my feet, footboy.”
Chrissy and Steph laughed as Vanessa lathered his face with
sweat. Vanessa had small but wide, solid feet; probably a size 6. The sweat
must have kept her feet soft because she had no calluses of any kind. But he
noticed that her grubby toes were a little dirty, particularly under the nails.
They hadn’t been cut in some time and there was dirt between her toes. There
were also flecks of black polish on her unkempt nails. If her feet seemed soft
and well-taken-care-of at first, that was sheer chance because this girl didn’t
take much care of her feet.
“Take off my other shoe,” she ordered. “I want you to smell
my other foot too.” Vanessa turned to Karen and Becca. “This is so cool. I’ve
never had a guy even touch my feet much less smell them like this.” She curled
her toes over his nose playfully.
“I can’t hear you,” said Karen. And as Kyler removed
Vanessa’s other shoe, he took a deep breath of her first foot as she curled her
fritos toes over his nose. Another warm, sweaty foot slithered down his face
and Vanessa replaced the first set of cheesy toes with the next. The smell was
intense, and the stale whiff of toe cheese even more pronounced.
“I love this,” said Vanessa gleefully, sliding her size 6’s
up and down his face, wiggling her toes all the while. Kyle could close his
eyes and try to pretend he was someone else; but Vanessa’s feet were so playful
over his face, it was hard to forget this sporty girl’s feet were all over him.
He tried to hold his breath, but to no avail.
Karen’s stocking foot slammed down on his head before
stocking toes pressed down hard over his nose. “You’re not paying attention,”
yelled Karen. “Smell her feet when she tells you to.”
Karen turned to Vanessa. ‘When you’re ready to have him lick
and suck them clean, just tell him.”
Vanessa grinned. “You mean he’s got to lick my feet too?
They’re sooo dirty.”
“He’s not hard yet,” remarked Chrissy. “His penis is still
really small.”
“That’s why he still needs training,” said Becca. “One day
he’ll be grateful for it.”
“Vanessa ordered Kyle to smell her feet some more before
pressing her toes over his lips. “Open up.”
And as Kyle did so, Vanessa slid her toes into his mouth.
Her foot was a little wide and she had trouble getting all her toes into his
mouth, but once she did, the room erupted into laughter.
Kyle could feel her toes wriggling in his mouth. “Well,
isn’t he supposed to suck them clean now?” asked Vanessa of Karen.
Karen stocking toes found his nose, the stench of sharp
cedar assaulting his senses. Coupled with the stale tartness of Vanessa’s
incredibly sweaty toes, he was feeling sick to his stomach. His mouth full, he
had no choice but to inhale Karen’s indescribably foul foot odor again and
“Now do what you’re told and you won’t have to smell my toes
at the same time.”
Kyle nodded and Karen releases her toes form his nose. He
was relieved and all too happy to suck on Vanessa’s plump toes, if only to
avoid having to smell Karen’s dirty feet.
“Suck on them one at a time,” insisted Vanessa. And Kyle did
just that, tasting the tangy flavor of her thick, padded soles and toes.
“Ooh. This feels soooooo good,” moaned Vanessa. “I could
have him sucking on my toes all night.”
“Well, that’s what he’s for,” remarked Cassandra, smiling
down at him from above.
Vanessa then had Kyle lick the length of her wrinkles sole
before sucking her filthy heel, all the while smelling the toes of her other
sweaty foot. 
“Can I try,” asked Steph. “We all put in a great work out
and my feet are totally killing me.”
“Kiss my feet and say thank you,” said Vanessa. He kissed
her feet and thanked her, much to everyone’s amusement. “I’m done with him. I
think he licked all the stink off ‘em. He’s all yours, Steph.”
“You’re going to love mine, stinky foot boy.”
Steph pried off her Adidas’ revealing two soiled sock feet.
She immediately clasped them over his face. Her socks were like cheese cloth;
the fabric caked with aged sweat, particularly the toe ends. Her sock feet were
incredibly damp and stale-smelling.
