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Wowhead Client клиент Wowhead — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями! Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Комментарий от Marginal Фуривар. Получил сегодня эту триньку. Комментарий от innrey Выбил вчера, почти сутки тестил. Для паладина за все время сработали проки на силу, хаст и крит. Покопавшись в буржуйском разделе вытащил следующие проки для разных классов: Сила, Крит, Скорость Друид: Сила, Ловкость, Скорость Охотник: Ловкость, Сила Атаки, Крит Паладин: Сила, Скорость, Крит Разбойник: Ловкость, Скорость, Сила атаки Рыцарь Смерти: Сила, Скорость, Крит Между концом первого прока и началом следующего время разнилось от 70 до 80 секунд. Баф длится 30 секунд и не диспелиться. Между началами проков секунд. Визуально вы превращаетесь в три разных формы. Таунка вымирающий вид тауренов , железного дворфа или врайкула. Комментарий от Wyrmthalak Неочень удачный тринк - даже при арп, все равно случается прок на арп. Когда во время прока превращаешся в железного дворфа - нельзя сесть на маунта пока неснимеш баф, в таунке такой проблемы нет. Комментарий от EvilLikeHell Очень интересно как тринка действует на друидов в формах, ведь, как известно, друиды в форме иммунны к любым превращениям. Я не беру ее сейчас только потому, что боюсь что она не будет прокать на мне. Комментарий от gri22 сегодня выявил не очень хорошую особенность, в битве на третьем босе цлк в момент когда ты превращен нельзя пользоваться ракетным ускорителем чтобы перелететь на вражеский корабль. Комментарий от kilgaden это гон для ферала Друид: Сила, Ловкость, Пробивание брони зачем силу лучше уж крит или ап. Комментарий от Neoorc Жаль на ханта пробоя нет: Комментарий от IanMackaye силы для ферала лучше АП. Учитывая время действия проков и шмот, к которому надо стремится, хантам повезло, что у них нет прока на арп хотя не знаю как одеваются ханты, но арп для большинства классов явно лишний. Комментарий от Boogy Ребята так вчем проблема то? Комментарий от Megaslonik Полутал своему ханту такую триньку. Вещь очень приятная, прокает практически каждые 90 секунд. Для ханта прокает на АП, агилу или крит. Заметил одну интересную вещь. Во время прока нельзя сесть на флаймаунта. Комментарий от juvenito лол Комментарий от orsanko арп энхам, понятное дело, не шибко нужно, но мне интересно, на что прокает для них? Комментарий от ilyacnn Перевод с анлийских комментариев: Это краткий просмотр возможных проков для каждого класса. Сила , Скорость , Крит Сила , Ловкость , Скорость Ловкость , Крит , Сила атаки Ловкость , Скорость , Сила атаки Ловкость , Сила атаки , Скорость Сила , Крит , Скорость Комментарий от Kristik вчера получила эту триню! Комментарий от Aimjkee На фури варе прокает: Комментарий от ShockTH а для мути роги норм будет? Кто не верит http: Комментарий от toreho Во отличи от других мили-триней,шас дропа увеличен,можно сказать,что проктическе на сливе цлк она очень часто падает,в отличии из ик 'приговор смерти'. Комментарий от Conki из 12 ГИ рейдов неупала ниразу а вот 1 раз в рандоме упала но бог рола отвернулся от меня. Комментарий от SiDemoN Бред, ну зачем воину армсику хасты? Героический удар почаще бить?.. Комментарий от 2neyadets Вчера выпало это чудо. Благо поход был гильдейский и ролили не все. Однако меня сильно удивил тот факт,что в рол влез ретрипал. РЛ неувидел кто выролил и отдал ретри. На ретрика обрушился шквал негодования хантов кем я и являюсь ,рог,дк и фуриваров. Ретрик мгновенно слил триню РЛу и был перерол. Боги рандома внемлили моим малитвам, и я выбросил Теперь вот являюсь счастливым обладателем триньки P. Комментарий от SkyLynx4 Советую ретрикам на это не роллить. Вайна в свой адрес не оберетесь. Да и правда для нас это просто хороший тринкет, а для некоторых - БиС шмот. Сам в последнем пуге имел глупость сроллить. Выиграл, дали, но осадок самый отрицательный от рейда, ибо запорол многим, как потом выяснил. И как назло время для передачи истекло почти сразу. В общем, оставляйте его фури варам, хантам и т. Для ретри всё-таки лучше какой-нибудь Приговор. Комментарий от Zimitriy Не выйграл в розыгрыше ключей катаклизма на воврейдере Зато с первого раза упала эта тринь, и я ее выйграл Забавно: Комментарий от Amalkatrazz сходил недавно на слив кд, выпала эта триня. Я дк выбросил на ролле 87, после меня ретрик выбросил И РЛ отдал эту триню ретрику! Я фшоке был от такого ео решения, но больше всего меня поразило то, что оффхенд с принцев достался Комментарий от NickON За 5 дней, что у меня эта триня, ниразу не прокнул дворф. Что-то тут не так. Комментарий от Anarxist Глупо сделали для хантов близзы , в ММ ветке, на мой взгяд надо убрать крит , а вместо него дать арп это будет гораздо