Sleep Sperm

Sleep Sperm


Sleep Sperm

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In this study, sperm count is independently affected by sleep chronotype, sleep duration & social jetlag. The cumulative effect of sleep duration and social jetlag on total sperm count in the 3 chronotypes was -25.7% (earlier), -25.6% (intermediate) and -30.7% (later).
Previous studies reported that both a lack or excess of sleep duration has a negative impact on semen parameters, including sperm count.
In 2017 a clinical trial involving healthy men revealed that a later sleep midpoint time also decreased sperm count.
Similarly social jetlag, which best describes the change in sleep pattern from weekdays to weekends, has also been associated with reduced sperm count.
However, the question whether or not all 3 sleep behaviours affect sperm count independently of each other is currently unknown.
At the same time an individuals sleep chronotype (lark or owl) has also been linked to sleep duration and social jetlag, which may further alter the optimal sleep pattern.
To investigate the relationship between chronotype and sperm count taking into account sleep duration, sleep midpoint time, and social jetlag.
A total of 796 Chinese males enrolled in the MARHCS (Male Reproductive Health in Chongqing College Students) study were assessed against a strict inclusion / exclusion criteria.
Males diagnosed with urogenital system inflammation, epididymitis, testicular injury, incomplete orchiocatabasis, a history of varicocele medication, absence of prominentia-laryngea/pubes/testis, abnormal breast/penis, epididymal knob or varicocele were automatically excluded from the study to minimise any bias.
Sleep chronotype and behaviours was then estimated using the validated Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ) and semen samples collected following 2 to 7 days of abstinence.
Semen sample analysis was carried out within 1 hour of sampling, using computer-aided sperm analysis, of at least six areas and 400 sperm, to minimise human error.In this study, sleep duration was defined as the period from sleep onset to sleep end, with the midpoint specifically being the middle time point, whilst social jetlag was the absolute difference between the workday and free-day midpoints.
A variety of statistical methods (Pearson correlation, nonlinear regression, path analysis) was utilised to evaluate the potential relationship between chronotype, sleep behaviours and sperm count.
As per MCTQ recommendations, only data from 667/796 males was accepted for final analysis. For transparency, no difference in baseline characteristics or sperm count was observed between the 667 included males and 129 excluded males.
This final cohort of males, had a mean sleep duration, midpoint time and social jetlag of 7.8 ±0.8 hr, 04:36 ±0.7 hr and 1.0 ±0.6 hr, respectively.
Initial (univariate) analysis showed that sleep duration, midpoint and social jetlag, all correlated with sperm count independent of each other. This correlation remained true after adjustment for age, abstinence period, BMI, smoking, alcohol, tea, coffee and cola.
After advanced statistical analysis , each hour of sleep duration restriction or excess from the mean was associated with an overall -17.6% change in sperm count, whist each hour of social jetlag was linked to -14.5% change in sperm count.
Analysis of chronotypes according to the 3 types: earlier, intermediate and later, showed a sleep duration excess of 0.93 hr, 0.73 hr, and 0.66 hr respectively, leading to a decrease in sperm count of 16.3%, 12.8% and 11.6% respectively.
Similarly social jetlag across the 3 chronotypes was 0.64 hr (earlier), 0.88 hr (intermediate) and 1.32 hr (later), causing an independent decrease in sperm count of 9.3%, 12.8% and 19.2% respectively.
Overall the estimated cumulative effect of sleep behaviour in the three chronotypes was -25.7%, -25.6% and -30.7%.
The authors noted that men of earlier chronotype had a higher preference for improper sleep duration, while men of later chronotype had a higher preference for social jetlag, which potentially masked the individual correlations in previous studies.
This study was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Key R&D Program of China.
Epididymitis Inflammation of the epididymis, a highly convoluted duct behind the testis, along which sperm passes to the vas deferens.
Lark A person who habitually gets up early and feels energetic early in the day.
Owl A person who habitually goes to bed late and feels energetic in the evening.
Liu K, et al. (2020). Adverse effects of circadian desynchrony on the male reproductive system: an epidemiological and experimental study.
Rizk N I, et al. (2020). Attenuation of sleep deprivation dependent deterioration in male fertility parameters by vitamin C.
Cho J W and Duffy J F, (2019). Sleep, Sleep Disorders, and Sexual Dysfunction.
Liu M M, et al. (2017). Sleep Deprivation and Late Bedtime Impair Sperm Health Through Increasing Antisperm Antibody Production: A Prospective Study of 981 Healthy Men.
Chen Q, et al. (2016). Inverse U-shaped Association between Sleep Duration and Semen Quality: Longitudinal Observational Study (MARHCS) in Chongqing, China.
Alvarenga T A, et al. (2015). Impairment of male reproductive function after sleep deprivation.
