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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. The authors deal with the unsolved problem of explicating the sociocultural paradigm widely used in social and humanitarian studies in the form of various implementations of the sociocultural approach. The authors summarize the existing descriptions of the content of the sociocultural approach and identify two basic interpretations of a sociocultural paradigm. The founder of the first in- terpretation is P. The approach focuses on the description of various factors economic, social, political, spiritual that determine the sociocultural dynamics of separate, individual objects, which is why it is perceived as a non-novelty variation of exter- nalism. The most authoritative representatives of this interpretation of the sociocultural paradigm in post-Soviet social studies are A. Akhiezer and N. This interpretation of the sociocultural approach draws on the axiological information-semiotic con- cept of culture. The authors see the origins of the second basic interpretation of the sociocultural paradigm in the intellectual heritage of C. He solves the problem of correlation between society and culture, the social and the cultural in a different way. In his opinion, human society is a set of separate local cultures interacting with each other. In this case, culture is understood as a specif- ic variant of social development. Interaction of cultures necessarily leads to cultural exchange and interpenetration, reflection of cul- tures. Therefore, each individual culture or social organism is an ensemble of cultures. In this ensemble, one of the cultures is the leading one, sublates the counterculture as an internal moment and determines the cultural specificity of an individual social organ- ism. Thus, the development of society, from this point of view, is a product of interaction, reflection of cultures. Levi-Strauss formu- lates, in particular, the following law: any cultural progress is a function of the coalition of cultures. Thanks to this coalition, the chances that occur in each culture in its historical development become a common heritage. The more diverse cultures make up the coalition, the more fertile it is. Consideration of the existence and development of individual societies and the whole of humanity in the process of reflection of cultures gives the authors the basis to designate this interpretation of the sociocultural approach as reflec- tive. In this interpretation, society is represented as an ensemble of cultures, and the sociocultural as the social in its cultural diversi- ty. This image of society is paradigmatic and corresponds to the nonlinear models of social development widely represented in the philosophy of history. Ekaterina Kuznetsova. Анализируются некоторые примеры работы И. Северянина с языковыми клише и штампами мистико-религиозной прозы и поэзии Серебряного века. Ирония и утрирование преобразуют чужеродный языковой материал и делают его пригодным для создания новых парадоксально-эпатажных произведений. Поэтика символизма трансформируется Северяниным в поэтику постсимволизма путем шаржирования, заострения и скрытого пародирования. Тем самым преодолевается символизм как художественный метод. Взамен утверждаются иное мировидение и пародийно-игровая стилистика художественного текста. Елена Кустова Elena Kustova. В статье на основании как опубликованных, так и впервые введенных в научный оборот архивных документов РГАДА рассматриваются вопросы участия рода Строгановых в создании и развитии монастырей в Приуралье. Анализируются факторы, способствовавшие появлению монастырей в строгановских вотчинах, показана роль отдельных представителей рода в этом процессе. Обзорно рассматривается вопрос о развитии церковного искусства в строгановских землях Строгановых, их роль в становлении культуры региона. Также указывается благотворительная помощь известного рода русским монастырям за пределами пермских земель. Anastasia Isaeva. In this study, the author addresses the issue of mechanisms for determining the limits of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion in decisions of the judiciary. The article focuses on the essential characteristic of the limits of freedom of conscience, their relationship with related concepts restrictions, interventions and their significance in the application of the proportionality test by the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The aim of this article is to identify the main approaches to determining the limits of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion and the possibility of their use in the practice of the judicial authorities of Russia. The study is based on the theoretical material of the works of domestic A. Troitskaya, A. Dolzhikova, and others and foreign R. Alexy, M. Cohen-Eliya, I. Porat, J. Rivers, and others researchers. The methodological basis of the study was dialectic, comparative legal and formal legal methods. In particular, the use of the dialectical method contributed to the study of law enforcement problems at different stages of the development of legislation on religious associations in Russia. The use of comparative legal and formal legal methods helped to identify approaches to determining the limits of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, the prospects for their use in Russia. