Sleeping Sister Feet

Sleeping Sister Feet


Sleeping Sister Feet
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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · # 2207622
Created: December 12th, 2019 at 12:31 am
Modified: December 12th, 2019 at 12:31 am

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One day I was lying in bed waking up from a dream that I got turned on by. I checked my phone and realized it was a quarter passed 10. I got up and made myself some breakfast and continued down into my “man cave” or should I say basement. I was 12 around this time so I called the rooms in my house different names. Anyway I had my video games in the basement so I went to play Black Ops 2 on my XBOX 360. After about an hour of playing I got bored so I decided to go upstairs and go on my phone, but right before I made it to my room my mom came outside her bedroom telling me that my cousin, Bella is going to come over. Bella is 4”6 and has beautiful blonde hair. Her face is perfect and she wears size 5 or 6 shoes. My mom told me that she had to go to out of town for something so I have to take care of her, which I didn’t mind because I thought this could be a good opportunity to get some feet in my face. About half an hour later there was a knock at the door. I went over to open the door and saw my 9 year old cousin standing there. I invited her in and my mom left the house saying her usual goodbyes. After that Bella and I were standing there thinking about what we can do until I suggested we can play with some toys that I still had from when I was younger. Bella said ok and we went to my room. My mom wasn’t going to be back until the next day so we had a lot of time by ourselves. Bella took off her shoes while we were playing and I caught a small whiff of her smelly socks. I, of course didn’t say anything about it and I kept playing with tiny army soldiers while still smelling the faint smell of smelly socks. Bella got bored pretty quick because the toys I had were not really her type so we decided to go downstairs to see if she liked any of the video games that I play. She tried out a few and didn’t enjoy them so she said that we should play cops and robbers. I agreed and we started playing. I pretty much only played as a robber and when I stole something we made a deal that I can only crawl away. Well turns out I was at a severe disadvantage because whenever I crawled away she would always catch up to me and tackle me on the ground. She was enjoying tackling me and I was enjoying being dominated. One one of the rounds she decided to step it up a notch and play with me. When she tackled me she sat on my stomach and put her smelly socks on my face. She put her toes on my eyes and all I saw were her small pink socks. Her socks smelled so vinegary and had a sweet pure smell at the same time. I was pretending to struggle but I started to get hard, but luckily she didn’t notice. She smothered me for about 10 minutes then she took off her socks. She placed her socks on my nose and giggled that little girl laugh. She started slapping my face with her feet saying, “Smell my stinky feet” I was in heaven but she kept slapping my face with her feet making my cheeks red. I started to eventually cry because it was really hurting. She stopped slapping me and wiped my tears with her toe and put her pink pure toe in my mouth. I got so hard that I curved my body. She smothered me under her toes for another 30 minutes until she went upstairs and grabbed her shoes. She found some tape and taped her shoe to my nose while she laughed and giggled hysterically as she watched me suffer and cry for help. After a while she decided she has had enough so she took the shoe away and forced me to lick and suck on her feet which tasted so good. About 45 minutes later she told me that, “You have to do whatever I want, is that clear older cousin”? I felt like the luckiest 12 year old in the world. Later on in the evening we were watching some cartoons and she told me she was hungry. So I went and made us both a meal. Bella told me not to eat my food yet because she wanted to try something. I said ok because I was forced to listen to her. She then without saying anything stomped and squished my food with her feet and she put my food inside her socks and told me eat my food like a dog while she makes me smell her feet. The food tasted almost the same but smelled different. As I was eating I was thinking how does she knew about this stuff at 9 years old. Later on in the night we were about to go to sleep but Bella told me to sleep on the same bed, head to toe. “You can already see where this is going”. She told me to try to stick all 5 of her small toes in her mouth. I agreed so I went along. I was just barley able to do it. Bella said you have to sleep with your nose in between my toes. That was easily the best night I have ever had in my entire life. The next morning I told Bella that we should visit our cousin Hiedy. We live in a really small town so it’s only a 5 minute walk away. While we were walking I couldn’t help but think how attractive my 9 year old cousin was. I knew it was wrong to get any ideas so I just continued on the walk without thinking to much about it. We finally arrived at our cousin Hiedy’s house. Hiedy is 11 years old and is 5”2. She also has blonde hair and she has size 7 shoes. When we walked in we told her that we are bored and we wanted to know if there was anywhere fun to go to. She said we should all go to the park so we decided to go to the park. All we did was play tag and normal kid games. When we came back we were extremely tired and my two cousins took a nap. I waited 15 minutes to make sure that they were sleeping until I went and started to smell their feet. I first went to smell Bella’s socks and they smelled so sweaty and dirty. They were so hard to resist, I Immediately got hard and I rubbed my hard on her small socked feet. After around 15 minutes I took off her socks and sucked on her socks.. I didn’t even care if she found out anymore. Her feet smelled So strong my nose was tingling. I started to lick her feet, then all of a sudden she started moving, I got scared and ducked under the side of the couch. She woke up and sat there for a minute trying to figure out what happened to her socks. I chose a really dumb place to hide because when she got up she stepped on my face. When she looked down she smiled and started jumping on my body. She was laughing the whole time while making fun of me for liking her feet. Apparently all this noise was enough to wake up Hiedy. She barged in through the door wondering what was going on, when she saw Bella standing on my face. She first looked at us weirdly then decided she was going to join Bella. Her feet were larger, not by much but still enough to give an instant boner. As they both made me sniff their young pure feet, they giggled and said, “Smell our feet, Smell our feet”. They were moving my face around with their toes. They moved my lips around and made it sound like I said, “ I love Hiedy and Bella’s feet. Hiedy’s feet wasn’t as strong as bell’s feet. Hiedy put her socks in my mouth and put her toe in my mouth to to make sure that it stays. While Bella is rubbing her feet all over my face and acting like a 4th grader saying, “I am your ruler bow down”. This continued for two hours until Bella looked at the clock and asked me, “ Doesn’t your mom get home at 5:00 PM. I said oh yeah. My face smelled like smelly sweaty socks and feet for the rest of the day. (Hope you guys enjoyed this story is purely fiction and it is my first time doing this so feedback would be great)

