Slave Tickle

Slave Tickle


Slave Tickle
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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Other · # 1887665
In a world where one can be a tickle slave how do people fit in it all. You decide
Created: August 27th, 2012 at 6:27 pm
Modified: May 18th, 2022 at 10:37 pm
In a world where one can be a tickle slave how do people fit in it all. You decide This is an interactive story containing 65 chapters . Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
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Welcome to the world where one can be a tickle slave. In this world tickling addiction is a common occurrence to the point it is engrained in society. People would sometimes voluntarily or non-voluntarily become a “tickle slave”. It became so common place to the point that governments created the politically correct “Tickle Servitude”. There are certain rules and regulations.
You see people couldn't just be kidnapped anymore. However once someone became a teenager they could be forced into tickle servitude if they broke any laws or rules.

If they are caught doing this then the person catching them can claim them for a certain amount of time depending on the infraction. This does not go for cops due to people joining just so they could catch someone. However it makes people better at their civic duty. Parents can also put their children in Tickle Servitude for a certain amount of time if they feel that they are misbehaving, or any other reason really. Others can do it due to debt or to get less time for less serious infractions.

Students in high schools and colleges can also be put into tickle servitude if they break the rules. Many teachers take jobs due to this. Likewise some people just put themselves up for “capture” by wearing a red armband due to the thrill of it.

While they are tickle slaves during their time, everyone still has basic rights. Rape and forced labor is strictly forbidden with extremely severe consequences. Murder obviously is illegal as well. All slaves are allowed to wear at least lingerie or briefs. People are usually tied down, however they can't be tied down in a way that hurts them; inspectors can come by at any time and check to see if these rules are being followed.

Lastly, everyone is held for a specific amount of time determined at the beginning of their servitude.

1.Follow the in-universe rules. No forced sex, no murder.
2.Do not be over dramatic. Have it be real reactions.
3.At the same time this a funny world. Things can be dorky or strange, just have realistic reactions.
4.Keep it straight if possible. I'm not against anything same sex but if it occurs don't have it become the main focus of the story.
5.Minimum age for characters are the teenage years.
6.Maximum age is 30.
7.Tickling is suppose to be about laughter. The story can have suspense and some dark parts, but it shouldn't be entirely macabre/horror.
8.If you want to add in things from other places (like virtual reality or vore) go ahead, just make sure it fits with your story (no furries though)
9.Make your entries at least 2 paragraphs long or at least a 1000 characters please. And if you're reading this PLEASE ADD!!
10.Have fun

Hello! This is a quiz about you, and you chances to be my tickle slave. You have to be careful, cause once your tied up, i will tickle you forever! This is the life of a tickle slave...
Im a 17 years old boy, and im a sadistic must enjoy the torture... and make sure to answer all the questions honest, or I will torture you with tickle 😈
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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Other · # 1887665
In a world where one can be a tickle slave how do people fit in it all. You decide
Created: August 27th, 2012 at 6:27 pm
Modified: May 18th, 2022 at 10:37 pm
This choice: Ada:15, Arab girl that is falsely accused (robbery) and smacked with 6 years · Go Back...


Ada is a very sweet and shy girl. Her parents are Arab, her mother being a Coptic from the Sinai and her father coming from a second generation family in New York. She is fifteen years old and is a freshmen in high school. She is very shy but gets along well with her peers. She plays volleyball and is on the swim team. Her skin is a nice light brownish tan and very smooth. Her hair is very dark, almost raven black.

One day she walked out onto the court to practice volleyball. She was wearing her short shorts and a tight tank top along with having her hair in a ponytail.

“Whew-hooooooo. Look at Ada girls, she definitely trying to get some upperclassmen boys with those shorts.” She smiled and blushed at Julia's joke.

“Same to you Juliana.” She said to Juliana Pacifico, she was good friends with the sophomore and they the latina just shrugged at her comeback. She was only wearing a sports bra. They then proceeded to practice volleyball. A while in Ada's tight tank top rode up as she went back for hit. Juliana saw her belly and started to squeeze he sides.