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that freedom of conscience is discrete and has its own structure. The powers constituting the scope of freedom of conscience could be subject to restrictions. The admissibility of their legislative introduction is checked by the judicial authorities using various methods: the principle of weighing interests, the proportionality test. In the framework of the activities of the European Court of Human Rights, the proportionality test is consistently used, which is reflected in the structure of decisions of this body. It is established that the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation uses certain elements of the proportionality test, but the mechanism is not holistically applied, which is also reflected in the texts of its decisions. It seems that this circumstance does not allow to adequately protect freedom of conscience of both people and religious associations and should be subjected to reforms. Сергей Крих. The article is devoted to the study of the Cretan and Mycenaean civilization in Soviet historical science. In giving a brief outline of the study of Cretan culture at the beginning of the twentieth century, the author draws attention to the fact that works about Crete and Mycenae that appeared in the first decade after the revolution cannot be considered in the full sense as the initial phase of Soviet historiography as they continued the pre-revolutionary traditions of historical writing. Bogaevsky was an unpleasant figure even for the s, the times when fierce rivalry for the top place in Soviet science was reinforced by the peak of purges for all the Soviet society. He began his career in pre-revolutionary Russia and in his early works we can see traces of an idealistic vision on the historical process. The result of this was a complete change in his views on the Greek prehistory. In he declared that the Cretan and Mycenaean society was pre-state, a late stage of the tribal society. But in he lost in the discussion, and his theory was completely rejected in the successive Soviet historiography. After this, there was a significant decline in interest in the study of the Minoan Crete in Soviet studies. The study of the Mycenaean society continued, but Crete was almost completely forgotten. This became an intellectual fashion in world historiography after the Second World War, but in Soviet science one of the opportunities for development in this direction in the study of the Minoan society was actually lost. The author comes to the conclusion that the Soviet desire to bring the vision of history to the final and only correct view was ultimately detrimental to Soviet historiography itself. Евгений Крестьянников. Наталия V Козлова. Анастасия Жукова. The article analyzes charity as a tool for the social welfare of the population of modern Russia, and as a sociocultural phenomenon. The study of works of Russian authors shows the selective character of interest in this phenomenon, namely preferential attention to the origins of the charity and its practical significance. It is argued that the analysis of the motivation for charity has not yet become the subject of attention of Russian researchers, which does not allow to fully identify the essential aspects of charitable activity, as well as create a holistic view of it in order to use the results in both the scientific and practical fields. It is grounded in the urgency of studying the motives for charitable activities, their analysis, and the determination of the motivational field of philanthropy. На основе работ российских авторов показан избирательный интерес к данному феномену, а именно преимущественное внимание к истокам благотворительности и ее практической значимости. Утверждается, что анализ мотивации к благотворительности еще не стал предметом пристального внимания отечественных исследователей, что не позволяет в полной мере выявить сущностные аспекты благотворительной деятельности, а также составить целостное представление о ней с целью применения полученных результатов как в научной, так и в практической сфере. Обосновывается актуальность изучения мотивов благотворительной деятельности, их анализа и определения мотивационного поля благотворительности. Vladimir Rodionov. Mongolia, as a country with relatively small foreign policy resources, demonstrates an extremely high degree of dependence on the outside world. First of all, it concerns economic aid and investment. Since the s, it is the collective West the plays the role of one important source of the economic development of Mongolia. In an effort to develop and deepen the democratization process, the Mongolian leaders one way or another focused on the experience of the leading democracies of the West that are the main expertise and qualification centers for Mongolia. Moreover, positioning itself on the international stage as a developed democracy for Mongolia is a means of ensuring national security, sovereignty, economic development and international prestige. In this regard, in its relations with Mongolia the Russian side needs to take into account extra-regional players capable of damaging Russian interests in Mongolia. Olga Gulina. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Eugen Tyugashev. Related Papers. Крестьянников Е. Вестник ТГУ. The ethnicization of immigration law RUS.

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