Slave Girl First Anal Figging Tumblr

Slave Girl First Anal Figging Tumblr


Slave Girl First Anal Figging Tumblr
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Violence / Pornography involving minors
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Copyright infringement / Invasion of privacy george j churchward coming to showcase…
Another mother introduces *regression* into bringing *law and order* back into the home, with the addition of *real* discipline and consequences.
Her twenty something year old daughter, has little to say that is effectually convincing that will alter the process. 
Especially arguing that she is “too big to be spanked”, dressed to appear like a little girl [about to receive an over the knee, *panties down*, Spanking]. 
Assume the position… and pull those knickers tight…
Many people believe that if someone likes to get spanked, it is all sexual. That is not the case all the time. Even though getting spanked has some sexual effects or enhances sexual arousal, there are many non-sexual benefits from getting spanked. What can spankings do for you?
1. Getting spanked relieves stress.
3. Getting spanked generates endorphins and puts you in a euphoric state.
4. Getting spanked generates adrenaline and gives an adrenaline rush, especially if you are anticipating getting a very harsh one.
5. Getting spanked lifts moods. Russian psychiatrists have found success in treating depression with bare butt whippings.
6. The marks left from getting spanked is like an art of its own.
7. For some, it can restore feelings of youth.
Don’t be ashamed of getting spanked, enjoy it! For those who never tried it in your adult years, give it a try. You never know, you may like it.
Agree, plus after getting spanked you are mor energetic than before.
In a perfect world, I would be spanked and otherwise punished at least once a day, or even just multiple days a week. Like maintenance and/or bedtime routine spankings + punishments. 
Not just because I’m a masochist, at that point I’m sure I’d like them less and I never enjoy true punishments. But I need them.
The amount of brat built up inside of me is outrageous. I need to be kept in line and feel controlled. I also need help bettering my life. Discipline is how I learn and change best, I’m just too stubborn otherwise.
Plus, my behavior when I’m regularly spanked and punished is at least 10x better, more submissive, and happier. 
I just want to be a good little girl who knows her place.
Louis Malteste 1862 - 1928 - Number 3 - The Figging
Continuing with my series of my favorite drawings of his, to which I am putting a few words…
“What are you doing Mistress, what’s that?”
Her Victorian Domme smiled. “I am figging you my little pet.”
{this has been a form of punishment since ancient times, when a piece of ginger root was carved and inserted into the anus or vagina.This method of physical punishment was first used as a form of discipline on female slaves in Ancient Greece, and during the Victorian era it was unofficially used by the Holy Roman Empire as a method of disciplinary action or corporal punishment for female prisoners. The detainee was restrained to varying degrees in order to restrict mobility while the sensation grew from uncomfortable to extreme.}
“Oh God Mistress, I mean…yes Mistress.”
“That is better, much better, you have been getting a little above yourself my dear, and even though you are my favorite sapphic (Victorian word for lesbian) plaything, you still need teaching a lesson when I see fit! Now keep still, or I will call in the other girls and shove another piece up you dumb-glutton (Victorian slang for cunt) before them, as they laugh at your plight!”
The girl stops struggling…and pulls her cheeks apart for Mistress, who shoves the butt plug up to the hilt.
Mistress waits until her submissive slut begins to wriggle and scream as the heat increases…then begins spanking her with a hairbrush.
Lesson learnt, the Mistress regains total control, both are happy.
************** Footnote…during birching or caning in Victorian judicial punishments, the Figging method was used a lot. If a prisoner clenched their buttocks, hence their anus walls onto the root, the pain increased maybe ten fold. So it was often used to stop a prisoner clenching their buttocks during a caning! The root works for thirty minutes. After a flogging the root was peeled and re inserted, and for some reason increased it’s efficiency in pain infliction, to make the experience more intense and last longer. Wicked people these Victorian administers of judicial punishment.
(3.21.18. With @the-blue-of-noon )
After our usual hours of talking, I caught the subtle shift in his demeanor.
“Can I use your bathroom?” I asked, following one of his previously established rules for being at his home. This time he agreed and even let me close the door for privacy.
