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Slimdog Little Girl 3d Porno


Slimdog Little Girl 3d Porno
multimedia d'orixe xaponés que representa neñes menores d'edá nun contestu eróticu / From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Loli-con (ロリコン) ye la contraición xaponesa de "Lolita complex" (complexu de Lolita, deriváu a la so vez de la novela Lolita de Vladimir Nabokov ), que ye l'atracción sexual haza les neñes menores d'edá. S'emplega pa referise al anime , manga y otres formes d'arte visual que contienen representaciones sexuales o erótiques de neñes preadolescentes, y tamién se refier a les persones mayores d'edá que se sienten sexualmente atrayíes haza elles. Al nun tratase de neños reales, estes imáxenes nun se suelen considerar como pornografía infantil .
Anguaño en Xapón esisten ciertes restricciones col Loli-con tales como la censura de los xenitales, polo cual ye más común que'l material base'l so conteníu en doble sentíu faciendo alusiones al actu sexual, que la representación del coitu en sí.
L'equivalente masculín del loli-con ye'l shota-con .

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メイニャ (フィギュア) KADOKAWA(カドカワ) メイドインアビス
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スタチューレジェンド ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 第3部 「... メディコス・... ジョジョの奇... スタチューレ...
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クラウディア・バレンツ ネグリジェVer. (フィギュア) Wonderful W... 1/7 アトリエシリ...
レイカは華麗な僕のメイド レイカ (フィギュア) レチェリー(Le... 1/5 レイカは華麗...
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肉感姉妹 イゾーレ (フィギュア) insight(インサイト) 1/7
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Wonderful Works(ワンダフルワークス) ライザ(ライザリン・シュタウト) ネグリジェVer. 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルカンパニー ねんどろいど デンジ 再販予約開始しました。

マウスユニット 【真夏の眼帯】 アイナ・ウィンチェスター 予約開始しました。

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グッドスマイルカンパニー ねんどろいど 喜多川海夢 予約開始しました。

マックスファクトリー ねんどろいど ルーシィ・ハートフィリア 予約開始しました。

FREEing(フリーイング) トール バニーVer. 予約開始しました。

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チューベローズプラス|オーキッドシード サキュバス ティティ Illustrated by 玉之けだま 予約開始しました。

Reverse Studio(リバーススタジオ) ドールズフロントライン OTs-14 紫雨心 重傷Ver. 予約開始しました。

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Questioners(クエスチョナーズ) 『アズールレーン』 イラストリアス オトメユリの輝きVer. 予約開始しました。

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insight(インサイト) 加瀬大輝 イラスト 「しゃがみJKさん」 脱衣ver. 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルカンパニー POP UP PARADE ゼロツー 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルカンパニー ねんどろいど ニャンコ先生 予約開始しました。

WAVE(ウェーブ) すーぱーそに子 【白水着style】 予約開始しました。

マックスファクトリー figma ランサー/アルトリア・ペンドラゴン 予約開始しました。

WINGS inc.(双翼社) Anmi 灰色アヒルの子メイド姿 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルカンパニー ねんどろいど 戌神ころね 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルカンパニー ねんどろいど 猫又おかゆ 予約開始しました。

SkyTube(スカイチューブ) 水原麻利亜 illustration by たかやki 予約開始しました。

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HOBBYMAX(ホビーマックス) 綾波レイ Ver.RADIO EVA Part.2 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルカンパニー POP UP PARADE ターニャ・デグレチャフ 予約開始しました。

メディコス・エンタテインメント TVアニメ 「失格紋の最強賢者」 イリス 予約開始しました。

マックスファクトリー POP UP PARADE さくらみこ 予約開始しました。

FREEing(フリーイング) ディアンヌ バニーVer. 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルアーツ上海 ねんどろいど Hiiro 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルカンパニー ライザ(ライザリン・シュタウト) 水着Ver. 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルカンパニー ねんどろいど 兎田ぺこら 予約開始しました。

マックスファクトリー figma バーサーカー/宮本武蔵 予約開始しました。

NEKOYOME(ネコヨメ) ココナツ レースクイーンver. 予約開始しました。

マックスファクトリー POP UP PARADE 各務原なでしこ 予約開始しました。

ユニオンクリエイティブ かえるのこイラスト 『猫』 予約開始しました。

SkyTube(スカイチューブ) 濡れ女神 illustration by 魔太郎 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルカンパニー ねんどろいど カグラナナ 予約開始しました。

