Slave Gelding

Slave Gelding


Slave Gelding

By Staff Writer Last Updated March 30, 2020

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In ancient methods of castration, a practitioner removed or crushed the testicles, or removed the penis with the testicles, according to Endocrine Press. Castration implements included swords, knives, shards of glass, razors and red-hot pokers. Practitioners grasped the genitals with one hand or tightened a cord tied around the genitals. With one stroke of a razor, they removed the parts as close to the body as possible, then inserted nails into the urethra to allow urination.
In 2015, oncologists use drugs to chemically castrate victims of prostate cancer by the hundreds of thousands in America, reports Richard Wassersug in the New York Times. Because American men feel ashamed, few mention it to others, and few people know any chemically castrated men.
India’s Nirvan eunuchs undergo castration with methods much like the ancient Asians experienced, explains the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Several eunuchs hold a candidate down while a sharp knife lops off the penis and testicles in one strike.
Another Nirvan method involves plying the candidate with alcohol and opium and tying a thread tightly around the genitals to cut off the blood circulation, notes the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Someone tightens the thread regularly until the parts fall off. It takes about three days, during which the new eunuch stays intoxicated with alcohol. Sometimes a physician stitches up the wound, and sometimes the caretakers use herbs to heal the wound.

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46. Today in 1920s Turkey: 2 January 1927 (Santa: Deliverer of Gifts AND Love Letters?) — Steemit
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Excerpted from Birthing a Slave: Motherhood and Medicine in the Antebellum South by Marie Jenkins Schwartz. Published by Harvard University Press.
“By the 1820s planters and would-be planters were moving in large numbers to places previously unavailable for settlement and growing the fiber for sale in Europe and New England, where a textile industry was beginning to thrive. The…
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Chapter 5
Pre-sale Inspections: The Two, Blond Slaves
Now securely locked back in their pen, the
two, blond slaves are fretful; they are acutely aware of the absence of their
fellow slave.

The black-haired slave, who is nameless like them, has been an integral part of
their lives since that day, six long years ago, when the old master had bought
the three of them as young teenagers. In the intervening years, the three had
shared the hardships of their common slavery and had found solace in one
another's company. Working together in the fields had forged strong bonds of
affection between them and this manifested itself during the long hours of
darkness in the juvenile slaves' stables.

At first, this was simply boisterous rough and tumble wrestling with each other
- as far as their chains would allow - and enjoying the close, physical contact
with one another's naked bodies. However, as they watched and listened to the
adult slaves pleasuring each other in the adjoining adult stables, they soon
began to experiment with their own burgeoning sexualities. Gaining the necessary
experience from much clumsy fumbling, they were soon fucking each other - often
and enthusiastically. Even, when on reaching maturity, they were moved into the
adult stables, they still preferred to lie together during the night and confine
their lovemaking to one another.

Now, they are painfully aware that this aspect of their lives is over; that soon
they will be parted and sold to new masters. They feel an incredible sadness at
this separation from their friend. They are unaware that he is now lost to them
forever and that they will never see him again. Miserably, they huddle together
in a silent embrace and try not to dwell on their own impending separation.

They still have memories of their lives before their enslavement. Almost of an
identical age, they are cousins - their fathers, both farmers, were brothers -
and they had been inseparable since an early age. They had lived with their
families in a disputed border area, which had been caught up in one of the many
skirmishes between two warring factions. Overrun by their enemies, their
enslavement was swift and brutal. The men and teenaged boys had been separated
from the women and younger children and sold to slave buyers from the south.
These slave-buyers, always on hand whenever there was a border dispute, were
eager to snap up any bargains to send to the southern slave markets. Stripped
naked by their captors, the men and boys were grouped into lots of ten and
offered for quick sale to the slavers. The two cousins were part of a group of
twenty sold to the same buyer who promptly despatched them to his dealer in the
south. Here they were quickly processed into slavery.

They bitterly recall the treatment they received at the hands of the slave
dealer to whom they now belonged. Because of their age, the young, teenaged
slaves were spared the horrors of branding. However, they were witnesses to the
branding of the mature aged slaves in their group. They watched in horror as
their unfortunate companions were dragged kicking and screaming to the branding
table and securely fastened down. They listened as the new slaves begged for
non-existent mercy and watched as the branding iron was applied to their left
flanks. They heard the sounds of sizzling flesh and the animal-like screams of
the victims as the brand seared itself into their tender flesh. In their
imaginations, they can still smell the urine, excrement and vomit of the newly
branded slaves.

Their own branding would come later; on reaching maturity and it would be no
less traumatic.

Once branded, all the new slaves were fitted with the accoutrements of slavery -
metal neck collars, wrist manacles and ankle shackles - and then placed in a pen
to await their eventual sale. Over the next few days they were prepared for
their sale. Their heads were shorn to a proper slave crop, beards removed and
all body hair trimmed back to an acceptable level; the slave dealer preferred to
leave the slaves au naturel - he reasoned it was the new owner's right to decide
whether his new slave retained his body hair or was made smooth.

