Slit Your Throat

Slit Your Throat


Slit Your Throat




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Translation of "slit your throat" in Russian

Sounds like these Harvard boys would slit your throat in your sleep.

Похоже, твои дружки из Гарварда готовы были перерезать тебе глотку , пока ты спал.

Мне не терпится перерезать тебе глотку .

So when I slit your throat , think of it as a gift from us both.

Когда я перережу тебе глотку , можешь считать это подарком от нас обоих.

I slit your throat and use your body to fuel our fire.

Я перережу тебе глотку и использую твое тело чтобы разжечь огонь.

They slit your throat , and they roast you.

Затем перережут тебе глотку и обжарят тебя.

I can simply slit your throat from behind.

Я просто могу перерезать тебе глотку из-за спины.

Дернешься, и я перережу тебе глотку .

Sit down or I'll slit your throat myself!

Сядь или я лично перережу тебе глотку !

I am going to hunt you down then I am going to slit your throat .

Я тебя найду и перережу тебе глотку !

There are people who'd slit your throat for a bottle of water.

Есть люди, готовые перерезать глотку за бутылку воды.

And should ye try anything else, I shall slit your throat for ye.

А если попробуешь что-нибудь еще выкинуть, я тебе глотку перережу .

Keep laughing, and I will slit your throat while you sleep.

Давай, смейся-смейся, и я тебе глотку во сне разрежу .

And should ye try anything else, I shall slit your throat for ye.

Если попытаетесь сделать что-нибудь еще, я перережу вам глотку .

Only thing he knows is slit your throat .

Они только и мечтают, о том, как бы вам глотки перерезать .

He'll slit your throat in your sleep.

Запросто перережет тебе глотку во сне.

No, and if you tell anyone, I'll slit your throat .

Нет, и если кому-нибудь скажешь, перережу глотку .

If he learns that you found us, he'll slit your throat and ours.

Если он узнает, что ты нашел нас, он перережет глотку тебе и нам.

I should have slit your throat when you were laying unconscious at Fort William.

Надо было перерезать твою глотку , когда ты был без сознания в форте Уильям.

