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After 2 failed attempts to have sex with her, she admitted to cheating . She went so far to say that they “finished” in her multiple times. At the advise of my attorney, I have left the house and contacted a real estate agent.
I remember years ago, one of my best friends was married to a woman that just couldn't stop screwing other dudes. Like different ones every week. No protection, no thought about who the dude even was. And my friend took MONTHS to leave her. He was addicted to her for some reason. I'm so glad that you were smart enough and strong enough to leave early.
Why do some guys stay when there’s more than enough women to go around?
Oh man, that's harsh :( Hopefully you get away from that.
You need a new attorney buddy. You should never leave the home. File for divorce yes. You make the other person leave but you don't leave.
Yes! She broke her vows. I know it’s easier to just leave than to confront her about why she should be the one leaving but she really has no leg to stand on at this point. If you want that home you should keep it. The only acceptable way for her to stay in the home is if she is the primary parent; therefore punishing the kids for her actions wouldn’t be acceptable. But if you’re able to take that role over then she needs to kick rocks! If no kids are involved she should be the one leaving. It will be easier through a divorce for her to keep the home if you leave.
I didn’t ask details , but I assume more than one
Atleast your wife told you something was going on. A month after both my parents passed away, my ex decided it was the best time to "find" herself through clubbing, starting to drink alcohol, sleeping over at "friends'" places, going to spa's on weekends. True story, all her words, not mine. All just BS to do what she was doing behind closed doors all these years while pretending to be a singing church girl. I was obviously pissed, but then i started giving myself reality checks: her singing was bad, she wasnt actually good looking, she had no skills in bed(just laid on her back like an uncooked chicken) and was afraid of giving blow jobs, she never stood by me like a real wife. So her wanting a divorce was more a blessing to me cos i was about 28 years old and stuck in a bad marriage where the best sex we've ever had could be labelled as ok'ish. I was still in my sexual prime!!! Divorce was an upgrade to me!!! And it wasnt even my fault!!! Lol
I was deppressed tho, divorce takes a serious toll on you, especially if you are the innocent party. Two months after we split up, i met one of the other church girls who was adventurous. she actually helped me get out of my depression.and the sex was amazing. I felt like man again.
today im married again to an amazing wife who i can truly call my life partner, someone who stands by me through good and bad.i didnt know this was possible but we have been having great, intimate sex since we started dating and it doesnt fade. Stay safe and stay strong my brother. Ive grown to hate divorce. But i do hope you can work things out.
Damn, women are straight cold-hearted when it comes to that kind of thing. I went through something similar with my ex. We tried being "friends" at the beginning of our divorce, but she enjoyed telling me about the guys she was hooking up with, and got upset when I told her how much it bothered me. Good luck to you man, and keep listening to your lawyer. It gets better, it just takes a while.
Why do they even bother getting married, when she knows deep down they still want to sleep with different guys?
That woman was cold hearted. We're not clones.

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Confess your secrets r/ confessions
My own cousin sexually assaulted me
Found SO’s Reddit confessing emotional affair
i’m really worried about my brothers and the majority of ‘ipad kids’
I always put extra chicken nuggets whenever someone orders them.
My father used to wake me up by molesting me
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First of all, before i start, this happened four years ago. I'm now 16. I don't know why i felt the need to post this. Probably to just get it off my chest somewhere.
First of all, i got along great with my 2 cousins and aunt on my mom's side. We visited them every week almost. When we'd visit them, i'd go up to my cousin's room with him to play some video games. Sometimes we'd play on his pc, or sometimes i'd play on his oculus so he could laugh at me getting jumpscared.
All of a sudden, his behavior turned around. To this day i don't know how that happened. He'd push me on the bed, and i don't think i should go into detail. I was 12 at the time. He sometimes told me to take off my pants. When i told him no, he'd promise me he wouldn't do anything. Needless to say, those promises meant nothing. He just kept going. His behavior kept going for i think a couple months. I'd be afraid to go to his house, because i knew it would happen again. But i never told anyone.