“Hey-hehe!” She said as she missed the ball. “Julia!” She yelled. Julia chuckled. Next time Julia went for the ball Ada ran over and squeezed her sides and ran her fingers on her belly.

“Not-fair-HAHAHA!!” Julia yelled as she collapsed to the ground. She kept laughing as she dug her fingers into Julia's exposed sides and belly. “No-haha-you-HAHA-dont!” Ada squeaked as Julia swept out her feet and Ada fell back. Julia jumped up and pinned her down, lifting up her shirt and exposing her sexy tummy. “Tickle, tickle.” Julia said grinning.

“No-HAHAHAHA-PlESSSS-IMHAHAHAH-SORR-HAHA!” Julia ran her fingers savagely over Ada's smooth belly.

“Come on girls help me out.” Ada screamed as six of her friends came over and took off her shows and pinned her arms over he head. One of them tickled her arms, another her feet, while Julia and two other of her friends tortured her belly, running their fingers into sweet tummy, her belly became hot as they tickled her belly to the point that it was all red. Her last friend tickled her ticklish and sexy thighs.

“NOHAHAHA-HAHAPLEASENO-HAHAHAHAMERCY-HAHAHAHA!!!!” She screamed as Julia and her friends mocker her and continued to torture her.

“Ada Faisal!” Everyone stopped as Ada gasped for breath. She looked up and saw her principal Mr. Johnson flanked by two police officers.

“Yes.” She said standing up, still catching her breath.

“Misses Faisal you are under arrest for robbery.” One of the police officers said taking out a pair of handcuffs.

“What?” Ada said in shock.

“Whoa, whoa whoa, this is Ada. I assure you guys that she haven't robbed anyone.” Julia said walking towards them in Ada's defense.

“Stay back unless you want to be arrested as well.” The other officer said.

Ada just stood in shock and horror as the officer with the handcuffs walked towards her. “Hands behind your back.” He said as he grabbed the teenager's wrists and cuffed them behind her.

“She didn't do it.” Julia said screaming at them. Her cries were ignored as the shocked and silent Ada was led to the police car and driven to the locale jail. There she was met by prosecutors who told her that her trial was in a week and tried to get her to confess.

“I didn't do it.” She repeated over and over again. They showed her footage of the convenience store, it did show a girl in a face covering hoodie breaking in and stealing hundreds of dollars out of the store. The girl was her height and skin tone, but she knew it wasn't her.

“You visit this place often.” One woman said.

“Its in my neighborhood-”

“You've been saving up for a car.” Said a man.

“I wouldn't steal-”

They didn't listen to her. Her parents paid bail and she had to stay at her house for the rest of the week, still in shock. Finally the trial came. She pleaded to the jurors to listen, she was a sweet child, a good student, she would never break into a place.

The prosecution however showed the video and painted her as a greedy child. Ada wanted to cry at the names they called her but it wasn't until the judge read the verdict that she started to cry.

“The jury finds Misses Ada Faisal guilty of robbery.” Ada wanted to faint. “Misses Faisal you are ordered to spend four years in a juvenile corrections center or submit to six years of tickle servitude.” Ada felt her heartbeat. She was deathly ticklish, she couldn't stand to be tickled, yet she was terrified of going to jail, to be surrounded by hardened gang members.

“May I talk- talk to my parents?”

“You have five minuets.” Most of those five minuets was crying, but they agreed that being a tickle slave was better than going to jail. They would work on clearing her name, until then at least she wouldn't be surrounded by hardened thugs. She went back into the court room as the judge eyed her.

“Your decision?”

“I submit to tickle servitude your honor.” The judge nodded.

“This meeting is closed, take her away.”

Ada shook as two officers took her to a car, to her new life of tickle slavery. She wanted to cry as they drove off, were did they go?

Where will this interactive story go?
indicates the next chapter is blank and needs to be created.

© Copyright 2022 californasun (UN: californasun1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Tickle Slave Published: Feb 14, 2022
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