Slut Tattoos

Slut Tattoos


Slut Tattoos

April 16, 2014
Days of Broken Arrows

April 16, 2014
Days of Broken Arrows

April 16, 2014

December 27, 2014
Constantino Villegas

October 30, 2014
Jymie Lynn Darling

October 30, 2014
Jymie Lynn Darling

April 16, 2014

April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014

October 15, 2014
Cynthia Navarrete

October 16, 2014
masculine nonmisogynist.

February 23, 2016
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Redpiller1985 is a dude who has been taught the red pill thanks to the greats like Roosh, El mech, and many countless other RVF contributors. Here is his twitter, if you have any questions or comments to send to him. Send a Twitter direct message if you want to talk about using my services to promote redpill ideas.
Men have been imprinting their bodies for decades. Cultures like the Pacific Islanders and even the Vikings have long respected a tradition of tattoos. These cultures would be shocked that people today are treating tattoos like a human graffiti wall. They would even be more shocked that women in Western cultures are getting more tattoos then the men. It’s time to put my empirical knowledge of being around tattooed sluts to use and teach you what different types of tattoos mean.
Female rationale: A female who gets small tattoos on her body wants to rebel. She wants to be seen as a strong unique individual but can’t handle the pressure of doing so in full earnest. This allows her to rationalize being a unique person with the feasibility of covering it up when she needs to be.
Tips to getting her in bed: A woman like this is generally not a full blown slut. Light teasing should work well with some gentlemen game thrown in her or there. Don’t over do it with the negging since these females are exceedingly self conscious.
Female rationale: Women in general are enjoy the moment. That guy who domestically abuses her for 30 minutes a day will be seen as a superhero because he plays her emotions like a yo-yo and is the perfect complement to her volatile frame of mind. She believes that the relationship will eventually end up like a Disney fairytale. A permanent shallow sign of this commitment is to ink that person’s name.
Tips to getting her in bed: Women who do this are horrendously clingy. Aloof game will work wonders on them. Make sure to have an escape plan because she will falsely accuse you of a crime if mad enough.
Female rationale: Check the Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblrs of young modern-day women. Besides posting numerous gifs and being lazy participants in activism, most of them are filled with childish psuedo-intellectual quotes. Women are wooed by the same “empowering” quotes that teenage boys are, though teenage boys simply enjoy slogans like “hard work beats talent” for their own sake. Women, on the other hand, are so enamored by such quotes that they want to use them as a template for life. The template is not an internal one like most sane people, but one to give them daily encouragement merely to live.
Tips to getting her in bed: Women who have these tattoos are basket cases. Standard issue game is deadly on them, since they fall for any confident man who acts like he doesn’t need her.
Female rationale: Take the rationale of quotes on the body and expand it even further. Women who get this sort of tattoo want to advertise their “struggle” by becoming a lifelong victim. They need a physical embedded reminder of their mental illness to stop from relapsing. It’s an advertisement of mental illness from the kooky women of first world countries.
Tips to getting her in bed: Tuthmosis already wrote the reasons to date an anorexic chick . My game tips are to take her out to food choices that anorexics have pigeonholed as “healthy.” Try places like sushi, vegan, and lean ethnic food. Preposition for oral fast as possible because once you get oral sex from them, everything else falls into place. Women with food problems generally are loose with the first date blowjob. Use that to your benefit.
Female rationale: The reason that you see so many stars on women is because it is the most affordable tattoo on the market to get (it’s incredibly simple for most tattoo artists to do). Especially for the quality that these chicks are willing to pay for. The female rationale is getting a cheap tattoo. Follow the trend but don’t spend too much money or time at the tattoo shop. Star’s generally don’t have a contrived deeper meaning but the blue star (a blue star on the wrist might hint that she’s a lesbian). Yet, we at ROK know that most chicks are two dates with an alpha away from riding penis again .
Tips to getting her in bed: Regular game with a touch of flash will work well here. These chicks tend to be heavily into recent pop culture than any other group of females I know. Keep the pop culture references heavy and make sure you’re watching the food tab. Women are cheap with their bank account but don’t mind putting you in debt. Get separate bills if out for food.