Whilst it was usual for the body of a pleasure slave to be smoothly shaven this
wasn't the case for a work slave; most masters couldn't be bothered with the
high maintenance required in constantly shaving a work slave's body. Such slaves
are periodically tidied up and are allowed to wash once a week. Now prepared,
the slaves were left to fret in their pens and wonder about their impending
sales. They didn't have long to wait.

Next morning they were ordered out of their pens and chaotically sorted into
position, then chained by the neck, one behind the other, into the order of
their sale. The two cousins now found themselves separated and spaced between
two adults. Each slave was allocated a lot number written in black on the left
pectoral and the right buttock. The numbers allocated to the cousins were "27"
and "33".

Driven out of the pens and into the saleyards, the new slaves were unshackled
and made to stand, chained by the left ankle, on a long rostrum where they were
now available for "inspection" by any potential buyer. Here they were minutely
examined as eager hands roamed freely over their naked bodies testing the
soundness of their musculatures. They were made to pose their bodies by
twisting, stretching and squatting and listened as their physical attributes
were dispassionately discussed and argued over by the many interested buyers.
They endured the indignity of having their balls hefted, weighed and fondled as
their penises were stretched and stroked into erection. And they suffered the
ultimate humiliation of being forced to bend at the waist and present their
asses for inspection. The final inspection was for the soundness of their mouths
and teeth.

At the end of the auction the cousins were overjoyed to discover that the same
owner had bought them. They were chained into a coffle with another four
juveniles slaves and driven out to the old master's farm where they were put to
work in his fields.

The memories of this first sale are still fresh in their minds and they are only
too aware of what awaits them over the next two days.

Suddenly the door to the pen is unlocked and the two slaves are ordered out into
the centre passageway. Under the impatient direction of the steward, his two
assistants quickly fasten their wrists to the back of their collars and cover
their nudity with two small squares of thin, white cloth tied around their
waists- one in front covers their genitals and the other hides their asses. This
had been ordered by Dave Matheson as a mark of respect for the Middleton
sisters. This is the first time since their enslavement that they have worn
clothing of any type and both slaves are acutely aware of the coarse material
exciting their cocks and rubbing against their buttocks.

Now they are hurried through a series of rooms and passages into a room unlike
any they have seen before. This room is large and is tastefully decorated in
shades of soft grey and pink and exudes an air of feminine charm and luxury. In
the centre of the room is a raised platform of polished timber and the
surrounding floor is covered in a thick, plush carpet. Scattered around the
room, there are expensive, floral-chintz, covered chairs and divans grouped
around expensive, coffee tables.

Surprised at this turn of events, the two slaves barely have time to take all
this in as they are made to mount the platform and stand as each has his left
ankle locked into short length of chain before their wrists are unfastened from
their collars.

"You two are in luck." The steward tells them. "The master has had an unexpected
request to display you. He thought you'd go to auction without any interest
being shown in you."

Both slaves are naturally curious as to who is to inspect them but their
training prevents them from asking the steward for more detail. He now instructs

"Face the front and assume the display position. In a few moments two clients
will be here to examine you. They are two very important women looking to buy
two, strong slaves like you. It's important that you both make a good
impression. In their presence you will remain in the display position with your
heads bowed. Under no circumstances will YOU SPEAK unless they give you
permission to do so or if they ask you a question. Then you will answer briefly
and don't forget to call them MISTRESS. You will obey any instructions they give
you IMMEDIATELY and without comment. I'll have my two assistants standing behind
you with canes and goads and they won't hesitate to use them if you give them
any reason to do so. You'll proudly present your bodies for any examination and
assume any positions they command of you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

Trembling, both the young slaves simply answer,

"Yes sir."

"All right then. Let's get you into position. GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND

Both slaves hastily fall to their knees and assume the display position; they
cross their ankles and spread their knees as at the same time they hold their
upper bodies rigidly erect and bow their heads. The steward checks out their
front and back coverings to ensure their genitals and buttocks are decently

"Now, when the master and his clients enter the room you'll immediately show
them the respect due to them by assuming the full obeisance position. And you'll
stay in those positions until you are instructed otherwise."

The steward orders his two assistants to take up a position, one behind each of
the slaves and as the door opens, he barks the order.


Immediately both slaves comply with this instruction by pressing their foreheads
and the palms of their hands to the floor. From this position, they aren't able
to see who has entered the room but are able to hear a woman's voice speaking to
Dave Matheson.

"I'm surprised, Mr Matheson. What a delightful room. The decor is absolutely

"Thank you, Miss Harriet. The room was designed by an interior decorator from a
feminine perspective as you can see."

