Slut Mom Stories

Slut Mom Stories


Slut Mom Stories
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"Marry James?" Kenny's look was nasty. He waited for an answer as he noticed his mother's nervousness. She always looked around the room when she was stumbling for words.
It was just the other day he reminded her, dad had left three years ago. He often thought of mom getting married again, but to James?
What would she say? Would she even answer him?
He kept his eyes steady, a little sad at his mother's discomfort. Maybe this wasn't the right time to ask. But he had to know.
"Mommm," an impatient whine dragged on his tongue.
"Well Kenny, you know James has been coming around
more often lately...and yes, it has been discussed..."
"I knew it! I just knew it!" he exploded. "Why didn't you ask me how I might feel?" Without giving his mother a chance to answer Kenny grabbed his schoolbooks and rushed out of the room.
A steady drumming of foot-thuds could be heard as he pounded upstairs. Each step stomped out a message, "I'm upset. I'm upset." Echoes of his feet attack on the stairs soon faded away.
How could she think about marrying again? What's wrong with her…gee whiz, mom.
Slumping on his bed, Kenny thought of dad who had been gone since the winter the boy had turned nine. "My leaving has nothing to do with you. I'll always love you," dad said. Then he stepped out of his life, like a fading ghost. There were times Kenny cried like a baby, over something he knew was missing in his life.
He kicked off his sneakers and bent to peel off his socks. Lying on his back, arms tucked under his head, he scanned the room carefully.
His eyes took in the pennant from Halifax and pictures of he and mom. Also himself and his buddy Troy, taken at Boy Scout Summer Camp last year.
Kenny sat up and placed his feet on the cool floor, then walked slowly to the window. He knew he had the best view in Sheldon, a village of 200 people near Truro, Nova Scotia. His house sat on a hill overlooking the highway. He felt like an owl settled on a branch watching the world move along.
The collection of old houses, trailers and newly aluminum-sided buildings straddled both sides of Highway 104.
They were like salt sprinkled at random.
Right now the stars were bright, their luminous eyes keeping him company. He could see the Big Dipper or ‘Ursa Major’ as he learned in school.
"It's tough growing up," he said aloud. He knew he was acting silly but things seemed much simpler when he was younger.
He enjoyed staring out the window at night, elbows on the window-sill, chin cradled in his hands. There was a time when he dreamed of being an astronomer or 'star-gazer.' Everything seemed so peaceful up there.
His brow furrowed when he thought a lot. And he was thinking about Larry, his neighbor who took him fishing last Saturday.
He would make a great dad. But he's already married with grown up kids of his own. "So I'll probably end up getting stuck with someone like James," Kenny sighed.
It wouldn't be so bad if James didn't have to work all the time. He never took him anywhere. And he's so strict. Kenny continued to look out the window as his mind raced along on a merry-go-round of memories.
Tiredly he made his way back to bed and flung himself down. He was too sleepy to even climb under the sheets and pull up his covers.
His mind re-lived events from last Saturday when Larry took him fishing. It had been a perfect day. "This is really neat," Kenny had said, eyes dancing with excitement. Kenny really liked Larry.
The first time they had met was last year when Kenny began a paper route. Kenny had marched up the front steps. "Would you like to take the weekly? He had asked. "I guarantee good service, how about it?"
"Call me Larry," the man had said, "unless your parents object."
"That's cool. My mom won't mind. She's divorced and she lets me make lots of decisions."
Since then he had met Larry's wife and even had a tour of their big old house which used to be a church manse. Imagine, the place was over 140 years old.
He learned to play chess with Larry and had come over many times to help pile wood and mow the grass. It soon become his second home.
Larry didn't pay money for chores. "Instead I'll be glad to take you hiking or even go on a fishing trip,” he had said.
Now his dreaming relived that awesome trip last weekend to Economy Lake, ten miles north of Bass River village.
His sleepy eyes gave in to the comfortable images.
"Remember what I told you Kenny," Larry had said, "about the different parts of the canoe?" He knew Kenny liked to be tested on his knowledge.
"Yes, the sides are called gunnels."
Kenny knew Larry was proud of him. He really liked someone to teach him things.
Fishing rods were loaded, food packs carefully placed into the center of the canoe, and life jackets worn. They had waded barefoot from the shore, carrying the boat to a depth of several feet, so as not to scratch its hull.
Kenny stretched, then turned on his side. His memories were like a movie reel. The best part was yet to come.
While Larry held the canoe, Kenny gingerly placed his cold feet inside, one at a time then sat down in the bow. As Larry seated himself in the stern, Kenny said quickly, "OK dad, let's go." He glanced back to see if Larry noticed what had slipped from his tongue.
Kenny hadn't said it on purpose. It sort of sneaked out. "OK dad," he repeated under his breath "let's go." Sounded really nice, he thought to himself. He turned around from the bow and looked back.
He noticed Larry's peaked hat, with the perch fish on its front. Red vest, blue shirt, worn jeans and bare feet completed the picture. Larry's paddle was ready for action. And his eyes seemed at peace with himself. They were always full of laughter.
Kenny wished James was more like Larry.
"What's up Kenny? Why are you looking at me so seriously?" Larry had said, chuckling.
Kenny turned away quickly, his heart pounding.
But it wasn't all. He missed having a dad, and he was glad his face was turned away as moisture gathered on his cheeks. He wasn't crying, not really. He felt like a traitor for even pretending Larry was his dad.