Female rationale: Take some tailor measuring tape. Put it around a chicks belly button and measure from there to the thighs. This is called the slut zone . A woman who gets a tattoo here both wants and adores male attention. They want to emphasize that they want men to stare down there. They know that the men they target have been with quite a few women and want to advertise that they are a piece of sexual meat. This area is the perfect place especially with low cut jeans or a thong to get male attention.
Tips to getting her in bed: Women who get these tattoos are like bodybuilders looking for protein. Replace protein with penis and you get the mental picture. They will use their body and more importantly sex to get their goals. Some women just want alpha attention. Others might want to have half your property. These types of women barely work in a LTR. DON’T EVER MARRY THEM OR EVEN COMMON LAW MARRY THEM. Have a story for the beginning, middle and end. Stick with it or you will get hurt. Any woman who lets a tattoo artist tattoo an ass or pelvis art piece for hours is a slut. If this doesn’t set up your slut anti-missile defense, nothing will.
These aren’t all the tattoos but should give new players a morning dose of coffee. Women have been taking male customs and butchering them since the dawn of time. And now they want to have their cake and eat it too, meaning they will slut it up while young, with their “unique” tattoos, and then they’ll find a thirsty provider beta that doesn’t understand her tats are an advertisement for all the past cock she has had.
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I wish this blog would publish just one article per day. All this urgency is very feminine! LOL
#7: The Tattoo Sleeve. This has become an epidemic amongst U.S. women that has to be stopped in its tracks. Tattoo sleeves, as well as repeatedly dying hair different colors, is a sign of a girl with serious psychological issues. What’s ironic is that there are number women with full tattoo sleeves showing up on dating sights. Normally, they would be 8s, 9s, and 10s, but sane man wants to deal with a women that mutilates her body that much.
I totally agree. And beyond that, they have this attitude that “you don’t have the right to say it’s wrong.” Um, yes we do. It’s gross and I hope they fail to even pair up with low-level guys in the long run. NO WAY I would invest in that.
Seconded. I’ve seen a lot of girls out there who would have been drop-dead gorgeous women if not for all the hideous tattoos they’ve covered themselves with.
Edit: Funny thing, “Scott Pilgrim” was spot on it’s implication about women who dye their hair different flashy colors. The one who does in that series carries some serious issues.
Amy Winehouse being the poster child for bad tattoos and the outcome…. how a chick that could sing such classy music would ever dream of tattoos is beyond me…. tragic!
And what she did to herself with her meth addiction. Tragic.
Damn, all this time I thought I was simply altering my hair style I had deep-rooted psychology issues! Men and their knowledge.
LOL. human beings with the capability of emotions. im sorry that women seem to be some emotionless sex machine to you but you know sometimes they will appose to being treated like a piece of shit you stepped in. i feel so terrible for the poor woman with ‘feelings’ you manage to struggle your way into a relationship with.
I’ll take knowledge over feelings regarding issues. I could easily tell you, women look at men as ATMs these days, if you’re going the full men misogyny route. Easy to put everyone into a category, isn’t it? I don’t look at women as anything but what they are, and act accordingly. Tattoos are a big red flag, especially tramp stamps.
Those women *still* get validated by thirsty guys. Female behavior becomes only as degenerate as men enable.
This rapey post needs wider distribution. Please report the author to tattoo forums, tattooed twats on Twatter, tattooed twats on Farcebook, hipster hangouts, etc. Thanks and may the force be with you.
The tattoo sleeve of flowers. Fucking hideous.
Make fun of a girl’s tattoo, and watch her already fragile self-esteem disappear for the rest of her life. It’s quite a riot. They have no retort.
Let me make a correction: Lamest sleeve tatoo ever.
The whore with the back tattoo is already advertising what she’ll do in her future marriage to her beta mangina husband. Couldn’t say she didn’t warn him.
Or advertising that she comes from a broken home, broken she has more issues than the National Geographic.
Definitely an ugly tat, but that’s not a sleeve.
that is not a a sleeve. that is a sad excuse of a sleeve. plus, her arms are too thick anyhow. so it doesn’t even matter if she’s tattooed or not.
