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Buck Breaking, How African Male Slaves Were Raped
Buck Breaking, How African Male Slaves Were Raped
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Isaac Somto is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Vocal Africa. He is also the founder of Imaginact, a nonprofit organization driving positive change. Somtochukwu is a Gen Z with broad interests in everything Africa, writing, social entrepreneurship, Graphic Designing, social change and more.

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Buck Breaking is a form of sexual abuse which became very popular in the Carribean. It was used by white slave owners as well as merchants. What made Buck Breaking distinct from other punishments was that only male slaves were victims. Let’s go deeper.
According to a user at Urban dictionary , it is “the rape and sodomization of rebellious African slaves in the south of the United States of America”. You can also put it that Buck Breaking is the raping of African male slaves by white slave owners.
Buck Breaking came to life when African slaves’ rebellions had increased. It first started with the stripping of male slaves and having them flogged while other slaves watched. With time, it graduated into stripping and raping them. This act spared no male, it affected both children and men
At a time, Buck Breaking became so successful that it grew into “sex farms” where male African slaves were bred just for the purpose of being raped by their white masters.
Buck Breaking was done to cripple the ego and strength of the male slaves. Most slaves, after being raped, committed suicide as they could not “live with the shame”. History archives have it that Buck Breaking wasn’t only a white-master-to-African-male-slave thing, most times two or more African male slaves were forced to rape each other.
Buck Breaking was also done in the presence of little male slaves and the male slaves’ families so as to show superiority of the white master over the male slave leader. Buck Breaking crippled most little revolutions as it made slaves weak and less motivated. It broke the spirit of African male slaves and made them feel less masculine. Some records have it that sagging originated from Buck Breaking, slave masters forced male slaves to sag so as to let everyone (including other white slave masters) know they have already been raped. Then, male slaves who sagged wore no pants / boxers so their buttocks stayed out.
The Buck Breaking story wasn’t talked about during those days as male slaves felt their ego bruised so they avoided talking about their encounters and experience. Buck Breaking is just one of the many ways African slaves were punished and controlled . Buck breaking was also mixed with the “ breeding farms ” business white supremacist and slave owners operated. Breeding farms were created to increase the population of black people forcefully, in most cases black men were forced to sleep with their daughters, wife, mother or sister and the punishment for refusal was death.
Do you know of how black women were forced by law to cover their heads using Tignon? find out the epic story of tignon laws , how and why black women were forced to cover their heads.
great info I am glad that some is getting the ugly pain about blacks slaves and on how all slaves was abuse and raped and killed of america
it was very sad and pitiful how someone could treat another human being like that
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History October 11, 2018 at 01:00 pm
Elizabeth Ofosuah Johnson October 11, 2018 at 01:00 pm

From Afro-Barbadian slave to wealthy brothel owner in 1700s, how Rachael Pringle Polgreen rose to prominence
This is the only African city to make the top 5 world’s most creative cities list
The intriguing South Sudanese wedding ceremony in which women are forced to marry ghosts
First black woman to publish a book in English in 1773 finally honoured in UK with a plaque

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Elizabeth Ofosuah Johnson | Staff Writer
October 11, 2018 at 01:00 pm | History
Elizabeth Johnson is a Ghanaian –Nigerian avid reader and lover of the Creative Arts. She is also a writer and has worked with various online platforms as an editor and content creator. She also produces a literary radio show and has worked as a festival administrator. Her story was featured in the 2017 Independence anthology by Afridiaspora. Her play has been staged by African Theater Workshop and she is the 2018 winner of the Random Thoughts writing Prize.
Shockingly, the raping of enslaved men was as prevalent as the raping of enslaved women, however, the issue of enslaved men as rape victims has been mainly undiscovered due to the fact that men were generally shy to voice out that they had been raped by male merchants or their owners. Aside from being shy, the issue of enslaved men being raped was not believable because many of the men that raped them were married or had several girlfriends.
There was also no physical evidence to show that they were actually being raped as they did not get pregnant or show physical hurt. The raping of enslaved men was very common in the southern U.S. and Cuba where it was a huge part of the slave system by the Spanish. Many enslaved men were raped on ships and at secret sex farms and season plantations for homosexual slave owners which were very popular in the Carribean. They were also killed if they rebelled.
The rape of enslaved men was an open secret for several years during the slave trade days. Enslaved men were also forced to have sex with their master’s wives when masters were away. Many of these white mistresses used their African male slaves who exhibited great physique and strength. In general, the rape of enslaved men was overlooked because the issue of rape became very gender biased.

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Face2Face Africa is black owned and operated. Help us remain independent and free with as little as $6.


History October 11, 2018 at 01:00 pm
Elizabeth Ofosuah Johnson October 11, 2018 at 01:00 pm

From Afro-Barbadian slave to wealthy brothel owner in 1700s, how Rachael Pringle Polgreen rose to prominence
This is the only African city to make the top 5 world’s most creative cities list
The intriguing South Sudanese wedding ceremony in which women are forced to marry ghosts
First black woman to publish a book in English in 1773 finally honoured in UK with a plaque

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Face2Face Africa is black owned and operated. Help us remain independent and free with as little as $6.


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Elizabeth Ofosuah Johnson | Staff Writer
October 11, 2018 at 01:00 pm | History
Elizabeth Johnson is a Ghanaian –Nigerian avid reader and lover of the Creative Arts. She is also a writer and has worked with various online platforms as an editor and content creator. She also produces a literary radio show and has worked as a festival administrator. Her story was featured in the 2017 Independence anthology by Afridiaspora. Her play has been staged by African Theater Workshop and she is the 2018 winner of the Random Thoughts writing Prize.
Shockingly, the raping of enslaved men was as prevalent as the raping of enslaved women, however, the issue of enslaved men as rape victims has been mainly undiscovered due to the fact that men were generally shy to voice out that they had been raped by male merchants or their owners. Aside from being shy, the issue of enslaved men being raped was not believable because many of the men that raped them were married or had several girlfriends.
There was also no physical evidence to show that they were actually being raped as they did not get pregnant or show physical hurt. The raping of enslaved men was very common in the southern U.S. and Cuba where it was a huge part of the slave system by the Spanish. Many enslaved men were raped on ships and at secret sex farms and season plantations for homosexual slave owners which were very popular in the Carribean. They were also killed if they rebelled.
The rape of enslaved men was an open secret for several years during the slave trade days. Enslaved men were also forced to have sex with their master’s wives when masters were away. Many of these white mistresses used their African male slaves who exhibited great physique and strength. In general, the rape of enslaved men was overlooked because the issue of rape became very gender biased.

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