But then it must be okay, the sky didn't explode or anything.
To himself he said softly, "OK dad, I'm ready now. Let's go." And he felt good inside as his paddle dipped in the water...
Kenny jerked awake in his room as he heard his squeaky doorknob. Through half-closed eyelids he watched his mom step in.
Kenny pretended to be asleep, one arm flung out. His fingers were open as if waiting for a handshake from someone.
As his mom crossed the creaking floor, he carefully controlled his breathing. He felt her eyes travel from his toes, lanky legs, and thinly stretched frame to his blond head.
She puffed air softly on his closed eyelids, testing to see if he was really asleep. It tickled, but somehow he calmed his reflexes.
He wanted to reach out and hug her.
She retrieved a blanket from the closet and placed it over him. He groaned softly, letting out some of his tension. The sound drifted as if from a far-away planet.
Before he fell asleep he made a promise to himself.
Tomorrow he would tell her that he loved her.
Co-authors Richard and Esther Provencher invite you to view their newest novel SOMEONE’S SON written during Richard’s recovery from a stroke, which gob-smacked him in 1999. It is a Young Adult novel dealing with a family crisis. (link is external)
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Moonhaven Star Emma McDonald Plays That's So Random
The other night, I was having a phone conversation with my mother, catching her up on everything that had been going on with me this week. I got to a part in the story where I made a mention of dickfishing, and it occurred to me that she might not know what it meant.
So I asked her, “Do you know what dickfishing means?”
Letting out a long, heavy sigh, she said, “I know you gonna tell me.”
I continued, and explained to her that dickfishing is when a man catfishes his penis. In other words, he either uses pictures that aren’t his, or he is so adept at angles that when you see the real thing, you are disappointed because it doesn’t match the pictures you saw in size or proportion.
I told her that the reason I suspected this particular gentleman had dickfished me is that the pictures he sent and the penis I saw in the stroke video I got from him didn’t match up in size. Then I paused again.
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“Mommy, do you know what a stroke video is?”
This time, she signed with annoyance.
“I’ve had men send me stroke videos before,” she said.
First of all, I wasn’t ready. Second of all, who are you pervs that are sending my mama stroke videos?!
The whole thing got me thinking—am I the only person who has always been able to talk to my mom like this?
Don’t get me wrong. My mom thinks I cuss way too fucking much. Sometimes I will let a string of polysyllabic cuss words fly out and she will say, “Monique! Your mouth!”
But she knows her child. She has always been the biggest supporter of my writing, going back to the early days of blogging when I had a site called Hideous Kinky.
I talked about everything on that blog, much as I do in this column (it was fate, really), and she read my work daily. She was an active participant in the comments section, and she often made an appearance in the more tame, family-friendly posts.
People who have been following me on the internet for a while know and love my mama. Everyone calls her Ms CJay.
Ms CJay understands that my mouth is foul, but I come by it honestly—and if we are being real, she should be used to it because I get it from her mama.
I learned all my best cuss words from my granny. My favorite insult, you son of a syphilitic bitch, was passed down to me by my granny when I was still a teenager. She was a real one.
A lot of my philosophies on men come from my granny. She always told me and my cousins, “Keep an extra man in your pocket and make sure they stay out of yours.” I live that to this day.
She taught me that “a man is a first cousin to a dog,” and “a hard dick don’t have no conscience.”
My grandmother was not the best cook, but she had worldly wisdom for your ass.
I also got my inner “ho” from my granny. There was no shame in her game. My mother will kill me for saying this, but my granny was so cold with it, she used to bring all her side pieces around us when we were younger. We didn’t even blink.
My mother is more of a prude than I am, but she gets me in a way that others don’t, and it is this part of her that I appreciate most.
My mama knows that I am nothing if not Rosetta’s grandchild. She knows that I am a straight shooter. She knows that I am quick to cuss someone out, but good with the soft words, too.
My mama can listen to me talk like this because she knows I will talk about penises just as openly as I will talk about social justice issues.
She loves and appreciates everything that makes me Monique. She tells me frequently that she admires my openness and my fearlessness. And I love her for it.
She follows me on Twitter, and she favorites a good majority of my tweets, but most especially the ratchet ones.
It’s macaroni art 2.0. She can’t hang it on her fridge, but she can read along and think about how simultaneously funny and absurd her daughter can be in any moment.
So yeah, she’s my mama, and while there are some things I don’t tell her (I mean, I have to keep some shit to myself), she gonna get these sex jokes and read my nightly column and all my news articles and appreciate the woman I grew up to be. Most of it is because she let me be me.
When I was a teenager, I used to tell her that as soon as I graduated from high school, I was going to get a job as a stripper. Then I would do this little twerking dance in front of her to demonstrate what I meant.
She laughed every time and told me that if she or anyone she knew ever saw my naked ass swinging from a pole, she would kill me.
I didn’t become a stripper after all, but I still get to be raunchy every night, and you don’t have to kill me.

