Small Girl Big Dick

Small Girl Big Dick


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She may look cute in her school uniform, but she's packing enough firepower to overthrow a Central American dictatorship. And she'll probably use it, too, before the half hour is up, no matter how minor the situation — because she's just that Trigger Happy.
How does she carry all those guns, anyway? Maybe it's related to the phenomenon of the Hyperspace Mallet.
Sometimes pops up with the Little Miss Badass, BFG. Don't worry about the Missing Backblast when she uses it though, it's all Rule of Cool.
Compare with Cute Bruiser, Girl with Psycho Weapon, the Girls with Guns genre (when the girls aren't necessarily small and the guns aren't necessarily big), Glacier Waif (the melee version), and Black Magician Girl (the fantasy version).
Mao: Let's try this party favorite! [lifts a rocket launcher]
Reisen in FREAKIN GENSOKYO, who carries a sniper rifle almost as big as she is.
In the Discworld fanfic of A.A. Pessimal, there is Rivka ben-Divorah (who on our world might get a job offer from Mossad) a girl barely five feet tall but who, a trained Assassin, is good with weaponry of all shapes and sizes. Quite often, the bigger and the more potent, the better. Among other things, in Gap Year Adventures, she shares half the credit for sinking a warship with what amounts to a makeshift torpedo.note 
Going Merry in This Bites! ends up making her signature weapon a gatling gun that's over twice her size while only being a small preteen girl.
Rooster Cogburn: Why, by God, girl, that's a Colt's Dragoon! You're no bigger than a corn nubbin, what're you doing with all this pistol?
Mattie: It belonged to my father, he carried it bravely in the war, and I intend to kill Tom Chaney with it if the law fails to do so.
Rooster: Well, this'll sure get the job done if you can find a fence post to rest it on while you take aim.
Commissioner Dolan: Is every goddamn woman in this goddamn hell hole out of her goddamn mind?
Morgenstern: No, sir. We're just equipped.
Hope Adams from Women of the Otherworld has the superpower of sensing chaos, but no combat abilities. She's also quite petite. Since her chaos detector invariably draws her into danger, she makes a point of carrying at least one gun with her, and she regularly practices with it.
Shiro Miaowara of The Adventures of Samurai Cat is male, but fits the trope otherwise; he's a tiny little boy, and packs ridiculously huge guns. At one point he totes around a giant vulcan Avenger cannon and says he's able to swing it about thanks to possessing the strength of madness.
Zack of the Hell's Bells series of Urban Fantasy novels is an example of Small Girl Big Staff, her channelling focus being an iron pole described as longer than she is tall, with which she wipes the floor with vampires, wizards and demons alike. As if that weren't enough, her normal firearm is a .455 Webley revolver, and in the climax of Dead Silver she ends up behind the barrel of a minigun.
Notably averted with Lt. Karrin Murphy of The Dresden Files. She's a 5-foot, petite, blond, where the shit did she pull a gun and a badge from looker cop. She carries appropriately fun-sized guns. Dresden ribs her for it repeatedly. One of her guns (a highly illegal P90) fits in a box of chocolates. That she got from Kincaid. To remember Hawaii. It should be noted that she's perfectly capable of, and certified to, handle much larger guns (and actually has used weapons like shotguns and assault rifles in-series). She simply tends to use the smaller ones because they're easier to hide on her person.
Played straight with every female White Court Vampire.
In the Belisarius Series, Antonina's Hand Cannon is large enough in relation to her that every time she uses it, the recoil is described as spinning her around or knocking her on her ass.
Sandokan: Marianna is stated to be of very short stature, and in the Italian tv movies she has manned a CANNON.
Kari: Science gets more fun when I get a bigger gun.
"Gunpowder & Lead" by Miranda Lambert – played literally. The song is about a tiny woman who suffers horrendous physical abuse by her much larger, stronger boyfriend. The boyfriend is sent to prison as a result and now has been released. The girl learns that he is out and is coming home ... but she plans to be waiting with a surprise of her own and to show her boyfriend (in a deadly way) "what this little girl's made of."