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Adolescent or young adult males undergo several hormonal changes that can cause spontaneous erection during sleep. Such events are a part of normal development. It may also occur due to orgasms during sleep.
Semen is a whitish fluid that a man ejaculates from the penis. It mainly consists of seminal fluid and a small concentration of sperm. It often leaks during sexual arousal, which is normal, but some men may experience semen leakage while sleeping or urinating.
What are the reasons for sperm leakage in your sleep? Adolescent or young adult males undergo several hormonal changes that can cause spontaneous erection during sleep. Such events are a part of normal development. It may also occur due to orgasms during sleep.
In medical terms, it is called Nocturnal emissions or, in general, wet dreams or nightfall . It is a widespread phenomenon and is not a cause of concern but could be a reason for sperm leakage in your sleep.
Significant reasons for sperm leakage are:
Semen leakage before or after ejaculation is common and is considered normal. It is not a cause of concern.
If a man ejaculates while sleeping, the ejaculation is called nocturnal emissions. It is pretty standard in adolescents and youngsters. It may be due to arousal due to sexual dreams.
Retrograde ejaculation is when semen enters the urinary bladder instead of exiting the penis. It comes out with urine. It may happen if semen remains in the urethra after a recent ejaculation.
Inflammation of the prostate gland is prostatitis, and it is one of the significant causes of leakage.
Side effects of several medications like mood stabilizers or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a type of antidepressant, also spur ejaculation.
If the nervous system is damaged, it may lead to sperm leakage. It can be due to brain tumour, diabetes, injury to the head or spinal cord, and multiple sclerosis.
Most men don't require any treatment for sperm leakage issues. It is a natural physiological condition, though it may cause some discomfort. As you grow up, the reasons for sperm leakage in your sleep will become less frequent.
If it happens in excess and with more frequency, then only you need to consult a doctor. Following tips may control sperm flow at night:
If you have recently ejaculated and there is some semen left in the urethra, it may come out with urine. In some cases, the muscles that close the urinary bladder do not function normally. This sends semen backwards inside the urinary bladder at the time of ejaculation. As a result, the urine with semen is cloudy. This condition is called Retrograde Ejaculation and requires medical attention.
As you grow up, sperm should stop leaking with urine, but if that is not the case, then you may need treatment. If it occurs because of retrograde ejaculation, it may also lead to infertility as sperm will not reach your partner. In this case, you need to consult the doctor before your condition gets worse.
The cause of Retrograde ejaculation will decide the course of treatment. If ejaculation in urine is accompanied by pain or burning sensation, then it requires immediate attention. It may be related to the prostate gland. The doctor will decide on treatment options.
Treatment of semen leakage is decided based on the cause behind it.
Kegel Exercises Kegel Exercises help strengthen pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder and control the urine flow. Follow these steps to exercise these muscles:
This is how you do kegel exercises. For better results, perform them three to four times a day.
Alternatively, you can tighten your pelvic floor muscles by following these steps:
You must do this at least three to four times a day.
Meditation and Yoga Meditation and yoga will help relax your body, improve your sexual as well as emotional health.
Ayurvedic medicines for sperm leakage There are herbs and some ayurvedic medicines that can enhance your control over ejaculation. These herbs can also provide strength to genital nerves. Some common herbs are Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, Shatavari, Kesar, Shilajit, etc.
If taken with a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle, it can improve your leakage condition.
The pre-ejaculate is a liquid leakage before ejaculation. It is not semen but may have sperm mixed in it. Sometimes men leak semen before ejaculation. Some tips to stop early ejaculation are:
If pre-ejaculation occurs due to other causes such as erectile dysfunction, then you must visit the doctor.
Semen leakage can be an uncomfortable or messy situation, but it is normal for adolescents. However, if it doesn't reduce with age, you may require medical attention.
Spermatogenesis is developing male gametes, known as sperm, within the male reproductive organs called the testes.
Many believe that performing regular jelqing exercises can increase the length and girth of the penis. Jelqing exercises are one of the few solutions which doesn’t involve any chemicals or medicinal substances. It is a simple technique that claims to increase penis size by using hand exercises.
Medically Reviewed articles that enable men to live more confidently by understanding their health and wellness better.

SOURCE: Lauren Wise, Sc.D., professor, epidemiology, Boston University School of Public Health; Peter Schlegel, vice president, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, and professor and chair, urology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York City; Oct. 18, 2016, presentation, American Society for Reproductive Medicine annual meeting, Salt Lake City
Study found too little or too much shuteye linked to reduced chance of pregnancy
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 19, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- Sleeping too little or too much can affect a man's ability to impregnate his partner, new research suggests.
The "sweet spot" appears to be 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night, said study author Lauren Wise, a professor of epidemiology at Boston University School of Public Health.
Among the 790 couples the researchers followed, "we found both short and long sleep duration -- less than 6 hours or 9 or more per night -- were associated with a reduced probability of pregnancy ," Wise said.