Steph raised her arms and howled as she began rubbing her
sock feet over Kyle’s face. “This is awesome.” She turned to Kyle. “Let me hear
you smell them, loser.”
Kyle took a few whiffs through the toe ends of her socks.
She had even smaller feet than Vanessa, probably a size 5. But there was
nothing small about the odor. It was surprising.
“My lucky socks,” explained Steph when some of the others
evinced disgust. “I always wear these running.”
Then Stephanie slide her toes into Kyle’s mouth and ordered
him to suck on her socked feet. The taste was acrid and cheddary. It made his
stomach hollow.
“Now bite on the sock without biting my toes.” Kyle did so
and Steph began sliding her foot out of the sock. And, having done so, she
wiggled the solid, gamy toes on her side feet before planting it securely over
his face.
Her feet smelled vile. They smelled cloyingly, almost
sickeningly sweet from all the foot sweat caked all over her toes. They were a
little vinegary and tart.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, Steph enjoyed having him sniff
under her toenails. “You like toe cheese?” she asked. The others laughed.
“This one’s a natural,” observed Karen.”
Kyle turned his head away involuntarily; quickly wishing he
hadn’t. because within seconds, Karen was on top of him, her stocking feet
slamming onto his face before scrunching his nose under her toes. “Move your
head and I’ll make you wish you had no balls. No smell my feet reeeeal good.”
Kyle couldn’t stomach Karen’s feet. But he breathed it in
loudly for all to hear. “More,” she insisted and Kyle gave her more. “Sometimes
you have to be firm with him,” explained Karen. “It’s the only way.”
He was relieved when Steph’s vinegar-smelling feet replaced
Karen’s. Steph had removed her other sock and was making full use of his face
to rub her sweaty size 5s. Curling her toes over his nose, she demanded he
smell her toes. “I bet you love them. Aren’t they just soooo smelly.”
And while he smelled her unwashed, pungent-smelling toes,
she slid the toes of her other foot into his mouth. “You can start licking them
He began to apply his tongue to her stubby toes before
working on the soft, thick flesh of the ball of her foot.
“I’ve got to have this done more often.”
Steph shoved her toes so far into his mouth, he gagged. He
wasn’t amused, but everyone else was.
“It’s hilarious seeing him with his mouth full of toes.”
“I love his tongue between my toes,” she replied. He didn’t
need to be told. He knew what to do and worked his tongue in and out from
between her toes, dislodging dirt and lint in the process.
Kyle was at the depths of his degradation. The though of
this girls filthy foot in his mouth, and of cleaning it was too repulsive. The
women laughed amongst themselves almost as if he weren’t even there. He felt
used. He felt worthless.
“More tongue,” insisted Steph and Kyle complied. “Did you
say he’d lick other things,” asked Steph of Becca.
“If he’s a good boy, maybe I’ll let him give us some oral
pleasure. But only if he’s well-behaved.”
He wasn’t sure if this turned him on or not. He enjoyed
giving a woman oral pleasure, but he resented these women for humiliating him.
How could it be sensual if he felt like such a tool.
The women loved the idea of receiving oral pleasure,
especially Karen. “I want two really good orgasms from you, Kyle.”
“Fuck him,” remarked Niki as she pressed her booted foot
near his crotch. “he doesn’t deserve an orgasm.”
“Maybe he fantasizes about smelling your nasty feet,”
remarked Carmen.
Kyle wanted to object, but there wasn’t much point. They
would believe whatever they wanted to believe.
“We should get pedicures first, though,” said Jacklyn. “I
could use one.”
The girls continued to converse as Steph had Kyle lick every
inch of her feet, sliding them over his face a few more times before giving him
a few slaps with the soles of her feet.
“You took long enough,” said Chrissy as she unlaced her
running shoes. Kicking them off, she peeled off one sock and then another, dropping
them onto his face and giggling.
“I kinda wanted to do that with my last boyfriend,” said
Chrissy. “Just when my socks were extra smelly like now. And then I wanted to
And then Chrissy raised her soft, solid size 4 ½ feet. They
were solid feet with plump toes. Her soles, however, looked a little dirty. She
pressed them onto Kyle’s face, clutching hold of the toe ends of her socks
before rubbing them over his nose.
