Slave And Master Stories

Slave And Master Stories


Slave And Master Stories

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I am a slave in a master/slave relationship, AMA!
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I saw /u/VeryIntelligent post about being a master , so I figured I'd make a post about being a slave.
I'm 24 years old and live with my master/boyfriend, who is 30. Our relationship isn't 24/7, as I usually have 1-2 days off in a week. Although he's more in control of which/how many days I have off, so there's that. We've been together for 3 years, and 2 of those I've been his slave as well. This was my first experience with anything like this, and found I really loved it from the start. My master has much more experience than me in this regard. He has 2 other slaves, one male and one female, who he meets generally once a week, maybe 2 tops. Sometimes he involves me with his other slaves, but it's not as common.
Can you describe an average day for you? Is there ever a time you don't enjoy it, or you don't want to do what he is requesting? How did the switch happen from just dating to being his slave? Was it hard to get use to? Thanks!
It's hard to describe a typical full day exactly, but there's some stuff that I generally do every day. When we wake up I usually bring my master coffee and breakfast before he goes to work. We usually don't have much time before he has to leave, so there's not much more I do then.
While he's at work I have a lot of chores I have to do, like cleaning, shopping, getting ready to prepare dinner for him, and things like that. My master likes to keep his house very clean, so I usually spend a lot of time cleaning everything. On some days he'll give me permission to do other stuff, like meet friends for lunch or just go out and do something for myself (or post an AMA on reddit), especially if I've been very good recently. If I've been bad, such as not cleaning well enough, instead of this free time he'll give me punishment time, where I either have to do specific chores or sometimes sexual tasks while he's gone.
When my master gets home he's usually ready and anxious for a bit of play time, and after that it's usually time to finish preparing dinner. My master always eats first, and after he's done he'll put my serving on my plate and I can never have seconds.
The evening is usually much more varied, so it's hard to describe a typical evening. Sometimes we spend it with more play time, other times just relaxing or watching a movie, it really depends on my master's mood.
There are chores I don't enjoy doing of course, but I get satisfaction from doing them by serving my master faithfully. In the bedroom there's not really anything we do I don't like, since even before I was his slave I've been really submissive. Because of that, switching to a slave wasn't terribly difficult, and it wasn't a sudden switch, it was more of a gradual thing. Also the amount of time I spent as a slave rather than just a submissive girlfriend has increased over time as well, and might increase more as time goes by.
I think this is hot as hell, so I have a bunch of questions. I hope you don't mind.
What kind of things do you do for him sexually? Is the sex rough/abusive (I mean that in a good way)? Does he always initiate it or do you as well? Is there anything he's made you do that you didn't really want to?
What kinds of things have you done with his other slaves? Do you ever get jealous that he has other slaves?
Does your sex life involve any toys or kinky devices? Do you or he have a favorite?
Do any of your friends or family know that you are his slave?
I don't mind at all. I love talking about my relationship and my master is kind enough to let me do it pretty freely.
I will generally do what my master tells or indicates for me to do, but sometimes he'll relax and let me decide but not very often. I prefer to let him make the decision and he always knows how to please both of us. I don't consider the sex very abusive, but I guess it depends on what you consider abusive. Sometimes we have pretty rough sex, especially if I've been a bit naughty recently. If I've done something really bad he'll usually give me quite a spanking with a paddle. We also sometimes do 'mouth/throat fucking' which I guess some people might consider abusive, but I enjoy it. My master always decides when/if we have sex, but sometimes I hint to him that I need to be taken care of. He's a very responsible master and I don't often have to hint to him. There hasn't been anything that I didn't want to do that he's commanded me to do, but of course there's things that I would prefer to do (or times when I just feel like doing something else) and he would insist otherwise. I wouldn't often voice my preference to something else, and when I do I usually get punished a bit. I think its completely fair for him to punish me for doing so, as he knows what's best for me and sometimes I really just don't deserve to make the decision if I haven't been a good girl recently.
He has one other slave that is a guy, and one other slave that is a girl, so of course that affects what things we do with them. I've only done anything with them while he was there, of course, and he very rarely only watches. The majority of the time is really just both of us slaves pleasing him together, rather than much contact between us, but he has had his male slave have sex with me with him, and I might do oral while my master has sex with either of them. He doesn't allow us to kiss each other at all. We really don't have these 'group sessions' very often, and it's actually really rare for me to do anything with the other girl at all. I've never felt jealous of his other slaves. I know my master will always keep his responsibilities he has towards me and I know I'm his biggest responsibility.
We do involve toys and 'devices'. I guess to start I pretty much always wear a collar, except when I'm visiting friends or family he allows me to take it off. I actually prefer to wear it because it shows I'm his and really makes me feel most comfortable. I kind of get anxious when I'm not wearing it and tend to touch my neck a lot because it feels like something is missing. He got me a new collar and leash about 4 months ago and I absolutely love it. Other than the collar, we also have 3 butt plugs for me of different sizes/materials. We also two open-mouth gags. One is a plastic ring that goes just inside my mouth and the other has 4 hooks that keep my mouth open. We also have an assortment of ropes or straps to restrain me if I'm either being bad or just if my master wants to. I also still have a dildo from before I started my relationship, but I rarely use it anymore. I always ask for permission from him if I want to masturbate when he's not home, and on an occasion that he allows it I usually don't use any toy.