"Yes I can see that, but what I don't understand is why you have gone to so much
trouble? After all, one associates those areas where one examines slaves as
dingy and somewhat seedy."

"That's true; Miss Harriet and the viewing rooms for our gentlemen clients
aren't as opulent as this one. However, given the increase in the number of lady
clients now buying their own slaves rather than leaving it to their menfolk as
in the past, we here at Matheson's decided we needed to do our best to
accommodate this emerging market."

"I'm surprised to hear that there are women who actually buy their own slaves.
It wouldn't have happened when I was younger."

"You're quite right. But things are changing. With the increase in the number of
successful women in the professions and commerce, there is now a tendency on the
part of these women to buy their own slaves. They look for greater independence
from the men in their lives."

"Humph! I'm not sure that I fully understand or approve. But tell me, do these
women actually examine the slaves?"

"Of course and we here at Matheson's actively encourage them to do so. In the
past, buying slaves was done exclusively by men. As a result, most women aren't
aware of how to go about appraising and buying a slave. What we do here at
Matheson's is to run evening supper-seminars on all aspects of appraising,
buying and owning a slave. There's great interest in these events, and you'd be
surprised at the number of women's groups and clubs who request us to stage such
an evening for them."

"Really and what form do these evenings take?"

"We instruct the ladies on the characteristics they should look for in any slave
they are considering buying and how to physically examine the slave to see if he
meets with their criteria. These evenings are all very much hands-on affairs. In
fact, the ladies themselves see these evenings as fun evenings that boost their
confidence in buying and owning a slave."

"And do you use real slaves at these evenings?"

"Yes we do, Miss Harriet. We usually pick an assortment of ten to fifteen slaves
from our pens and present them to the ladies to practise on. Of course the
slaves are cleaned up and presented as though they are really being sold.
They're numbered and chained up on the rostrum as they would be at a real
auction. We have representatives present who advise the ladies as they move
along the line of slaves discussing or examining them just as they would at a
real slave sale. The ladies become quite enthusiastic and even have the slaves
placed on their hands and knees on the inspection benches for more detailed and
closer inspections. Then, once the inspections are finished, we have a 'mock'
auction where the ladies actually bid for the slaves to gain experience for the
real thing. The ladies are always appreciative and tell us how much they've
enjoyed the evening. We have many ladies who attend more than one seminar. And
of course it's good practise for the slaves too. They know what to expect at a
real auction."

"Do the slaves object to being examined by women?"

"No! Not at all. They know better than to offer any resistance. They know they
will be severely punished for any acts of intransigence. In fact, Miss Harriet,
I believe the slaves enjoy these evenings almost as much as the ladies.
Certainly, they become very excited during the evening's activities much to the
ladies' delight. And, of course we show the ladies how a slave's appearance can
be enhanced by the use of body adornments and jewelry. The ladies are always
interested in this aspect of owning a slave. Then we finish the evening by
demonstrating the chastisement of a slave."

"How do you do that?"

"Well, we normally use one of the in-house slaves for that. There's always at
least one of my slaves who warrants a punishment and we delay that punishment to
use as a demonstration at a ladies' evening."

"What form does this punishment take, Mr Matheson?"

"Oh, it's nothing too graphic, Miss Harriet. We usually limit the punishment to
a caning or a mild whipping. And we allow the ladies to vote on whether it's to
be a caning or a whipping. Perhaps, Miss Harriet, I could invite you and Miss
Martha to one of our ladies' nights?"

"Thank you, Mr Matheson. But I think neither my sister nor I would be interested
in attending such a sordid affair." Harriet Middleton haughtily replies. "And I
think it's time to return to the real purpose of our visit. Are these the two

"Yes indeed they are. Would you like them to stand and display?"

"Not just yet, thank you." Harriet replies as she and Martha walk slowly around
the two slaves looking at their powerful backs. "I notice they are clothed; is
this usual?"

"No. I ordered coverings for them as I wasn't sure if you ladies would be
offended by their nakedness."

"As I said earlier, Mr Matheson, both my sister and I are used to seeing naked
slaves out at the plantation. Could we view them uncovered please?"

"If you're comfortable with that, then of course, we can remove their
loincloths." Then the dealer raps out the order to.


Unhesitatingly, both slaves leap to their feet and place themselves on display
with their heads bowed.

"I notice their immediate response to your order, Mr Matheson. I like that.
Slaves should obey any instruction given to them smartly and without question."

"I understand from their owner that these two boys are well trained in that
regard, Miss Harriet. Both of them are loyal, obedient, and hard-working."

"Then why is he selling them?"

"I believe their owner needs quick cash. Indeed he has asked me to sell four of
his slaves; these two, another young field-slave and his farm steward. All of
them are prime stock."

"Then, the man is a fool. Any farmer who sells his steward simply for quick
money is either short-sighted or inco
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