“I wanted to do this. I wasn’t thinking I wanted him to
smell them, but I guess I did. I wanted it to be disgusting ‘cause I was so
pissed off at him. I think it would have been so cool to have him here so we
could all have him smell our feet. This is sooo cool. I needed this.”
Chrissy was rough with her feet, rubbing her musty socks
over his face before tossing them aside, flexing her pudgy toes and sliding the
toes of one foot over his nose. “And now he has to totally smell my feet. And
we did sooo much running too.”
Kyle could tell. Her feet were soft, but nauseatingly
cheesy-smelling. What was it about these girls? How did they get their feet so
disgustingly foul-smelling. Did these girls ever wash their feet. If he had to
give them oral pleasure, he hoped they kept other parts of their body much
Chrissy rubbed her feet all over his face, pausing only to
having him take whiffs from under her grubby toes.
“Come to think of it,” continued Chrissy, “I guess I did
want him to smell my feet after I got back from my run. I wanted him to smell
them and kiss them and tell me how luck y he was to get my stinky feet in his
“They are pretty smelly,” responded Vanessa with a giggle.
“It’s fun, isn’t it? Though I feel a little bad though.”
“So what? He’ll be fine. Just stinky feet, is all,”
explained Jacklyn. “I almost felt bad earlier, but not know.”
“Don’t worry about him,” replied Karen. “Just have fun.”  
“I kinda felt awkward about having smelly feet,” continued
Chrissy as she grazed hr cheesy toes over Kyle’s face. “But now I don’t think
there’s any reason to. I mean I’m just a healthy girl with a healthy foot
odor.” Healthy wasn’t the word, thought Kyle. Virulent foot odor, more like.
And this was the case with all these girls.
“Use a little more teeth on the heel,” advised Chrissy, her
heel held over his mouth. “They’re looking pretty clean now. Awesome.”
Kyle gazed up and noticed Amber and Cassandra smiling down
at him. “I can’t wait for him to work on mine,” remarked Amber. “They’re extra
gross-smelling today. Same shoes. One more day of foot sweat.”
“Well, I’m done,” said Chrissy as she slid her feet over his
face a few more times. “He’s all yours. Enjoy.”
“I will. And I want top notch footservice. I’ve been on my
feet getting my feet as smelly as possible so my feet need some attention. But
make a face when you smell my foot and I’ll kick your face.”
“You go girl,” said Karen with a laugh.
Amber was wearing her clunky loafers again. Sockless, of
course. She squeezed his head between her feet before giggling. “Ready to smell
some more super stinky feet, footboy?
Amber kicked off a loafer and a hot rush of blue cheese
stench. It was revolting. Seeing Amber’s big size 10 foot, flecks of dirt on
the wrinkled sole, was the coup de grace. What had he done to deserve such
And then Amber pressed her warm, sweaty foot onto his face
and began rubbing the sweat into his face. Kyle groaned involuntarily, and
everyone laughed.
“I guess he must be enjoying this,” remarked Amber with a
giggle as she curled her toes carefully over his nose. “Now take a deep whiff
of my toes.”
Kyle did and instantly felt like gagging. Her feet were
potently cheesy today. Her toes smelled like a cheese he wouldn’t want to eat;
and yet here he was smelling them. And Amber was loving every minute of it,
leaning back with her arms behind her back.
“This is the life. Kicking back with friends. Some loser
under my nasty feet, smelling them.”
Amber wiggled her toes. “Keep smelling them real good.
Footboy. I want you to smell ‘em until they don’t stink.”
Kyle took a few more whiffs. He wanted to throw her foot
off, and he could have. But the feel of Niki’s boot on his leg reminded him of
the possible consequences. That girl and her friends were too eager to inflict
pain on him and he wouldn’t give them a chance.
Karen gave him a kick to the head. “Stop slacking,” she
Kyle breathed deep the heady, sickening aroma of Amber’s
dirty, sweaty toes. It was unbearable.
“He still isn’t hard,” remarke
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