Slave Training School

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Slave Training School

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La Domaine Esemar has many different experiences for BDSM fans, including a cage for "slaves."
La Domaine Esemar

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upstate new york


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It’s the crack of dawn in a country home in New York and a number of “submissives” are strapping a man onto a giant “roasting spit” as part of a BDSM ritual.
Welcome to the legendary La Domaine Esemar, the world’s only BDSM (bondage, discipline, sadomasochism) training chateau — an adult wonderland where wild fantasies become a reality.
Over 500 couples and thousands of paying kinksters have jetted in from around the world to visit the chateau’s famous dungeon, run by Mistress Couple and her training submissives.
From the outside, it looks like an inconspicuous house in the Berkshires, but descend into its depths and you’ll discover things like sex swings, a wax table, knives, daggers, gas masks, genital clamps and barbed wire — catering to every fetish imaginable.
Mistress Couple, 31, and her 68-year-old partner, who goes by the name of Master R, lifted the lid on life inside the chateau’s four walls for the Sun Online, and revealed the kink that goes on in its depths.
One of the fantasies the 1,250-square-foot dungeon recently helped realize was a man who came to them with a fetish to be roasted on a spit.
Master R explained: “The fetish is called ‘schwanandreher,’ it is a very deeply ingrained human fetish and he said it is completely historical.”
The process allows willing human “roastees” and those with a carnal fetish to be coated in sauce and tied to a wooden post by “slaves” in the house’s 20-acre grounds.
Master R said: “The man came to us from London and he had tried the fantasy a few years ago and he had ended up getting severely injured and burnt.”
“He went to the hospital and needed skin grafts and was out of work for four months.”
“He didn’t have sex for years after the experience but he wasn’t put off by the fetish, which is very powerful.”
The man called La Domaine Esemar and said he would fly to the United States just so he could safely fulfill the fantasy of being “cooked.”
Master R said: “The man was tied to a giant 6-foot roasting spit and was up there for three hours.”
“A fire was lit in a fire pit and hot coals were moved under him and he is lowered and safely raised throughout the process.”
The BDSM haven has performed several roasting spits since, and this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to services the professional dungeon provides.
The last BDSM chateau, Le Chateau in Portugal, closed in the ’80s. La Domaine Esemar was created in 1993 and moved to its current location shortly after.
From politicians to sports stars, actors, military advisers and businessmen, even truck drivers and single moms, people from all walks of life have flocked to La Domaine Esemar in its 24 years of operation.
Master R said: “We are the only place for them to go, this is the only one around.”
“We all are beasts whether we want to admit it and like every other animal in the animal kingdom, dominance and submission is a crucial part of how we exist and survive.”
“It is embedded in every person regardless of their social standing and employment, it is in all of us.”
“We all come from pharaohs and slaves, every type of person ends up here.”
Interestingly, the most popular clients who come through their door are those from the medical profession and people who “heal” and “touch.”
And for those who haven’t been through medical school, the dungeon comes with its own clinical physician’s room with surgical instruments and fake blood splattered on the floor.
Master R laughed: “Our house physician loves that area. I think he became a doctor because he secretly always wanted to play mad doctor.”
As well as the surgery room, another commonly used area is the cage, where two or three “slaves” can cram into the small space for periods of time or even sleep there overnight.
Others prefer the “Pain Gym” where “slaves” can be literally whipped into shape, or the chair nicknamed “Vlad the Impaler” that has a motorized sex toy coming out of the seat.
One of the popular fetishes at the moment, Mistress Couple reveals, is pony play or animal roleplay, where at least one person plays the part of a non-human beast and is subject to saddles and whips.