It's now 4 years later. I only told a friend, who barely replied to it. I don't know if i'm overreacting or not, but this left a huge scar on me that i hope will fade soon. I hate physical contact out of fear they'd do what he did. I'm afraid if i'm alone in the same room as a man i don't know. My first kiss was my own fucking cousin.
Can anyone tell me if i'm overreacting since it's been 4 years?
I found my wife’s Reddit. We got married July of last year. This Reddit confessed that she had been obsessed with a coworker and “thought about him every day” since at least January of last year.
From March to September of last year, she had secretly cheated on me with a roommate before that. And November before that she cheated with a former so of hers. Our whole 3 year relationship feels like a sick lie…
We had lots of communication issues, but when I tried to talk about them, she would withdraw and go to other people instead. Both of us stonewalled each other sometimes but she would deliberately go to others. I don’t know if she had more secrets.
It seems like this is getting to be a more popular opinion but it can still be very touchy to bring up in a group setting. Lots of guys will make fun of you for liking bigger girls and it sucks :/. Honestly i also feel a bit of shame for not being able to own up to my preference. I know some guys who are loud and proud about their love for chunky girls and I want that same level of confidence.
So i guess this is my first attempt at being proud of my attraction. Chubby girls are the best tho!! I've been with one for a couple months now and it fucking rocks. She loves to cook. She loves to lounge around. She LOVES to eat and is always taking me out to try something new and delicious. She's the best cuddle buddy I've ever had by a mile. And the sex is so awesome that its honestly kinda unfair to skinny girls lol.
After typing this up I already feel more confident 😅
i see a lot of people making fun of ipad kids all the time, but i honestly find it really scary. it’s like my younger siblings are almost addicted to their devices and if i try to take them away or tell them to do something else they literally can’t. they will sit there for hours on end whining for their little greasy ipads, to the point of crying and having fucking tantrums about it.
i was exposed to a lot of fucked up stuff on the internet when i was growing up, and i’ve honestly been traumatised by a lot of weird stuff on there. my brothers are about 9 and 11 respectively, and their screen time is absolutely ridiculous. i can’t imagine what horrible shit they’re getting exposed to/will be exposed to soon.
the worst part is, my parents seem to barely care. my dad lets my 11 year old brother stay up to 10pm watching videos and taking to his friends on discord (yes, both of my UNDERAGED brothers have discord which is terrifying)and there is little to no punishment for watching their ipad when they are not supposed to.
i’m not sure if this is just me being an overprotective sister, or if i’m actually making enough sense here but this had been on my mind for a while, and i just wanted to vent somewhere.
It all started when I (20F) moved in with my bf 2 years ago, i have always worked in cleaning and didnt mind doing the dishes and cleaning basic stuff like the toilet at the start, however it has slowly evolved into so much more, buying new cleaning supplies and smelling the new variants of toilet cleaner genuinely excite me. I never cleaned at home, my mom cleaned everything and i think i may be turning into my mom a little.
I feel like no one else my age feels like this, and it kind of makes me feel weird ? having a sunday like today where i can take my time to clean my house top to bottom is extremely relaxing to me, and going to the store afterwards and coming home to a shiny clean living room that smells like fresh cotton feels like a reward to me.
i dont clean 24/7, i have weeks where i neglect it all or only do the bare minimum, but once I do go on a cleaning spree.. well i cannot be stopped.
Am I weird? Am i turning into a boomer? or worse, my mom? (just kidding i love my mom shes the best<3)
When I was working in McDonald’s, whenever someone orders chicken nuggets, I usually hook ‘em up with a couple extra. If they got the 20 piece I usually add like 5 extra nuggies.
Now I can’t sleep without a blanket protecting me from his imaginary hands. My life would’ve been 10x better if I’d’ve ran away as a child, as this is not even close to the worst that he’s done or allowed to happen to me. I’m sure the police would’ve simply returned me, though. I hope my life gets better soon.

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