グッドスマイルカンパニー ランサー/源頼光 [AQ] 予約開始しました。

Q-six(キューシックス) みんなのお肉 高木さん 予約開始しました。

FREEing(フリーイング) シオン バニーVer. 予約開始しました。

APEX(エーペックス) 原神 甘雨 循々守月Ver. ※特典付 予約開始しました。

SkyTube(スカイチューブ) エルフ illustration by けけもつ 予約開始しました。

FREEing(フリーイング) 水原千鶴 バニーVer. 予約開始しました。

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Club Mistress

Given that Club Mistress is purely a women's play club (a strict "no cameras, no men" rule is enforced at meetings and parties), it's not surprising that the members are so covert. After all, the Mistresses who run the show (other participants are subservient "Girls") are seasoned pros, not exhibitionists looking to entertain the testosterone set. Club Mistress isn't a haphazard horndog fest, either. There is a strict set of rules everyone must follow (including not revealing the identity of other club members or discussing club activities with outsiders). Meetings take place at local lesbian bars and strip clubs, and play parties happen at private homes, with everything organized well in advance of the event dates. The club has no membership fee, phone number or address. So, how does a gal get into Club Mistress? (Guys, forget it you'll never get in.) The best we can tell you is to poke around on MySpace. But be aware that if the Head Mistress approves your membership and you attend a play party, participation is mandatory.

Firefighters! You gotta love 'em. They save lives. They put out fires. They make a nice pot of chili. And sometimes they screw sheep, too! At least that's what Mesa deputy fire chief Leroy Donald Johnson was accused of doing last March, when he was busted for allegedly screwing his neighbor's lamb. What made this particular chorus of "Baa Baa Fire Chief" so fun to sing was the accompanying police report, an eight-pager (with pictures!) so full of yuks you'd swear it was a hoax. According to the report, when Alan Goats (we swear, that's his name) found Leroy in his barn his pants around his ankles and a small gray ewe between his legs Johnson laughed and hollered, "You caught me, Alan, I tried to fuck your sheep!" So there's little question that, er, mutton happened. Rather than leaving Leroy on the lamb, coppers hauled him off to the Fourth Avenue jail; later, Mr. Johnson (who was charged with disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing) was dumped by Mesa firefighters. But he'll always have his Lambkins.

A first date should be relaxed, fun and easy to escape if something goes horribly wrong. A 24-hour coffee shop with a weekly poetry slam is exactly what the date doctor prescribes. Counter Culture Cafe is a bohemian hideaway, with art by locals lining the walls, and bookshelves stocked with well-worn tomes to borrow. Seating is varied, which is ideal for a first date. You can opt for one of the smaller tables near the mic or choose a comfy couch if you want to test your date's cuddle potential. The Wednesday night Speak Up! open mic doubles as the perfect cover to avoid talking to Mr. Boring ("Shhh . . . I really dig the way this cat spits rhyme") or a conversation starter ("So what do you think of the establishment?"). Either way, you'll get the benefit of the Valley's best beatbox, urban, home-grown folk and old-school beatnik talents. Snap. Snap.

We love what Hollywood does with real-life miscreants, so this year's prime-time television take on polygamy really caught our eye. What HBO's Big Love series lacked in reality it made up for in high cheekbones and even higher-gloss soap opera antics, courtesy of co-creators Mark V. Olsen and Will Scheffer and a passel of midlevel movie stars. They took a randy religious practice involving multiple wives and pedophilia committed with underage "spiritual" brides and turned it into a weekly hour that's as down and dirty as an episode of Three's Company . The abuses of polygamy in the northern Arizona and southern Utah towns of Colorado City and Hildale never looked so good, particularly as described, over the years, in the pages of Phoenix New Times , where John Dougherty broke much of the news about the real-life polygamists. But leave it to HBO to turn a program about a perverted practice that enslaves women into must-see TV. We defy you to look away from Utah polygamist Bill Henrickson (played by Bill Paxton) or his wives Barb, Nicki, and Margene (Jeanne Tripplehorn, Chloë Sevigny, and Ginnifer Goodwin), who live in three separate houses on the same hunk of suburban crabgrass. Despite our better judgment, we haven't been able to turn off this sudsy mess, which returns for a second season next month.

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Zen Bar at Zen 32

It's time to relax, and one beer stands clear. Not Miller, fools. Kirin Ichiban! A tall frosty pint glass of Kirin will chase away that desert-induced tickle in the back of your throat. Of course, it's best to imbibe where there's the appropriate Nipponese grub, a chill atmosphere, and some bar stars of both sexes for gawking purposes. Hey, you can eat sushi anywhere. But in the enclosed confines of the Zen Bar, with Japanese anime being screened on one wall, sexy bartenders, a hella-hip vibe, and that already mentioned glass o' Kirin fresh from the tap, the tuna roll or yellowtail maki just seems to taste better. And the restaurant serves sushi 'til midnight, which helps. Plus, most nights of the week, there's a reverse happy hour, with some free noshes provided. So let's get crackin' at it like a bag of knuckles. And if you arrive there first, pardners, save us a corner seat.