Another requested skill to learn is the art of flogging, both physically and gaining the skills to emotionally handle the act.
Mistress Couple’s personal favorite is balloon play, which involves being tied up and using the inflatables in play.
Master R said: “Things occasionally go wrong, all you can do is deal with it lovingly and carefully and hope you don’t need an ambulance. So far we’ve never had to call an ambulance.”
Sessions typically cost $300 for an hour-long one-on-one session with the Headteacher herself, which rises to $450 for couples looking to visit the dungeon together for erotic, non-intercourse-related services.
Around 30 clients are usually seen each month, and the chateau is never short of individuals keen to play out their fantasies at hosted parties.
A common reason a couple may book a session is if one partner is looking to experiment with cross-dressing or bondage when perhaps the other is more hesitant.
And many come for a weekend or overnight stay in the home’s private bed chamber.
For $350, you can spend the night at the chateau, with private access to the dungeon and breakfast included, in a package called the “Choose Your Own Adventure.”
And there are also erotic meals that can be booked for $85 per person that seek to stimulate all the senses and provide a sensual experience, hosted by often nude or scantily clad submissives.
For those looking for a more permanent immersion into the BDSM lifestyle, the chateau is a training facility that offers a “Masters and Mistresses” program.
While the dungeon seeks to push the boundaries of exploring complex sexual desires, it has attracted some characters whom Mistress Couple has had to turn away.
Master R said: “We absolutely have turned people away.”
“We have really learned how to conduct an interview with someone before they come through our doors.”
“We haven’t had any disasters recently, but we certainly had disasters for people who have walked in who we are unable to deal with because it affects their psyche differently and deeply, or they just have huge personal issues which they confuse with dominance and submission in an unhealthy way.”
“We like to give as many people as we can a fair shot.”
If the couple encounters someone who they feel is beyond their help and could benefit from professional help, they recommend them to a professional therapist and psychologists.
Mistress C: “We aren’t just releasing these people back into the wild by themselves.”
The “Masters and Mistresses” training program is where the couple sees many people’s “inner monsters” come out.
‘In order to dominate and master someone, you have to master yourself first.’
The program, which can last up to two years, sees dominant individuals or couples who wish to have a submissive relationship in their life role-reverse so they can experience life on the other side.
Mistress Couple currently has around eight to 10 submissives who help around the house doing tasks like cleaning and chores.
Master R explained: “The reason our Masters and Mistresses training program is so difficult is we take these people who are already so dominant and we make them deeply submissive so they know what they are going to do with their own slaves.”
“In that process, their personal monsters really appear.”
“Because sex is a metaphor and BDSM is obviously a metaphor for dominance and submission and that gets into the unhealthy aspects of violence.”
Mistress C added: “In order to dominate and master someone, you have to master yourself first.”
And that is something that Mistress Couple has developed since she graduated as a dance and psychology double major from college.
After her studies, she asked her boyfriend to spank her for her birthday present, but he wasn’t able to because he said he didn’t feel it was right to hit a woman.
She told her friends about her desires and one of her friends revealed she was a mistress-in-training at the chateau and invited her along for a party.
There she was spanked by guests for 25 minutes, which was her first BDSM experience. Since then she has never looked back.
She said: “I started by exploring my submission and masochism and unlearning a lot of the misconceptions that I had about what dominance meant and over the course of my training, I realized I did have the capacity for dominancy and did the Mistress training program and became Headmistress a few years ago.”

