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Home » News » INCEST: Father deflowered me on kitchen floor, tried to sleep with my younger sister too — Girl cries out
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A 19-year-old lady, Fatima Usman said that her 52-year-old father Usman Momoh took her virginity at age 12 on the floor in their kitchen in Owo area of Ondo state.
Fatima had in a viral video accused her biological father of having sexual intercourse with her since she was 12 years old.
She said that her father had been sleeping with her none stop while her mother always looks the other way whenever she reports to her.
According to her ” he would always threaten to kill me while holding a knife if I ever try to expose him.
Meanwhile, the wife of the governor, Mrs Betty Anyanwu Akeredolu has waded into the matter and sent a delegation to the family of the victim.
The delegation was led by the Senior Special Assistant to the governor on Gender Research and Documentation, Mrs Temitope Daniyan who was accompanied by officials of the Federation of Women Lawyers, FIDA.
Mrs Akeredolu’s intervention reportedly led to the re-arrest of the suspect who is garner in a tertiary institution in the state.
Police in the state had released the suspect after family members said they would settle the matter and that some rituals would have to be performed.
Speaking with newsmen, the victim said ” He normally wakes me up in the middle of the night in our room and take me to the kitchen to have sex with her. He usually holds a knife during the process.
Fatima said that whenever she made an attempt to tell her mother, she wouldn’t listen and the abuse kept coming regularly until last December when she decided to run out of home.
She pointed out that anytime her father woke her in the middle of the night and she refused, she would sleep outside their apartment till daybreak while her mother wouldn’t show concern to ask for the cause of her action.
Fatima who is just finished her Senior Secondary school explained that her father had made it a tradition to sleep with her before paying her school fees or fending for her needs.
She further alleged him of attempting to do the same with her junior sister who is 17years old.
The younger sister, Jemima confirmed this to the delegation sent to the family by the governors wife.
Jemila said her father once woke her up in the middle of the night under the guise of observing ablution but made a move to sleep with her but she refused and reported to her mother who scolded him not to try such again.
**Suspect attempted murder- Victim’s aunt
The victim’s aunt, Mrs Diamond, said the suspect, who is a gardener at the Rufus Giwa Polytechnic Owo, attempted suicide immediately after he confessed to the crime before his arrest
“He bought all the items for the ritual and they were taken to the village with a warning that the girl must never live under the same roof with him”.
** Am not aware of all these – Mother of victim
The 39years old mother of the girl claimed ignorance of the allegation when she met with the delegation.
* l slept with my daughter only once- Suspect
The father of Fatima, Usman Momoh has admitted sleeping with her but only once
Momoh while being transferred to the Ondo State Police Command headquarters said he had sex with his daughter only once.
He asked the society to forgive him as he has realised his mistake.
Momoh stated that he didn’t know what came over him when he committed the act.
* Suspect prosecution rest with Police
The Chairperson of Ondo Women Lawyers (FIDA) Barr. Bola Ogundadegbe told journalists that the prosecution of Momoh now rests with the police after conducting an investigation
Ogundadegbe said the victim would be counselled psychologically to enable her to come out of her current state of depression.
“We are going to give her psychological support. She needs our support morally because she is not stable.”
** The case won’t be swept under the carpet- Police
Police spokesperson, Tee Leo lkoro said that the suspect has been rearrested noting that ” this wasn’t the type of case that could be swept under the carpet.
“We will do everything possible within our means and legally to ensure that the man is prosecuted and the outcome will be known to everybody because I have listened to the girl and I think it’s pathetic. I was told that the man has been brought to the station because he was first granted bail”.
Ikoro said “proper arrangements were ongoing to transfer the man to the state Criminal Investigative Department today.


