Slim Teens Pov Pics

Slim Teens Pov Pics


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48,8 × 31,1 см • 300 точек на дюйм • JPEG 
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4k00:13Attractive young people walking down the beach laughing and having fun
4k00:25Three beautiful women relaxing at a swimming pool
4k00:16Teenage girl friends disconnected using mobile phones bored of conversation
hd00:12Two women and a man together at the beach as another girl appears
hd00:11Close up shot of two girls talking and laughing while lying flat along the shore.
hd00:10Friends laughing while giving high-five on the beach
4k00:12Girls in bikini posing on the edge of yacht
hd00:12Women sitting at the beach together and smiling
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48,8 × 31,1 см • 300 точек на дюйм • JPEG 
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4,2 × 2,7 см • 300 точек на дюйм • JPEG 
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I’m not like most women. I know what I want for dinner because I’ve been thinking about it since lunchtime.
While attempting to find a royalty free feature photo for this article, I probably spent more time rummaging for one than I did actually writing. My search terms included:
Out of the hundreds of results that turned up, the only photos of any women remotely bigger than size “emaciated,” were wearing office clothing.
Okay, so I’m exaggerating on the emaciated point, but it’s disgusting that the term sexy woman equates to slim or buff, with a sand-covered ass in a thong.
I settled on the photo above because she was virtually the only one who looked like an average girl in an average world. Unfortunately, average doesn’t seem to equate to what the bulk of humanity considers sexy and attractive.
I get that body image is a thing for many women, which is sad because the reason most women feel insecure with their bodies is due to standards set by society. Think about that for a minute. The only reason a size 14 woman may feel self conscious is because someone else said size 14 is bigger than normal.
At 165 pounds, I’m probably considered overweight for my measly little height of 5'5". But should I wish instead, to look like I need to eat a sandwich?
While I give plenty of credit to both men and women, who work their tight butts off at the gym, what is the reason for body building, body slimming, body sculpting? Is it to impress other people?
It’s because society set a standard that told us this is what’s attractive.
Without those standards we would only strive to be healthy in the bodies we’re given.
I’ll tell you what’s most attractive. A heavier woman doing the splits, or engaging in a yoga pose that average women can’t pull off. Or a healthy sized woman with better flexibility than a lanky woman in a bikini.
I can’t even express how much I’d rather see that woman above, rock her everything, than see a 110 pound woman who doesn’t eat properly, be unhealthy at the cost of looking “good” to society.
That woman above could save my life if she had a rope and I fell into a river. That is sexy.
Perhaps one of the biggest reasons women strive for unattainable bodies, stems from a desire to look appealing to men. Women feel it’s necessary to rely on visual appeal rather than their personality, charm, or inner qualities.
The problem is if a man chooses you based solely on your body and appearance, you subject yourself to maintaining it all the time. You may even attract the type of man who shames you into maintaining it. So then, what is your relationship built on outside of superficial effects?
If these are the types of men you’re attracting in your quest to be typically beautiful, you may need to reevaluate your choices.
If any man ever attempted to make a negative comment about my appearance, he would be shown the door faster than he can blink. He would also probably get a well-earned kick in the ass on the way out.
I’ve written plenty about men I’ve been in sexual relationships with, all of whom are at least ten years younger than me, and very nice looking guys. Not a single one of them has ever eluded to my body being too big or not perfect enough. None of them have ever stopped touching me just because I have stretch marks.
In fact, I’ve experienced the opposite. I’ve been complimented and even revered for my shapely figure. This is proof that regular men are out there and the appreciative ones will naturally sift through the superficial ones, to find you. If they’re not currently finding you, perhaps it’s because you’ve subconsciously blocked them out in your quest for the superficial ones.
The key is to be comfortable in your own skin. You’ll naturally attract people who are meant to add value to your life, but only if you first see value in yourself.
Let me ask you something. Have you ever watched yourself and a partner having sex in the mirror? Have you ever observed him giving you the backshot (from behind), and seen the way a healthy sized ass ripples when his body hits yours? I’m sorry but that is sexy AF.
It’s even sexier if both his hands are gripping your sizable butt cheeks while he’s behind you.
I watch a good amount of porn and it’s as if sex with a tight, sleek woman takes away from the carnal appeal of it. Nothing is moving. It’s like slapping a board.
Maybe that’s just me, but no it’s not just me. It’s the truth.
Here’s the thing. Our bodies are what we’ve been given and I can’t knock anyone’s natural state. I’m aware that some women are slim by design so I can’t tell them to go eat a sandwich.
I’m not advocating for any particular size over another, but I do advocate for loving what you naturally are. Stop trying to be a size 6 if you’re a size 14, and start being a healthy size whatever you are.
I grew through my teen years with a girl who was always tall and slim, while I’ve always been shapely. I watched her eat burgers, fries, and junk food like it was a religion. Even though she looked typically desirable on the outside, I can guarantee she wasn’t healthy on the inside.
Treat yourself kindly and treat yourself with love. Those who appreciate your body for what it is will reward you for it.
Shouldn’t that be what matters? I mean, that and doing the splits.
Or is it possible that fat people exclude themselves?
Would you rather look pretty or parent responsibly?
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Freedom Writers of the Unpopular Opinion
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