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Posted Aug 23, 2014 10:36 by anonymous



I'm a mother and I'm 48 and I have a son who is 24. My best friend Bonnie and him are always making sexual comments to each other and of course I'm in middle in the middle of it most of the time. My son Eric has an unusually large cock and is always bragging about it. This is what usually starts the back and forth between him and Bonnie. He even says things to me like wouldn't you like to see Bonnie suck my cock? I tell him to stop but that never works.

Privately, I have had thoughts about the things he says to Bonnie and being honest, sometimes I get a little excited but never show it. I know its taboo and probably wrong, but I could watch Bonnie suck him. I tell myself that just watching is O.K. and he is a consenting adult.

Two weeks ago Bonnie and I decided to stay in. We usually go to this outside bar on Friday nights but it was raining so we decided to stay in. We made frozen drinks and got pretty hammered just sitting around talking. Per usual, the conversation turns to sex and Bonnie asked me if I had ever seen Eric jerk off. I told her no and then she asked me if I wanted to and I told her that if I saw him I would watch.

She then kept asking more questions like had I ever had a private thought of sucking or fucking him. Being pretty loose I did tell her that I had occasionally had a passing thought but said that I didn't think I could ever do incest. This conversation went on for quite a while and got to the point where she asked me if I would ever want to watch my son fuck her. I was honest and told her yes.

Both of us got seriously horny. We occasionally had talked about having sex but wondered if it would do anything to our friendship. That night, the circumstances were just right. Bonnie took of her top and told me to touch her tits and I did. We were on the couch and she stood up and bent over towards me and asked me to suck them. Her areolas are big around and her nipples as big around as my pinky. I really like them and I liked sucking her tits.

I took off my blouse and Bonnie sucked my tits. We both leaned back on the couch and started kissing. It was hot. Then we both started feeling each others pussy's and even fingered each other as we kissed. Right in the middle of this we heard the garage door open and new it was my son coming home. We put on our clothes and pretended to be talking when he came in.

