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Скорость ск Санкт-Петербург Невский купить

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Отправляя запрос, Вы принимаете условия политики конфиденциальности. Река Свирь , являющаяся частью Волго-Балтийского водного пути имени В. Ленина, вытекает из Онежского озера и впадает в Ладожское озеро. Длина реки км, ширина её изменяется от м в районе города Подпорожье до 10 - 12 км, в Ивинском разливе. Берега реки холмистые; на большем протяжении они покрыты густым лесом. Русло Свири, за исключением её нижнего участка, устойчивое, извилистое. Грунт в реке преимущественно глина и камень, кое-где ил, песок. Необходимо отметить, что на реке Свирь во многих местах расположены каменистые опасности. В связи с этим посадка судна на мель при плавании по Свири влечёт за собой повреждение корпуса. На реке построено два гидроузла - Нижнесвирский и Верхнесвирский, которые разделяют реку на три характерных по русловому и водному режиму участка: Нижнюю Свирь протяжением 80 км, Среднюю Свирь протяжением 45 км и Верхнюю Свирь протяжением 95 км. На реке имеется более 30 островов; они преимущественно небольшие, низкие, покрыты лесом, кустарником и луговой растительностью. У островов, расположенных около берегов реки, растительный покров обычно такой же, как на берегах, поэтому их приверхи и ухвостья со стороны судового хода различить трудно. В реку Свирь впадает около 30 притоков; наиболее значительными из них являются реки Паша, Оять, Яндеба, Важинка и Ивина. Реки Паша и Оять в нижней части судоходны. Штормы в районе Свири редки; в навигационный период в течении месяца бывает не более трёх дней со штормом. Туманы и осадки. Наиболее часты туманы осенью. Среднее число дней с туманом с августа по март изменяется от 4 - 8 в западной половине района до 2 - 5 в восточной половине. Среднегодовое количество осадков в районе Свири мм. За год наблюдается от до дней с осадками. Самый дождливый месяц в году - октябрь. Колебания уровня. В устьевой части Свири и в её истоке уровень воды зависит от уровня воды в Ладожском и Онежском озёрах и от сгонно-нагонных ветров. Для Свири характерны значительные суточные колебания уровня в нижних бьефах Нижнесвирского и Верхнесвирского гидроузлов, связанные с режимом работы ГЭС. В течении суток уровень воды в бьефах может изменяться на величину до 3 м. Самые низкие уровни воды наблюдаются здесь в выходные дни, а в обычные дни - ночью. Влияние суточных колебаний уровня распространяется на 40 км вниз от Нижнесвирского шлюза и на 20 - 25 км вниз от Верхнесвирского шлюза. Это необходимо учитывать при плавании и стоянке в этих районах. Скорость течения на Свири зависит от тех же факторов, что и колебания уровня. В местах изгиба реки действуют свальные течения, иногда достигающие значительной скорости. Россия , г. Toggle navigation 8 8 Подберите мне тур. Графики туров по России. Поделитесь Вашими планами относительно путешествия. Куда Вы хотели бы поехать? What kind of activiry you like? Когда хотите поехать? Сколько человек взрослых:. Как к вам обращаться. Контакты для связи Телефон. Статьи Круизы Река Свирь. Ничего не найдено. Вы недавно смотрели: Ничего не найдено. Туристам Отзывы Раннее бронирование Статьи Отправление авт. Основные направления деятельности: Туры: по России, автобусные по Европе, на Новый год, за границу В Санкт-Петербурге: прием, организация экскурсий. Адрес: Россия , г. Время работы: Пн. E-mail: akvarel akvarel. Cайт akvarel. Вы можете отказаться от использования файлов cookie, изменив настройки в браузере. Используя сайт, вы соглашаетесь с обработкой персональных данных.

