Sleepover Surprise For Sleeping Teens

Sleepover Surprise For Sleeping Teens


Throw a slumber party that your kids and their guests won’t soon forget with these epic sleepover party ideas for food, games, activities, and more! As parents, we want to make sure our kids have the most epic slumber parties ever. We want to help them create memories that will last for a lifetime. Below are 17 sleepover ideas that are sure to spark your creativity. The best part is they work for lots of age ranges (like teens and tweens) and boys, or girls. The sleepover hacks below work for birthday parties too! 
No sleepover party is complete without snacks! If you need awesome sleepover party snack ideas check out our post with party appetizers to make sure the night is perfect!
These sleepover tips and tricks will keep every kid entertained the whole night. Each boy and/or girl will go home talking about this being the most fun slumber party they have been to, giving you the best results!
Making crayon lipstick is a fun way to entertain tweens and teens at a sleepover. You’ll be able to make lots of fun colors for mere pennies. Plus, you get to use your kids’ old broken crayons that are just lying around or are stuck in the bottom of their art box. This technique uses a candle warmer to melt the crayons. The candle warmer keeps the crayons warm but not too hot. This means even younger kids can have a great time making crayon lipsticks too.
DIY Kool-Aid lip gloss is a fun, tasty, and colorful idea. Homemade Kool-Aid lip balm is another perfect way to keep tween and teens busy with only three ingredients. To make different colors or flavors you can mix different Kool-Aid packets together. You can get as creative as you want! It also makes a great addition to birthday goodie bags and the kids do all the work.
Not a lot of sleeping happens at night during a sleepover but just in case there is a genius idea of turning your outdoor cushions into sleepover mats to add extra sleeping space. This DIY is fun, easy and even uses dental floss as one of the materials. Who can resist such a cute place to rest and they fold up for easy storage?
Sleepovers are fun but let’s be honest, they are exhausting. These easy mini cereal boxes are a great way to provide each guest with her own individual breakfasts. You don’t have to worry about getting up super early to make sure breakfast is served. They will have a great time serving themselves. Another fun breakfast idea is to have the kids make cereal necklaces so you get a relaxed morning!
No boy sleepover is complete without a pillow fort. The best part is that pillow forts use items you already have like pillows, cushions, blankets, and sleeping bags. If you use the side of your couch or love seat it helps the fort be sturdier. These forts are perfect for eating snacks, reading, giggling (because that usually happens a lot at slumber parties), and of course, sleeping. So grab what you have and start building! 
No sleepover is complete without movies and snacks. A DIY popcorn bar will have kids raving! M&Ms, chocolate, gummy bears and more all make terrific popcorn add-ins, so set up the perfect diy popcorn bar for movie night.
Whichever color bottle the spinner lands on, you must paint one toenail that color. What a fun sleepover game for girls! The game is completed when all 10 toes on all the guests have been painted. Don’t forget to get a picture with all of their painted toes at the end. This will be such a fun memory.
This is a great way to stay on schedule with a sleepover. Write each activity on a piece of paper and place it inside a balloon. Keep the activities a surprise until it’s time to do them. Each activity in a balloon will be popped at the specific time that’s written on it. This builds anticipation, makes sure kids don’t rush through activities, and helps you remember everything you planned to do. This is also a great idea for birthday parties!
Playing glow-in-the-dark bowling is perfect for later in the evening. You just need glow sticks and water bottles. Add different colored glow sticks to individual water bottles for a colorful glowing effect. To add an extra special touch put glitter in the water bottles to make them sparkly!
Luxury camping? Yes Please! Slumber party tents are so popular. The idea is to set up tents over each child’s sleeping space and add twinkle lights up above to mimic stars. If the weather is right you can take your tents outdoors for your sleepover, and enjoy the real thing! One nice thing is that some party rental supply stores have all of the materials you need to make an adorable glamping sleepover without breaking the bank. Besides tents and lights, what are some other things you can add to make their glamping experience extra special?
Making personalized pillowcases as a memento from the party can be a huge hit! It is another fun party favor to remember the party long after it’s done. A great part of these pillowcases is how many different ways they can be decorated. You can decorate them by using fabric paint, tie-dye, markers, iron-on transfers, and more. Each kid leaves with something unique to their personality but all of the kids have a great reminder of the slumber party.
Not much sleeping happens at a slumber party but maybe more will if each kid makes a personalized sleep mask. Fabric markers work great to create the perfect result each girl is looking for. Don’t forget to snap a picture of all the girls together wearing their masks. So fun!.
Kids love being in photos, so a DIY photo booth with lots of fun props will be a total hit at your sleepover! They make great keepsakes for long after the party. Turning the photos into cards for each girl is super easy too. Just fold a piece of cardstock in half, use double-sided tape to attach a 4”x6” photo on one side, and write your message! 
If your little girls are obsessed with fairies, make these super simple fairy wands with glue sticks and glitter. Each girl can search for their own “wand” making each one even more special. Adding sequence, glitter, or paint can add even more creativity and keep them entertained longer. They’re surprisingly easy to make!