You could tell that he had been drinking. He wasn't drunk. but a little loose. All of a sudden, Bonnie says to him, "Your mom and I have been talking about your cock." He then says, "oh really, are you finally ready for to see it?" Bonnie said yes.I wasn't surprised as we were very horny at this point. He looked at me and said, "what do you think mom, should I get it out her for?" I said, "you are an adult and can what what you want."

Not surprising, Eric takes off his shorts and you could see this huge bulge in his underwear. He walks over to us and stands in front of Bonnie and says, "take it out." Well, she did. His cock is really large and it was rock hard. Right away I got this warm feeling over me and a butterfly in my stomach. Bonnie grabbed a hold of his cock and started to jerk him. Any and all humor had now stopped.

I'm sitting right next to Bonnie on the couch and then she starts sucking him. A minute later, she grabs my hand and brings it up to his balls. I didn't resist. I grabbed his balls and started massing them. Oh my God, I couldn't believe it. I was actually feeling my own sons balls and I will never his comment when he said the words, "mom, that feels so good." I have no idea how I found the courage, but right after his comments, I leaned in and started his sucking his big balls.

Bonnie said, "oh my God, that is so hot!" She then stopped sucking him and took my hand and out it on his cock and said, "jerk him while you suck his balls," I'm now have both his balls in my mouth and I'm jerking his shaft. Bonnie is absolutely on fire and takes off all her clothes. She laid back on the couch and opened her legs to reveal this huge triangle of dark cunt hair. She then starts masturbating while she watches me jerk my son.

I wanted my clothes off too so I stopped sucking his balls and got undressed. Bonnie then says to Eric, "do you want to watch me eat your mom?" His response was, "yes." Bonnie leaned into me and started licking me. It was awesome. At the same time, Eric moved in close to me still standing. When I looked up, his cock was right there.He didn't say anything. but he bent his knees to lower himself and his cock was at my mouth. He was waiting to see if I would do something.

I did, I opened my mouth and he lowered himself down so that his cock went into my mouth. I will never forget that first taste and how surreal it was. I knew there was no turning back time so I went for it. I sucked him furiously.The ending was coming and we all knew it. Bonnie laid back on the couch and fingered herself while she watched me suck Eric. I had more than half of his cock in my mouth when he said, "mom, I'm gonna cum." Bonnie was saying. "take it, take your sons cum in your mouth. " Those words got me so hot and I moaned as if to say, "yes, give me your cum."

A second later my son said words that are forever burned into my mind. "Mom, I gonna cum in your mother." He shot his first load and it was huge, then another shot and another. I could keep up with it and it started to run our of my mouth. My son said, "Mom, I can't stop cumming!" Another shot and then another. I think he shot like 6 times. I swallowed what I could and the rest kept flowing out of my mouth.

This started a new venture with the three of us and yes, last weekend, I let him fuck me. Bonnie and I were in a 69 with me on top and Eric got behind me and fucked me. It really was very hot and I honestly love it. Eric and I have not done anything alone. Its always with Bonnie and maybe on some level it feels more O.K.

This story is fucking amazing I have jerked off to it a good few times now I think it's awesome
“Your son is VERY lucky wish i had a mother like you. Please post more.xx

God damn !!! I hope the original poster is still around. This is one of the hottest things I've ever read. Makes me wish I had gone further with my mom. Please update us with what's been going on !!! Please !!!!

you and your son need to make love all over the house naked

Mul oli kunagi niisugune asi et ema pole tahtnud mulle anda.Minu sõber oli juba ammu oma ema pannund ning ma rääkisin talle et ma ei saa emaga hakkama.Minul tuli parajasti sünnipäev ja kutsusin sõbra ka.Võtsime alkoholi kolmekesi nii kaua kuni ema purju jäi siis ma proovisin emaga uuesti seda teha,ikka ei saanud Sõber tuli appi ja andis kohe emale suhu ja mina toimetasin ema alt poolt.Ema siples kü
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