My friends and family don't really know the details at all, but they have mentioned that it seems to them that he's somewhat controlling and they think it's kind of a one sided relationship. I can see how it would appear that way from the outside without knowing any details, but really I think that he provides for me and gives me much more than I give him, so I always feel like I need to do better and give back as much as I possibly can.
How did you end up in this relationship? Ive always wondered how people go from normal relatively vanilla relationships to a slave/master relationship. Who brought up the idea and was it at all awkward at first?
Well, I think I've always been a bit submissive. Not just sexually, in life in general. When I first met my master I was really attracted to how he always confidently took control of any situation, and pretty early after we started really dating I mentioned while we were talking that I really enjoyed that, and he'd said he had some experience in a dom/sub type of relationship and suggested trying it with me.
From there is really just slowly built up, with my master kind of introducing me to more and more. I guess I'd consider the master/slave relationship to have started in earnest when he got me my first collar. We didn't discuss it beforehand or anything, and when he gave it to me I was kind of surprised and shocked at myself like "Wow.. we're taking this pretty far." I definitely wouldn't have thought I'd be in this situation at all before I started my relationship with my master. I was a little anxious and hesitant, but much more excited. After he gave me the collar it pretty much immediately became my most prized possession. When he got me a new collar a few months ago I was kind of disappointed and really didn't want to give it up, but he ordered me to take it off and wear the new one. That was the most disobedient I'd ever been without him punishing me for it. I grew to love my current collar as much as the old one, and I have to admit it is a nicer collar.
When I first became his slave it definitely wasn't a full time thing, and I actually spent more time as typical girlfriend than a slave. I even only wore the collar when I was with him. Over time though I became more and more committed to him. Now I don't ever want to take the collar off, and could definitely see this being a 24/7 thing in the not-so-distant future. Currently I have 1-2 days of time in a week where I'm not really his slave, but there are times I choose to stay his slave during that time anyway.
None of this really ever felt awkward, since at no point did we really jump into the deep end. We slowly waded in from the shallow end so it's always felt comfortable.
I just started a sexual relationship with a girl who's into punishment and humiliation (directed at herself). I'm perfectly happy to do this but I don't know much about it. Any tips or insight for a novice?
Sorry if this is something else entirely. As I said, I'm rather ignorant on this subject.
Well I think punishment and humiliation is a separate thing, but I'd imagine many master/slave relationships (including ours) incorporate it at least somewhat. I'm not sure I really have any tips exactly, since I think every relationship is going to be different. I don't know how your relationship dynamic is, and if you can just have a frank conversation about what types of things she's looking for and what boundaries she has (you should really learn her boundaries since you definitely don't want to cross them). For me, it would be a total mood killer if my master was asking if something was okay or not, but of course crossing a boundary would be just as much if not more of a mood killer. I never gave specific boundaries, and my master just took it slowly and based on my reaction was able to figure out where to take things and where not to. He's never come close to crossing a boundary with me, but different people will have different boundaries so you need to figure them out.
My master doesn't punish me that often, as I am a pretty obedient slave, but the most common punishment might be assigning more chores, or making me wear a gag or butt plug during the day while he's gone. Spanking is the only real physical punishment he gives me, and if I'm bad he might spank me a couple times or he might spank me until my bum is a little bruised, depending on how big of a punishment I deserve. My master would only use humiliation as a punishment if I was really bad, such as forgetting or refusing to do a chore or something. Usually it has involved something with one of his other slaves, but not always.
Has your master ever ordered you to do something that you were unwilling to do?
There's never been anything he's ordered me to do that I didn't end up doing. There's been a few times where I tell him I don't want to (he knows me well enough to tell if it's really crossing a boundary or not), or try to convince him to let me do something else or something differently. When that happens he'll gives me a strict or harsh punishment to remind me that I need to obey him. He can be strict, but he's never unfair and he only punishes me when and how I deserve.
I haven't really worked since I graduated from University. I had a part time job at a bookstore that I worked 24-32 hours a week at when I first started my relationship with my master (then just boyfriend), but eventually I just became a stay-at-home sub/slave and my master supports me and provides for me.
How often do you have to wear a gold bikini?
Do you have an active social life outside of this relationship?
What do you get out of this relationship?
My social life with others probably isn't as active as a lot of other peoples, but I have friends and still see my parents, etc. I don't have any really close friends, but I never really did before even meeting my master, so I'm not sure if my relationship really had any effect on my social life. Honestly that might be one of the reasons I'm so drawn to this type of relationship, because I can't really think of any way to be closer to someone than to be perfectly obedient to them and for them to be fully responsible to you (I really need to work to improve my obedience still).
Well of course I enjoy being in this relationship, and I've always kind of been submissive. I love having him take responsibility for me and taking care of me. In return I love to please him and show him I'm devoted to him.
Besides that aspect, there's a lot of things that I get from this relationship that people get from more traditional relationships. The sense of being loved and everything. Also of course the sex feels good.
Is this a joke or are you being serious?
Speaking as a part-time player (switch), even if it is, there's loads of this kind of slave in the world!
do you enjoy this lifestyle? being a bangmaid?
Yes, I find serving my master faithfully to be very fulfilling. And I always know that my master will provide for me and take care of me and know what's best for me.
I actually enjoy cleaning somewhat, depending on what chores I'm doing.


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