Slut Gets Her Throat Totally Damaged

Slut Gets Her Throat Totally Damaged


Slut Gets Her Throat Totally Damaged
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Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth
Here's the Dangerous and Grotesque Anal Sex Trend You’ve Always Wanted
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“It smells like blood. And it tastes like raw flesh. It’s not something you’ve ever been exposed to. But it strikes a chord somewhere deep inside.” That’s how Michelle Lhooq opens her article on Rosebudding, a new trend in the world of hardcore anal pornography. And if you’re faint of heart or weak of stomach, you may want to stop reading now, because the act is literally ripping out actresses’ rectums through their anus.
Rosebuds are often seen as nice, delicate things. In popular culture, Rosebud often brings back memories of Citizen Kane . It’s a nice, even cozy, euphemism for the kind of movies Sheena Shaw, the actress quoted in the Vice article on the trend makes. In reality, the act is much worse than anything I’ve seen in legal pornography before. Worse than eating shit; worse than people engaging in sex with traffic cones and putting double fists into every orifice. When I shared the video included with the Vice story with a friend — a video of two women dressed as bumblebees doing everything one could to a collapsed asshole — her response was that if porn had a Faces of Death (that didn’t include any actual snuff), this might be it. Because this isn’t really, sexy — it’s just strange.
The medical term for Rosebudding — anal prolapse — is actually much more dangerous and bizarre than the titles on the DVD boxes may lead you to believe. In short, a prolapse occurs when one’s rectum collapses and slip-slides its way out of the anus. In general, an individual is immediately rushed to the emergency room when such an event happens. In Shaw’s world, the cameras keep turning as the prolapse is looked at, touched, licked, and prodded until the director believes that the viewer will have enough to satiate them. Sometimes honey is poured all over it. It’s a visual that appears to dare the viewer to get off despite what they’re seeing, not because of it.
The act of rosebudding is, of course, something that has been around for a long time. I first became aware of it when I was 21 years old, alone at home and excited to try out my insanely fast new internet connection. I downloaded everything I could get my hands on from the torrents databases I visited (regardless of whether I was interested, I just wanted porn) and was perplexed to find one video entitled something like Bud.avi. In it, gentlemen from some eastern European country did things to each other that made me sweat in fear and want to call emergency services immediately. Three minutes into the video, I shut it off and silently wondered whether the actors were okay, swearing off porn forever (two hours, it turned out) as I hyperventilated. For four years, I managed a video store and while I was the one who curated the small adult film section —which I called The Super Tiki Adult Room to make it more friendly — I never once saw this type of act mentioned on the hundreds of boxes we carried. Now, it is becoming more and more mainstream.
There are two reasons that rosebudding is taking the world by slow and bloody force. First, the internet has made pornography a much tougher business. With the advent of sites like PornHub, RedTube and Xvideos, viewers are less likely to shell out money for site memberships or digital downloads. Companies try to get their videos taken down, but they reappear as fast as they’re removed, new bunches of clips (really taking this flower metaphor to its limit) popping up daily, never letting the companies catch up. Due to this, pornographic actors, directors, and producers have to find novel ways to get the viewer to part with their hard-earned cash, which means that they have to come up with edgy and sometimes risky new settings, positions, and acts.
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The ennui that comes with watching the same kind of scenes over and over might eventually force the viewer to pay to see something they’ve never seen before, even if it is potentially gruesome or disgusting. Then, as Vice points out, there is the reality that watching amateur porn might be fine, but if you want high quality production or actresses that can perform rosebuds well, producing sights and sounds — rainbows you can taste — on command you’re going to have to shell out for your solo bone sesh. And the industry has no choice but to deliver.
Second, the actresses who star in the films — and this currently appears to be more aimed at heterosexual audiences — need to find a way to distinguish themselves. Sheena Shaw is one of the queens of rosebudding. This is her calling card. Like it or not — and it sounds from her quote that Shaw has at least some conflicted feelings — this is what keeps the money coming.
Mike South, a blogger who is referred to by Vice as the king of porn gossip, believes that turning towards extremism is not the way the industry needs to go, that by doing so it loses touch with the core values of pornography:
“At first it was relatively benign—gang bangs, anal, that kind of thing,” he recalls. “Then it was dressing girls up like preteens and picking them up on swing sets in schoolyards, forced oral until they threw up, forced anal… The more uncomfortable the girl looked, the more the industry would give it awards.
“Companies in porn are like blackbirds on a phone wire,” he continues. “When one takes off they all follow. I think, in this case, they all followed into the side of a glass building.”
But the trend is only getting more popular.
Porn’s appeal has long been the holding up of a light, or a magnifying glass, to the inner workings of human pleasure. Rosebudding continues to play on that theme, literally turning a medical oddity — something second year medical students might discuss with a hand gently stroking their chins — into something amorphously sexual.