эффективнее. Комментарий от Luxxx Для этого есть скорпион. Или триня с у Или гримтол с накса. Комментарий от pixlo вышло 4. Комментарий от Alex82 Подскажите, а вот с этим http: Комментарий от maxim это офигенная триня яб такую себе выбил! Комментарий от Rokselan Прошу прощения а суммируется ли все следущие штучки: Комментарий от Gogelmogel на маге тоже срабатывает но только при атаках ближнего боя. Комментарий от Reyvenor Вобщето в игре у нее Рейтинг пробивания брони. Комментарий от Reyvenor Rokselan да сумируется. Комментарий от vitosokaun люди кто даст ссылку на нарм баги в вов. Комментарий от Rakanar Хочууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууу Комментарий от lexthor Один из трех ныне существующих аксессуаров с проком от атак на временное превращение: Воля Смертоносного и Воля Смертоносного Может превратить в врайкула, железного дворфа или таунка. Ярость Кузни Гнева Превращает в черного драконида. Превращает в тролля-война Занадалар. Комментарий от bootsverleiher В изображениях есть скрин таунка на флаймайунте. Это пиратка или уже пофиксили невозможность юзать флая? Фаворитная триня, хочу сделать арты по таункам. Комментарии Комментарий от Burnett I can already see that this is going to be one of the most heavily debated and fought over trinkets in the game. Those stats are good for every single physical DPS class in the game, and I predict comments of debate and name-calling. One thing that people need to remember, though, is that an upgrade is an upgrade. Комментарий от scaramoush Any word on what decides what proc you get? Комментарий от batkat This looks to be a 'smart' trinket. Комментарий от Fallerup So, will the procc be random, yet 'smart' as batkat says? For example Darkmoon Card: Greatness at least has the favored stat on it, but this is a very good trinket for all non-casters: Комментарий от Taveena This Over and over and over. Комментарий от Timetodance Are we able to get a list started of what proc effect you get for each class maybe spec as well? Комментарий от saphiram I just got this for my feral druid, after running it for about half an hour, the only buffs I got were the strength, armor penetration, and agility ones. Wanted to test the proc rate. I sat my hunter in Org simply autoshotting the target dummy. Started the stopwatch as soon as I started autoshotting. First proc was instant, AP. Next Proc at 1 min 48 seconds. Next Proc at 3 min 42 seconds. Next Proc at 5 min 35 seconds. Next Proc at 7 min 23 seconds. Next Proc at 9 min 21 seconds. Next Proc at 11 min 10 seconds. Next Proc at 12 min 56 seconds. Комментарий от sihyunie Here is a quick preview of the possible procs for each class. I found all these information from Elitistjerks forum for each class. Str, Haste, Crit Druid: Str, Agi, Haste Hunter: Agi, Crit, AP Paladin: Str, Haste, Crit Rogue: Agi, Haste, AP Shaman: Agi, AP, Haste Warrior: Комментарий от Drashktar very nice trinket i must say, as cat i get arp, str and agi plus the fact that i change form even though am in catform: Комментарий от Haskel I found this post on EJ: No haste for Enhancement, and we get ArP instead. I was really hoping with the bad passive stat, that the proc would be amazing. Комментарий от Adelaide2 I have this very interesting and annoying problem. Which is kind of annoying and I died because of that because I could not get back on Skybreaker when defeating battle-mage When the transformation runs off, the rocket pack works once again. What would the procs be for the non-physical DPS classes? So taking the permanent armor penetration on the trinket itself into consideration the window of armor penetration you can get on non Set gear before stepping over the hardcap would be: There are quite some options to go in terms of items without armor penetration rating as known so far, like Endless Vengeance Ashen Verdict exalted. So it sounds pretty interesting as a choice. Комментарий от Ovacor I just received this trinket tonight as a Hunter. And I must say I am very satisfied with it, there are three procs from it. This varies by class though. The procs are totally random BUT often. Комментарий от Jarsniffer Would it be safe to say MM hunters benefit from this trinket more than any other class? Before you start flaming, hear me out: The static ArP benefits all of our major damage abilities. The classes that get an ArP proc, will see much lower uptime than a Runestone. Комментарий от Mongoos The one and only way to get a Tauren Taunka rogue. Комментарий от Salus This is all the available procs from the trinket, please note a certain class will recieve a select few of the below: Agility of the Vrykul agility Aim of the Iron Dwarves critical strike rating Power of the Taunka attack