Slave Piercing

Slave Piercing


Slave Piercing

As promised, this is one of a series of letters written to the
editor of several different out of circulation Centurian/Spartacus
magazines. Most concern original writings by wives, lovers and
BD/SM mistresses and all will concern installed CBs which are
based on frenum and other penile piercings.

Here is an adapted transcription of:

Dear Editor of Slave Piercing and Feminization,

It seems that I am ahead of time. Several years ago, long before I saw your
Chastity Devices in Slave Piercing and Feminization, I locked my
slave/husband's cock into the permanent chastity ring device, which is
illustrated in the enclosed photograph.

We had been married for nearly five years when I suddenly found out he was
having an extramarital affair. By this time in our marriage, our sex life
had become abysmal. My discovery of his rancid affair explained the reason
why our sex life had recently fallen off.

When I strongly confronted my husband with the evidence that I had amassed
concerning his affair, he soon confirmed that my suspicious were true. He
begged me not to divorce him. He claimed that he really did love me, but I
think that he was just afraid that I would take all of this money.

He pleaded me to reconsider and to state my demands in order for him to
prove his love to me and to avoid a costly divorce action against him. I
thought in silence for a few moments and then I told him my demands. First,
he had to absolutely stop his extramarital affair. Second, similar to what
we had seen in the movie "Story of O," he would have his cock pierced and
fitted with a gold ring to mark that he was mine forever. And by
accomplshing these two demands, I informed him, I would not have my attorney
begin a divorce action. To my surprise, my husband readily agreed to do the
two demands... (He later told me, that his romantic interests was waning in
his affair and that he always wanted a penis piercing but was afraid to ask

The following weekend, we went to a piercing salon and after considering all
the penis piercing options, we selected a frenum piercing for him and a
suitably sized 10 guage gold ring. Owing to the skill of the piercing, my
husband experienced slight discomfort in having this done and a temporary
stud was installed in the piercing.

During the aftercare, my husband's piercing bled slightly but his main
complaint was that we could not have any sex. However, during his healing
period, I demanded that he nightly give me a soothing massage and orally
service me unti I came. Of interest to me was that my husband semed to like
participating in this somewhat one way sex play.

When my husband frenum piercing fully healed, within 40 days, we returned to
the piercing studio and I requested that a 10 gauge captive bead gold ring
was installed in his frenum piercing.

Wow, did our sex life suddenly improve!!! I asked that my husband wore his
frenum ring in the up position which snugly fit his penis and fit neatly into
the groove which is located just behind the head of his penis. To me worn in
this fashion, his gold penis ring looked very sexy. Because, the frenum ring
grips his penis tightly when he becomes erect, it improved his sex
performance too! He now had significantly greater erection-staying power
than ever before! Also my husband's ringed penis seemed to give me new,
highly charged erotic vaginal stimulation and I was now able to consistently
experience multiple orgasms like never before!

So, I thought that the ring in his cock would work miracles in our marriage
and cure his infidelity. But sadly, I was wrong. Within a year, I
discovered that he was having another affair.

This time I went 'crazy.' After a long session of yelling and screaming at
him and threatening to walk out and take everything; he got down on his knees
and begged me not to, that he would do anything to appease me and he admitted
that his wayward sex drive was an uncontrollable addiction.

This time, I told him that if he wanted to stay married, he would have to
give me complete control over our married life. I demanded that he grant me
complete control over his sex drive and allow me to make him into a sex slave
to serve me! To this astounging demand my husband said, "OK, I'll do
anything for you.. But no divorce."

I don't think he knew what I now had in mind for him! And I wonder now if
he didn't get what he actually what he wanted all along...

It took me awhile to really decide on what to do. I consulted the advice of
a friend who was chiefly employed as a very skilled machinist with a sideline
as a custom piercing jewelry smithy. I told him, what I wanted was a
chastity device for my husband which would give him very painful erections.
This chastity device must be very permanent and could not be removed by my
husband (who was not very mechanical). Furthermore, this permanent chastity
device had to go under my husband's dress work clothes, casual attire and
swim suits, be hygienic and not interfere with the passing of his urine.