Ok I’m terrible at writing and would appreciate any and all criticism or editing help . But here is the first bit of a true experience from my past lemme know if anyone would be Interested in hearing more

Greetings To the Den

Long Time lurker making my first attempt at committing one of my experiences to writing.A little backstory I have loved feet (mature smelly ones particularly)for as long as I can remember and was “lucky”enough to have some odd interesting and enjoyable experiences from an early age I hope to share them with you all please excuse the rough edges and please constructively criticize.

Going back through years there are a couple instances with a couple of women or girls in my life that had varying impacts on my foot fetish but perhaps the most influential might perhaps be my own older sister.My sister and I are roughly 15 years apart Moms had my sister young but despite that we were always mostly close as she often babysat my younger brother and I when my mother was at work.Myself and my siblings are all mixed race to give you a description of my sister (please bare with me describing my sister in a way that doesn’t gross me out has its difficulty) she is fared skinned with long dark hair about 5”8 a “full bodied” woman she I suppose looks Latina or mullato if your familier with these term more importantly she wears a size 11 wide with shapely attractive toes and well proportioned soles always kept pedicured and we’ll maintained,but by far her feet’s most memorable quality is ther absolute reek........My sisters feet are by far some of the smelliest foulest soles I have ever smelled and that’s with women trying to smell them up my sister produces a literally eye watering smell with almost no effort.I want to be clear when I say eye watering I mean this 100% no hyperbole at all after a long hot day in her favorite work flats or house work shoes or god forbid twice worn stockings the smell literally made people my brother and I tear up.

Which is where we start the good part my sister was a bit of a disciplinarian my mother tending to be less strict with me her first born sister also had a bit of a sadistic streak and a tiny bit of jealousy at my mothers favoritism towards me.My sister delighted in devising new ways to torture my brother and especially myself and take great glee in finding every excuse to exact such punishment.My sister’s intense feet were a known fact in my household,My sister (let’s call her T)being T simply didn’t care.When she would arrive home from work in the evenings(secretary) she would promptly remove her shoes and leave them in the living room by the mantle(fireplace)and air out her large aromatic soles I vividly remember the almost physical strength with which her foot smell filled the room seconds after her well worn shoes hit the ground.The stench of her feet has an almost “warm shower quality right after work like baking bread or boiling water like her foot sweat makes it own steam.

