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Although every report is reviewed, reporting does not gaurantee a post will be removed.
It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
I found out that a Facebook slore named Cheryl Volk Richardson has been chatting with my h
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
This piece of trash not only destroyed her marriage and put her husband under thousands of dollars, she then found someone vulnerable a cheater my husband who was looking for some something different after being married for 29 years. I asked her to stop seeing him when I found out thinking that any decent human being knowing that there’s another person that’s hurting what stop especially when we’re talking about the sanctity of marriage but no she has no feelings she’s a narcissistic sociopath with no morals if you cross her path look the other way.
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
Anna is an unhappily married fitness instructor and mother of 2 young kids who has no respect for the sanctity of a committed relationship. She has a history of flirting with married and unavailable men in an attempt to bolster her own self-esteem. The men who respond are not blameless, but any woman who works out in her underwear (when no one else is) and flirts with married and otherwise committed men, is obviously looking to stir up trouble.
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
She’s carrying on an affair with a married man and father. She knows he’s married, and they have talked about it. She doesn’t care. She only Cares for herself. No respect for boundaries other women, or the commitment her lover has made, or his responsibilities. She cares not for the security and emotional health of the child who is being hurt. Gross.
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
It isn’t gossip. It’s true. Aliesha Haekess is sleeping with my husband
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
She’s left her husband to go be a slore with her mom and aunt in Glencoe mn . She gave me and her husband have and DRDs .shes had three abortions with three different guys. She cheats , lies and with sleep with any guy. She’s nasty. She sleep with 5 guys in 7 hours
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
She has a boyfriend who she claims to love. But cheats on her boyfriend. She knowingly has sex with my husband multiple times… knowing he was married… it turned her on. She knew I knew which made it more exciting for her to sneak around and have sex with my husband. I forgave my husband and then left… Turns out my husband wasn’t the only man she was having sex on the side with. I wonder if her boyfriend knows she’s a sl00t.
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
She knowingly slept with other ppl partners knowing they were causing pain and abuse.
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
Rebecca ‘Becca’ (maiden name Ritchie) Jensen , birthdate 1980, is in our opinion a behaviorally unstable woman who brags about her drinking and knowingly cheats (using Becca’s two separate phone numbers) with various men who are in relationships and encourages these men to both emotionally and physically abuse their partners. Becca Jensen has three children, refers to herself as a “bad person”, who is “crazy”, “hates people” and “keeps secrets”. Becca Jensen, while working for a “bad company” in the capacity of a Data Specialist, sent her torture-murder fantasies about women to some of these cheating creeps, as well as crafting a murder list with real life women’s names and researched jobs. Becca had the nerve to complain when the “bad company” laid her off in Spring 2020! Becca Jensen also complains that “having children has been unkind to me, in many ways,” whines about “the nightmare of her life” and having to parent her children. Becca also badmouths her mother, her sisters, her deceased fiance T’s family, all while she lies to her family, manipulates those around her and enjoys causing abuse and drama in complete strangers’ lives. Becca Jensen has previously let it slip about her keeping two phone lines, in our opinion so that she can facilitate her affairs with multiple men. Becca Jensen knowingly cheated with one of these POS (pieces of sh1t) while his relative was dying in late 2018, while his mother was hospitalized in 2019 and when another relative was seriously ill during the 2020 [REDACTED] pandemic. As a mother who prioritized her affairs over her children’s welfare, in our opinion Becca invaded her adolescent daughter’s privacy by sending a photo of her daughter to this man and heartlessly dumped her young son out of her (the cheater’s words) dirty, cluttered home when he visited her and became irritated with her kids. This toxic interaction between Becca Jensen and this cheating POS later resulted in physical and emotional abuse, substance abuse, criminal charges and financial destitution, but Becca Jensen, not satisfied with the pain that she helped to inflict upon this cheater’s elderly parents, continued with her deception and drama. If you don’t want drama and damage in your personal life or at your company from a manipulative, drama seeking, callous bottom feeder, we suggest that you avoid Becca Jensen. This sloppy seconds (or thirds or fourths, depending on how many side pieces the individual is question is cheating with) is not worth all of the drama that she causes!
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
So this woman who was “friends” with my husband when I met him. I told him numerous times that she was into him and he didn’t believe me. Fast forward 3 years after we were married and he adopted my kids. His dad & brother passed away and we were struggling in marriage. This “woman” acted like his friend and claimed she wanted to be there for him. He snuck down to see her and she filled his head with lies. You deserve better, you should leave her and she is no good. We separated in September to work on ourselves and come back together. Well she preyed on him!! Sent him sexts and pictures of her private’s!!! She pushed him to meet with her and he followed. He got a hotel room and they did it. This continued for 3 months! She slept with a married man almost 15 times! Made him miss his sons basketball game to be with her. Spent money & time that could have went to his wife and kids on her. When he finally so how psychotic she was and he came back to me. She pushed him even more and scared him into seeing her. When it was clear he was ignoring her she sent me a message trying to get me to leave him. Probably so he would go running back to her. When I called her a homewrecker she claimed it was me who wrecked my home. Proceeded to tell me that my husband isn’t attracted to me and they didn’t use condoms at all. Ladies watch your husbands from this 48 year old, fake tanned, goblin lookalike homewrecking sloot. She doesn’t care who she hurts or who she has to stomp on to get her way.
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It’s unathorized use of my intellectual property
37 year old single mom, sleeps with married men to try to get them to leave their wives. Does numerous drugs around her 2 year old daughter. Spreads DRD’s
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