Slut Prolapse

Slut Prolapse


Slut Prolapse
My Vagina Fell Out During Sex (And Here Are All The Gory Details)
By Alex Alexander — Written on Jul 21, 2017
Ever have a romp with a man who was so wild and so rough? Well, the truth is that it is possible to have sex that’s rough enough to pull your vagina out of your body .
If you’re wondering, yes, I know this from personal experience, and yes, I’m going to tell you how this vaginal prolapse happened. (By the way, this can happen to anyone, assuming that the right circumstances are lined up to have it happen.)
Before you run away screaming from anything with a penis , I should explain that there were a couple of things that happened that made this all possible. After all, this isn’t something that typically happens with sex, even if your vagina has seen its fair amount of things in its days.
First off, I had recently gone under the knife in order to get a partial hysterectomy and I also had my tubes tied. I also had given birth a couple of years prior. Oh, and my partner just so happens to have a member roughly the size of a can of Monster energy drink. (I'm not sure if that last part had anything to do with it, though it probably didn't help.)
Now let’s get into how my vagina fell out. This particular day, he and I had gotten particularly rough, and we had forgotten to use lube. Sex was painful, primarily because he kept hitting my cervix. However, I enjoy pain down there, so that wasn't the issue. Once sex was wrapped up, he pulled out — and that’s when I felt something was not quite right.
Unlike every other time we’ve done it, I started to dry heave. I couldn’t figure out what had happened to make me nauseous. Was I in pain? Was it something I ate? Though I did have a little bit of after-sex pain, it wasn’t really clicking with me that this was what was causing my nausea. 
Soon after the heaving stopped, I noticed that there was a heaviness “down there.” The best way to describe it is that it felt like I was “fuller” down below, almost as if there was extra equipment that I just magically grew in the span of 5 minutes.
My cervix was sore, but aside from that, I didn’t really feel any pain. It’s a lot less painful than you’d expect it to be.
When I got up to pee, I headed to the bathroom... and nothing. I felt the need to pee, but for the life of me, I couldn’t urinate. I ended up having to push hard just to be able to pee. Something was definitely wrong.
My boyfriend , noticing the heaving and urinary problems, turned to me and asked, “Honey, are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” I said as I got back onto the bed.
Then he gasped. He looked down and asked me what that “weird pink donut thing” is. I asked him what he meant. He took a photo, and lo and behold, there was a huge pink mass that was dipping out of me. That’s when I realized that my vagina fell out .
So, what actually happened here? Technically, the term for what happened is a pelvic organ prolapse, or a vaginal prolapse, and approximately 40 percent of all women will experience it to some degree, due to a number of reasons. It happens when your pelvic muscles weaken and fall out of their rightful place. It happens with women who give birth, women who have hysterectomies, as well as older women.
Is it as horrifying as it sounds? Truthfully, it’s actually not as bad as it sounds. Mostly, I just felt heavy “down there,” had a little bit of a hard time peeing, and occasionally peed when I sneezed . Most of my symptoms were mild discomfort but the pain was way worse when it fully fell out.
Fixing a vaginal prolapse takes time, especially for women who have had a full prolapse like I did. A pessary, which is a small insertable support, can be used to help keep things in place, and if you commit yourself to exercising, a lot of the issues that cause prolapse can lessen over time.
However, surgery often is the best fix, but I didn’t opt for that, myself. Depending on the situation, surgery can involve sewing up your vagina or actually surgically putting things back into place. It was just too invasive for me. 
In my extremely rare case, my vaginal prolapse did get better over a relatively short amount of time, especially after I put everything back in. The pain got less, things started to shift back into place, and there's not as much discomfort as there once was. And, better still, I haven't seen the inside of my vagina after sitting down in recent weeks.
However, it’s still a struggle and I still have a way to go. Things are still not completely normal down there, and peeing is still a struggle. 
Nowadays, I make sure my boyfriend is gentle with me down there and I have to keep a certain lifestyle in order to make sure nothing falls out again. In order to help improve my pelvic muscles , I have to hit the gym and keep a low weight. I have to be very careful having sex until things are fully (or almost fully) healed, and well, I also have to do Kegels every night.
But, at the very least, things are coming along fine and in the future, things should probably all be back into place once more. 
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“It smells like blood. And it tastes like raw flesh. It’s not something you’ve ever been exposed to. But it strikes a chord somewhere deep inside.” That’s how Michelle Lhooq opens her article on Rosebudding, a new trend in the world of hardcore anal pornography. And if you’re faint of heart or weak of stomach, you may want to stop reading now, because the act is literally ripping out actresses’ rectums through their anus.
