Slaves Bondage

Slaves Bondage


Slaves Bondage

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Exploitation , Drama

Jay-Dee-Kay Productions

Taken from IMDB : Mary Lou manages to escape abduction by a prostitution ring. She tells the Chief of Detectives they were planning to take her to the Berrywood road house, a well-known den of iniquity. Jim Murray and beautician Belle Harris are using her beauty shop to recruit floozies for their road house circuit. Dona Lee, who works at the beauty salon, is falling in love with young reporter wanna-be Phillip, but Murray gets jealous and makes life rough for him. Meanwhile Dona begins to figure out the racket, but becomes threatened by Murray's unwanted advances.

2007-03-13 17:22:14

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black & white

Elmer Clifton


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Straddles the line between moralistic and titillating (by 1930s Hollywood standards anyway), with some pulchritude, a conventional story line, mostly ponderous acting, a brief spanking sequence and an evil girl-trap featuring separate rooms for "entertaining" bankers, lawyers, tired businessmen and traveling salesmen. No politicians?

Thank you for the efforts you put in to make your website interesting and informative. I will visit the site again to gather some more valuable information. You really did a good job.

Just watched Slaves In Bondage and to my ear there was a slight speed up in sound and motion. The dialog was noticeably fast and not at a natural pace.

I wonder if a player like VLC etc has a setting to adjust in playback. Anyone know this?

For rating, it had enough interesting dialog to give at least a 4. Along with spanking there's also a fan dance.

Pretty tame compared to later exploitation films, but a good watch anyway. It's got crime, romance, and hookers spanking each other -- what more do you want. Some of the acting is actually pretty good, especially from Martha Chapin (the one who looks like Jean Harlow).

Is there a reason that the Mpeg-1 file for this is only six minutes long? The streaming version that comes up when you open the page is truncated to six minutes, too. Since the file sizes on the mp4 and Mpeg-2 are bigger, I assume they're the complete film. Was there a problem in the upload, or something?
Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted.

Uploaded by

Scott Saunders

on March 13, 2007

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Preaching Law and Gospel: Repentance and Faith from the Penitential Psalms in Lent

Luther recognized that in the penitential psalms, God gives us the words to cry out to Him in our distress, lament our sins, and confess trust in the promise of His righteousness in which alone is our sure and certain…
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 (Lent 3: Series C)

The promise is rooted in the fact that the only way we can endure any ounce of suffering in this life is because Jesus Christ is tending the soil of our lives.
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In spiritual matters, the Scriptures teach us that freedom is tied to slavery and bondage.
“But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves to sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness” ( Rom 6:17-18 )
Ask any American what slavery is associated with - freedom or bondage? Most would agree, its bondage. Conversely, considering our history, most would associate freedom with the idea of liberty or self-rule. At the beginnings of our nation, our forefathers linked the idea of freedom with the idea of liberty, that is, self-government or autonomous self-rule. Our Declaration of Independence declared that we would be a free people, determined to govern ourselves, independent from the British Crown. Later in our history, we fought a bitter Civil War to preserve the Union, where all slaves formerly in bondage would be regarded as free citizens. Slavery is to bondage as freedom is to liberty or self-rule.
Ask the Apostle Paul what slavery is associated with – freedom or bondage? He would answer, Yes! In Romans 6 , he relates these terms where everyone is a slave who is simultaneously bound yet free. However, he contrasts the nature of these conditions before and after our baptism. The back and forth nature of his discourse about these realities in Romans 6 can be a challenge to follow, so let’s begin by summarizing them briefly. We will then be better positioned to explore his reasoning and the “so what” about them in the life of the Christian.
First, it must be noted that the Apostle is not discussing the civil dimension of life but instead what Luther called things above us . These are the spiritual matters of the human condition where the Scriptures know nothing of human autonomy. Concerning things below us , the affairs of ordinary temporal living, there is much we can decide, do, and accomplish according to our own will and work. When it comes to the civil dimensions of life, freedom, and autonomy go together. In spiritual matters, however, the Scriptures (including Romans 6 ) teach us that freedom is tied to slavery and bondage. One is either bound to Christ or bound to sin. Before our baptism, we were slaves to sin ( Rom 6:6 , Rom 6:17 ) marked by impurity and lawlessness ( Rom 6:19 ), and free from righteousness ( Rom 6:20 ). Then, baptism united us to the crucified, dead, and buried Christ ( Rom 6:3-6 ). Our union with Christ has set us free from the slavery of sin ( Rom 6:6-7, 22 ) and made us slaves of righteousness and God ( Rom 6:18-19, 22 ). The freedom of the Christian is the result of being bound to Christ, where, as slaves of righteousness, we do as we are. One is either ruled by the powers and principalities of evil or ruled by our Lord and his righteousness. In our baptism, these saving realities flow from our Lord’s will and work, not from deliberated decisions on our part. Concerning things above us , before our baptism and after, there is no such thing as human autonomy.
The sense of bondage in Romans 6 involves an important connection between being and doing. When it comes to spiritual things, we do as we are. Slaves of righteousness are righteous, and therefore, they render righteous service. In the Kingdom of God, only laborers who are already righteous work in the Lord’s vineyard. They labor because they are righteous, not in order to become so, much to the surprise of some ( Matt 20 : 1-16). The Scriptures often use a botanical model to help us understand this connection. Good fruit only comes from a good tree and bad fruit only from a bad tree ( Matt 7:18 ). Moreover, grapevines yield grapes because that is how God has made them. Using this imagery, Jesus declared that he is the vine and we the branches. Abiding in him, we can produce some pretty good vintage ( John 15 : 4-5). What we produce flows from what we are. It is God who has so connected our being and doing. The freedom here is first to be as God has designed us to be, and then to do as we are. It has nothing to do with self-determination or voluntary commitments.
In spiritual matters, freedom is tied to God’s purposes in creation and redemption, not individual whims or religious proclivities. Notice how Paul explained this connection: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” ( Eph 2:10 ).” We carry out righteous labor in God’s vineyard, only because we first arrived there as righteous laborers. From the righteousness of being, we engage in righteous works of doing. As righteous slaves bound to the righteousness of Christ in our baptism, our obedience of faith is active in righteous works that serve our Lord and Master in the needs of our neighbor. Slavery, freedom, and bondage; they all go together in the Kingdom of God. So says the Apostle Paul.
Is this the end of the matter for Paul about the Christian concerning things above us ? Has the Apostle covered it all about the spiritual matters of baptized Christians? Has the Apostle come to his bottom line in Romans 6 about the baptized informing us 1) that we are united to the crucified and buried Christ but now also alive in him; 2) that we are no longer slaves of sin; but, 3) that we have now become slaves of righteousness and God? Is this all that he has to say about the slavery, freedom, and bondage of the Christian in this life? No, it is not. He moves on to the rest of the story in Chapter 7.
In Romans 7:14-20 , Paul applies to himself everything he said about our slavery and bondage to sin before we were baptized. Is he, in effect, contradicting all we have summarized about the baptized, including himself in Romans 6 ? No, he is not. In Roman’s 7, he describes what he (and all the baptized) continue to be in this life apart from Christ - a fleshly self in which nothing good dwells, sold as a slave to sin ( Rom 7:14, 18 ). Romans 6 describes the Christian in Christ, while Romans 7 describes the Christian apart from Christ . The baptized Christian is both; what Luther called simultaneously a sinner and a saint. The Romans 7 sinner in all of us will endure throughout this life, but the Romans 6 saint, bound to Christ, free to be a slave of righteousness, will endure forever.
Dr. Steven A. Hein serves as Director of the Concordia Institute for Christian Studies, an organization that offers auxiliary educational services to Christian gatherings across the country and the leadership of Lutheran Churches in West Africa. Dr. Hein also serves as an affiliate professor of theology at Concordia University, Chicago and the Institute of Lutheran Theology. He is the author of, "Christian Life: Cross or Glory?" and "You Can Give an Answer: A Study in Christian Apologetics."
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1517 creates and distributes theological and apologetic resources anchored in the central message of the Bible: that Christ died for sinners and rose for their justification.