power Precision of the Iron Dwarves armor penetration Speed of the Vrykul haste rating Strength of the Taunka strength. Комментарий от bobbler As of 3. Комментарий от Thlop I cant wait to get it for my 'mage'. Комментарий от tosbanzai Darkmoon: Greatness appears to interfere with the proc on this trinket. I won it tonight on my Hunter and went to the meters right away. Several tests went with Multiple procs of Greatness and not a single proc from this trinket. I was in Dal and stumbled upon him dueling someone. As he was fighting he went from iron dwarf to vrykul so it seems the form is random and can change quickly and is not hard to acquire the chance for the form change. If it is working for the Strength deck, I suspect this is a potential bug and not working as intended as I thought before I went to bed. They can in fact work at the same time but it would appear the chance is incredibly low. I have no idea how it is calculated but it almost always procs right off the bat without Greatness equipped. Greatness is the only trinket I am having issues with. I have a theory of which I will test int he next few hours. For a hunter, there are three potential procs as listed above 1. Taunka, Attack Power 2. Iron Dwarf, Critical Strike rating 3. If similar procs occur at the same time, and do not for Greatness Agi then it may be a bug with one of the two items. If anyone has an SS of the Vyrkul buff with Greatness up at the same time not to be mistaken with the T9 4 piece, which I believe uses the same buff icon that would save me a lot of time: It would appear I had some really weird and unfortunate luck. After about ten minutes I got both Greatness agi and the Vyrkul Agi buff to proc at the same time. I wonder if perhaps I was having ridiculously bad luck last night or they hot-fixed it. Комментарий от kemperlol Be careful with this trinket on Icecrown Gunship Battle. The transformations count as shape shifting and will cause the rocket pack not to work. Комментарий от eidra Got this last night and tried it in some bgs. This trinket can proc off of sap and does not break stealth when it procs. Getting the ap proc off a sap and ing a 24khp target in a cheapshot as a tauren rogue is kinda fun. Комментарий от Sobby I cant help to find this trinket a little anoying. Playing Fury warrior myself, I am stuck with the arp. Despite how good the arp. There is no challenge left beeing Hit or Exp soft capped. No matter how I look at it and how good the arp. Fury warriors will most likely not use all arp. Depending a little on if you gemmed for it or not. Having the right proc. There is just as big a chance of having it proc. And if your geared one way or the other, those proc. I will probably more than once blame this trinket for me noobing on DPS. And say Ohh I had the wrong procs. But in short, I think its abit anoying that it proc. Specially when the hard cap is no challenge at all to reach. Sorry for the moaning I just had to get it out if my system. It just dropped for me last night, from 25 man ICC normal, 4th boss saurfang. When the transform happens you are unable to use the: You need to remove the effect and wait a little to be able to jump. Комментарий от Lithdran Umm.. Комментарий от Veilside While under the effects of this trinket you will become shapeshfted and unable to mount. Use this macro to quickly cancel the trinket buffs and mount up. I have written a mod specifically to eliminate this spam. Комментарий от Hunterzrule I got this trinket today and i can confirm that the three procs you get from this trinket for a hunter are: Is there a specific reason to this or am I just unlucky? Mutually exclusive with the heroic versions, meaning they stack and dont share ICDs. I dont know what you turn into tho. Ill keep running tests and see Any insight on this? Комментарий от Joeness it has a 30sec uptime, a sec ICD is rediculously short for that kind of uptime, it allows you to pretty much make full use of your own cooldowns in sync with it as opposed to most other trinkets that grant mere 10sec buffs. Комментарий от rainsungone With the exception of 1 or 2 classes including DK which gives haste instead of armor pen, this trinket does the following. Highest Stat is always chosen. Picked one of these up last night on my fury warrior. It works wonders and is a must have for all physical DPS in my opinion. I didnt have to wait seconds for multiple procs it occurs just a bit after the last proc has occured. Im not sure if it has to do with the fact that I hit many times in a short amount of time but I really dont seem to have a problem with long cooldowns on it. I would bet that the second cooldown would be global for all 3 of the procs. Комментарий от rozel