Rosebuds are often seen as nice, delicate things. In popular culture, Rosebud often brings back memories of Citizen Kane . It’s a nice, even cozy, euphemism for the kind of movies Sheena Shaw, the actress quoted in the Vice article on the trend makes. In reality, the act is much worse than anything I’ve seen in legal pornography before. Worse than eating shit; worse than people engaging in sex with traffic cones and putting double fists into every orifice. When I shared the video included with the Vice story with a friend — a video of two women dressed as bumblebees doing everything one could to a collapsed asshole — her response was that if porn had a Faces of Death (that didn’t include any actual snuff), this might be it. Because this isn’t really, sexy — it’s just strange.
The medical term for Rosebudding — anal prolapse — is actually much more dangerous and bizarre than the titles on the DVD boxes may lead you to believe. In short, a prolapse occurs when one’s rectum collapses and slip-slides its way out of the anus. In general, an individual is immediately rushed to the emergency room when such an event happens. In Shaw’s world, the cameras keep turning as the prolapse is looked at, touched, licked, and prodded until the director believes that the viewer will have enough to satiate them. Sometimes honey is poured all over it. It’s a visual that appears to dare the viewer to get off despite what they’re seeing, not because of it.
The act of rosebudding is, of course, something that has been around for a long time. I first became aware of it when I was 21 years old, alone at home and excited to try out my insanely fast new internet connection. I downloaded everything I could get my hands on from the torrents databases I visited (regardless of whether I was interested, I just wanted porn) and was perplexed to find one video entitled something like Bud.avi. In it, gentlemen from some eastern European country did things to each other that made me sweat in fear and want to call emergency services immediately. Three minutes into the video, I shut it off and silently wondered whether the actors were okay, swearing off porn forever (two hours, it turned out) as I hyperventilated. For four years, I managed a video store and while I was the one who curated the small adult film section —which I called The Super Tiki Adult Room to make it more friendly — I never once saw this type of act mentioned on the hundreds of boxes we carried. Now, it is becoming more and more mainstream.
There are two reasons that rosebudding is taking the world by slow and bloody force. First, the internet has made pornography a much tougher business. With the advent of sites like PornHub, RedTube and Xvideos, viewers are less likely to shell out money for site memberships or digital downloads. Companies try to get their videos taken down, but they reappear as fast as they’re removed, new bunches of clips (really taking this flower metaphor to its limit) popping up daily, never letting the companies catch up. Due to this, pornographic actors, directors, and producers have to find novel ways to get the viewer to part with their hard-earned cash, which means that they have to come up with edgy and sometimes risky new settings, positions, and acts.
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The ennui that comes with watching the same kind of scenes over and over might eventually force the viewer to pay to see something they’ve never seen before, even if it is potentially gruesome or disgusting. Then, as Vice points out, there is the reality that watching amateur porn might be fine, but if you want high quality production or actresses that can perform rosebuds well, producing sights and sounds — rainbows you can taste — on command you’re going to have to shell out for your solo bone sesh. And the industry has no choice but to deliver.
Second, the actresses who star in the films — and this currently appears to be more aimed at heterosexual audiences — need to find a way to distinguish themselves. Sheena Shaw is one of the queens of rosebudding. This is her calling card. Like it or not — and it sounds from her quote that Shaw has at least some conflicted feelings — this is what keeps the money coming.
Mike South, a blogger who is referred to by Vice as the king of porn gossip, believes that turning towards extremism is not the way the industry needs to go, that by doing so it loses touch with the core values of pornography:
“At first it was relatively benign—gang bangs, anal, that kind of thing,” he recalls. “Then it was dressing girls up like preteens and picking them up on swing sets in schoolyards, forced oral until they threw up, forced anal… The more uncomfortable the girl looked, the more the industry would give it awards.
“Companies in porn are like blackbirds on a phone wire,” he continues. “When one takes off they all follow. I think, in this case, they all followed into the side of a glass building.”
But the trend is only getting more popular.
Porn’s appeal has long been the holding up of a light, or a magnifying glass, to the inner workings of human pleasure. Rosebudding continues to play on that theme, literally turning a medical oddity — something second year medical students might discuss with a hand gently stroking their chins — into something amorphously sexual.
Ali Davis, in her excellent book True Porn Clerk Stories , discusses something she calls porn drift. In her book Davis recounts how customers at the store she worked at would go from one section of the store to another, dipping into pornography that they might have not chosen before when they’d seen too much of their preferred combination of acts and actors. When I worked at a video store, I was always delighted when someone who had only rented straight gang bangs would bring up a bi video or delve into the world of porn that featured actors who were transgender. It was great to see people exploring their sexuality but this new trend raises the question of how far the rabbit hole goes and whether pornography can continue satisfying the needs of viewers while keeping the actors and actresses who are doing the work safe.
Repeated prolapses — I’m sorry, rosebuds — are risky. The actual prolapse doesn’t just happen and actresses have to train to get the bud to occur when they want. To be able to rosebud effectively, actresses need to have prolonged sessions with multiple massive objects so that their rectal walls become loose and easy to push right out. Training might also include sleeping with toys in the anus the night before a shoot. The feeling, Shaw says, is similar to that of pushing out a baby. And there are side effects.