We love the concept behind happy hour cheap drinks and eats and a way to avoid traffic for a while after work. But the reality of happy hour usually sucks: We can only consume so many Buffalo wings and Bud Lights. Which is why Caffe Boa is our favorite place to blow off steam, and enjoy libations after a long workweek. Glasses of wine from the cafe's impressive list are half-price (try the Sauvignon Blanc Dry Lands from New Zealand). Bread and oil is served free, and, combined with a few glasses of wine, we usually call it dinner. If you're classier than we are and like actual appetizers with your drinks, check out the formaggi piatti a fancy way of saying "cheese plate" or the bruschetta. The atmosphere is better than most happy hours no unruly drunks in sight but you can still escape, nice and toasted, for less than $20.

Voting ain't what it used to be, at least if the pathetic local and national turnouts in recent years are any indication. But given the choice of sitting on our behinds and whining about the sad state of affairs or casting our votes for whatever sorry sucker somehow strikes our fancy, we'll take the latter. That brings us to this spotless assisted-living facility, which also serves as a refuge for people with Alzheimer's disease. You've never seen volunteer service like this in your life. Probably three volunteers all of them in the homestretch of life for each voter. You need a glass of water before you start fooling with those chads or whatever they are? They'll fetch one for you. Hungry? They've got snacks. Need a quiet place to make up your mind once and for all? No problem. These well-informed oldsters are thrilled just to be alive; helping the electorate is gravy. Now if only we could convince one of them to run for office.

Giuseppe's Italian Kitchen owns this spot, like Mark Cuban owns the Dallas Mavericks. Of course, it costs the Eye-tie eatery a pretty penny. Three hundred of them, to be exact. See, the corkage fee at Giuseppe's, the no-frills eatery with the way -above-average fare that's owned by Richard Bock, principal cellist for the Phoenix Symphony, is only $3 per bottle. That's about what you'd tip a Scottsdale valet these days. So rather than pay the 200 to 300 percent markup at some hoity-toity grub house for a jug of vino that'd cost you $10 at Trader Joe's, you can bring in your own fermented grape juice and sit down for a nice plate of linguini or baked ziti. See, Bock's in it for love, not moola. So he's fine with turning a modest profit without gouging his customers. Other restaurants allow BYOB, but we've yet to find a place that's anywhere near as low as at Giuseppe's on the corkage, so this space will remain as a free advert for Bock & Co., up until someone else out there in restaurant land finally gets a clue.

Janet Napolitano's the hands-down champion when it comes to political maneuvering around here. The mere fact that a woman who comes across as this butch can get elected governor and, before that, attorney general in Arizona (of all places) is testament to her political IQ. Plus, she's a bleedin' Democrat! Somehow she's been able to avoid all the hot-button issues, or make us think she cares hugely about them without really doing much, and now the pollsters have declared her unbeatable this election year. She offended her bedrock feminist voters by refusing to step in to stop the rape of little girls by the polygamists of Colorado City (would have pissed off too many powerful mainstream Mormons who pull the purse strings in this state), but who else are feminists going to vote for in the governor's race? Whenever we criticize her at a cocktail party, longtime lefty Arizonans (yes, there are one or two) chime in: "But you should've been here in the past she's so much better than anybody else we've had as governor!" She came out strongly that something should be done about illegal immigration but vetoed every Republican-inspired measure the Legislature came up with to beef up patrols along the border. Oh, right, she supported putting some National Guardsmen down there. Big whoop! Now, we richly enjoyed seeing knee-jerk Neanderthals like Representative Russell Pearce put in their place, but we recognized Janet's tactics as classically, well, Janet. That is, she makes a lot of noise about solving a problem that's big with voters and then takes the least possible action. Yet it's all working. There's not a candidate around least of all the GOP's Len Munsil who has a snowball's chance in the Sonoran Desert of unseating her. She's gotten so powerful that, if she really is gay (like a lot of people think), Napolitano could come out and say so and still get elected. She'd be the first lesbian governor. We'd certainly never hold it against her. But she'd never do that ! Which is why she gets our nod as best pol this year. A great career politician never does anything that's even slightly risky. A great politician stands firmly in the middle of the road.

Whenever we get that little desert tickle in the back of our throats, we do what the po-po do: Park it next to Sonora Brewhouse and amble inside for a pint or three of one of Sonora's locally produced brew-ha-has. Not that we're saying the Phoenix PD drink on the job, but it just so happens that we always see plenty of cop cars in the SB parking lot. Hey, Five-0 knows quality when they taste it, and we're about 95 percent certain they wait until they're off duty to imbibe. The rest of us, however, need not wait to quaff Sonora's hand-crafted beers, like its refreshingly smooth pale ale, its hoppy IPA, or its chocolaty-malty super-dark porter. Just belly up to the bar, matey, or, if you're in a rush, Sonora also does jugs of its brew to go. We advise you not to drink it in your car, though. After all, the po-po are watchin'.
























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