Sleeping Naked Wife

Sleeping Naked Wife


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Be it physical, mental or financial, there are plenty of perks to sleeping naked with your partner. Going to sleep naked is one of the little/simple things that can boost one’s marriage as this can perform wonders.
If you have ever dreamt about not wearing your steeping shirt, this will make your rest easy. You going to bed naked is quite freeing both physically and psychologically. You baring all while sleeping with your spouse builds trust.
Let’s not beat about the bush, the first and only that can set up in a better mood is sex.
If you and your spouse regularly sleep naked beside each other, there is the possibility that you will indulge in more lovemaking than you would when wearing those restrictive nightwears. The very thought of being naked is simply sexy and appealing to your spouse. That feeling you get from skin to skin makes you feel awesome sexually, especially, as this skin contact releases the oxytocin hormone that increases the feeling of comfort.
Apart from making you feel aroused, oxytocin also helps in trust issues, lowers heart rate, reduces blood pressure and simply prepares your body for sexual interaction. It has been proven scientifically that sleeping improves good health. Lying close to your husband or wife and cuddling while sleeping, is good for your general well being. It will improve your body metabolism because your body works when you are sleeping to maintain healthy body temperature. Whether man or woman, when you sleep naked, it ‘’airs out’’ your genital, which is covered on a daily basis further creating an ideal environment conducive for bacteria and yeast infection.
There is a sleep benefit in the sense that, the couple ends up having sound sleep. Take it or leave it, having a lower body temperature while at sleep helps you rest better and this is very conducive for anti-aging hormones to do their job.
There is also the angle of sexual benefits; sleeping naked is fun on its own. What better way to end the day other than skin to skin contact with your partner. It is a very cozy way to feel intimate with your spouse.
There is a universal truth that going to bed together as a couple does not determine equal relationship harmony, especially when you consider the aspect of snoring and tussling over who gets the duvet, these and others pitfall affect sound sleep with your spouse. Irrespective of these failings, there are perks you can take advantage of to enhance happiness in your marriage, not just in sharing a bed but in going to bed nude.
There is a new survey from Cotton USA which found that couples who sleep in the nude are happier than their clothed counterparts. Also, Stephanie Thiersratcliffe, of Cotton USA, suggested that such nudity, encourages openness and intimacy and therefore, leads to greater happiness between partners.
Letting your vagina air out overnight by sleeping nude can help keep you healthy and clean. As Nicole Prause, an Associate Research Scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, told Medical Daily, sleeping naked reduces the ability of those bacteria to ‘’overwhelm the normal healthy vaginal Flora’’.
Aside the fact that going to bed naked is a kind of easy way, obviously all that skin to skin contact helps to promote the cuddle hormone and other feel-good chemicals which will put you in the mood for sex, a very satisfying one that can result in orgasms.
Guys who sleep naked allow their testes to stay at cooler overall temperature as this will get the sperm happy and the reproductive system working normally. Gentlemen, if you are trying for a baby, sleeping naked with your spouse might just be all you need to improve your sperm count.
If you are feeling a little down, sleep nude to reinvigorate your love life; you will gain in more ways than one. Know that there is no biblical command that says couples have to be modest with each other. Actually, modesty is always framed in public context, where it is indeed important.
Proverbs 5:19, tells husbands to find satisfaction or delight in their wives’ breasts – which is somewhat difficult if she keeps them under lock and key, or layers of clothes. And in Songs of Songs, the lovers take great care to describe one another’s bodies in detail [read 4:1-7, 5:10-16, 7:1-9] including parts that could only be exposed when unclothed.
According to a survey conducted by Cotton USA, an internationally licensed trademark for quality U.S. Cotton – rich products, the naked truth to a happier relationship is sleeping naked which encourages physical and emotional intimacy between couples. Almost all experts seem to agree that sleeping nude increases likelihood of sexual intimacy.
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"The Act of Following with a View to Reach, Accomplish or Obtain"
Ya know another plus of being married…you get to have a slumber party with your best friend…EVERY NIGHT!!

Sometimes it is the simplest things that can really amp up your marriage, sleeping naked is one of those simple things you can do to improve your marriage.
Before you start throwing up objections and protests, read chapter 4 in Song of Solomon. Trust me, this is a beautiful expression of physical, sexual love between a husband and his wife. How about these verses from Proverbs.
And rejoice in the wife of your youth.
As a loving hind and a graceful doe,
Let her breasts satisfy you at all times;
Be exhilarated always with her love.”
Do you get where we are going here? Sleeping Naked is ok and very beneficial as well. Let me expand…
For the first 8 years of our marriage we rarely slept naked except for the occasional time when we, or me, was wanting to initiate sex. Yes, we had little ones and many a late night child excursion to attempt. Because of that, naked sleeping was not viable.
However, in the past 15 years Kerry and I have made it a point to come to bed naked every night. The exception is when we are at a Youth or Children Camp or Mission Trip, or if we are at a relatives home on vacation. Other than that, we crawl into bed sans clothing. 
First off, sleeping naked is quite freeing: Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. It really is. Baring yourself while you sleep with your spouse builds trust physically. Think of it this way, your body will produce higher levels of oxytocin. This hormone is also dubbed the “Love Hormone.” The more it is produced while with your spouse, the closer you will become physically. Next, baring all between the sheets will draw you together emotionally. Be presenting yourself naked on a daily basis will allow you to not be ashamed of your body, as well as your spouse’s body, and instead you will be drawn closer together. Finally, this will draw you both together spiritually. Your marriage is the shadow of what’s to come in heaven. This includes oneness physically. God intends you to be joined to your spouse physically and no one else. I already shared scripture that supports this as well.
Now let’s be truly honest with one another…The act of sleeping naked is simply sexy and appealing to your husband and/or wife! That skin to skin feeling also makes you feel sexy. Like I stated before, skin on skin contact releases the hormone oxytocin which increases the feelings of comfort, oneness and intimacy. Oxytocin has other benefits as well like making you feel more aroused, increasing feelings of trust, lowers heart rate, reduces blood pressure and simply makes you more ready for sexual interaction. 
So, sleeping naked may just even put you in the mood for SEX. Yes, I finally went there…this will possibly lead to sex. 
So here are three advantages, or better yet, three benefits to sleeping naked!
Of course healthy spouses are happy spouses. Sleeping naked has been scientifically proven to improve health. 
Being close to your spouse and cuddling with your spouse is actually beneficial your health. 
Your skin can absorb more nutrients. 
Your metabolism will also improve because your body will have to work while you sleep to maintain that healthy body temperature of 98.6. 
For both men and women sleeping naked allows their genitals to “air out”. Your genitals are covered up all day, everyday which makes it an ideal environment for the overgrowth of yeast and bacteria which can lead to infection and discomfort. 

More sound sleep equals less overall stress. 
Feeling less stressed means less arguing and nit picking in marriages. 
You may not believe it, but having a lower body temperature while you sleep actually helps you to rest better.
This is also an ideal environment for the anti-aging hormones to do their job. 

Sleeping naked is also fun. What better way to end the day than to be skin to skin with your spouse.
It is an intimate way to sleep and will make you feel closer to your spouse. 
The skin to skin contact is a great way to get that intimate alone time that you cannot get anywhere else.
There have been nights when we go to bed exhausted and yet we are naked. Through out the night we are touching a feeling each other.
As a new day arrives and the house is quiet we find the perfect time to enjoy one another sexual and start our day off on the right track.
So here is our “Encouragement” for all you husbands and wives out there…
Free yourself from wearing clothes at night! Sleeping naked is a empowering situation for both of you!

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