When I returned to the living room, he’d changed positions on the couch.
“No, no,” he said, when I headed back towards my seat. He pointed at the ground between his legs. “Kneel here.”
The cement floor felt cold even through my pants. Unable to meet his gaze, I fidgeted and laughed nervously, not knowing what to do with my hands.
He began asking me a series of questions: Did I think I’d been good? Was there anything that I thought I’d be in trouble for? Did I deserve a “just because” spanking or had I actually done something?
I navigated his inquiry cautiously, unsure where he was leading me with this line of questioning. Again, I laughed out of nervousness.
He grabbed the nape of my neck with one hand and slapped me hard across the face. “Do you think this is funny?”
Whatever hopes I had in maintaining even a semblance of control over the situation disappeared. I sat back stunned, shaking my head. Never had I felt such a sense of submissive deflation.
“I’m going to tell you what you did, and you’re going to instantly feel badly about it when you realize what it is,” he predicted.
He was right, of course, with his uncanny ability to read me. A combination of shame, guilt, and remorse hit me as he reminded me that I had for a whole week not responded to multiple text messages he’d sent checking-in on me after our last afternoon of spanking and sex. He’d been concerned.
“I was embarrassed. I just got overwhelmed and I wanted to hide. It was easier to just avoid it.” The excuses tumbling out of my mouth sounded feeble even to my own ears.
He cut me off, “I know you were embarrassed. That doesn’t excuse that behavior, and I’m going to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Without much else to say, I watched his hands gently play with two curls of my hair that hung in front of my chest, thinking how sweet the gesture seemed.
He lectured for some time before telling me what was going to happen and forcing me to say out loud that he was going to give me a spanking – making me use that specific word knowing how uncomfortable it made me.
“I don’t think you’re embarrassed enough,” he announced as he led me over to the dining table and pulled out a chair.
He left me standing beside it for a moment while he went upstairs and returned carrying a plastic hairbrush and a dense bath brush. He set them ominously on the table and sat down on the chair.
His fingers undid the button on my pants and pulled them and then my panties completely off. He collected the hem of my blouse and put it into my hands, exposing my front to his gaze. Another wave of shame hit me, and I squirmed in place, knowing better than to take actual steps away.
My head rushed with blood when his fingers touched my crotch, spreading my lips to inspect my most intimate parts. I fluttered my hands uselessly as I fought the urge to cover myself. Noticing my distress, he reminded me to keep my hands at my side and not move them.
As he continued to probe, I covered my face with my hands. I regretted the thoughtless action when he stood up and slapped me – not once but over and over again – until my cheek burned even after he’d stopped. With a warning to keep my hands at sides, he returned to his examination.
The relief I felt when he pulled me over his lap was short lived. He scolded me as he spanked, letting me know exactly why I was being punished and how my behavior had gotten me into this position. Even his hand just hurt.
My begging, which had begun before the spanking had started, only intensified when he switched to the plastic hairbrush. From there it quickly got worse.
“You don’t need to use that. Please don’t use that,” I pleaded, feeling the flat back of the bath brush tap against me.
The brush landed with a loud crack that filled the room quickly followed by my startled shriek. He ignored my frantic apologies and pleas, barely giving me a chance to catch my breath in between, as he laid into me with the dense wood.
I wasn’t aware that he had paused until I suddenly felt his hands spread my bottom cheeks widely apart. Horrified at what I knew he could see, I pitched forward, trying to tip off his lap.
“If you’re going to be bad, I’ll take you upstairs and after I’m done fucking you like a little whore, I’ll spank you again before you leave. Is that what you want?”
“No, I don’t,” I replied, my voice subdued.
It took every ounce of willpower in me to stay still when his hands spread my cheeks. I covered my flushed face with my own hands and held my breath.
To my utter disappointment, as soon as he released me, he returned to swatting me relentlessly with the bath brush until I was once again promising to never ignore his texts. I would have promised him the moon if only he would stop.
He dragged me to my feet abruptly, stripped off the remainder of my clothing, and led me naked to the side of the stairs. With my face towards the railing, he raised both of my hands and placed them behind my head.
