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“What happened when I spent a night in the world’s only cocaine bar”

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But what is it really like to spend an evening there? One woman reports on an eye-opening night…. The driver nods, and the four of us cram into the car. While cocaine is freely and inexpensively available in Bolivia, it is definitely still illegal. Route 36 greases the right palms of the notoriously corrupt officials to avoid being shut down or prosecuted, and it moves location every month or so to avoid drawing attention to itself by way of complaints from neighbours. The taxi drops us outside a nondescript door on a dark street with two serious-looking men standing to attention outside. I feel a twinge of anxiety. The security guards look us up and down then unlock the door, pull it open, and gesture us quickly inside and upstairs. The four of us claim three couches in a corner and the waiter brings us laminated menus printed on red paper. The taciturn waiter takes our orders and reminds us of their strict no-photos policy. The cocaine arrives, with each gram wrapped in a small paper parcel on a red plastic plate. My boyfriend and I are sharing one, while Bill American and Dan Australian are starting with one each. Bill has been in La Paz a couple of weeks and has already been here a few times. He is nonchalant as he cuts the white powder into little lines. While in Peru and Bolivia, my boyfriend and I have become fans of coca leaves. These have been chewed or made into tea by Andean people and used for energy, appetite suppression and relieving altitude sickness since at least Incan times. The cocaine alkaloid was isolated by Europeans in the mids and from there, it was quickly turned into medicine and, later, cocaine. In the s, as part of the war on drugs, US anti-drug teams entered Bolivia to eradicate the supply of coca by burning or spraying crops. During this time, attacks on farmers were common and livelihoods were threatened. With the election of anti-imperialist president Evo Morales, himself a cocalero, came the expulsion of the US Drug Enforcement Agency and relaxed coca restrictions. These days, while production is regulated, a certain amount of coca inevitably ends up in cocaine production. There is a stony-faced woman working behind the bar but the other bar staff and all the security guards are men. As we rattle through wet, quiet streets, the driver gives me a sidelong look and pulls out a small package that he waves in front of my exhausted-but-very-awake-eyes. Need some distraction? Skip to content. Bill pulls his head out of the car and waves the taxi driver off. You may also like. Instagram vs reality: how filtering photos could be causing memory loss.

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