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Fantasy sex game involving magic, BDSM and sexy elven slaves. Game is in development - updated about once per month.
If the initial load bar does not load, just wait and it should work.
- Added Handjob scene to Zaria’s study
- Added smoke to balcony background
- Added belly tattoo/markings to Kaylin standing image
- Added Throne sex 2nd scene (Girl on left of throne)
- Added training panel when you click Kaylin (on Balcony)
- Added ‘Journal’ when throne is clicked (throne room)
- Added Justice Blowjob (Sleep with her 7x to unlock)
- Added Kaylin Foot Massage (Trust)
- Added Kaylin Rank up to 2 (1 new feature for all of Kaylin’s interactions)
- Added Quest 2 (Zaria magical charge)
- Added Quest 3 (Kobold Mines - 50% complete)
- Small glitch fixes, menu adjustments and spelling corrections
- Added Quest 3 final part (Kobold Mines - complete) 
- Added Kaylin Feet tease (strength)
- Added Rank 3 interactions for previous scenes (Head pat, nipple weights etc…)
- Fixed bug in Feet tease scene on rank 3
- Added Primrose Sex (sleep 3 times with her to unlock)
- Added Kaylin wooden horse (strength)
- Fixed blush increase in Kaylin Feet scene
- Added Kaylin Rank 4 interactions for previous scenes
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The only thing that I'd currently suggest is making the sequence where you reach the Kobold twins shorter.
I feel like the fire kobolds are under explained, if not flat out lying to the player. "dont cum" really means "press cum when it appears and in the following conversation tree constantly deny until you get no say in the matter". Then the queen has its own problems. both kind and harsh have multiple trigger points and you have as much time as you want to explore them before she asks what's going on at the halfway point, but you can reach that halfway point with a single spot. after which, you MUST change up your approach to succeed by utilizing every spot. Trying to maximize a single spot just ends up failing the player without warning, and not every spot is immediately apparent. Harsh is a key example. just between choking and anal probing, the player can get so close to the goal that they have no idea what went wrong or why she stopped you. The easiest solution would be to give the player a visual warning of some sort shortly before failing them. heck, stopping the animation loop just a second before the game wrests control from the player would probably be enough, as long as the player has a chance to react to the lack of animation. The final problem is very minor: the end of demo tag appears a little too early- an entire rank before the story is finished.
Really great so far, just have some errors to report: Shiishi says "trail" instead of "trial" after finishing the riddles, Kaylin says "onc" in the kind option for the 2nd rank 3 talk
thank you!!

I will get those corrected on the next version.
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