Confirmed for druid: The shapeshifts DO work while in cat or bear form, so for me, it looks like a Taunka or Vrykul or Iron dwarf is swinging a staff very quickly at the target. Комментарий от Zylos After some testing on dummies the trinket proc was seemingly guaranteed exactly 1 minute and 20 seconds after the buff faded, give or take a couple seconds because of swing time. Despite the popularity of the rocket bears. Until and if they fix this, you have to manually click off the buff before using the rocket. Комментарий от younglife this trinket is so freakin OP for pvp wth Комментарий от Humanenemy I have found a current bug with the trinket. Drink an Underbelly Elixir until you turn into a Wasp. Duel someone or a attack a critter walking around the sewers until the trinket procs. As of patch 3. I kept a log for a small period and here are my results. So my conclusion is that the cooldown for the trinket is 75 seconds. Str, Crit, ArP Druid: Str, Agi, ArP Hunter: Can someone confirm this? Комментарий от fandanism For rogue the trinket could procc as: The most common proccs for me is, agi, ap arp with a couple of haste proccs! Will try abit more on the dummy in if! So even for thoose mutilate rogues this trinket could be incredible! From now it doesnt procc arp It only procc haste, agi and ap. Комментарий от Myf01 Hotfixed: Комментарий от heine as off todays Hotfix 7th january Комментарий от 1stGeneration The ArP from this trinket has been changed to haste. Комментарий от DonaldW Confirmed that it will proc haste instead of armor penetration. Комментарий от Elegantprose So is this in addition to the stats shown or is the arp disappearing for a Equip: This is a very good change. I found this out the hard way after nearly getting killed by Saurfang. Not sure about the Taunka one yet. Комментарий от Valain just to let you guys know that when i was doing the gunship battle with this trinket you cannot use the rocketpack as you are shapeshifter. The haste proc gives the Vrykul form instead of the Gorloc form hinted at by one of the earlier commenters. Комментарий от Lirithiel Yanthir: When did you notice the ArP proc? Was it more than a week ago or was it in the last few days? As you should know by now as was posted earlier in this thread Blizz changed the proc from ArP to haste. Комментарий от HandofDeath this might be a dumb question but can you have this and http: It seems to be able to proc Agility, Haste, or Strength Bear form. Changed from armor pen, but seems to be related to your class. Комментарий от omgwru As unholy: Комментарий от FantyS wtb a female version of this trinket: Комментарий от Nimchip Trinket no long procs Armor Penetration kids and it applies to all specs and all classes that can use it. Комментарий от ysj93 Just got this trink on the weekend and so far i am loving it the procs are awesome but i love hearing 'why do we have tauren in our group? Комментарий от Tarlar I got this on my druid last night. This is canceled when you shape shift again. Комментарий от Velren could it be, that there was a stealth bugfix this morning? Комментарий от Falsegod For the sake of accuracy, note that the only 'pure physical dps' are feral druids and warriors. The other classes all have some magic damage mixed in to varying degrees. For some reason, Rogues were not mentioned, which is surprising, seeing as they are the ONLY 'pure physical' dps class in the whole game. No real tanking talent tree, no healing talents, just three trees of melee DPS. Комментарий от smurfzilla Proc Seems to be based on spec, not class. Str, Crit, ArP Frost: Str, Crit, ArP Unholy: It probably chooses which you get based on class. Комментарий от deadmuf its not procing arp for enhance its procing haste or agility and ap Комментарий от cignature So, for Feral Druids, when we shift into these forms do we use or weapon skill? Or is it ignored as per usual? Комментарий от Aisenfaire Procs for kitty: Speed of the Vrykul: Комментарий от darkslash make this post green. Комментарий от thelittlevoices Until such a time that blizzard fixes that bug that will allow you to use the rocket pack on gunship while transformed from this trinkets proc, it would be wise to make macros to cancel the buff so you arent struggling to find it in your buff list. Комментарий от Alesar10 This trinket is just as good for paladins as it is for a warrior or rogue etc, ppl say armor penetration is a waste for paladins, but thats a lie, armor penetration is epic and id say its better than haste for paladins, because that is my experience with my own paladin. I have tried to stack both and I found that armor penetration gives me the highest dps. Комментарий от Sarkasmos In case anyone was wondering, on a