Slave Eating Shit Mistress

Slave Eating Shit Mistress


Slave Eating Shit Mistress
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Copyright © 2022 Mistress Ophelia Fatale . All Rights Reserved. | Catch Vogue by Catch Themes
Brisbane Dominatrix, Fetish Queen, Fantasy Facilitator and Dungeon Mistress
Don’t believe Me? Read on then, pet….
Goddess worship in it’s rawest form. Hell yeah I’m the self proclaimed Queen of scat in Brisbane. I mean, none of my toilet slaves are going to contest that. The truth is that I enjoy it more than any other Dominatrix I know, you won’t find anyone else that wants to force feed you.
It took me three years to start offering hardsports and toilet sessions. It’s like something switched in my brain overnight and I threw myself into the deep end (typical) within 48hrs. I remember telling my toilet that if he vomits, I’ll laugh at him and that he’s cleaning it. That I wouldn’t feed it to him because it’s shit and it’s disgusting. Once I’d dumped my load into his mouth, I put some gloves on and forced it down his throat, totally against my own imaginary boundary. I loved it. It’s shit and it’s disgusting. That’s why we love it.
I’m attempting to use this blog to answer any questions that you have about serving as My toilet – bear in mind that I don’t only see toilet slaves, but scat fetishists too.
I’m a healthy Bitch. I consume a vegan diet and a very low amount of processed foods. My body runs like clockwork and my best quality turd happens at 9:30am. I will not see you at any other time, unless you’re ready to compromise quality for convenience.
I love to make jokes about having you eat your vomit should it occur, but as much as I’m a bitch I’m also a huge advocate for consent and I understand that consent can be withdrawn at any moment (hence the use of safe words). You say the word and it’s over. If you require a specific aftercare process you need to make me aware of this too.
THERE ARE SO MANY WAYS TO PLAY WITH SHIT!!! I can use you as my toilet, restrain you, have you eat from a dog bowl etc etc. Like any other fetish, there are different levels to hardsports which I will talk about below. Generally you will arrive and, we once again talk about what we’re doing and then we do the thing that we’ve negotiated together.
I offer toilet training fantasy, full toilet training, extended toilet slavery and brown shower sessions (consumed or not). For those that cannot jump in the deep end, I would suggest a fantasy session involving golden showers and conditioning you to one day, eat my shit. I’ve never had someone chicken out in a scat session, even those with previous bad experiences.
This is always a risk for consuming shit. This is how I mitigate these risks: – I will not shit on your body if you have any wounds or cuts on it. – I do not eat meat, eggs or poultry therefore the risk of salmonella and e-coli is pretty much nil. – Do not brush your teeth!!!! This creates micro-tears in your gums and will cause infection if shit gets in there. Mouthwash instead, baby.
My minimum charge for scat sessions is $500. This depends whether you’re in and out, the degree of interaction that I have with my shit and the amount of time you’re there for.
Hope you’re hungry! If you want to find out for yourself, go here – Comment any further questions below and I’ll add them to the list.

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→ Toilet slaves

M y toilet slave is having trouble getting everything down but is insisting he wants to keep trying, is this normal when you first start training a full service toilet slave? Are there things I can do to help facilitate the process?

