Small Cut On Labia

Small Cut On Labia


Small Cut On Labia



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By amandak26069 | 121 posts, last post 6 months ago

Dr Artem Agafonov
answered this
Peeling and Tearing of the Labia and What to Do About Them

Every once in a while I get small cuts on my inner labia. They appear on their own, not sure where or why they are coming up. They itch and cause pressure. I have tried to look online and can not find anything about this. Before I go to the doctor to ask I try to find out what I can. If anybody has any ideas I would appreciate it.

hey I don't know exactly what yours are like but yeh I get something similar.
I've had them for about 2 years now, not sure how long but they seem to appear like from nowhere and last for about 3 days then they go away. But you can still see like a crack to where it was. They usually occur in the same spot.
On me they are like, right underneath the skin fold of the vagina. They can burn like hell especially when you go to the loo.
Ive never thought much of it until now cause this one is lasting over a week and seems longer than usual. They seem to be like papercuts.
Could be that the area has been traumatised by vigorous wiping, or sex or the like. I doubt it's much to worry about.
Ive read on cancers and they tend to be more growth like things.
But I would like to know what they are or how to stop them.
I'm going to docs tomorrow to ask.

Good Luck

i've basically got the same problem. this is the first time it's happened to me and i'm freaking out. i noticed it after recieving oral and getting fingered, so i think it's from stretching or being too rough. not sure tho. have tried to use diaper rash creme on it, and that kind of helps. vaseline is also ok. just trying to do anything to keep it from itching and burning until it heals.

I've been wondering about this for a while as well, so you aren't alone. My labia papercuts usually show up just where the inner labia meet the clitoris, sometimes after using a pantiliner or pad, or shaving, and sometimes for no apparent reason at all. I didn't really have this problem before, however everything down there seems to have gotten more delicate over the past 2 years or so. Vaseline helps, but I'd prefer to know exactly what causes them, so I can avoid that, and I really hope that the cause isn't sex. %-) Any ideas?

Hi I have been reading some of these posts and can relate to all of the above. What I would like to advise is the creme I use which relieves almost straight away is a vitimin A creme called 'Ungvita'. :-D It is very good for healing burns and cuts with a 80% pain relief in the first day, with most times no scar.It does smell a bit fishy, but if it in your panties no one but you and your lover will know(it's not a very strong smell). I use it all the time for things like this, and yes these cuts,tears are really very painfull. :-( This 'Ungvita' is good for nappy rash as well,so give it a go!
I hoped I have been of help to anyone out there.

I am having the same problem. I completely freaked out and thought the worst like my boyfriend was cheating or something.
I can't find anything anywhere on it.
Has anyone gone to the doctor and figured out what is causing it.
I am just guessing mine is due to pad rubbage or maybe I scratched myself.
It doesn't have a smell or any discharge and wasn't a bump or anything prior. Do I have anything to worry about?

A friend of mine has a rather obese baby. He gets yeast infections in the fat rolls on his legs and they produces cut like wounds. When I got the same cuts on my inner labia, I called her to ask what she uses for her baby. She was given a mixture from the doctor that is easy to mix at home and WOW it did the trick. So for you ladies that are out there suffering, try this:
- Get the 7 day Monistat treatment that comes with a tube of Monistat Cream and a refillable tube. You’ll only need the Cream.
- Maylox (Not Flavored) or Phillips Milk of Magnesia (Not Flavored)
- Hydrocortisone .05 % Cream
- Desitin Diaper Rash Cream
- You’ll also need a sealable container. I used one of the small disposable Ziploc Tupperware containers.

You'll want to mix equal parts of all the ingredients. I used a 1/2 tablespoon of each ingredient and it was enough to last about three days. Apply after bathroom visit and you will be feeling better in no time.

I was told that the cuts are actually a yeast infection. A friend of mine has a rather obese baby. He gets yeast infections in the fat rolls on his legs and they produces cut like wounds. When I got the same cuts on my inner labia, I called her to ask what she uses for her baby. She was given a mixture from the doctor that is easy to mix at home and WOW it did the trick. So for you ladies that are out there suffering, try this:
- Get the 7 day Monistat treatment that comes with a tube of Monistat Cream and a refillable tube. You’ll only need the Cream.
- Maylox (Not Flavored) or Phillips Milk of Magnesia (Not Flavored)
- Hydrocortisone .05 % Cream
- Desitin Diaper Rash Cream
- You’ll also need a sealable container. I used one of the small disposable Ziploc Tupperware containers.

You'll want to mix equal parts of all the ingredients. I used a 1/2 tablespoon of each ingredient and it was enough to last about three days. Apply after bathroom visit and you will be feeling better in no time.

hey I had the same problem so I went to the doctor he thought I had either cut myself shaving or it was herpes I thought I was something else because it actually swole up as well I went to the store after the doctor and got some vitamin a and d ointment as well as vitamin e skin oil it relieved the pain comes out it was yeast infection bacterial infection as well as chlamydia please go and get checked the cuts were the only sign of a STD

the cuts weren't an std. the infection of the cuts was the std. the cuts themselves are a yeast infection, those cuts (fissures) can occur outside of the vagina on the skin as well and lower down near the anus too. all signs of a yeast infection.

I to have a couple cuts as well and I noticed them after I finished my period the other day. I use plastic applicator tampons and I think I may have irritated my inner labia with the applicator but I'm not sure. It hurts like hell to go to the bathroom and to shower and it itches and burns and I'm going insane!! I don't know what to do!!! Should I go to the doc just to have them tell me that there is nothing they can do? please help!!

im not alone! i have had these cuts (which i describe as paper cuts) for around two years now. i started getting them months after i had my son, i thought that might have been the reason for them. i asked my doctor and she said women who go through menapause(i think thats what it is) usually get them, but since i'm 22 that couldnt be the case. she said it was probably from my birthcontrol pills. i was on orthro tricyclin low so she put me on the regular orthrotri. i didnt have them for a while but they've been back for some months now. i go to the gyno next month so i will ask again what it could be. i have no other symptoms of things; like no itching, burning(except when i pee), or discharge. i've also been checked for std's and my papsmear tests come back normal. i just have the cuts that appear out of no where. i had thought i was getting them the week before my period but now they just appear whenever they want to. hopefully i will find an answer and stop getting them.

I am feeling the same way that you all are right now - thank god I'm not alone! i too, have this and was afraid that i have an std. now i know its just a yeast infection! I get these with fair regualrity, maybe once a month? SO this makes me doubt its being a yeast infection.

The mystery of this is BS, imo - women's health has always taken a back seat. Just goes to show you how much women still are second class citizens. If men had small cuts appear on the penises, we would have known 20 years ago what caused it and had 5000 cures out already.

i have been experiencing cracking where my inner labia and my outer labia come together, it has happened a few times, but healed after a day or so....after reading some other posts, decided to try vitamin e oil, and nappy cream, and my dismay, instead of small cracks, became irritated and has ulcerated. went to doctor, she said either a yeast infection or herpes, got tested for both. i advised that when i spoke to my mom about it, she said she got the same thing when she began the change of life, and after 2 days of applying hormone cream, it healed up and has not come back. wel, since simple fixes cut into doctor's repeat visit money, i was told there was nothing she could do. it is a hormonal imbalance, as far as i am concerned. why else is it always related somehow to the dates of your period? it is excruciating and embarrassing, and I agree, if men were having problems like that, you can be sure there would be commercials for treatments every half hour, like there is for erectile disfunction. anyhow, it seems that perhaps it is yet another thing we must put up with....


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