Repeated prolapses can cause severe bowel problems and anal leakage. While some can take time off, the only way to really heal everything is with rectal surgery which carries risks (such as infections ) of its own. And the risks are not often discussed with the actresses who star in these types of movies. In fact, the safety of the performer is not really of concern to the directors and the producers, who play the health risks off with a nonchalant “they can take breaks.” But taking breaks means losing money, or becoming less in demand.
There’s no safety net in porn. Shaw, a veteran of the business and someone who commands a higher price for her anal scenes — something that’s not true of all the women who perform this act — says that she’s heard of women tearing their anuses or developing fissures. And there’s no worker’s comp on the set. The industry demands more and more of its performers without medical help. When asked about what she could do in the event of an injury, Shaw said this to Vice: “No one ever talks about that. They make you sign waivers before you do these scenes. You’re absolutely not going to get workers’ comp.”
Rosebudding in itself isn’t the core problem. Sure, it’s disturbing, but it also speaks to how bored we become with sexual images and how quickly we become desensitized to them, always looking for another peak when we plateau at a favorite scene. The fact that this trend exists could suggest that rosebudding is a symptom of a much broader concern: The fact that as more and more pornographic images become readily available, it takes much more to scratch one’s sexual itch. And sometimes, that leads to the necessity for extremism. Even when it comes at the expense of the performers. Based on the risks and dangers involved, then, perhaps it would be best for all cinematic genres if Rosebud remained a sled.

Posted by Melissa Fuller in Sex & Pancakes on September 4, 2012
I have a question regarding a most unfortunate incident I recently saw in a pornographic film. In the film, a woman was being anally penetrated doggy style by a rather well endowed man. At one point, the man pulls completely out of her, and, in the process, takes her intestines with him. I do believe this is called an anal prolapse and I’m scared of it happening to me. I love being anally penetrated, so tell me, what am I to do? —Butthurt Bottom
I can see why this visual may have you concerned…
To start off, a quick and by no means complete overview of what is also called rectal prolapse.
Rectal prolapse happens when your rectal walls and muscles are weakened to the point of collapse and can literally no longer hold themselves up within your rectum. Rectal prolapse varies depending on the external visibility from the anal sphincter (that’s your asshole). It could be completely internal, a slight protrusion or a full protrusion.
This all depends on how weakened or stretched the anal sphincter itself is. So, things that can stretch your asshole include long-term anal sex, but also a variety of bowel issues like frequent and long-term constipation, diarrhea, and strained defecation—as well as childbirth.
People who are experiencing rectal prolapse to any degree are strongly advised not to engage in any anal play until treated, for obvious reasons. While treatment varies, in cases of full protrusion, a surgical procedure is usually necessary.
Rectal protrusion is not a fun time, but barring extreme and sudden abuse of your anus, you aren’t going to go from nothing to your rectal walls collapsing all in one shot.
So, back to the video, it would make sense for the rectal walls to exit the anal sphincter when the man withdrew from the woman because the penetration itself was likely what was holding her in during the act to begin with.
Based on your description, I really doubt that this woman didn’t have rectal prolapse or other related­­­­­­-­––­­­ issues before this specific encounter.
Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee that rectal prolapse won’t happen to you, because there are no guarantees when it comes to our bodies. Some people engage in tons of anal play and never have any issues, while others report problems after having plain old anal sex once with an average-sized penis.
There aren’t any studies or in-depth research on this issue so it’s hard to tell how common and frequent anal sex-induced rectal prolapse is compared to the other causes. Not to mention there’s a whole fetish around deliberate rectal protrusion and stretching, so a significant portion of what we see, especially if it’s in porn, is intentional.
Safer anal sex practices help in prevention of more than just sexually transmitted infections, so remember to lube up to facilitate penetration (of course, don’t forget the condom), relax the anal sphincter to reduce trauma and stretching, go slow in the beginning and take it slow until it feels right—especially if you’re moving up a size on whatever you’re inserting.
Unfortunately, the bigger you go, the bigger the risk you’re taking, so you need to personally weigh the risks and decide what’s best. Kegel exercises also help strengthen the anal sphincter (among other awesome things), so I recommend giving them a try and reaping the many benefits. Just Google “kegel exercises for men” for some great online guides.
Most importantly, listen to your body. If you experience tearing, excessive bleeding or something just doesn’t feel right when you’re being penetrated or having a bowel movement see a doctor as soon as possible.
Maintenance and awareness is key, so if it’s something you’re really concerned about, talk to a doctor, preferably a good one who won’t just tell you “anal sex isn’t natural,” because they might have advice or be able to put your mind at ease through a checkup.
By the way, don’t Google Image Search “rectal prolapse.” I can tell you right now that it ain’t pretty.
For help working through your sex-related fears, you can always contact Concordia Counselling & Development. The Sir George Williams campus office is reachable at 514-848-2424 ext. 3545 and the one at Loyola is ext. 3555.
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