Smart airdrops on waves platform

Smart airdrops on waves platform

Thinking about airdrops

The airdrops has long been beaten and it’s hard to come up with something interesting, nevertheless I would really like to do something good here. To understand - and what can be done better, let's see - who needs it at all.

First of all, this is useful for the projects themselves - in this way they can support their audience and attract new ones. But what kind of audience they need - no project, by and large, does not need just freeloaders, who simply sit and wait for the next drop, which at best will be sold quickly, thereby devaluing the token.

On the other hand, it is interesting to end users - the tokens that they receive are useful in order to use the services or services of this or that project. It can be said that this is such a trial amount of coins that they can spend on getting to know the service and, if they like it, use it again.

As a result, projects are interested in "live real people" who are interested in new projects, and people are interested in live projects and services where they could try these coins.

If, on the one hand, it is simply “to send everyone a coin”, on the one hand, normal projects cannot make “big” trails to everyone, since because of the quantity, it is necessary to blur for a large audience, since in them the value of coins is really worth something. And the projects themselves - while millions of coins can be sent out, turning them into spam and cluttering the platform.

Therefore, we would like to take the first step, which will allow making a small, but very motivated audience in new projects, which can be done with “pinpoint” drops and familiarize with interesting projects and give a sufficient amount of coins for using the platform, and not send useful coins to anyone.

How are we going to create this "airdrop list"

– We will try to select live users - these are users from the crypto community interested in new projects and new products. Most often, all these people use twitter or another social network. Here we will form the first pool of these most living people.

– Further, we will regularly select such people and put their addresses into a public "document", which will be available to all and can be used to make drops.

To make such a list is not easy, so we ask you to help to do it - we cannot search all over the Internet:
– Subscribe to our twitter:, this is very important, because we will be regularly collect follower's info and try to find their wallet addresses

– add to your profile information with the address of the wallet waves - in bio or in the location, where it is more convenient. Why so? Everything is simple - twitter has certain restrictions in the API and we cannot even skip users and their messages "all over the Internet", they will simply block us.

– after we collect such addresses from profiles, we validate them and save them into a single public document, which we will regularly update, and which can be used by any interested projects on the waves platform

We launched the beta version of the service and here is the first result:

Report Page