The character of "Suzie Jones" in Vampire: The Masquerade. Embraced at the age of 16, Suzie was your archetypal gun-bunny munchkin Brujah. Used the Obfuscate discipline to wear all her firearms in plain sight, and just keep people from noticing. Highlights of her career involved firing an anti-tank missile launcher down a crowded tunnel (it was full of demons), using her fangs to literally hang off the shoulder of a much larger vampire elder in melee while using her sole functioning arm to stuff an unpinned white phosphorous grenade into the elder's back pocket, and going through an entire 500-round belt of minigun ammo while in a synagogue. (In her defense, she was aiming at a Setite Methuselah that had already flattened the rest of the party, and her only hope of survival was More Dakka.)
Like all things Warhammer 40,000 the Sisters of Battle take this up to eleven by being an army of normal women in "7-foot-tall-Space Marine"-grade power armor with a preference for "7-foot-tall-Space Marine" weapons. Particularly the ones that Melt and Burn things.
Small female figures wielding absurdly large weapons are disturbingly common in miniature gaming, especially from freelance ranges which are not officially attached to a ruleset. Often there is no thought given to holsters or extra ammo. One case in particular was Abuela Ortega from Malifaux, whose first edition appearance was of a little old lady with an immense shotgun or blunderbuss, which she just wouldn't swap for a more practical weapon. Firing it caused the miniature to move backwards across the tabletop.
Taz from Starship arguably has the biggest gun in the group despite being the shortest person in the cast.
Any female character from the God Eater series fits this description, as the weapon they all wield, the God Arc, is several times their size by standard.
B. B. Hood from Darkstalkers, who carries machine guns, land mines, flame throwers, grenades, a rocket launcher and occasionally, a pair of heavily armed mercenaries under her red riding hood cloak.
Rozalin from Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories. While, technically speaking, she can be equipped with anything from a sword to a staff like anyone else, she unarguably is best with ballistics and her first special attack involves whipping a chaingun bigger than she is out of Hammerspace and riddling enemies with tons of bullets.
Meryl from Metal Gear Solid wields a Desert Eagle chambered in .50 Action Express — a gun that is well known for being impractically huge, no matter who carries it. And, in Metal Gear Solid 4, she gets a custom long barrel model alongside the standard-sized one (sometimes literally).
In Makai Kingdom, just about anyone can wield a minigun, bazooka, or giant arm cannon though only a few classes are proficient. With class changes, an Archer can use those just fine. Etna specializes in miniguns as a special character, while Castile can use bazookas.
Try handing Miranda or one of the female Marines one of the bigger weapons in Halo. You'll suddenly realize that they were initially scaled for 7 foot cyborgs or 8 foot aliens.
Team Fortress 2: Take a wild guess how a gender-bender version of Heavy Weapons Guy is usually portrayed in fanart. And no, they didn't make the Scout a lumbering beast in return.
Carol from Wild ARMs 5. Teeny-tiny girl, huge honking rocket launcher.
Maya Schrodinger from Wild ARMs 3, not quite tiny but certainly petit, has a hidden minigun as part of her arsenal. Hidden...well...see for yourself. (Skip to 5:33)
Xenosaga has a couple. KOS-MOS isn't exactly small, but she dual-wields triple miniguns in a few attacks; Shion plays it straighter, with her arm-mounted MWS.
Sharla from Xenoblade Chronicles uses a large rifle to both kill and heal.
Lin from Xenoblade Chronicles X is a 13-year-old Teen Genius who, as part of the Shield Trooper class, wields a Gatling gun as her ranged weapon of choice.
Lady from the Devil May Cry series hefts around the Kalina Ann, a full-fledged machinegun/rocket launcher that happens to be larger than she is tall.
Before Lady's debut, the Devil May Cry 2 prequel novel featured a devil hunter named Beryl who who used a gun resembling an anti-tank rifle. Between her choice of weapon, Badass Normal status, scars and origin story involving a father who abused demonic powers, she was pretty much a prototype of the above mentioned Lady.
Any female Lancer from Valkyria Chronicles, whose weapons are longer than they are tall. Applies to Aisha as well, as she's only 12-years old and wields the Shocktroopers' standard assault rifle.
Carmelita Fox in Sly Cooper wields a shock pistol that kicks so hard she can hardly hold onto the thing when she fires it. The bolts of electricity it fires can destroy inanimate objects in one shot and kill even hulking flashlight guards in 2 shots.