Discipline priest it can proc crit. Комментарий от detardationx I have recently got this trinket as an SV hunter. Which is nutz if u ask me. But I love it. I pull a bout 9. Which I think I have worked out Комментарий от monopoman Who cares what it procs on a caster class talk about irrelevant info. This trinket is one of the worst trinkets in the game for any caster. I could find blue trinkets that help a Disc Priest more then this thing. Комментарий от agentkill29 Just got this literally 10mins ago. A huntard I mean hunter rolled a 99 for this. But with the mighty Saurfang by my side and some additional show of bizarre mercy, I rolled a hundred. Комментарий от datar why did they made Arpen proc for a dk into haste and not ap or something else. Комментарий от yangman any one know the proc effect for mage,warlock and priest. Would be interesting to test: Комментарий от mofinjo18 Most people want to know the facts about this trinket, not speculations. The buffs are class speciffic so i can at this point tell you what stats a death knights gets after the new patch yesterday. I got the trinket yesterday and the buffs are cofirmed: Комментарий от vanquished14 Was hoping this would be fixed but Players can no longer mount with any of the shapeshifts from this item active. Комментарий от Gromkar Just want to share my misery with you. Although the statistics say that this item has the highest drop chance of all the epics to drop, I have only seen it drop once in those soon 4 moths of Deathbringer killings. Poor me and all of the other melee in my guild that want this trinket: Now you can either laugh at me or show some compassion, your choice. Комментарий от Zomppa Hehe Just got this for my rogue and dps raised like 10x. Awesome trinket for both PvP and PvE. Have seen only drop once before and got it now on second time. Im lucky bastard must say. GL for others to get this! Very happy kitty here! Комментарий от Zomppa kaze Sry, but chimera shots first shot is affected by arp. Whispering Fanged Skull H Whispering Fanged Skull Herkuml War Token Banner of Victory Комментарий от Palle7 Hey guys: Can anyone tell me how much this would be worth if you could buy it on auction house? Комментарий от Soji I wish blizzard would fix this proc so you can mount on both types of mounts land and flying whilst the proc is active. Now its only possible to mount air mounts. Attempting to land mount whilst a Taunka post 3. Both other procs Vrykul and Iron Dwarf do not allow you to mount at all. My arguement - Why not? Vrykul mount flying mounts in UP UK. Dwarfs, obviously, mount both types of mounts on the Alliance side and the graphic is going to be the same as it uses the Dwarf animations. Was the crit proc removed? Or am I just unlucky, or not watching the proc when i get it sometimes? Someone, please enlighten me. The Peanut Butter Jelly Time song began playing in my head. Currently, the Vrykul has no dance emote, or really any others. The Iron Dwarf form is nothing new. I want to edit it for my specific class RET Pally. With this it puts DW as Best in slot, what assumptions am I doing incorrectly? Комментарий от The transformations the trinket provides are random, last 30 seconds each, and vary between classes. Комментарий от boonbocks One thing I saw idk if you guys said anything about is on the Blood Queen when you have to bite your target, if your shape shifted it wont take the bite, I have to cancel it to get the bite off. Might have been bad luck but not willing to take the chance again. If you know other please let me know, be nice not to lose the up time left on it if I dont have to. Комментарий от wrathebe I jizzed in my pants! Комментарий от ay1ko anyone noticed that when proc-ing this trink removes your offhand weapon? Комментарий от deadlybeast The transformations the trinket provides are random, last 30 seconds each, and vary between classes. Комментарий от Blah Never knew priests did melee damage Do you have a melee hunter too? Комментарий от farticus33 Is there any reason a feral tank would want this trinket? Комментарий от brotos -. Комментарий от Latias This trinket is quite annoying while trying to farm low level cooking meat or drops. You cannot mount while shapeshifted Комментарий от daltonj Just as a fun note. Let a warlock equip this to see if it would proc and it WILL proc for warlocks. Комментарий от EmpK What buffs are pssible to get if a mage lock or preist meles a mob while wearing this? Комментарий от theorcmaster Noone has noted this yet but this is the closest ive ever seen to a tauren rogue. The invasion of the world by tauren rogues has come. We are all doomed. Комментарий от Naith Rogues poisons are considered nature damage. Not a pure