Now I’m not sure exactly when this “punishment”began but it lasted many years even after my sister discovered my foot fetish(though with less frequency)her sadistic imagination in finding new ways to subject my brother and I too her smelly feet could rival some of the best foot smelling stories out there had she not been my sister I would say I’m the luckiest foot sniffer alive but the cards fall how the will.I consider myself atleast somewhat lucky because despite the gross conflict and feeling of shame I did enjoy smelling her feet and I did many many many times but this time I think I’ll cover the first incident that I can remember “the Foot”was new at the time but I remember knowing what’s coming this wasn’t the first time it happened but this is the first I recall

It was a cold winter morning perhaps December long island’s bitter wet chill was in the air and my brother and I ( maybe 10 and 6)were reluctant to rise from our beds for school our mother begged bargained and even bribed with porridge but neither of us wanted to leave that blanket 7:45 our mother frustrated with our resistance had made the announcement that usually had us up and mobile in seconds “you already missed first bell your goin be late!!”I’m getting your sister down here!”On most occasions this dire proclamation halted our sibling passive protest,fear of whatever reckoning our older sister could decide for us propelled us through the morning regime.....but today was different today we were tired cranky and anchored to our side by side twin beds.Both of us mostly conscious but holding to our guns knew our mother had bowed out we were at our tyrannical sister’s mercy my brother looked to me with questioning eyes wondering what our play was I nodded my resolve we both knew that missing the first bell meant we were already late rushing now was pointless as now our only chance for entry was the late bell we gambled that we won 20 mins of guaranteed snooze time whatever the cost would be worth it we were wrong.seconds after my nod we heard our older sister booming with a mix of morning aggravation but also her trademark sadistic glee”missed the first bell hunh boys? You know what that means right?we glanced at each other in confusion we knew missing the bell usually meant some kind of punishment usually quick as T was in a rush to get to work as well but her tone and confidence conveyed something different.Our minds just begin to wonder what torture she had in mind when our door burst open and she announced in a loud smiling voice “You get the Foot!”

My brother’s face slacked in defeat I began the all to familiar cycle of mixed emotions of shame anticipation disgust and arousal at the prospect of sniffing my sister’s ripe feet she continued grinning wider as she went since y’all got 20 whole minutes to lay in bed you get 20 minutes of the foot and still get to be on time! Great hunh? Should listened the first time.our mouths moved in protest that we knew was useless past experiences taught us anything but compliance made it worse she bolted to the dining room and retrieved her coffee and a dining chair she placed it at the foot of our twin beds down here face up she barked!in tandem we submitted to our fate our sister plopped one thick leg and huge foot on each of our beds near our faces clad only In her last Christmas worn fuzzy house slippers the smell already was assertive.she placed her big feet on the inside between us as we were both laying on our backs we had to look at each other to fulfill her next directive.Part of me knew what was coming next and it stirred a whirlwind of thought and emotion that’s almost beyond description to be clear I’m not attracted to my sister but I cant deny my reaction to her feet I’m much more comfortable with the concept today but back then it was a mindfuck!Added to the psychological aspects of the situation one has to address the physical effect of my sister’s feet.At such a tender age I had not built up The refined pallet required to appreciate my sister’s soles so on some occasions even I was overwhelmed.The reek from her feet has an almost thermal quality it’s thick consistent and is as unique as her finger print a sweaty cheesy odor that is at the same time leathery and rich and sharp and tangy at range it can make your food taste bad with your nose between her long thick toes it makes your mouth water and eyes water you get lost in the deep complexity of her miasma weather you like feet or not you can’t help but ponder the intricate layers that each inhale conveys to your brain.My brother and I shivered at what was to come him in pure disgust,me in a twisted mix of anticipation shame and also disgust.Her beloved well worn house slippers did little to contain the smell of there contents at this range but nothing could have prepared us for what came next. With a sip of her coffee and utmost confidence she ordered..... take em off.......The thing to remember about T’s feet is despite there consistency and unique signature each pair of feet wear produces a new unique experience.Leather work pumps impart ric
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