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The concept of a night marathon was conceived back in Now participants will be able to show high results and enjoy the beauty of the white nights, which gave the name to the race. The symbols of St. Petersburg are reflected in the new logo and appearance of the event. The main symbols are mythical creatures of city, which participants will meet on the streets. The route of the marathon was updated, but kept its main attractions. This year the start will be near Gazprom Arena and finish, as before, will be at the Palace Square. The route of a marathon and a 10 km race runs in one line along the historical center of St. To register for White Nights Marathon, you must complete the online application form and pay the registration fee on Running Community website. During registration enter your personal data according to ID card. Otherwise you will not be able to pick-up your participant packet and bib number. After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email. Registration is closed due to reaching the limit. In the relay can participate teams of four people aged 16 years and older. Applications from the teams should be sent to the email relay runc. The power of attorney does not entitle the authorized person to participate in the race with your number. The transfer of the number is prohibited by the rules of the competition. Medical certificate must proof that the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition. The certificate must be issued less than 6 months prior to the race. Certificates will not be returned to the participants. A copy is acceptable upon presentation of the original certificate. Medical certificate form for foreigners. Start area is located at Gazprom Arena. Please use metro. Arrive to Admiralteyskaya or Nevskiy prospekt metro stations to reach the Palace square and Gorkovskaya metro station to reach the Petrovskaya Embankment. For bag drop-off please use wristband and sticker with number, which you received with your bib number. Put the sticker on the bag and tie a wristband with the same number around your wrist. Do not put any valuable or fragile items in your bag. We recommend you to keep your valuables, such as hotel card, mobile phone with you or with friends or family. The organisers are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. Please use the toilets beforehand. The biggest lines to toilets form at least 30 min before the start. A letter of your start corral is indicated on race number. Look for the corresponding letter signs to get into your corral. Runners are allowed only with the race number. Runners who are assigned to different corrals but wish to start together may do so by going to the slower corral. Please follow the instructions of the race officials. The race will start in waves. Your net running time will start to be recorded when you cross the start line. Please follow directions from race officials and volunteers at all times for a safe and orderly start to the race. Please mind your fellow runners when you change lanes, spit, or approach a refreshment stand. Please take care not to endanger others or yourself. In order to be able to hear your fellow runners of volunteers we ask you to run without music headphones. No wheeled vehicles are allowed to accompany the runners along the course. Anyone who disregards this rule will be disqualifed and removed from the course. Pacemakers help others to achieve their performance goals. They will be carrying flags indicating the finish times they are pacing for and can also be identified by their t-shirts. For the full marathon course, refreshment stations begin after 6 km. To be organized most efficiently, refreshment stations are set up along a straight stretch of road and not all stations are immediately adjacent to kilometer markers. Each station will be clearly marked. Food stations Food stations provide drinking water and sports drinks in cups, fruits. They are located approximately at 9,5 km, 18,2 km, 24,8 km, 32,5 km, 39,8 km. Drinks stations Drinks stations provide drinking water in cups. They are located approximately at 4,5 km, 14,5 km, 21,5 km, 29,5 km, 35,7 km. Please throw the empty cups to the bins provided or to the side of the road — do not drop them on the road in front of you where they can be hazardous to runners behind you. Medical aid will be located at the start and finish areas and along the course. Please do not hesitate to contact any medical personnel if you are having difficulties — we appreciate you doing so. Please do not remain standing on the finish line, but continue walk slowly to the end of the finish area. After the finish you will recieve drinking water. Preliminary results will be available at the website. Your result will be measured with Chronotrack timing system, judges at the finish and the video registration system. Your net running time will be recorded when you cross the start and finish lines. The timing chip is on your race number. Please put your race number on the chest. Do not bend, crumple or fold it, do not keep the race number next to any magnets — it may damage the chip resulting in the loss of your personal result. Within a few hours after the last runner finish you will receive a text message and email with your draft result. The results list will be available online at this website. Participants of the full marathon will be grouped in the following male and female age groups: 18—19, 20—22, 23—29, 30—34, 35—39, 40—44, 45—49, 50—54, 55—59, 60—64, 65—69, 70—74, 75—79, 80 and over. Men and women who place 1st, 2nd or 3rd within their age groups will receive awards. If you won in the age category, you will be contacted the day of the race to clarify the delivery address of the prize. Participants will compete in overall classification. Men and women who place 1st, 2nd, 3rd will receive awards. There are no awards in the age groups. All participants receive a medal at the finish. The start will be divided into blocks according to the submitted estimated personal times. First team member starts after corral A. Your team net running time will start to be recorded when first team member crosses the start line. Participants of stages 2,3,4,5 must arrive at their points no later than half an hour before the expected time of the transfer of the relay. The result of the team will be counted when the participant of the 5th stage crosses the finish line. A participant of the 5th stage will receive a set of medals for the whole team in the finish corridor. Your team result will be measured with Chronotrack timing system, judges at the finish and the video registration system. The timing chip is on your relay ribbon. Поддерживайте любимых, близких или совсем не знакомых бегунов в стартовом и финишном городке и на дистанции — а мы создадим для этого все условия. Приезжайте в стартовый и финишный городки марафона с 28 на 29 июня, чтобы поддержать участников. Вы также можете следить