SkylineUI Atlas | spes

SkylineUI Atlas | spes

Harshit 𝕏 Tiwari | #spes • #archbtw

9650094 vibrator: Add support for TEXTURE_TICK effect

0866e90 vibrator: Add support for drv2624:haptics

22411bd vibrator: Create double click effect by "clicking" twice

5cd8b81 vibrator: Fallback to click if an effect is missing

5ca3dc1 vibrator: Use a better check for primitive effects

c935868 vibrator: fix product makefile

331314e vibrator: Add support for awinic_haptic

c22e0a1 vibrator: Don't support compose effects if primitve_duration node does not exist

3763b92p vibrator: effect: Read vibration fifo data from vendor

d95f0a8 vibrator: Hook USE_EFFECT_STREAM up

8c8c506 vibrator: Add support for aw8697_haptic input device

65b5215 vibrator: Add support for aw8624_haptic input device

63a9289 vibrator: aidl: Simplify soc check and drop prop dep

6896e24 vibrator: Rename to avoid conflicts

5617055 vibrator: Import from LA.VENDOR.13.2.0.r1-15400-KAILUA.QSSI14.0

9ed9f9f Revert "Import qti vibrator effect and rename"

3d525f2 Revert "vibrator: effect: Read vibration fifo data from vendor"

485ea13 hidl: sensors: Add group 'uhid' to sensors multi-HAL.

70f09d3 Light: Add null check for lights smart pointer

b055a50 aidl: light: Override QTI light HAL

cf41643 vintf: Add common xiaomi framework compatibility matrix

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