Slang For Sex

Slang For Sex


Slang For Sex
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Today we have a smoking hot English lesson for you. That’s right, today we’re going to talk about sex.
WARNING: Although not the intention of this article, it may be OFFENSIVE to some readers. We understand that sex is a delicate topic for many people, and this article is meant to be more of a resource rather than an English lesson. 
This is real life English, and sex is a topic that is quite popular to talk about among friends, whether in a funny, sarcastic way, or in serious conversation when talking about one’s relationship .
Learning about idioms, slang, and collocations for sex will really help your understanding of everyday English, as sex is a topic that often comes up in popular culture (music, TV), and more often than not, we use sexual innuendos [suggestive terms] rather than the more literal terms that you might already know.
This article will start with the most formal, literal terms for sex and move to the naughtier [more inappropriate] language that you need to be more careful with.
Each section will start with the most common terms, and end with those that you won’t hear very often. So, by the time you finish this article, you’ll know exactly what sex term to use, and when!
If you need to talk about sex, these terms can be used with pretty much anyone.
1. Have sex is by far the most common and appropriate term to use.
2. Make love is also a common term, but is usually used when you are in a relationship (that is, to have sex with a girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband).
3. Sleep with is a very appropriate term because it is so ambiguous. It doesn’t necessarily mean that two people have sex, but most people will assume that if you say you slept with someone there wasn’t actually much sleeping.
I can’t believe Monica slept with Chandler in that episode of Friends !
4. Have an affair is another synonym for sex that usually implies that it is outside of your relationship (that is, you are in a relationship and you have sex with someone other than your partner).
5. Do it this term isn’t commonly used by anyone older than about 12. Children will usually say, “do it” instead of, “have sex.”
6. Have relations is a less common way of saying sleep with. It doesn’t always refer to sex, but it usually does.
7. Fornicate is a funny, yet formal way to say sex. It sounds biblical/sciencey, so it’s not very common, but using it in conversation can be quite comical.
10. Engage in/have (sexual) intercourse is probably the term that your health or science teacher would use.
11. Mate is a term that you can use, but it usually refers to animals other than humans. You might hear it used in a biology class ( Note : mate as a noun also means friend, and common collocations are roommate, flatmate, classmate, and workmate).
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These terms aren’t too literal or graphic, and can be used in most friendly situations without offending anyone. It’s best to experiment with these words because it’s not always well received to openly talk about them.
12. Get laid is probably one of the most common ambiguous terms.
Bill got laid at that party last night!
13. Hook up is something that we say all the time in the U.S, but it is very vague and doesn’t always refer to having sex
14. Get lucky is a term recently made more popular by a Daft Punk song .
15. Get it on is an expression made popular by the Marvin Gaye song , but it sounds old-fashioned now.
16. Take (someone) to bed is a lot like “sleep with someone,” but a little more informal and obvious.
19. Go all the way is an expression that sounds a bit outdated; it was popular in the 1970s with this song .
20. Hit a home run is an expression that you might hear in the United States, as it is related to baseball. If you are familiar with the sport, then you might understand this sex-related terminology:
21. Hump is another term that sounds somewhat childish. Humping is the motion that you make thrusting your hips forward (like during sex).
22. Make babies is a pretty straightforward innuendo, although it isn’t always used literally (meaning that someone wants to reproduce).
You should probably only use these terms around people your age and friends. Again, experimenting with them is key because they’re not always well received.
23. Fuck is a term you probably already know, but to learn a lot more ways to use it, remember to read this article .
25. Fool around doesn’t always mean intercourse, but it definitely involves sexual play.
27. Shag is a British term similar to fuck. Sometimes it is used sarcastically in the U.S, but it’s not too common.
28. Root is an Australian word that’s similar to shag and fuck.
30. Ravish is a less vulgar way of saying to have intense sex (for example, ripping off each others’ clothes).
I don’t know why all of these girls want to ravish Ryan Gosling
31. Score is another term derived from sports, and is kind of out dated.
32. Put your P in a V (for Men) literally means to put your penis in a vagina. It’s not commonly used, but was popularized by the film Forgetting Sarah Marshall .
These terms are pretty graphic and you should only use them around close friends or not at all.
33. Screw is literally the act of turning a screw (see picture)
It’s obvious that you want to screw Jennifer.
34. Bang is the sound that a gun makes or to hit something hard (usually with your fists )
35. Bone is probably used because another word for erection is “boner.”
I can’t believe he boned his tutor!
36. Nail is similar to a screw, but to insert them you use a hammer.
37. Ride usually means to mount an animal… you get the picture.
38. Get nasty gives a rather dirty, vulgar image of sex.
39. Pound is similar to bang or nail; it’s a synonym for “to hit.”
40. Get a dicking is not a real word, but it makes a slang of the word “penis” into a verb . This usually refers to the female role in intercourse (NOTE: Dicking around means “to be wasting time” and is not sexual).
Whether or not you think this kind of language is appropriate, Real life vocabulary like this is important to know and understand because it is commonly used. Even if you choose not to use this kind of vocabulary yourself, which might be a safer decision, it can give you an insight into local culture if you are traveling or living abroad and into popular culture.
It doesn’t matter if you like this part of the English language, if you find it offensive, or if you use it yourself because it’s how many people really talk.
So remember to try to keep an open mind. This is real life English–that is, the English that we really use.
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Updated October 21, 2018 12.2k votes 1.7k voters 76.7k views
Vote for your favorite nicknames and add your own
Ah, sex. Over the centuries, few things have wielded such power over mankind as the promise of a great romp between the sheets. And because it’s on our minds practically all the time, it’s no wonder it’s been a topic of conversation for almost every person ever. Perhaps that’s why it’s also gotten so many nicknames and aliases throughout history. (Or maybe it’s just because “horizontal tango” sounds a lot more romantic and exciting than “performing coitus” when you’re telling your friend’s about last night’s escapades.) Regardless, here we’ve created a list to pay homage to all the best euphemisms for sex that have spun their way into popular culture.
We kicked things off with a few of our own fun phrases and other names for sex, but we also invite you to add your own favorites as well. A warning to readers in advance: this list has as a lot of potential to get graphic, so it’s not for children or the weak of heart.

"Excuse me, ma'am—would you be interested in some horizontal refreshment?" / Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Lexicographer Jonathon Green’s comprehensive historical dictionary of slang, Green’s Dictionary of Slang , covers hundreds of years of jargon, cant, and naughty talk. He has created a series of online timelines ( here and here ) where the words too impolite, indecent, or risqué for the usual history books are arranged in the order they came into fashion. (If you don’t see any words on the timelines, zoom out using the bar on the right.) We’ve already had fun with the classiest terms for naughty bits . Here are the most adorable terms for sexual intercourse from the last 600 or so years. Many of them have origins so obscure they hardly make sense at all, but that doesn’t detract from their bawdy adorability in the slightest. When it comes to the ol’ houghmagandy, a little mystery goes a long way.
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We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: British slang has some amazingly unique, vivid terms that can make you laugh or even feel disgusting. Naturally, there’s a lot of slang out there to describe sex – especially in the UK.
We’ve pulled together this list of British slang words for sex to demonstrate for you how interesting their slang can be. Keep reading to learn new phrases you may have never seen previously.
There’s also a surprisingly large number of terms out there for penis. Check out our list of slang terms for penis to learn more.
If you’re bored of saying something as bland as “having sex,” the good news is that there are tons of ways to describe this natural and pervasive act. British slang by itself offers you dozens of choices to consider.
Sex isn’t the only thing British slang is excellent at describing, though. There are also plenty of British slang terms for drunk that will give you a laugh.
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