за результатами бегунов онлайн. Заходите на сайт results. На выдаче номеров можно будет бесплатно получить гуделки, трещотки, колокольчики и нарисовать плакат вместе с профессиональным художником. Атрибутику болельщика также можно получить на трибунах в зоне финиша на Дворцовой площади. Note: there are some extra security measures introduced for both runners and spectators. Personal belongings may be searched and some roads access may be restricted. Thanks for understanding. At the White Nights Marathon spectators will have access to the race start and finish areas on race day. Spectators will be able to escort runners to the start waves and greet them near the finish line. To reset the password associated with your account, please enter your email address below and click Reset Password. A link to reset your password will be emailed to you. Чтобы сбросить старый пароль и установить новый, перейдите по ссылке в письме. Письмо может попасть в «Спам» или другие папки. Результаты забегов. Eng Рус Eng. Общая информация. The largest marathon in the center of St. Run along Nevsky prospekt, stunning embankments and famous bridges. Enjoy the views of the main symbols of the city on the run. Registration is closed due to reaching the limit The 33th White Nights Marathon will take place on June 29, Do not miss the unique opportunity to enjoy the beauty of St. Petersburg at night on the run! General Information Route Attention! The route can be change. Schedule Friday, 28 June — Participant packet pick up. Saturday , 29 June — Participant packet pick up. How to register for Additional registration will be open on June, if there are available entries. How to register for 10 km Registration is closed due to reaching the limit To register for White Nights Marathon, you must complete the online application form and pay the registration fee on Running Community website. How to register for relay Registration is closed due to reaching the limit In the relay can participate teams of four people aged 16 years and older. Registration requirements Participants must be 16 years or older on race day. At least one female must be a team member. All participants are required to pick up their own participant packet bib number on 28 June and 29 June Teams captain are required to pick up participant packets bib numbers for team. The captain are required to show a government-issued photo IDs and original medical certificates stating the participant has no contraindication to running in competition upon picking up their own participant packet of all team members. Registration fees are nonrefundable. Petersburg Friday, 28 June — Saturday, 29 June — Participant packet Bib number with timing chip and safety pins Wristband and clothing bag for clothing drop off Foil blanket Finisher medal Optionally: Synthetic tshirt GRI with event design. Online price - rub. Medical certificate Medical certificate must proof that the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition. Getting there We will announce the place later. Participant packet Bib number with timing chip and safety pins Wristband and clothing bag for clothing drop off Finisher medal Optionally: Synthetic tshirt GRI with event design. How to pick up participant packet To pick-up participant packet the team captain must present: Power of attorney to pick up team participant packets. His identity card. A copy of a government-issued photo ID of each team member. Original medical certificates stating the participant has no contraindication to running in competition of each team member medical certificate will not be returned, a photocopy of certificate is accepted upon presentation of the original. Getting there Start area is located at Gazprom Arena. Please use metro station Zenit. Finish area is located at Palace square. Changing tents For your convenience, male and female changing tents are available in the finish area. Please do not leave your items unattended. Baggage storage Baggage storage is located in the finish area at the Palace Square. You have to drop-off your bag in advance! Toilets Please use the toilets beforehand. Start Pacemakers Pacemakers help others to achieve their performance goals. Drinks and food stations For the full marathon course, refreshment stations begin after 6 km. Locations are subject to change. Medical aid Medical aid will be located at the start and finish areas and along the course. Finish Your net time will be registered once your cross the finish line. If you are feeling unwell, please ask for the medical aid straight away. Results Preliminary results will be available at the website. Awarding Overall Men and women who place 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th will receive awards. Age-group awards Participants of the full marathon will be grouped in the following male and female age groups: 18—19, 20—22, 23—29, 30—34, 35—39, 40—44, 45—49, 50—54, 55—59, 60—64, 65—69, 70—74, 75—79, 80 and over. Toilets Toilets are located in the start area and at refreshment station at 6. Start 10 km race start at Drinks station Drinks station is located approximately at 6,1 km. Awarding Participants will compete in overall classification. Start Relay starts at Distance The relay points are located at marks of the White Nights Marathon distance. Technical transport will be located near the relay points. Finish The result of the team will be counted when the participant of the 5th stage crosses the finish line. Results Your team result will be measured with Chronotrack timing system, judges at the finish and the video registration system. Awarding Teams who place will receive awards. About the program Общая информация Поддерживайте любимых, близких или совсем не знакомых бегунов в стартовом и финишном городке и на дистанции — а мы создадим для этого все условия. Атрибутика болельщика На выдаче номеров можно будет бесплатно получить гуделки, трещотки, колокольчики и нарисовать плакат вместе с профессиональным художником. Register to Volunteer If you want to join our volunteer team, reach us by email volunteer runc. Contacts Contacts Daria Zharkova Email: d. Partners Official partners. Fuel and energetic partner. Sport partner. Media Partners. Supported by. Как вас зовут? Ваш e-mail. Мы получили вашу заявку и свяжемся с вами в ближайшее время. Sign In Register Email. Forgot Password? Reset Password. Sign In. First Name. Last Name. Date of Birth. Gender Male Female. Special conditions Check if you are a war veteran or have an officially confirmed disability. Newsletter Language English Русский. By clicking 'Register', I agree to the terms of the User Agreement и даю согласие на обработку моих персональных данных на условиях, определённых в Политике обработки персональных данных, которая размещена в Пользовательском соглашении. Drug and drop a photo of Disability Certificate here or click to select a file. Мы отправили письмо на ваш электронный адрес. Back to Home page.

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