MTTA Academy is a program offered by MTTA, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. The Academy’s goal is to help the participants find their heart and spirit through education and interaction. The programs are designed to give a real time experience of the Master/slave lifestyle by the incorporation of protocols and service aspects, along with the many classes on various topics. We strive to set an atmosphere that not only allows for the exploration of the Master/slave lifestyle, but one that focuses on self-exploration as well. Both the slave and the Master weekend programs are aimed at those who have little or no experience in authority-based relationships, those who are struggling to define their true feelings and identity as slaves or Masters, submissives or dominants, as well as those with experience but who are interested in continued learning in a safe, and caring environment.

Throughout the weekend sexual activity is not permitted among any participant, staff, or faculty member.

The Weekend Program was founded by Master Taíno in 2001. Master Taíno retired at the end of 2019 after 18 years at the helm of the Academy.

An excellent and experienced group of Masters and slaves now are faculty of the Academy events.

Proudly serving the Master/slave Community since 2001

Being A Slave Before Being A Master
The Language of Consensual Enslavement
Types Of Relationships In Slave Training
With Great Power Comes Greater Responsibility
Some concepts can fit more than one category. Obedience Training is one of them. If some of the terms I use are unfamiliar to you, they can be found in other places here. They do have specific meanings in many cases which might not be identical to all dictionary ones. This also touches on the concepts of Layering and multiple usages in a single tool.
Obedience Training is comprised of several parts. It is a goal, an Engine and a Tool all wrapped into one nice package.
Obedience as a goal is obvious. Every Owner wants their slave to be obedient to their commands. This is an integral part of what enslavement is. As property, a slave is expected to obey their Owner and to do or not do whatever their Owner desires.
Obedience as a tool is also somewhat obvious, at least to most if not everyone doing this. A slave who becomes habituated to obeying some commands is much more likely to obey other commands which are similar or perhaps very different from the commands they have been obeying.
Obedience as an engine of enslavement seems to be similar to its use as a tool, but there is a difference as it is also a general rather than specific Enforcer and Reinforcer . This is because the obedience can be more important than what is being obeyed.
Obedience is not always automatic. This is especially true of new slaves. Even for simple orders there is an internal questioning of "What exactly is being wanted?”, "Why is this wanted? and "Should I obey?" Some questions are answered very simply and easily as the answers are obvious. Some are not. If I command a slave to bring me a cup of coffee, there are some internal questions but what I want is very obvious. I want a cup of coffee. Exactly how I want my coffee is a reasonable internal question or external if the slave has never brought me a cup of coffee before. How hot, cream, sugar, sweetener, which type of coffee, etc. If the slave has brought me a hundred cups of coffee before, I expect that the last question has long since been answered and she knows how I like it. With experience, she also knows how I want it served whether it is just to be brought and set down or to be formally served. Perhaps I stated a preference in the command and she then questions if she knows how to perform as required. The harder question is should she obey. Obviously, my slave should obey my command for a cup of coffee. She knows the answer to this question. But, is she doing something else that should not be interrupted or that she does not want to interrupt and so should she get it when she has time to get it or when she feels like getting it? This is really the enslavement question. The rest are details. Obedience Training removes the "Should I obey" question.
The following is an example of one training practice that uses all three forms of Obedience Training. Most, but not quite all Owners train their slaves in certain formal slave positions. The Gorean Slave Positions are one of the most common sources of these. I will use them for this example as they are both formal and practical positions for a slave to learn.
The expectation when a slave is given a specific position name as a command is for them to go into that position as quickly and gracefully as they can and to hold it until told to release or change to a new position. The questions about what and why are answered when you tell the slave they are going to practice various positions and practice doing them correctly but most importantly they are going to practice obeying your commands for each position.
The goal is the slave learning, obeying and performing the slave positions properly when commanded to do so. The tool is the obedience to commands. The slave positions themselves act as physical reinforcers of her enslavement to the Master.
When you practice, you repeat the same actions to learn something. This is an obvious procedure and doesn't take much thought to understand. It easily slides past the what is required and the “why should it be done” internal questions. If the slave wants to serve her Owner then the practice has a low threshold of resistance to performing the task just as getting a cup of coffee also has a low threshold because the what and why are easily understood.
During the practice the slave repeatedly obeys the commands and does not keep asking if she should obey as that is answered at the beginning of the practice. The repetition of obedience is the engine which drives future obedience. During the practice the expectation of obedience is there and the questions are not repeated with each command. The more someone obeys simple commands, the more they will obey more complicated commands. Each time the resistance to obedience is overcome there will be marginally less resistance to any new command. Many simple acts of obedience without the internal questions will layer up to the slave obeying complicated ones. Starting with many small acts of obedience works better than beginning with the complicated ones that can be confusing or may require more trust that has not yet been earned from the slave. It is slower but the Dwell Time for automatic obedience is much longer than the more complicated commands which will likely result in internal questions that are asked every time the command is given.
There is such a thing as reinforcing a reinforcer. Quick, positive reinforcement of the correctly done obedience is the best way to do this. Second to that, especially in something like the slave positions example, is correcting what is not or not quite correct and having it done over. In true practice, corrections and repetitions until correct works very well. Punishments or negative reinforcement do not work as well, unless you consider doing something again and again until it is done correctly a form of punishment.
Remember that not everything will have only one purpose or use when it is part of consensual enslavement. In this case, a session practicing the slave positions has many useful items all layered together along with the expenditure of energy on the part of the slave which can have other uses as well. A good Owner, Master or Trainer will have several goals for most of the tools he uses when working with and training a slave including reinforcing her enslavement.
All material written and © Copyright 2018 by Malkinius unless otherwise noted. 
For permission to quote or repost contact Malkinius at
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