With the assistance of my smithy friend, in time I came up with the design
for the permanent chastity ring which is illustrated in the photograph.

Following the advice of the smithy, I made several careful measurements of
my husband's cock while he was asleep and when his cock was flaccid. These
twice verified dimensions allowed the smithy to craft for me my husband's the
custom made chastity device to exacting dimensions.

What follows are the specifications of my chastity device which was custom
crafted for my husband and is still worn by him today ten years later. The
reader please be advised that different dimensions may apply for the man you
have in mind. The smithy obtained a 1.5 inch diameter steel ball made from
medical grade stainless steel. He first milled through its center, a 1.0
inch diameter hole. Then at right angles to the 1.0 inch diameter hole the
smithy milled a second hole which was intended to accommodate a 12 gauge
stainless steel barbell piercing. Looking through the 1.0 inch diameter
hole, the location of the 12 gauge barbell hole is in the lower quarter of
the larger diameter hole. Next, the smithy milled into the outer surface of
the stainless steel ball, two rounded pits or countersinks which were
intended to recess the stainless steel barbell ends. Finally, the smithy
gave all milled surfaces of the ball a high mirror polish.

Following the advice of my smithy friend, I installed this permanent
chastity device on my husband's penis during a special BD/SM scene that my
husband greatly enjoyed... Slow Masturbation is described in the first
edition of Joy of Sex; it is a sexual variation that my husband deeply enjoys
me giving him. And we have enjoyed doing this ever since were given this
book as a marriage gift. Slow Masturbation, as we practiced it, is done with
him tied to the bed, with a soft blindfold and a chewy gag too. To help
assure his cooperation, beforehand I encouraged my husband to consume a
couple of mixed drinks which caused him to get very sleepy after sex, because
of his intolerance to alcohol.

So with much enthusiasm, my naked husband assisted me to get aout all the
ropes and other equipment, he then positioned himself on the bed on his back,
and then stretched him self into a spread eagle position. So with minimum
effort, I was able to firmly tie him with 1/2 inch polished cotton cords to
the metal bed frame. Next, I propped his head up slightly with a pillow and
tied a padded blindfold to his head and inserted a chewy cock gag into his
mouth which was secured by means of a narrow belt around his head. After
initially securing my husband, I did a rope check to make sure that all the
bonds were tight; assuring that my husband would not squirm about but also
checking that he could breathe without difficulty and that he was not
experiencing any pinching due to an improperly tied rope.

By the time I finished fettering my husband firmly to the bed and checking
all his bonds an additional time, I noticed that his penis became very erect
and was throbbing with anticipation of the activity that would soon follow.
Following the prescriptions of Slow Masturbation, I too became naked.

Next, I got into a comfortable kneeling-sitting position on the bed; so that
my ass rested partly on his forehead and partly on the pillow cupporting his
head. This position caused me to face his feet and it gave me complete
control over his body. Furthermore, this position caused my cunt to cradle
my husband's nose; his gag allowed no mouth breathing; so he was forced to
breathe in the scent of my womanhood which further added to his sexual

Because of my tight fetters which stretched my husband into a helpless
spread eagle position, no movement or sudden jerk or spasm by him could throw
me from my seat on his face nor interfere with my teasing and massage of his
throbbing cock. With absolute confidence, I began giving him Slow
Masturbation. I first applied massage oil to his cock. Then I slowly and
continuously stroked and massaged his cock with oiled hands until he
explosively came. Then, without stopping I continued to massage his cock,
despite his muffled groans and vibrating body until he became whipped into a
frenzy. Amid great full body spasms and loud muffled groans his cock came a
total of five times. But soon he had his last orgasm; which was a dry one.
This signaled to me as being the proper time to stop massaging and teasing
his cock. We had be doing this continuously for over an hour and it was time
to stop the sex play. I dismounted his face and without out removing his
bonds or changing his fetters, I placed a single bed sheet over him as he
rapidly cooled off. And for a few moments I lay down next to him, to catch
my breath, and I observed under the sheet that his cock become already very
flaccid. All done, so far in our customary manner... But, I then allowed
him to continue to rest and he soon fell asleep; which he has done on several
occasions following a frantic session of Slow Masturbation.