Ali Davis, in her excellent book True Porn Clerk Stories , discusses something she calls porn drift. In her book Davis recounts how customers at the store she worked at would go from one section of the store to another, dipping into pornography that they might have not chosen before when they’d seen too much of their preferred combination of acts and actors. When I worked at a video store, I was always delighted when someone who had only rented straight gang bangs would bring up a bi video or delve into the world of porn that featured actors who were transgender. It was great to see people exploring their sexuality but this new trend raises the question of how far the rabbit hole goes and whether pornography can continue satisfying the needs of viewers while keeping the actors and actresses who are doing the work safe.
Repeated prolapses — I’m sorry, rosebuds — are risky. The actual prolapse doesn’t just happen and actresses have to train to get the bud to occur when they want. To be able to rosebud effectively, actresses need to have prolonged sessions with multiple massive objects so that their rectal walls become loose and easy to push right out. Training might also include sleeping with toys in the anus the night before a shoot. The feeling, Shaw says, is similar to that of pushing out a baby. And there are side effects.
Repeated prolapses can cause severe bowel problems and anal leakage. While some can take time off, the only way to really heal everything is with rectal surgery which carries risks (such as infections ) of its own. And the risks are not often discussed with the actresses who star in these types of movies. In fact, the safety of the performer is not really of concern to the directors and the producers, who play the health risks off with a nonchalant “they can take breaks.” But taking breaks means losing money, or becoming less in demand.
There’s no safety net in porn. Shaw, a veteran of the business and someone who commands a higher price for her anal scenes — something that’s not true of all the women who perform this act — says that she’s heard of women tearing their anuses or developing fissures. And there’s no worker’s comp on the set. The industry demands more and more of its performers without medical help. When asked about what she could do in the event of an injury, Shaw said this to Vice: “No one ever talks about that. They make you sign waivers before you do these scenes. You’re absolutely not going to get workers’ comp.”
Rosebudding in itself isn’t the core problem. Sure, it’s disturbing, but it also speaks to how bored we become with sexual images and how quickly we become desensitized to them, always looking for another peak when we plateau at a favorite scene. The fact that this trend exists could suggest that rosebudding is a symptom of a much broader concern: The fact that as more and more pornographic images become readily available, it takes much more to scratch one’s sexual itch. And sometimes, that leads to the necessity for extremism. Even when it comes at the expense of the performers. Based on the risks and dangers involved, then, perhaps it would be best for all cinematic genres if Rosebud remained a sled.

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Jean-Batave is a martial artist from the viking stronghold of Normandy, France. He travels the world looking for new fighting techniques and new beautiful women. Eastern Europe taught him everything he knows and is his second home. His column runs every Thursday.
I have had my fair share of women. While some encounters were a truly positive addition to my life, most were sluturions (“slut” plus “centurion”) who’ve dealt with one-hundred spears. Below, I’ve compiled a list of the recurring patterns from women who I’m certain have been with over one-hundred men.
Sluturion threat level based on piercings
Having piercings in sensitive areas shows a tolerance to pain and a taste for self-destruction, attention, and validation. The more dangling and flashy, the higher the notch count.
The same attraction to pain combines with a chronic need for attention. Understand that tattoos are not edgy and not “who she is.” It is a mark, formerly reserved to prostitutes, that signals to men that they won’t have to work too hard to sleep with her. As above, the larger and more visible the tat, the more promiscuous the tart.
It is never a good sign if they give it up on the same night or a few hours after knowing you, no matter how smooth you are. But hectoslags have no self-control when they get the tingles.
Sleeping with you is her goal in the interaction, instead of being a step taken towards something more meaningful. Sex—and the process leading to it—will feel like a formality.
My friend Sery likes to say: “She sucks dick too good to be a good girl.” Hectoslags don’t need direction or training. Their skills scream “slut/pro” while they show absolutely no emotion. She will keep eye contact, talk dirty and use her tongue in all the right places. If she deep throats you with no gag reflex or if she tries to lick your butthole, you might want to plan an exit after a few bangs.
Some might even advertise the fact that they are good and received “positive feedback” in the past. Giant crimson flag. Proceed with caution.
Women with high mileage are permanently scarred and it shows through a black, emotionless stare. She has the eyes of someone who could snap at any given minute. This blank stare comes from…
Learn to recognise the thousand-cock stare and never commit to a girl who has it.
A sluturion mainly gets her rocks off with sex in itself and the “supposed” empowerment of multiple partners. Therefore, she avoids affection to set an emotional barrier between herself and men.
Even though she shows no physical affection, she tends to overuse terms of endearment like “darling,” “honey,” “daddy,” or its national equivalent, but it will feel out of place. She attempts to compensate the total absence of actual feelings to keep her target unaware of her indifference.
She cannot go a weekend without booze, pills, or narcotics. They take away the pain that comes with her spiritual solitude. Her states of drunkenness or stupor usually result in public shame , degrading sex, or accidents where others pay the price of her stupidity.
She keeps repeating the same mistakes until hitting rock bottom: tequila shots in a crowded club in her twenties, then a bottle of wine a night with perhaps one friend in her thirties, and back to hard alcohol while alone in her forties.
