Sleep Asshole

Sleep Asshole


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How to Touch Someone in Their Sleep Without Waking Them Up

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Regardless of why you need this, the key to touching someone in their sleep without waking them up lies in three things: you need to move slowly, avoid direct contact with their skin, and apply gentle pressure in case you need to move them to the side or away from you. 
Now, let’s take a look at several scenarios in detail and define when the person is actually ready to be touched so you can do it successfully.
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Touch, like the other senses, doesn’t switch off completely during sleep. It remains active so that you could wake up faster if an emergency occurs.
However, it’s still possible to keep someone asleep while touching them . You just need to determine the stage of sleep they’re in.
And no, you won’t need lab equipment for that.
Our sleep cycle consists of two main stages — non-REM and REM sleep. REM stands for ‘rapid eye movement’ because our eyes move rapidly under the eyelids during this stage, while during the non-REM stage, our eyes — as well as the rest of the body — mostly remain motionless. 
The non-REM stage is divided into three sub-stages: light, moderate, and deep sleep. And the deep sleep is exactly what you’re looking for if you want to touch or move someone.
During deep sleep, our neural activity is at its lowest — the body charges and repairs itself and it doesn’t need any distractions. That’s why if you accidentally wake a person up from deep sleep, they may feel disoriented and groggy. But usually, people aren’t easily awakened during deep sleep .
Other signs of non-REM deep sleep include:
On the other hand, REM sleep is the stage in which we dream . Memory consolidation and other important cognitive processes also occur during REM sleep, so the brain activity becomes pretty similar to that of the wakefulness state ( 1 ) . Besides, the person’s breathing rate may start to change from slow to fast and shallow, which is the sign that they’re dreaming. 
During this stage, a person will wake up more easily if touched , but they also won’t feel groggy after that.
I’m sure most of us have experienced the need to touch someone in their sleep without waking them up . But the scenarios could be different. For example, you might’ve needed to check your baby’s temperature when they were sick. Or, your spouse might’ve hugged you so tightly that you had to move them away to breathe.
So, let me share some recommendations on how to touch a person without waking them up in all common situations.
Babies can spend up to 50% of their time asleep in the REM stage ( 2 ) , so they’re pretty sensitive sleepers. That’s why you need to be extra careful when touching them.
Because we all know what happens next.
But don’t worry, keeping a child asleep is easier than it might seem.
If you share a bed with a restless sleeper, you may have seen them migrate across the mattress and push you at the very edge of the bed. Or, you may be lucky to have a hugging lover by your side who might just smother you by entwining around your body.
The good thing is, you can easily claim your space back in both scenarios.
The reason why your partner moves closer to you during sleep may be because they feel cold. In this case, investing in an additional blanket can solve the problem.
If you work in healthcare, you may occasionally need to touch your patients to check their vitals. Doing this without waking them up can be harder than touching your partner or kid because sick people tend to have more sensitive sleep .
However, a similar algorithm applies here as well. First, you have to check if they’re in the deep sleep stage. Then, by applying gentle pressure — on their wrist for pulse measuring, or on their forehead to check the temperature — perform the needed procedure. Once you’re done, remove the hand slowly and gradually so that you don’t disturb the patient.
Do you have your own dos and don’ts on how to touch someone without waking them up? Feel free to share below!
Thanks! My friend was taking all the room on a queen sized bed. My knees were literally hanging off. I pushed her arm back slowly and then when she would try and move somewhere else close to me I push her back gently and stopped her arm which led her to flip over and now I have more room! Again thanks for being my 3 am savior!
once I tried some of these methods but then my partner just squeezed me even tighter!!!
I wanted to undress my girlfriend but she woke up so what method
Bruh someone said that they were trying to undress their girlfriend lol
Grandma woke up Wasn’t too happy when she saw me on them teets
I like to do human stuff like breathing and walking on my human legs. Also I know if I touch my friend and he wakes up at like one am he ain’t going to be happy but I want to grab his And just do stuff.
Omg hahahahahaah ur grandma,ur to funny man
What if he wasnt joking bout his grandma tho
I got to suck my step sisters thing without her waking up all you have to do is knock her out in a boxing match
how to tie someone up without waking them up can you tell me
hi thank you so much it helped me alot i love the that you showed me thank you.
I love this comment section Lmao 😶😏😂
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