After about one hour of rest, at an auspicious time when his sleep seemed to
deepen, I decided the time had arrived to install my permanent chastity
device on my husband's flaccid penis. I first obtained the chastity
installation tray I had previously secreted into the top drawer of the bed
stand cabinet. Then, I removed his gold penis ring from his frenum piercing.
From the kit, I obtained a foot long length of 1/4 polished cotton cord.
Using a slip knot, I firmly tied one end of the 1/4 inch cotton cord around
the groove behind the head of his cock. Next, I lubricated his penis head
and the first 1/3 of the shaft of his cock with our favorite sex lube.

I obtained my chastity ring and coated the inside of the large hole with my
finger previously dipped into sex lube. Next, I threaded the free end of the
1/4 inch cotton cord through the large hole of the chastity ring. As I
gently pulled with one hand on the cotton cord, I slowly worked the ring with
the other hand down his stretched flaccid cock. Slowly the lubed chastity
ring moved down his penis, past his penis head until the piercing holes of
the ring came into near alignment with his frenum piercing. I verified the
precise alignment by gently squeezing the shaft of his penis on both sides of
the ring, until I could see that the stainless steel ring holes came into
perfect alignment with the hole of the frenum piercing. At this point, I
stopped sliding the ring down my husband's penis. I then untied the 1/4 inch
cotton cord from head of my husband's penis and blotted off most of the sex
lube from my husband's penis with a tissue. And through all this activity my
husband was still soundly sleeping!

Next, I obtained from the kit, the stainless steel barbell. I unscrewed
each of the two barbell ends and set these aside. I then lubricated the
barbell rod with sex lube. I gently squeezed my husband's cock next to the
chastity ring and when I was able to see straight through the ring; I gently
slid the lubed barbell rod through one side of the ring, through my husband's
frenum piercing and then through the other side of the ring. At this point
the chastity ring was pinned to my husband's cock and the barbell rod was
equally protruding through both sides of the ring. With this done, the ring
was almost completely installed on the penis of my still sleeping husband!

Next, I cleaned both of the threaded ends of the barbell rod with a cotton
Q-tip dipped into rubbing alcohol to removed any trace of sex lube. I then
obtained one of the barbell ends from the night stand and into the barbell's
threaded hole I put a tiny drop of super glue. Holding the other end of the
barbell rod with a pair of jewelers pliers, I then quickly screwed the
barbell end onto the barbell rod. To the remaining barbelI end, I also
applied a tiny drop of super glue. Holding the chastity ring firmly with one
hand while pressing with my thumb on the fully installed barbell end, I then
quickly screwed the second barbell end onto the barbell rod.

As I mentioned earlier, I had the smithy mill small cup-shaped countersinks
or wells into the outer circumference of the stainless steel ball to
accommodate the barbell ends. Well, these were milled perfectly by the
smithy to fully recess the barbell ends and combined with the strong power of
the superglue, my husband's chastity ring was truly permanent! So working
quickly, I continued to twist each barbell end until they became fully seated
into their respective recessed wells in my husband's chastity ring.

I then gently cleaned and polished my husband's now permanent chastity ball
and blotted up any sex lube with tissue. I then cleaned up the mess on the
bed and returned the tray into the top drawer of the bed side cabinet.

With this last task completed; I suddenly realized that my mission that
night was 100% successful. I had just completed the installation of my
permanent chastity device on my husband's penis! And no way can he ever
cheat on me ever again!!! And through all of this, my husband was asleep!