Iji is more like "Big Girl, Bigger Gun": If you unlock the detailed enemy stats, you learn that she's 6'3" (taller than most men!), but the Nanogun she wields is designed for Tasen Elites who run an average of nine feet tall. She complains at the beginning that she can barely lift it, and the recoil from the MPFB Devastator (essentially a triple-nuclear-rocket launcher) knocks her off her feet if she hasn't maxed out her Strength stat.
The eponymous protagonist of Hyper Princess Pitch, by the same author, uses an even bigger gun.
Possible via cheating in Fallout 3. Use mods or console commands to make your character a 10 year old, then specialize in Big Guns. Normal adult female characters specialized in Big Guns also fall under this trope.
BlazBlue: Noel Vermillion uses a pair of Hand Cannons each the length of her arms. Her Distortion Drives summon even bigger guns for More Dakka.
Femme Fatale Mona Sax from the Max Payne games is rather slender and petite, yet her signature weapon is a Desert Eagle, the largest handgun available in the games. This is especially evident in her Mexican Standoffs against Max, who usually sticks to more modest but more efficient (dual) Berettas.
Jak and Daxter: Tess designs BFGs for Jak that are at least as big as she is. And if she continues her gun-designing career after her transformation into an ottsel...
The unlockable cutscene commentary in Jak 3 explains that, in one scene, they actually had to scale down one of Jak's guns just so that it wouldn't look ridiculous when she held it. Considering how many fans this trope has, it's kind of a shame they didn't leave the gun as it appears in-game.
Speed Buster from No More Heroes used a 50-foot laser cannon as her weapon of choice.
Playing a female Shepard in Mass Effect 2 and using the Cain probably counts. The weapon itself isn't THAT big, but it makes a ridiculously big explosion. Likewise, any combat-class FemShep who picks one of the advanced weapons. The Widow looks like a telegraph pole, and the Claymore and Revenant are just huge.
And Mass Effect 3 allows you to give Tali a Claymore.
As well as carry a Widow, Revenant, Claymore, Cain (in some missions), and pistol and submachine gun at the same time as female Shepard.
The "Reinstated" trailer for female Shepard shows her packing this combo sans the Claymore and submachine gun. Her "Take Earth Back" trailer also shows her wielding a Mattock, and a Widow can be seen on her back before the fighting starts.
Ashley Williams in Mass Effect 3, who can carry a Revenant light machine gun and a Widow sniper rifle at the same time. Or an N7 Typhoon machine gun, which is even bigger, heavier and more powerful than the Revenant.
Final Fantasy XIII: Oerba Dia Vanille's Eidolon, Hecatoncheir, can transform into a walking war platform with really big guns.
Also, when she's first seen, she takes a gun from Snow to defend the group of Purgees with. Bonus points for childishly aiming it at Snow and saying "Bang! Bang!" in a six year old's voice.
There is also a cutscene in Chapter Nine where she steals a soldier's rifle and unleashes her fury on a Vespid Soldier in order to escape with Sazh.
During the first chapter, Snow recruits Hope's mother Nora to fight against the soldiers. She ends her brief appearance using a rocket launcher to take down an airship, citing "Moms are tough". What happens next though...
The first chapter also features Lebreau as a Guest-Star Party Member. While Gadot (another guest) carries a normal military rifle, hers is much larger.
Playing Rochelle and picking up an M60 in Left 4 Dead 2 could count as this, seeing as the M60 is almost at tall as she is.
A build possibility in Hellgate: London; a tiny markswoman can dual-wield massive gatling rocket-launchers.
Uni from Neptunia. Her HDD form takes this trope Up to Eleven.
Phantasy Star Online has the human and CAST female Ranger classes, RAmarl and RAcaseal respectively. Phantasy Star Universe also has a Ranger class and its offshoots that are open to females of any race. While not always being the case, they can be made as small as a young girl. And with the same customization systems, one could also make a Gender Flipped example of this trope. Same in Phantasy Star Zero - and the cannons of that game compensate for every penis on the server.
Pops up a few times in League of Legends.
Tristana of course. She carries around a rocket launcher taller than she is, and can even use it to Rocket Jump.
Jinx is is short and skinny as a rail, but still hauls around a sizable minigun and rocket launcher.
Prior to being imprisoned in Thresh's lantern, Senna used what is basically a magic handgun. After being released, she now wields a magical cannon from the Mist that is even bigger than she is.