This should probably be number one on the list. For girls who frequently take it in the rear, the “wrinkled surface” of her anus becomes larger and darker than a normal mucous membrane should be due to forced dilatation and contraction. It usually looks like a balloon knot protruding instead of being flat. It can also present tears due to excessive entry.
Sluturions show little signs of pain or protestation before and during anal. She might even ask you herself to put it in. Anal bleaching, another procedure on the rise, comes from porn stars who wanted to hide the consequences of years of anal abuse .
She remains selfish and only focuses on her pleasure and her orgasm. The man’s nut, although sacred, is not her priority. She may also ask for financial or material favours from men in exchange for sexual “bonuses.” She sees sex as completely transactional.
What Instagram does to a woman. From wife material to Dubai toilet.
The advent of Instagram was to sluts what the invention of the wheel was to mankind, a way to be more effective and take the production rate to the next level with minimal effort (getting attention, money, and penises in this particular case).
The two basic needs of the sluturion, money and attention, are covered with the use of Instagram. She receives…
And if you ever see a girl on Instagram featuring pictures of Dubai, she is actively being shat on .
Having “daddy issues” is most common among sluturions. She tries to find the paternal affection she rarely felt through legions of sexual partners, but to no avail.
She can be “hot,” “sexy,” or “bangable,” but sluturions are rarely beautiful. Her physical appeal comes mainly from the sexual signals she conveys instead of her genetic beauty.
A beautiful girl might trigger feelings of love and protection from a man, but the sluturion only generates a mix of lust, disdain, and morbid fascination. It is not rare to meet quite a few hectoslags in the “butterface” department. I have yet to meet a girl that kept a stunning face after bedding several tons of men, probably because science has showed that mammalian females absorb DNA from a man’s ejaculate .
She cannot be bothered to improve her situation or stop drinking. She will not go out on a date with a good man who does not meet her delusional standards. She has zero interest in personal development or accomplishments. She never reads or questions her surroundings.
She cultivates the “bimbo” style of leopard print, trashy pink shoes, and absurd cleavage. In other words, she appears like a low-grade prostitute. Wind, rain, or snow, she always dresses like a whore, even with her family around (if she has one).
She actively advertises her promiscuity to dominant males while shaming average men who would dare look at her exposed flesh. She has no notion of public shame. She is ready to have sex anywhere, anytime, and always looks the part.
She often fucks foreign men or of another race than her own. She can do it at home if her country is all about “refugees welcome,” or she might be a “horizontal traveler” who thinks Eat, Pray, Love is a manual to life. The fun ends somewhere between Istanbul and Mogadishu.
She loves going on vacation overseas with “her girls” or travels alone, with little or no known source of income. Her holes start to have more miles than Donald Trump’s private jet.
The sluturion’s attractiveness is artificial instead of natural. Putting in the work to become more attractive progressively (when the issue is not a birth defect) is out of the question, so she gets bigger lips, fake eyebrows, a nose job, fake breasts, and butt implants. The roadwork is usually being paid for by the state or a sponsor. Tuthmosis Sonofra once said “ the bigger the cosmetic lie, the bigger the slut .”
She attends a Slut Walk to show how much she cares about body positivity and slut-shaming, since she is a slut herself. She wants to live in a world where sluts can be themselves without getting stoned.
The length of her labia depends on factors such as genetics, race, and age, but an “accordion” vagina which has a roast beef aspect is the result of broken collagen fibers from forceful impact during intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases, and hormonal disruption caused by birth control (Source: Sean A Runacres, Journal of Cosmetic Gynaecology, volume 29).
This is why labioplasty has became so popular . Über-sluts know that having labia that drags on the floor will peg them as a slut.
You told her to come over. There is small talk after she arrives. You both undress. You get your nut. This is what usually follows…
Out the door less than twenty minutes after climax. Once the deed is done, she doesn’t see the point in staying around. And neither do you.
She is often confrontational and hostile. She craves drama and is mentally unhinged. Her temper is so unstable that she picks fights with alpha males. The usual accusation is infidelity (projecting) before leading to physical violence. She tends to avoid fighting with beta males to continue milking them of their resources.
Outbursts of violence are also directed at herself. Self-harm is common among hectoslags. They often try to commit suicide as a cry for attention.
She feels a need to broadcast her narcissism while baiting potential lovers or sponsors. She’s an expert at using filters and Myspace angles. She will have the exact same photo taken a hundred times because it hides one of her flaws.
She might do regular “shoots” at first, but they will soon involve less and less clothes, as female vanity pushes her to maximize the amount of attention she receives.
She regularly watches videos featuring gangbangs, interracial cuckoldery, violent sex, and lesbianism. She reaches a point where her brain became completely rewired and she can only climax watching the most obscene material. The normal sex that was good in the past becomes boring.
Thanks to porn , her love life feels forced and staged. Her lines in bed during the act will sound like they come straight out of a porn set (e.g., “Spank me daddy,” “I am your little slut”).
Birds of a feather flock together. Was she a bartender in a strip club? Does she have stripper or camgirl friends? Has she ever worked in Vegas, Macao, or other locations rich in casinos and wealthy businessmen? Did she take pole
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