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Small Girls Big Cock

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#TeamLittleDick. NSFW due to lots of blunt talk about dicks.
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First things first. Do you have a big dick?
"I like to suck a dick where I feel like I'm in power, OK?" she says.
She adds that well-endowed guys like to "put people in pretzels."
"I dont need to be thinking about this big dick still stuck in my backbone," she says. "I don't have time for that."
"I be leaving the club, we be having a good time, I'll be tipsy, then he whip that big ass dick out! I'm gonna throw up because the motherfucker's too goddamn big!"
"I don't want to suck dick and feel like that I'm going to throw up on the dick. It's too big! It's too wide! Big ego like Beyonce."
I think this could be really big for guys who...aren't really big.
BuzzFeed has reached out to Anderson to elaborate on #TeamLittleDick.
Seriously, can someone point me to the cats.
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In conclusion, are big peens done for?
Seriously, can someone point me to the cats.
these pretzels are making me thirsty
You little dicks boys, dont get too still have a small dick!
Lol Im sorry guys, but this is the truth! Big dicks hurt! Guys cant go full power with them without bruising on the inside. Gotta be very careful to deep throat or gonna throw up everywhere. Now dont get me wrong, if you're really small then thats a problem to. But on average if you're... Read more

Comparing Gorillas and Chimpanzees Proves...
that Women Prefer Big Penises...
...and Big Ejaculations!
Quick Test:

Who has the biggest penis?

Gorillaย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Chimpanzeeย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Human
(answer below)
Comparing gorillas and chimpanzees proves that women prefer bigger penises...!
Yes, you read it right. Although it is not my theory (see next page), I will do my best to explain it. Again, it is a matter of logic.
Female gorillas are the most faithful. This means that when a male gorilla has intercourse with a female, his sperm will never have competition from other males' sperm. It has all the time and chance to impregnate the female. No sperm competition means that even a small drop of semen will assure that that particular male will be the father of the offspring. That is why gorillas' testicles are extremely small.ย 
In contrast, female chimpanzees are extremely promiscuous. At any given time, the female will have the sperm from at least two or three males inside her vagina. For a male to be sure he is the father he will have to make sure that it is his sperm that will impregnate her. How can he improve his chances?
The fact that gorillas and orangutans have small testicles and small penises, proves that having big genitals is only an advantage under conditions of rampant female promiscuity (as is the case with humans and chimps.) Longer penises deliver the sperm more efficiently in a vagina that already contains sperm from various other males.
Although chimpanzees are even more promiscuous than humans, the penis of the male chimp is only half the size of the penis of a man. This shows that especially human females prefer longer and bigger penises.
This makes sense because the concept of pleasure is far more evolved among humans than among other primates. Since a big penis causes more pleasure (see pageย 6), the man with the biggest penis will have the most chance to be allowed to impregnate the woman.
Sexual selection is also responsible for men's relatively large testicles. Men's testicles are bigger than the gorillas', a species where the females are monogamous. If a man has bigger testicles he can produce more voluminous and more frequent ejaculations, a necessary ingredient to impregnate a female that has been mating with males before.
The bigger the semen volume and quantity, the more chance his sperm will win the race among all the other ones. This is the reason why women instinctively prefer men who can deliver forceful and large amounts of semen (see page 44, Women Care About Testicle Size and Ejaculation)
It can be discouraging to hear all this talk about women being naturally unfaithful and preferring big penises and big ejaculations...
Be happy women haven't been as faithful as you wish they were, or you would have been able to parade with the gorillas, showing-off your one and a half inch penis. If women wouldn't care so much about size, we would all be hung like a chimp, with his three-inch erection. In fact, if women could have been even more picky about size, we would all have had our ten-inch-plus.
ย ย ย 
Copyright ยฉ 2002โ€“2006

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