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y es it is
do you change your diet for feeding what happening when he is fed
take it hes already a good urinal
feel free to contact me direct if you dont want to carry this converstation on here
I t's about the taste (and, moreso, smell) of shit - not just your shit - your shit is perfectly normal as far as shit goes, and sounds like it may be above-average. What's not normal is for a human to eat shit.
Remember that the majority of taste routes through smell. While having your slave eat your shit regularly may cause health problems, you should use his mouth each time you shit, even if all he does it take it to the toilet to dispose of it - then make him clean your ass with his tongue, where he will have to consume minuscule amounts of your shit (and shouldn't be a hazard to his health, even if done daily).
This stuff really needs to be taken in stages, as toilet play is some of the most hardcore play you can get into, mentally-speaking. Your brain is hard-wired to be repelled from the smell of feces the same as it is to be repelled from someone pointing a weapon - you are straight-up rewiring your brain when you choose to be a toilet slave.
So, first of all, you need to make sure you shit regularly - making a routine with you and your slave will help - the best is to shit each morning, since you are most-likely to be together then, assuming you live together. Otherwise, time your shits to the times when you are together.
For a week, use his mouth to shit and then tell him he can not eat it - he's not allowed - this will make him see being allowed to eat it as a privilege. Make him stay with it in his mouth for at least five minutes - if you like, you can allow him to ejaculate - it's just further conditioning for him to adore your shit.
After that, begin to give him a piece of very bitter dark chocolate before you squat to give him your special dark chocolate - smearing some under his nose will also help his olfactory system to condition eating your shit with being a good thing. Just like our brains are wired to run away when we smell shit, we're encouraged to stick around with things like chocolate (or blueberries or bacon or whatever). This will help him begin to eat - eventually you won't have to use the chocolate anymore and he will love to eat your shit.
You need to look at it scientifically - study up on neurology and psychological conditioning methods and then use them in your training.
It's not about your shit - it's about your method.
Remember to take care of your toilet - make him brush his teeth, floss, and use mouthwash religiously (you might even like shitting into a mentholated toilet...) - make him eat a multi-vitamin every day - make him drink massive amounts of water, as his kidneys are now going to be filtering far more than they used to, and will appreciate it.
Any other questions, just let me know.
h ow yoiu scat slave doing you might want to try a shit shake or mixing it into the slaves food like how you can trick a child to like vegtables.
shit is very bitter and needs be be a required taste
I could not even bare to take a log in my mouth to start with but now 3 years later i can feed from my mistress twice a day quite easily and I am able to swallow easily anything she can offer and I actually enjoy the taste like the other writers here have said its a matter of little steps take it easy and in time you will soon have a good scat slave
M ake ur toilet slave play other less intensive games as well licking ass crack and drinking ur hot urine after u come from a jog. This will make him willing to eat ur shit. Just as some of the friends said, even if he vomits in the toilet, let him atleast put his finger in the hole, screw it and then lollipop it till no more shit can b found on the rectun walls.

Remember to have a healthy diet and lifestyle as it would impact ur excretas too.
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WATCH | Woman accused of forcing 'rival' to eat faeces in cheating row
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More stories to check out before you go
Police are investigating a case of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm against a nurse who allegedly fed a woman dog faeces in Cape Town.
Police spokesperson Cpt FC van Wyk has confirmed that a case of assault GBH, intimidation and crimen injuria was opened at the Ravensmead police station on Tuesday.
This after a disturbing video of the woman ordering her man's alleged "lover" to eat from a bag filled with "dog faeces" went viral this week.
The video shows the 27-year-old victim being forced to eat out of the bag as the woman hurls insults at her.
"Eat. I will show you what I do with (cheaters). That is not my k*k, it is my dog's k*k."
The victim opens the bag and starts eating the contents which seemingly look like dog faeces.
"You are not going to get nausea and vomit here, can you see my place is clean?," she is told.
The victim, who moans and struggles to stomach the contents, is then told: "Swallow, you are taking too long, take another piece."
"Take another piece, you can choose which one you want - soft, hard, mushy or anything," the woman is heard saying.
She goes further and tells the younger woman that she has a sexually transmitted disease but her HIV test is negative.
"When are you going to the clinic?"
The woman responds by saying, "Monday".
"You make sure that you go to the clinic immediately and tell them I sent you. If you don't go, don't make me look for you," the woman says, while waving an object which looks like a chain in her hand.
Before the video of just under four minutes ends, she instructs the woman to take a big piece from the bag.
"There you go, chew for auntie. Beautiful."
Tygerberg hospital spokesperson Laticia Pienaar confirmed that the nurse has been an employee at the hospital for the past four years.
Pienaar said the hospital became aware of the incident through social media.
"Internal investigations are taking place to establish the facts regarding this incident and to determine allegations of improper conduct.
"If any public servant is found guilty of improper conduct, it can lead to a dismissal from the service," Pienaar said.

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