physical damage class. Комментарий от Firedwarf Exacly secs cooldown on this trinket when it has procced and 70 secs cooldown from when your form has run out. Now this trinket went from ok to amazing for enh shamans, and I am guessing ret pallies too. Комментарий от kekslul I cant wait to get it for my Warlock! Anyone can tell me the math on this? Now Blood Elves can crush their tiny chicken mounts just like Tauren! Okay, so this only seems to apply for flying mounts. So no chicken crushing, unless you happen to be riding a gryphon. Комментарий от ahhnevermind Am I the only one only getting two buffs, one at a time? I have never gotten a third transformation. BTW - base Str is higher than base Agi for ferals, so if they made it only proc one of two buffs, itd be strength over agility. Комментарий от bgwilly31 Just to rub it in. Ive killed saurfang 3x i saw it drop the last time and out of 10 people that rolled i won the roll: I had a DK crying in raid chat screaming obsanities at me. Then was whispering me money offers. Комментарий от bluewyvern For anybody interested, I did the numbers on the physical DPS trinket which drops from Halion in ruby sanctum, and here are the comparison results. This comparison assumes that as long as the uptime is consistent, synergy will not come into account. Also note that I have not factored in the base stat on the two trinkets because it is ArP in both cases, and the twilight scale has slightly more. This comparison was done for a fury warrior with BoK. Twilight Scale AP for 15 seconds. However, if you are using lower level gear such that haste and crit have lower values compared to AP, then the Twilight Scale is superior. Either way, for a BiS geared warrior, getting both trinkets is the way to go. Комментарий от toeledo this is sick for a DK. Currently testing on a target dummy I have seen 3 buffs: These are for the non heroic trinket Strength of the Taunka: Grants Strength for 30 seconds by the form of a Taunka. Grants haste rating for 30 seconds by the form of a Vrykul. Aim of the Iron Dwarves: Granted critical strike rating for 30 seconds by the form of the Iron Dwarves. Комментарий от Hoyman Only Hunters should be rolling on this bad boy. There are numerous ways as a DPS warrior that I can hit the armor cap without this item, I understand that. Making any one item in the game - that is just a drop after all - so powerful is just silly. I can understand an item like Shadowmourne being so overpowered, as it requires a guild cooperative effort to create, but to have a simple boss drop so OP and justifiably REQUIRED by half your raid members gs DK excluded makes the game a lot less fun than it could be. I hope that a pre-cataclysm patch reduces DBW to a novelty item. I just think forcing us to farm ICC for a year before cataclysm comes out by making such long odds of getting the most powerful boss drops in the game is LAZY - why not just make more content, perhaps with drops that are sidegrades over these items? Комментарий от Charlie Not realy. The transformations the trinket provides are random, last 30 seconds each, and vary between classes. Plenty of Northrend Caster Races as well in fact some of these procs could work very well for casters. Комментарий от Andrasa A little fun thing you can do with the trinket, if you happen to be a female character. Go into any CoT instance where you gain the Human illusion buff, Old hillsbrad, Old Stratholme and wait for it to proc. The proc turns you male and when it falls off, you revert to using a male human illusion, and not a female one. Nice for those who dislike how their character looks as a human, as my Tauren looks downright ugly as a human imo. As a rogue, this can proc when you use Sap. When procced as a rogue, I had one out of three: Haste Attack Power Agility. Комментарий от Weepngdagger My main question to the procs is. Because i seem to be getting Power of the Taunka and Agility of the Vyrkul the most. However i discovered that when you are Taunka and you get on a flying mount it will allow you too, however not ground mounts. Just thought you might want to know. Комментарий от ez This trinket is horrible for enhancement shaman, if you roll on this you are terrabad Комментарий от CcAgan Because you can not mount while shape shifted, I worked out this macro for some guildies. If your mount names are too long, then end the macro with this: Arcane shot - do i have to say anything? Steady Shot - Physical. Give us back ArP! Комментарий от Tooy In cata it will give crit, not arp. Комментарий от Bluntforce Click off the buff. Комментарий от dotice Lost it to a ret paladin as a mut rogue. Комментарий от bloodsucker91 someone needs to learn their class o. Комментарий