If you’re down for many, many hours of fun: tattooed sleeve and whole side of body (I’m talking down the side of the body, through the slutzone, and down the leg). Often cupping one breast, sometimes both. Beware because these types are both fun and seriously mutilated in the brainbox.
Add multicolour short hair, perhaps a Skryllix haircut, heavy smoker, various colored contacts, and many facial and body implants.
Always remember that this type of thing is serious bottom-feeding. Not recommended.
I guess all the sluts of suicide girls are bottom feeders..
In addition to psychological issues, its them being posers.
Comic and appropriate article, but I feel the need to mention the increasingly atrocious copy-editing on this site. Some of these articles are so riddled with easily correctable errors it makes one imagine nobody actually read through the thing before its being published here, including the author himself. If this site aspires to be taken seriously on a grander scale, these articles really ought be combed through before being posted, and by someone who can spell and spot at least minor grammatical errors. I know this is the internet, but some quality control would really tighten the product.
I agree, there are a lot of careless errors in this text. Please fix.
The tattoo above the butt is a sure invitation to anal.
Can vouch for that one.
Dude, I’m all about articles like this. The author doesn’t seem so much like an avid writer, but this is the kind of information that I would hang onto even if I found it scrawled on a bar napkin. All-aces!!
My top 2 types of bullshit chick tattoos:
1. Tramp stamp on lower back. An oldie but goodie. They think it’s unique and original. For me, it makes me think of pulling out and blasting all over it.
2. Tattoo in a foreign language they can’t read. In Rio I’ve seen a few chicks with Arabic tattoos that they can’t understand. In the US I see chicks with bullshit Chinese characters, Hindi letters, or Hebrew tattoos they can’t understand. For them, it’s just decoration.
Actually, the slut zone is literally the circumference around the belly bottom down to the bottoms of the butt cheeks. Tramp stamps are just one of the many tattoos in the slut zone.
It would be a trip if you were a tatoo artist who understood Chinese characters…and you put “I Am A Useless, Hardcore Slut” on a girl lol
According to Google Translate (and using “extreme” instead of “hardcore”, which is rather slangy), it is:
just “Slut” would be simpler it’s only one character, right?
Well, two, actually: 荡妇 ( dàng fù ). Simplified characters of course, as we all know that cheap low-quality things come from Mainland China.
Please, for the love of God, do not tattoo yourself with anything you got from Google Translate.
(Note, this blog has been online for ten years and has no shortage of posts.)
Tattoos in the no no zone are THE telltale sign of what we call a “freak”.
Are you a sailor, biker or criminal? No? Then don’t get a tattoo.
…although tattoo artists do get a ton of pussy thrown at them. Parlor next to my dojo has a steady stream of chicks talking about how cute and hot the artists are. Thing is, these guys look like average sad sacks with some tattoos, one is a big fat guy.
That’s because women are fucking stupid. To them, any loser ex-heroin addict with an emaciated body full of meaningless tattoos is the equivalent of a Navy Seal or Yakuza. They think, “oh, how cute and tough.” This is exactly why no woman could ever turn a boy into a man, they don’t know shit about masculinity or manhood.
Exactly. Women are all about superficial appearances. That’s what their entire lives are about.
You know why that is right? We tell girls that they are dumb and they only thing that makes them worth anything is their looks, so they start to care about their look a lot to boost up the confidence we have torn down. Then we go and mock them for being “superficial” and “only caring about their looks”
You’re hitting on a good point, from which a good lesson is to be taken. Tuth posted a comment once summarizing it: Women care more about how things appear vs. how they actually are.
“Women care more about how things appear vs. how they actually are.”
Quoted for truth. This is actually one of the most basic truths about women.
It’s also precisely the reason why they look up to a ripped guy who puts a needle is his ass every morning in order to attain this, but don’t if it’s a guy who isn’t this ripped but works his ass of in the gym or at the track 6 days a week.
For them, it all about external appearances. They don’t care about the work behind it, or about the sacrifices a guy has to make to look this fit.
