Sleep Better And Longer With This Advice On Sleep Apnea

Sleep Better And Longer With This Advice On Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea affects people of every age and can be dangerous. Most people don't know how to handle this frustrating condition. Read on to learn how to get your sleep apnea under control and get the rest you need.

Learn how to play a wind instrument. Studies have found that playing a wind instrument like the flute or the didgeridoo can help with sleep apnea. Wind instruments exercise your breathing and help your body get accustomed to taking in sufficient amounts of air. Your throat will be able to better control airway dilation.

Do you smoke or drink? Get rid of behaviors that are not good for you. They can do bad things to your airways. Inflammation is caused by smoking and alcohol use causes your airways to collapse, both of which can produce sleep apnea symptoms. If losing these habits is not possible, then at least limit yourself before going to bed.

You must be careful not to use sedating medications if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Anything that sedates you will slow down your breathing, especially when you go to sleep. When you are sedated by medication, your throat muscles will relax and collapse more quickly as you sleep.

In an effort to get a restful night of sleep, sleep on your side if possible. Sleeping on your back can obstruct your airways and cause apnea. Be sure you try sleeping on your side to get rid of a few of your problems caused by sleep apnea at night.

Try to avoid sleeping at high altitudes. High altitudes can worsen sleep apnea. The air in high altitudes is much thinner and, consequently, more difficult to breathe. Sleep apnea is already causing your body to take in less oxygen at night. A high altitude environment can only exacerbate your condition.

If you are concerned your snoring may be sleep apnea, try keeping a sleep diary. You would keep a record of the hours you sleep, how many times you wake at night, and whether you feel refreshed the next day. Also, if you have a bedmate, ask them if your snoring is loud and frequent and if you exhibit any gasping or choking sounds.

Eliminate or reduce your alcohol consumption to reduce your sleep apnea episodes. The relaxation that results from alcohol use can cause you to breathe less deeply and may also increase the likelihood that your upper airway will collapse. If you can't refrain altogether from alcohol, make sure that you don't drink for at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Consider an alternative sleep apnea flower remedy therapy (also known as essence therapy). Vervain is used in this treatment for its calming and relaxing effects. This can help treat your symptoms, including insomnia problems associated with your apnea. As an added bonus, it also helps reduce overall stress and lower high blood pressure.

Quit smoking. Not only is it a good idea to quit smoking for your health in general, but it will also help with your sleep apnea. Smoking affects your lungs and respiratory system, causing your airways to swell and exacerbating your sleep apnea. By quitting, you allow your airways to return to normal and as an added bonus, you'll also save a ton of money!

Exercising the smooth muscles of your throat may reduce sleep apnea symptoms. Just as exercises help to strengthen muscles in other parts of your body, these oral exercises will help strengthen your tongue and throat muscles for a better night's sleep. Hold your tongue to the top of your mouth, and keep it there for three minutes before releasing. Consistently do such exercises for the best results.

As was stated earlier, sleep apnea afflicts many individuals. Not understanding your diagnosis can make matters worse. With some knowledge, this condition is tameable.

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