Slavegirl Discipline

Slavegirl Discipline


Slavegirl Discipline
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Book 11, Slave Girl of Gor, page 247 "Whereas the first penalty is commonly only a severe beating, the second often involves hamstringing, or the cutting of the tendons behind the knees, this cripples the girl and makes her generally useless save as a pathetic example to her sisters in bondage of the foolishness of attempted escape."
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Book 11, Slave Girl of Gor, page 247 "Whereas the first penalty is commonly only a severe beating, the second often involves hamstringing, or the cutting of the tendons behind the knees, this cripples the girl and makes her generally useless save as a pathetic example to her sisters in bondage of the foolishness of attempted escape."
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Book 11, Slave Girl of Gor, page 247 "Whereas the first penalty is commonly only a severe beating, the second often involves hamstringing, or the cutting of the tendons behind the knees, this cripples the girl and makes her generally useless save as a pathetic example to her sisters in bondage of the foolishness of attempted escape."
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Book 11, Slave Girl of Gor, page 247 "Whereas the first penalty is commonly only a severe beating, the second often involves hamstringing, or the cutting of the tendons behind the knees, this cripples the girl and makes her generally useless save as a pathetic example to her sisters in bondage of the foolishness of attempted escape."
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