от bloodsucker91 lol imagine 2 rogues have seen eachother in a bg and they sap eachother: Комментарий от Kromgar I rolled a 63 and won then the pally rolled a This will still be a nice item to have post-Cataclysm to show off.. I had to raid uphill in the snow for this trinket before WoW was even a twinkle in your eye, sonny. Комментарий от Arreador Is this not showing on proculas? Sorry if it had been asked before. You will transform into whatever form you randomly get, then when it wears off you will turn back into a pirate or ninja. After my Vrykul buff dropped, I turned back into a pirate. Комментарий от Assmaster No matter what the consequences are,this is still the BEST trinket ingame for any pure melee dps class. Ret paladins,Non blood dks,mutilate rogues and enh shammies are a bit screwed because in my opinion this should be a legendary item. Комментарий от zeni7h 1 in 'Most ninjaed item in wow'. I couldnt mount a ground mount and was unable to mount anything as the iron dwarf. I havent tried a flying mount while a valkry yet but will try it when the servers are back up. Ive tested it, The only way to mount anything while shapeshifted with this trinket is to be a tauren and mount a flying mount. Комментарий от Neptuno I borrowed one on my priest during the 2 hour trade window Комментарий от Incineration Hmm, when using this trinket on my warrior, it seems to proc mostly Haste of the Vrykul. Комментарий от Looseminded Anyone know what the forms for patch 4. Are they going to stay the same as they currently are or change? Комментарий от Minninnewah Good news, Enhancement Shaman. Gives a good amount of crit, so you may have to watch that. Really not reasons to not to nab this. Blizzard has said that crit will be nerfed hard. I know in a month or so the trinket will become insignificant but for now i would say this trinket is a very good competitor for BiS for paladins. Комментарий от Dugath Got to test this on my Warlock tonight after killing Saurfang, used it on all the trash up to Fester and Rotface. But I would say if a caster is in a run where no one needs it, talk them into giving it to you for testing. I would like to see if it procs any of the melee procs. Комментарий от Teebee I had built up a large antipathy towards this trinket, for it dropping every week, and me - as a retribution paladin - not really being able to use it due to the armor penetration. This week it dropped again, and I found myself reevaluating it: I agree with above poster that it is really imba now for ret,. If u take off your weapon when you get the Valkyr haste proc instead of hitting people with your fists you kick everyone instead I thought this was hilarious soloing lowbies with flying ninja kicks xD. Комментарий от Talix This is a mount macro I use to disable my Aura and then casts my mount. It will try to cast flying first, if unavailable, it will go to your land mount. It will also dismount you after mounted when clicked. Use cautiously at deadly heights. Комментарий от lajkoati95 if i have both Воля Смертоносного and Воля Смертоносного , can they turn on at the same time? Комментарий от pigfling found 1: Комментарий от Lostelf Use Небесное зеркало Ай-Ли when this is procced for 10 mins of of whatever form you got. Комментарий от Thunderchud Ran this 68 times on normal and heroic on my hunter, it never dropped. Breezed through today by myself on 25H and there it was. I finally got it. Комментарий от wisedada The awesome effects of this iconic trinket are now available to everyone thanks to Воля Нордскола , sold by Timewalking vendor Аузин when the Timewalking event is the Northrend one. Not that you would need it for anything else than aesthetics. Посмотреть в 3D Сравнить Найти лучше Guide to Timewalking Holidays and Rewards. При написании комментария, просим вас не забывать про следующее: Ваш комментарий должен быть на русском языке, иначе он будет удален. Не уверены как правильно составить комментарий? Тогда прочтите наше замечательное руководство! У вас может возникнуть желание проверить написание своего комментария перед тем, как поместить его на сайт. Задавайте вопросы на наших форумах , чтобы получить гарантированный ответ. Просмотрите изображение, используя форму ниже. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с нашими требованиями к скриншотам перед их отправкой на рассмотрение. Просто введите ссылку на видео, в форму, расположенную ниже. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter , который собирает данные, пока вы играете! При проведении атак у вас есть шанс пробудить силы рас, населяющих Нордскол, которые на время преобразят вас и усилят ваши боевые способности на 30 sec.

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