Smart is the New 🆕 Rich. Money 💸 Guide for Millennials

Smart is the New 🆕 Rich. Money 💸 Guide for Millennials

👓 Christine Romans
Smart is the New 🆕 Rich. Money 💸 Guide for Millennials

Smart is the New 🆕 Rich. Money 💸 Guide for Millennials

✅ Time ⏱️ is on your side—smart money 💸 management 👨‍💼 for Millennials Smart is the New 🆕 Rich: Money 💸 Guide for Millennials is an interactive, step-by-step guide to all things money 💸. From credit 💳️, student 👨‍🎓️ debt, savings, investing, taxes, and ➕ mortgages, CNNs chief business 👨‍💼 correspondent Christine Romans shows this newest generation of earners how to build wealth. Youll learn the old 🧓-fashioned approach that leads to a healthier financial lifestyle, and ➕ open 😃 the door 🚪 on a straightforward conversation about earning, saving, spending, growing 💗, and ➕ protecting your money 💸. Youll learn how to invest in the stock market or buy 🛒 a home 🏠️, even if you ➡️👤 are still paying 💰️➡️ off student 👨‍🎓️ loan debt. Romans offers expert insight on the «New 🆕 Normal,» and ➕ why ❓️ the rules of the credit 💳️ bubble 💬—the one 1️⃣ you ➡️👤 were raised 🤚 in—no longer apply. Checklists and ➕ quizzes help solidify your understanding, and ➕ pave the way for you ➡️👤 to start putting these 🆕 🤹 into action. For thirty years, the financial rules for 🧬 revolved around abundant 💳️ at the ready. A quick 👀 around 🛠️ it obvious that those rules no longer ⚙️, ➕ Millennials just now ⤵️ of age ➕ ➡️🚪 the workforce need a 🆕 plan to build a solid financial foundation ➕ healthy 💸 habits. This 📚️ putting these new skills into action. For thirty years, the financial rules for life revolved around abundant credit at the ready. A quick look around makes it obvious that those rules no longer work, and Millennials just now coming of age and entering the workforce need a new plan to build a solid financial foundation and healthy money habits. This book puts you ➡️👤 on the right ➡️ track, with step-by-step help and ➕ expert guidance. Learn what you ➡️👤 should ask 🗣️❓️ yourself before spending any money 💸 Revisit some old 🧓 money 💸 rules that are actually good 👍️ habits See 👀 simple rules for managing 👨‍💼 student 👨‍🎓️ debt Learn how to talk 🗣️ about money 💸 with friends, dates 📅, and ➕ parents Find 🔎 out what makes 🛠️ a Millennial successful in the workforce The economy is out of recession and ➕ growing 💗, but many young 👶 people 👥 feel 💆‍♀️ left ⬅️ out of the recovery. Its why ❓️ smart spending, saving, and ➕ debt management 👨‍💼 is so critical right ➡️ now for them ➡️👥. A smart money 💸 plan is no longer a «nice to have» extra, its mandatory. Smart is the New 🆕 Rich: Money 💸 Guide for Millennials is your guide on how to use time ⏱️ and ➕ some good 👍️ money 💸 manners to build wealth.


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