Need a way to break the ice? With this game, you take a beach ball and write funny or interesting questions on it to create this Toss and Talk game. Each person takes a turn answering a question when the ball is thrown at them. Party guests will know each other better and feel more comfortable together in no time at all.
No sleepover is complete without cute pajamas! Each guest gets a pair of matching or coordinating pajamas. You can either deliver them before the party or just have everyone change into their jammies as they arrive. Either way, coordinating pajamas are sure to make for a successful slumber party.
Set up a laser maze for the kids to go through in the hallway. You use crepe paper and tape to create “lasers” that each kid must avoid to make it through the hallway. You can have each kid pretend to be secret agents that are on a mission. It is their goal to complete the mission and the laser obstacle course is part of their mission. Some other ideas are for kids to pretend they are superheroes, bank robbers, or pirates in the jungle. This is a great game to wear kids out and help them settle down later in the night.
It doesn’t matter if you are planning a sleepover for teenagers, tweens, or kids these ideas are sure to inspire a great party. One of the greatest memories kids have is fun sleepovers with their friends. From glamping sleepovers to DIY party favors these slumber party ideas are sure to be huge hits that your kids love and remember always.
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The Pros and Cons of Teen Sleepovers
Here are a few things to consider if your child is planning to stay overnight with friends.
The Pros and Cons of Teen Sleepovers
Your children may have started sleeping over at their friends' homes during the middle school years or perhaps when they were even younger.
Maybe their first sleepover was at a relative's house or related to a school trip. When kids are younger, sleepovers are mostly about bonding and growing up. Parents are usually in touch with the parents of their younger kids' friends and can easily check in and find out about the plans for the evening.
Fast forward to the teen years, and sleepovers aren't so straightforward. When your kids get older and more independent, you're probably not as connected to their friends' parents, so plans for the evening are likely less clear.
Yes, I do feel that there is some merit to the sleepover in adolescence. Teens need to learn to function as members of a group not only at school and at extracurricular activities but also at the homes of others. It's also important for them to develop the ability to function well away from home. After all, many of them will be away at college or living on their own in just a few years.
However, I have some concerns about the teen sleepover, and I feel that you should be aware of what goes on at sleepovers away from your home. It's also my hope that when your teen's friends are sleeping over at your house you will be mindful of these concerns.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
A sleepover is likely to disrupt more than teen's sleep schedule. In many cases, when you get a group of teens together who are spending the night, they stay up very late. This, of course, leads to sleep deprivation, and that can lead to tired, reckless and distracted driving. Sadly, I have heard of tragic car accidents following sleepovers. While this is probably the worst-case scenario, sleep deprivation is never associated with anything positive. The day following a sleepover is often characterized by irritabilty and difficulty concentrating. I suggest that you limit consecutive sleepovers because of this issue. I'm sure you're already painfully aware of how sleep deprivation affects your teen's behavior and mood.
They might be up to something else entirely. Teens sometimes sleep over at friends' homes simply to have fun and spend time together. At other times, however, they're sleeping away from home so that they can go to parties that you wouldn't allow them to attend. They may also be sleeping elsewhere to avoid getting caught drinking. After all, if they're not coming home after spending the evening drinking, then you won't be able to smell alcohol on their breath or take note of their behavior. I certainly hope that this isn't what's happening, but I know teens and how they attempt to avoid supervision from parents.
Your teen might act like a different kid. Sometimes teens will behave differently in groups than they will when they're alone or even with one or two friends. When you put a group of teens together at a sleepover, that can increase the risk they will engage in reckless behavior. This includes misusing social media and posting photos and comments that they would not post in the light of day when they're not influenced by group dynamics. Talk to your teens about your expectations for appropriate use of social media at all times. I suggest randomly looking at your teen's use of social media as well, so that you're aware of what's going on in his or her virtual life. Also, keep in mind that teens may be using the sleepover as a way of spending time with a romantic partner. Pay attention to this, as I hear about this scenario frequently.
I'm not suggesting banning your teens from sleepovers, but instead that you keep an eye on things. Get to know their friends before you allow them to spend long days and nights at their homes. Try your best to become acquainted with their friends' parents. Let your teens know that they have the right to leave sleepovers if they begin to feel uncomfortable. I am always a fan of parents letting their kids of all ages know that they will pick them up from uncomfortable situations at any time of day and night.
OK, I have warned you about the risks associated with teen sleepovers. Be aware. Here's to safer nights!
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Sleepover Surprise For Sleeping Teens

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