This is so true, and honestly this is why I never workout with the thought of a woman in my mind. When I’m in beautiful agony doing WODs in Crossfit, I’m thinking of preparing for a war, killing North Koreans, hand to hand fighting. Exercising for a woman is one of the most pathetic reasons a guy can get in shape for, and that’s why those types look as vapid and empty as the women they train to impress vis-à-vis the Jersey Shore guido types. I exercise with the mindset of primal survival and combat, if sex is a beneficiary of that then fine. I’d rather be normal body weight, jog every once in a while, smoke my cohiba lanceros in great volume, sip on whiskey everyday and enjoy a nice gourmet meal than get in shape for a bitch.
What no one tells these douchebags, is that women don’t necessarily find your muscles or abs, “sexy,” they find the allure of power behind them, “sexy.” You can evoke this same power by simply puffing a nice cigar whilst reading the WSJ, and they’d find it “sexy,” because it alludes power. Women are quite empty on average and very malleable to what you want them to be, the constant is, exuding power and domination. Some broke douchebag, pumping his asshole full of steroids with 4% bodyfat is not going to get as many girls or even the same quality as some skinny drug-dealer who exudes power. Women don’t give a shit, because their morals are subjective and transient to whatever alpha male dominates them at that time, I know this, because I did this with multiple women.
I see this at my gym a fair bit. A guy comes in wanting to “train UFC” and has the look, and of course the hot girl in tow. Then he goes up against our tough guy, who looks and acts like he belongs in a library (outside the gym of course) and our guy throttles him. Great guy, good looking, clearly a badass…and single. B/c he doesn’t “look” like the tough guy the other guy does. Nor does he publicly act like it. But they only care about perception. I think this is just a glitch b/c for most of human history, look and perception were the same thing. You didn’t walk around acting like a badass unless you actually were a badass (you’d be tested). So the ability to detect real dominance hasn’t caught up to the modern times. The old Roissy had a point about this….irrational confidence is better for getting laid than rational defeatism.
Oh god how about these pussy musicians like Adam Levine with his tatts…Bieber is covered in tatts now…
I don’t like ink of any kind but the one that I can’t understand is the ink inside the lower lip. Why would anyone do that? It is surprisingly common.
I would like to add another rather horrible one that’s increasingly common among the fairer sex: angel wings. Those full back versions are especially horrendous.
what about no tattoos?
seems to be such a rarity – what does that tell us these days?
Better than most. Faint praise nowadays, but still…..
Ironically, those without tats are now the rebels. Everyone has tats now. Does that mean those without are rebels? I think so. Either that or those without tats are just smart enough not to destroy their delicate skin with Arsenic-laden Chinese tattoo ink. Who wants to bet incidents of tattoo related skin cancer rise 1000% 20 years from now? The tat was cool until my fucking skin started falling off…
God, this is all starting to sound like “The Sneeches”…Dr Seuss sets a precedent again.
I like this site, but does anyone proof these articles?
Who wants any of these women?
And Game? What is game? Find one worth keeping and make some babies.
Be a man!
I have been disgusted by tattoos since I was a kid – my biker uncle has lots of them, and my mom always warned me they were a sign of low class. But these days they’re almost unavoidable. Practically every girl I’ve been with in the past 2 years has had a tattoo. Even girls who otherwise look feminine will sometimes have one on their side in the rib cage area, etc.
Personally I think we need to start “tat shaming,” along with fat shaming. When did it become the norm to not have any respect for your body? And yet we’re called misogynists for pointing it out.
“When did it become the norm to not have any respect for your body?”
Since men loosened the reins and the majority of women became feral.
Jeez, either you’re living somewhere horrible or date too many sluts. I’m in a country where tattoos are more common than usual, yet most girls I’ve been with haven’t had tattoos. A few have. My favorite was a playboy bunny right above the pelvic bone. Sure sign of a slut, and a slut she was.
When did it become the norm to disrespect each other because of an apperence ?
So your saying that if a person has one tattoo and you don’t know why they have that tattoo they should be shunned ?
If a person is fat they should be shunned what do you consider fat ? because i know some people consofer a size 14 girl fat.
Maybe these sluts should get a big ole red “A” tattooed on their foreheads.
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