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Otolaryngology (medical speciality)
Is it possible to slit your own throat?
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When a person’s throat is cut, what do they experience? Is it like suffocating?
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Does a person with their throat slit die immediately, or do they bleed out?
Is it faster to die by slit wrists of throat? How long does it take and what is the pain like? What does it feel like?
How deep do you have to cut your throat to die?
When a person’s throat is cut, what do they experience? Is it like suffocating?
What's the easiest way to get cut out of meth?
Does a person with their throat slit die immediately, or do they bleed out?
How often does someone use the method of slitting your own throat for suicide death?
Can you survive slitting/cutting your throat with minor injuries? I’m just curious and have no intentions to die/kill myself, I just want to know.
Should I do hanging, drowning, or slitting my throat as a suicide method?
How painful and long would it take to die from getting your throat completely slit?
Why is slitting one’s wrist a more common practice of suicide than slitting one’s own throat?
If I slit my throat, what will death be like?
Which will kill you faster, hanging by a noose or slitting your throat?
Does slitting people’s throats actually kill them instantly?
If a person dies within 30 minutes after a cut throat, what does this suggest?
Can you kill yourself by cutting your throat?
Is it faster to die by slit wrists of throat? How long does it take and what is the pain like? What does it feel like?
How deep do you have to cut your throat to die?
When a person’s throat is cut, what do they experience? Is it like suffocating?
What's the easiest way to get cut out of meth?
Does a person with their throat slit die immediately, or do they bleed out?
How often does someone use the method of slitting your own throat for suicide death?
Can you survive slitting/cutting your throat with minor injuries? I’m just curious and have no intentions to die/kill myself, I just want to know.
Should I do hanging, drowning, or slitting my throat as a suicide method?
How painful and long would it take to die from getting your throat completely slit?
Why is slitting one’s wrist a more common practice of suicide than slitting one’s own throat?
Need Help? Contact a suicide hotline if you need someone to talk to. If you have a friend in need of help, please encourage that person to contact a suicide hotline as well.
- Worldwide In general, if you're outside the US, numbers for your country are here: Help a friend - Befrienders Worldwide . You can also e-mail to talk to someone or go to to speak with someone.
- United States Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Para español, llame al 1-888-628-9454.
- Canada Locate a crisis centre in your area and at The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (link to: ). For youth under 20, you can call the Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868.
- India Visit AASRA or call their 24/7 helpline at +91-22-27546669 or +91-22-27546667. You can also e-mail .
- UK 116 123 (to reach the Samaritans in the UK) - France (33) 01 46 21 46 46 - Australia 13 11 14
For one, this is an odd question, and I want to start by saying, if you are suicidal, please seek help… I've been through some CRAZY stuff in my almost 39 years of life, and I can assure you, things can and do get better.
Now, if you're just curious, here goes…
Yes, you can. People naturally hesitate, or hold back, when inflicting pain upon themselves, but you absolutely can push passed that. Like, you will not be able to hit yourself as hard as you can, even when pushing passed that resistance, you can't surpass it completely, but you can hit yourself harder than you think you can.
For one, this is an odd question, and I want to start by saying, if you are suicidal, please seek help… I've been through some CRAZY stuff in my almost 39 years of life, and I can assure you, things can and do get better.
Now, if you're just curious, here goes…
Yes, you can. People naturally hesitate, or hold back, when inflicting pain upon themselves, but you absolutely can push passed that. Like, you will not be able to hit yourself as hard as you can, even when pushing passed that resistance, you can't surpass it completely, but you can hit yourself harder than you think you can.
When doing something like slitting your wrists or throat, or hanging yourself, or whatever, it's natural to hesitate, and most won't go through with it, or do it superficially. Those who do go through with it, are not exactly in the right frame of mind, and certain things like hesitation & rationalization, are hindered, allowing them to just do it; this is evident, because someone who's able to rationalise & reason, won't be able to do it.
Mental illness is a very serious thing, but it can be treated, and doesn't have to be treated with medications that cause other, sometimes more serious issues. If you, or someone you know is suicidal, seek help… Don't think just because you know the person when they aren't depressed, that they can't or won't do it, because they aren't the same when their brain is shutting things out. Suicide happens every day, unfortunately, but you can help prevent it, by being there to help support your friend(s), or even those who aren't your friend(s), when you can see something is wrong. There are suicide help lines you can call, and they will help you help yourself, or someone you know, to get the help needed. Don't be afraid to speak up, because it could save someone's life.
I don’t have the answer for u. I saw on the news that a man cut his wife and child throat an then his own. An he was successful will all three. His baby who was also in the car then suffocated in the car by the heat i quess. This is what brought me to this question. I find it very hard to believe that a person who is not mentally ill An has for all everyone knows a normal and healthy family life that he could be done that. I just think someone else
dis it an made it look like a murder suicide. The thought is just really bothering me. The family is so confused an also don’t believe that it was h
I don’t have the answer for u. I saw on the news that a man cut his wife and child throat an then his own. An he was successful will all three. His baby who was also in the car then suffocated in the car by the heat i quess. This is what brought me to this question. I find it very hard to believe that a person who is not mentally ill An has for all everyone knows a normal and healthy family life that he could be done that. I just think someone else
dis it an made it look like a murder suicide. The thought is just really bothering me. The family is so confused an also don’t believe that it was him. The lady was also pregnant.
Its a sad story. So I wanted to know if it is even possible or a likely way to end your own life. They were found in a car by the side of the road. I really hope u are not suicidal an that u find the right help. There is always a way out. Even when it seems impossible. U matter. An there are people that love u. Take good care. An don’t be afraid to ask for help.

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