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When I was 12 years old I used to sleep beside my mother who was 31 years old. I did not know what was right or wrong, and she allowed or encouraged sexual contacts with her from me. Now, when I remember that I cannot live or sleep as a good normal Muslim. What is my situation in Islam, what can I do for God to forgive me and her?
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Know that Zina (adultery and fornication) is a major sin. Allah, The Great and Almighty, has mentioned it in the Quran and linked it with Shirk (polytheism). Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, says when describing His righteous servants (what means): { And those who do not invoke with Allah another deity or kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed], except by right, and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. And whoever should do that will meet a penalty. Multiplied for him is the punishment on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein humiliated - Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. } [Quran 25: 68-70]
If the punishment of Zina, in general, is in such a painful and an unbearable state, then it becomes worse and more severe if one commits such a crime with his Mahaarim [plural of Mahram], which means unmarriageable women such as mother, sister, daughter, …).
Therefore, many scholars of Islam believe that one who commits incest must be killed and such a state of Zina should not be dealt with as we deal with Zina in general whereas we differentiate between a married one and a single one.
It is reported in a sound Hadeeth that the Prophet ordered the killing of the one who marries his father's wife and taking his property. " [Abu Dawood]
When the Prophet was asked: “ Which sin is the greatest? ” He said: “ To set up rivals for Allah, your Creator. ” It is said: ‘ Thereafter? ’ He answered: “To kill your children for fear of eating with you (i.e. fear of want). It is said: ‘ Then, which is next? ’ The Prophet said: “ To have sex with your neighbor's wife. ” [Muslim]
Imagine how it is bad and dangerous to commit Zina with your neighbor's wife! But, it is more dangerous and worse to commit incest; i.e. sex with a mother, daughter, sister…!! We ask Allah to save all Muslims from committing such actions.
Anyway, it is your instant duty to repent sincerely, to regret and to seek Allah's pardon. In addition, you have to multiply your good deeds and avoid despair.
Allah Says (what means): { Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” } [Quran 39:53]
Thus, you have to take the lesson from what has happened between you and your mother so that you can recognize the bad consequences of giving up the Sharee'ah teachings and manners of behavior.
Furthermore, if the inquirer and his mother followed the Sharee'ah orders and directives concerning sleep, what happened could have been avoided.
Here, it becomes clear that Allah's Mercy on human beings is so great since He has laid down such Sharee'ah rulings concerning ordering us to separate children while sleeping; i.e. to cause each one to sleep alone in one's own bed.
We ask Allah to accept the repentance of those who seek it and to forgive those who seek His pardon. He is The Generous and Munificent.
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So, My 10-Year-Old Daughter Learned About Sex at a Sleepover

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My immediate gut reaction was one of anger mixed with sadness because I didn't get to handle this milestone conversation on my terms and on my timeline.

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We're pretty open with our 10-year-old daughter, but if I'm being honest, the topic of sex makes us all a little antsy. As real as I like to keep it, there's always that quest to strike the balance between maintaining some sense of childhood innocence and making sure our kids are armed with realistic information about how the world works. Conversations about sex and relationships have been swirling for the last couple of years, and for a long time my lame explanation about how God "just puts a baby in your body when you're ready" was working just fine. I knew it wouldn't last forever, but I was trying to buy time and preserve my little girl's naïve mindset before she turned into a full-fledged tween .
In all of our conversations about sex, we had not yet discussed the actual logistics of what happens. When it first came up, I used the old trick given to me by a psychologist who told me that when a child asks questions, particularly about the tough stuff , ask a question back instead of bombarding them with information from the start. For example, ours went like this:
"Mommy, what is sex?"
"What do you think it is, kiddo?"
"Making out naked?"
"You're not wrong."
That was the beginning. The tip of the iceberg. She didn't want more info at that point, so I didn't push. I just told her that these were very important conversations and we would discuss it more whenever she wanted. She told me I was like the moms on TV who said things like, "You can come to me with anything." And I told her that is 100 percent correct (even though she meant it as a slight insult).
I'm not dumb. I know our kids know more than we think they do, and much earlier than we're prepared. But I wanted these conversations to be somewhat organic. There wasn't a serious sit down. No pre-planned birds and bees conversation using props or dolls. Instead, I decided to keep it low key, reinforce that the communication loop was open 24/7, and I would always be honest in answering any questions she brought to the table.
And then she went to a sleepover at a friend's house.
I'm sure there were movies and cookies and tons of giggles, as there usually are, but this time, there was something else that I was blindsided by. My daughter came home from the sleepover, and before we even got in the door, blurted out that she knows what sex is and how babies are made . Calmly (even though I kind of wanted to throw up), I asked her what she knew. Without pause and with undeniable confidence like she just solved one of life's greatest mysteries, she told me that the man and woman rub up on top of each other naked and the man's privates fit into the woman's privates and then they make a baby. She also added that if you didn't want to have a baby, you just "throw a towel over the man's privates."
I sat there stunned for a minute just trying to wrap my head around what just happened and where to start with my response, but she gave me no time. She asked if she was right and reminded me that I told her I would always be honest . So, in so many words, I told her she nailed it, except the towel part, which I explained and told her that this was the beginning of a much bigger conversation. When I asked how she came upon this new information, she told me that the girls at the sleepover had a book their parents bought them all about sex and having babies and they read it cover to cover. God knows how many times. I can seriously picture the look on her face and her little head exploding at this new discovery.
I'll be honest and tell you that my immediate gut reaction was one of anger mixed with sadness because I didn't get to handle this milestone conversation on my terms and on my timeline. But then, once I thought about it, I was a little bit thankful, actually. This very necessary conversation was pushed to the forefront and happened earlier than it would have if I did it my way. And since my daughter was the one initiating it , I think she was so much more engaged than if I had brought it up instead. I couldn't fault these parents for having a book in their home for their kids. It wasn't porn. It wasn't offensive. It was educational and age-appropriate and frankly, gave me t
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