Using 8 hours of sleep as the reference point, men who slept less than 6 or more than 9 hours a night "had a 42 percent reduced probability of conception in any given month," she added.
The main explanation is most likely hormonal, Wise said. Fertility experts know that testosterone is crucial for reproduction and the majority of daily testosterone release in men occurs during sleep, she explained. Total sleep time, in turn, has been positively linked with testosterone levels in several studies, she added.
All of the couples in the study were trying to conceive, and they had been trying for no more than six menstrual cycles. The couples answered questions about sleep patterns and whether they had trouble sleeping . Those men who had trouble sleeping more than half the time were also less likely to impregnate their partner than those who didn't, the researchers found.
While the study found only an association between sleep and fertility, "it can't prove cause and effect," Wise said.
But the link held up even after she took into account both the men's and women's ages, their body mass index, their frequency of intercourse, and other factors known to affect fertility.
More research is needed, Wise noted.
"It is possible that poor sleep duration could contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle, decreased libido, a decrease in sex, but we tried to control for all those factors," she said.
The finding is welcome news to Dr. Peter Schlegel, vice president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
"There is very little data about how men's sleep may affect fertility," he said. "We know any stress can affect fertility for both women and men. This study strongly suggests that for men, aiming for the 7 to [less than] 9 hours of sleep helps to optimize their fertility and their chances of contributing to a pregnancy."
Based on this new research, doctors counseling couples should talk about how much sleep the men are getting, Schlegel said. As for women and sleep, "we don't know for sure," he said.
Other research suggests that eating more fruits and vegetables yields better production of sperm than meats and fats, said Schlegel, who is chair of urology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City. Men who are at a healthy weight generally have better fertility, too.
One limitation of the study, Schlegel said, is that the researchers did not measure sperm counts. "But they looked at time to pregnancy," he said, and "most would say the chance of a pregnancy occurring is probably the best measure."
The findings were to be presented Wednesday at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine's annual meeting, in Salt Lake City. Research presented at medical meetings is considered preliminary until it is published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
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BTh./PhD program in Theology , Cypress Bible Institute ( Graduated 1997 ) · Author has 19K answers and 42.2M answer views · 4 y ·
I have stopped masturbating, but then sometimes I ejaculate in my sleep without doing anything. Why is this so, and how do I stop this from happening again?
Is it normal to ejaculate while sleeping, just before waking up and feeling it, for a 25 years old man that doesn't have sex or masturbate?
So I’ve been trying not to masturbate and it’s been going alright, but recently literally almost every time I sleep I have some dream where something sexual is happening and I cum and I can’t control it and I really need it to stop. Can someone help?
I am 22 years old and I still ejaculate in my sleep. It makes me annoyed. What should I do?
I'm 16 and I sometimes ejaculate during sleeping at night. Is it normal?
I have stopped masturbating, but then sometimes I ejaculate in my sleep without doing anything. Why is this so, and how do I stop this from happening again?
Is it normal to ejaculate while sleeping, just before waking up and feeling it, for a 25 years old man that doesn't have sex or masturbate?
So I’ve been trying not to masturbate and it’s been going alright, but recently literally almost every time I sleep I have some dream where something sexual is happening and I cum and I can’t control it and I really need it to stop. Can someone help?
I am 22 years old and I still ejaculate in my sleep. It makes me annoyed. What should I do?
I'm 16 and I sometimes ejaculate during sleeping at night. Is it normal?
I'm 18-years-old, I can't ejaculate when I want to, but I usually ejaculate while I'm sleeping. Why does this happens and is this a bad thing?
I'm 14 years old, and I cum in my sleep every day, but I don't want to cum and I hate that because it destroys my brain. What can I do?
I am 26 year old male. Till today I have not masturbated. Not even once. I do get erection when I feel sexually. I ejaculate semen when I am asleep at least once or twice in a month. When I am tried to masturbate only stick fluid comes out?
Why do I ejaculate when I get less sleep?
I got a dream regarding sex and at the same time my semen was ejaculated in real. How can a dream controls or affects the body physiological activities?
I am losing too much sperm when I am in sleep what should i do to stop this?
Why do I have to squeeze the cum out of my penis after I ejaculate?
I have stopped masturbating since 10 days, as I stopped masturbating I got ejaculated during sleep (not even wet dreams) is this a problem?
I am 17 years old and I have wet dreams and I cum at night while sleeping almost twice a week. Is it normal? Why this cumming happens so frequently? What can I do to overcome it? Is it bad for health?
Why do I ejaculate when I see a sexual dream, while my penis isn't physically stimulated?
I have stopped masturbating, but then sometimes I ejaculate in my sleep without doing anything. Why is this so, and how do I stop this from happening again?
Is it normal to ejaculate while sleeping, just before waking up and fee
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