I gently slid off the bed and then untied and removed from my sleeping
husband all his fetters. Then, I put away the ropes, blindfold and gag into
the chest of drawers. My last activity for that night was to cover my
husband and the bed with all the customary blankets and comforter.
Exhausted, I slid into bed and gave my husband a soft kiss on his cheek and I
gave a gentle pat to his chastity ring, as I turned off the lamp on top of
the bed side cabinet...

Early the next morning, I was awoken by the bouncing of the bed and the
sudden cry of my husband when his penis attempted a morning erection. With
his sudden discovery and awareness of a steel ball attached to his penis, he
yelled at me; Where?... What in the hell is this?" I turned on the light.
Fully awaken then, I yelled back at him; "It's either that or
divorce... Remember, I would take complete control over your sex
life... Right!... Well, on your penis is my permanent chastity

He then jumped out of bed and went toward the bathroom, with me following on
his heels, and he looked at himself in the full length mirror and he then
attempted to pull the chastity ball off his penis. "OUCH! F**k Woman!", he
then yelled to me, "Why did you do this to me?"

I said to him in a calm but firm voice, that we had agreed that he would
give me full control of his sex drive in order to avoid a divorce. And that
meant Full Control of His Sex Drive!!!

In the days that immediately followed after I had locked his dick into the
chastity ball and his situation began to sink in, he actually started to get
turned on. I think he wanted to become my slave all along.

The look of his prick struggling to stand up was amazing. The shaft was not
hard enough to really be called an erection; some deep red color came to the
head of his cock and that was all.

It was obviously very painful for my husband. I told him that he had
brought this upon himself by being such an ass. I reminded him that he
agreed that I was now in complete control of our sexual life. I was not just
his wife, I was his Mistress and he was my slave... forever! Furthermore, I
told him that I planned to pay him back for his screwing around by fucking
anyone I wanted, but with him in attendance as a sex slave. I made sure he
realized that he would never be able to fuck anyone or come ever again!

Since then, I have come to enjoy my control and his suffering more and more.
The chastity ball is heavy enough to always be pulling on his cock. This
reminds him every minute of every hour that he is my slave and is not just my

For several years now, he has had no sex. I on the other hand have had a
great sex life. I screw who I want and when I want. I usually just leave my
slave at home to think about what I'm doing. When I am feeling particularly
cruel, I will bring home a lover and include my slave-husband in our sex
play. The humiliation my slave feels turns me on so much! I love looking up
from an orgy and seeing him longing to join in. Of course, his only reward
is the pain he feels in his cock while I am enjoying incredible orgasms at
the hands of my lovers.

Because of my chastity device design, I can actually slip the ball and my
slave's dick into my cunt. He can't really thrust in and out of me and he
gets pain from attempting to get an erection, so he really can't enjoy this.
Sometimes we will lay there with him on top of me and my lover will fuck him
in the ass. Whenever my lover comes inside me, I have my slave lick me clean
of course. It is wonderful to see another man's come on his lips and face!

I hope you, Mr. Editor, have enjoyed reading about our sex history. We are
truly living a sex life as Mistress and slave. My slave-husband is so much
easier to live with now. I know he has no sex life other than that which I
permit him. He tells me he is happy and so am I with this arrangement. We
love your publications and can't wait to see the next issue when it arrives
to our home by mail.

In closing, I hope that every woman will take the initiative to rule over
her husband and to make him her slave. Most men are wimps and deserve very
little. Take a slave ladies, and buy a chastity device for him (or have a
custom one made like mine). Girls, you'll will never regret it!

Page last updated 98-Sept-08 by:

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In the past several years the availability of body jewelry has gone from reputable piercing studios to mall kiosks, clothing stores and even gas stations. It is important when selecting body jewelry that you choose jewelry that is of the highest quality and craftsmanship. When you purchase jewelry that is suspiciously inexpensive chances are you are getting anything but a bargain. There are no regulations on the manufacturing of body jewelry so there is an influx of cheap overseas jewelry made
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