Imca from Valkyria Chronicles III may be the queen of this trope. Her standard sidearm is an enormous Swiss Army Weapon with machine gun and rocket launcher firing modes and a bayonet the size of a BFS. She uses all three of these to create wide-area bombardment attacks that hit everything on screen while also swinging it around like the world's biggest gunblade.
Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil 0 becomes this when equipped with a shotgun. It's not that the gun is big as much as she's really, really tiny, but the result is still pretty hilarious.
Jill Valentine in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis isn't as tiny, but her bonus Rocket Launcher is only slightly smaller than her.
Aya, the small-framed heroine of the Parasite Eve series gets her hands on some really big guns. In the first game she gets a rocket launcher that is as long as she is tall. The sequel ups the ante by allowing her to wield a giant portable railcannon that takes time to charge, and sends her back a few feet whenever she fires it.
Time Splitters 2 lets you dual wield a fair number of weapons. Picking any of the smaller characters and using twin homing RPGs can lead to a few laughs in multiplayer. Unfortunately, the full potential is prevented by scaling.
Saki Omokane from Quiz Nanairo Dreams.
In Intrusion 2, the boss Maku is an average size but very thin woman who wields a positively massive laser cannon.
In art for the Nazi Zombies level "Call of the Dead", Sarah Michelle Gellar rocks a minigun.
The Tinkerer class in Dragon Nest.
Fio is the smallest of the four main playable characters in the Metal Slug series, but not only is just as capable of rocking every uber-powered gun in the game as the other characters, but in later games becomes the heavy weapons specialist who starts every life with a Heavy Machine Gun.
Sunny, support class from Evolve has an enormous gun as her primary weapon. As an extra touch, she wears an exo-suit with a mechanical arm attached to help support the gun's weight.
Twisted Metal: Black has this with vehicles instead of guns. Darkside, a big rig that serves as the largest vehicle in the game and whose special attack is a high-speed ram, is driven by Dollface, a childlike young woman.
Ciel from Tsukihime, a curry loving Meganekko by day◊ and... this◊ by night. Plus she's a bit of a Knife Nut. Though her "Seventh Holy Scripture" is not so much a gun as it is a pile-bunker with a unicorn's horn for anti-vampire purposes... but it's close enough. Normally, the magical weapon is a spear or sword, but she personally and specifically redesigned it to be an enormous jack-hammer. She's just that hardcore.
Makina throughout the Grisaia Series, she learned to snipe from Yuuji, but thanks to her small physique, she is always dwarfed by the huge sniper rifles she uses.
Mae Winchester of YouTube channel C&Rsenal is not a large woman. In this video, she shoots a German anti tank rifle that is about as long as she is tall.
As seen on DeviantART: A schoolgirl firing a Barret .50cal sniper rifle from the shoulder.
Bunker, of the Whateley Universe. Petite (mutant) girl, usually armed with bazookas, full-sized machines guns, you name it. She likes the big guns. Hive might qualify too, given that she wields a Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle.
Ruby is one of the smallest girls in the cast but carries one of the biggest weapons, a huge combination of a Sinister Scythe and a sniper rifle (She calls it "Crescent Rose" and it's her baby).It folds into a rectangle that's almost as wide as her back, which is where she carries it. When fully extended, it's one-and-a-half times longer than she is tall and fully customised. When she's not actively swinging it or using its Recoil Boost to augment her already insane Super Speed, Ruby has to keep the blade anchored to the ground when firing.
Coco is a svelte fashionista who gets irritated when her favourite shopping locations get destroyed by monsters. She expresses her irritation at this by whipping out her extremely fashionable satchel, which unfolds into a huge mini-gun that's at least as large as she is. Her ammo is artfully woven into her clothing designs as fashion accessories that become extremely handy during a fight.
Disney seems to have a fixation for girls/love interests with guns who love to use them:
Glittering Goldie from DuckTales (1987). In Scrooge's nephews' words, "Cupid's arrow is nothing next to Goldie's shotgun."
Most of the main female characters in Danny Phantom have brandished large Fenton guns at several points in the episode. Especially Ghost Hunter Valerie who had rocket launchers attached to her shoulders at one point!
ReBoot has Dot Matrix wearing a really big strap-on gun◊. "What do you think? Does it make me look too butch?"
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic gives us Pinkie Pie, the
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