“Keep them there and stick out your butt,” he ordered.
I danced in place, struggling to maintain my position. I lasted for only a few strokes with that awful brush before I dissolved into a barely coherent mess. Fat tears dripped from my eyes as I clung to the railing to keep myself from reaching back.
He led me to an ottoman in the middle of the room. It was then that I noticed the moisture between my legs. I could feel the slickness down the tops of my thighs as I walked.
“Are you wet?” he asked, as if reading my mind.
Startled by the timing of the question, I immediately denied it.
Not wanting to admit that I had, I said nothing. His fingers spread my pussy open when I didn’t respond. I cringed knowing he could see it all.
To my dismay, the spanking continued. I lost count of how many more times he spanked me with the bath brush. No matter how I twisted or moved, it seemed to make contact with somewhere.
Then he had me lay flat down to better hit the backs of my thighs. The first swat on the sensitive skin caused a fresh new stream of tears down my face.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I wailed, panicked.
“If this happens again, it’s going to be even worse,” he threatened. He brought down the brush mercilessly on my other thigh.
I could barely see through my tears when he marched me up the stairs to the bedroom. I kneeled on the mattress, feeling relief at the thought that the pain portion was most likely over– the bedroom usually meant sex.
He pinched both my nipples so tightly, stretching them ever so slightly, that I cried out. “Do you think you’re done? The spanking might be done but you’re not done being punished.”
Letting go of my nipples, he pushed two fingers into my pussy. It was the first bit of pleasure I’d felt, and I suppressed an automatic moan. I didn’t want him to stop touching me but he brought his fingers to my mouth knowing how much I hated to taste myself. Still, I obediently cleaned off my arousal, too scared to even hesitate.
He slapped the front of my thighs and grabbed them so roughly that I doubled over from the pain. He pushed me onto my back and slapped my pussy.
“Are you going to be a good whore?”
He slapped my pussy again. “You are?”
We swapped positions, and I took his cock into my mouth, sucking eagerly while rubbing my hand up and down his shaft.
Finally, he interrupted my task to say, “Put your face down on the bed and get your butt up.”
My heart leapt at the thought that I was finally going to be fucked. I wanted nothing more than to feel him inside me.
“Reach back and spread your cheeks.” His words cut through my excitement.
I balked, embarrassed at the obscene image I would present. “No, please don’t make me.”
He jerked me up with such force and slapped my face several times in quick succession. I tried to flinch away but my head was immobilized by one of his hands behind my neck. He shoved me back down on the bed and repeated his command.
This time with quivering lips I buried my face into the sheets to hide the new tears in my eyes and slowly exposed myself for his view.
He rolled me onto my back and entered me forcefully. Before I could enjoy the feeling of fullness, I grimaced at the initial pain as my pussy accommodated him. He fucked me roughly without any concern for my own pleasure, telling me how I’d gotten spanked for being such a bad girl and how it would happen again if I misbehaved.
It was a gloriously long fucking. He lifted my legs back with the instruction to keep them up. He pushed them further towards me so our bodies touched fully. “I can feel how hot your bottom is from your spanking,” he told me as he pressed deep into me. Each thrust rubbed against my tender skin.
He pulled out of me, removed the condom, and ordered me resume sucking his cock. I ignored the lingering taste of lubricant and sucked with single-minded determination until he finished in my mouth.
We returned downstairs, and I watched him timidly as he dressed. I moved to pick up my own discarded clothing.
“No,” he said, stopping me in my tracks. “You don’t get your clothes back yet.”
He sat on the couch and motioned for me to join him. I nestled between his legs and laid my head against his chest as he covered me with a throw. I closed my eyes and broke into a smile.
Novelty Paddle - the secretary activator!
As with all such paddles -“Grip firmly in case of frustration” so you can apply it where it will provide you some relief on the naughty bare bottom of your lazy secretary
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It's unfortunate, I loved tumblr, that's why I created tumbex. Using tumblr with an easy, clean and efficient interface was my goal. Because to be honest, their interface is really to be reviewed (otherwise you would not be here).
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