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Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Тема «Classic» Тема «Thottbot». Краткая информация. Комментарии Комментарий от Drlexx 38 27 где то тут. Комментарий от innos Я нашел тут Комментарий от я нашол тут Комментарий от Anatomy Я нашла координаты Basically, you hunt around the area and look for little geysers marked 'Silithyst Geyser'. Using one of these geysers WILL flag you, and provide a 'buff' that slows your movement speed. For mages, Blink will work without dropping the silithyst powder. To get to the camp, just go to the little horde icon on the map. Комментарий от You walk into the machine that puts out the massive light and it extracts the silithyst, then talk to the quest giver and it will be finished. Also confirmed the xp and 18 Honor. Комментарий от Septera This quest at least the first hand in counts towards Loremaster of Kalimdor. I was just there to pick up the quest. Комментарий от you can also use ghostwolf as Shaman no problem. Also confirm that using blink is no problem. Комментарий от xxxstonie Counts towards Loremaste of Kalimdor. Комментарий от ok I got this quest today.. I abandoned this quest 2 times no luck plz clear if I am doing anything wrong. Комментарий от Thottbot how can i deliver this dust thingy? Комментарий от Thottbot wher do i deliver it to. Комментарий от Thottbot just go inside that funny mashine at Комментарий от Thottbot The object you are looking for are steaming vents in the ground. Sounds like rumbling water venting steam. Just click on them and you will begin to glow. High tail it back to the post and step into the machine that looks like a transporter. The quest is repeatable but only in the sense you will increase your reputation with the Cenarion Circle by 10 each time. Barely worth repeating since once you get to Outlands one quest will give you rep. Комментарий от Thottbot Hmm can anyone tell me the cords of that crystal? Комментарий от Thottbot The rocks just pop up out of no where, you wont do much good by running around Silithus. You are better of completing other quests then if you find one complete this one then.. There are no cords! Комментарий от Thottbot First, you have to find the Siliythis, or w. Extract it and it will douse you with the dust. It will slow down your speed. If you do it will just leave a mound of dust where ever you mounted or such. I went to around 40, 70 to find the geyser. Once you find the dust, and walk back to the horde camp at 50, 68, you jump on the transponder that looks just like the transponder to go to Gnomeregan. Once you do that, walk over to General Kirika and turn in. Easy exp and rep for Cenarion circle. Emrixer Horde on Server Hellscream. Комментарий от Thottbot i found it by the 1 place called southwind village but i thought it sucked so i drop it in centron hold a little later i got the quest to get it and wentback to the city Комментарий от Thottbot edit i jsut found it in the same spot as before p. Комментарий от Thottbot Bear in mind you get flagged when u pick up the crystals. I didnt notice this till I got attacked, Im a holy priest and he was a warrior but he managed to aggro a couple scorpids while doing so. I popped a fear on him and he aggroed even more. A sad gank indeed :. Комментарий от Thottbot This Geysers are random spawns, however I found several around 33, Chances may be better there if you are having trouble finding one at the closer coords. Комментарий от Thottbot Right click the mound. Run back to the camp. Walk inside the big machine thing with the undead around it. Go back and talk to her. However, these geysers do spawn at a set of possible coordinates, among which are the ones posted by players above. Комментарий от Thottbot reall cords for mashine is 51, Комментарий от Thottbot This quest isnt hard, all you gotta do is walk around Комментарий от Thottbot found one at southwind village, then i just dodged all the mobs the way back horde so yea. Комментарий от Thottbot Very Simple. Easy Steps. Quest around Silithus. The Silithyst mounds are random, so there arent specific coords. When u see a silithyst geiser, right click it and ull be encoded in a dust, that slows ur speed. Now run to the Alliance Blue Shield and go onto platform. It will turn in the dust, and u get experiance and reputation with Cenarions. Комментарий от Thottbot lol this quest took me about 1 min to get the dust, then another min to leave it.. Комментарий от Thottbot 5 min flat got the Q and started to do anther Q and i found it lol. Комментарий от Thottbot Post BC and I direct a guild mate to go to Silithus for his questing because they are fast and easy levels. Because it is post-BC im having trouble leveling my chanting because no one runs thoes level dungions anymore. I tailor so I go farm cloth to make stuff to DE. He needs help getting a quest done so I go help him. We get flagged doing this quset on the side of his other quests. And because were flagged some allie thinks they are gonna have fun with us. Guess no. Either way. I spent the rest of out time flagged on my Dreadstead so no tard allies mistook me for a lower level. They left us alone after that. The moonwell is neutral in Silithus and mooncloth has no cooldown. Wonder how much it sells for post-bc Комментарий от Thottbot one of the exact measurements are Комментарий от Thottbot Ok, I have been running around for 20 min and nothing has popped up or anything. This quest is a drag, and a waste of time Piece of cake. Good hunting. Комментарий от Thottbot If you are doing the Spirit of Southwind quest there are a few of these gysers right in the area. Note: Each crystal you bring back give you 20 honor so if your honor is low My suggestion is you do this when few people are on Комментарий от Thottbot is it that called a gueiser thing. Комментарий от Thottbot Spawn Points for geysers: There are lots of potential spawn points, but only a few will spawn at a given time. Nothing in WoW is really random, so reliably you will find at least one at either You must walk the dust back to your collection area if you mount the dust drops off. Комментарий от Allakhazam Look for a small geyser thing on the grounds of silithus near hive zora and abroad. Right click to collect. They look like little glowing piles of dirt, and periodically toss a spout into the air. Picking one up flags you pvp, so be warned. Return to camp near Zora and step into the gnomish machine looking thing similar to the one outside IF to change into an elf at Christmas to turn it in. Speak with Marshall Bluewall to complete. As far as I know, the quest is not repeatable, but collecting the items and returning them in the same fashion will result in continued building of rep and honor. Cheers Mythaniel of Lothar. Комментарий от Allakhazam this may be a stupid question but i am an orc Where is the silithyst thingy? Комментарий от Allakhazam 1. Комментарий от Allakhazam Where is he at? Комментарий от Allakhazam Did this as 44 Shaman, was very hard, several deaths. I know it says 60, but wtf, did anyway. You have a limited time to get the Silithyst to the gizmo. First pick up timed out on me. You can pick up the same Silithyst again when you rez. Nothing else at all. The quest giver, General Kirika, did not have a? Maybe because their was no Alli here? Guess will try again at 60 to see what happens. Edited, Feb 12th am by DonCorneo. Комментарий от Allakhazam well i found 1 of the mounds, collected what i needed, returned to the base it is timed, had to pick up another mound thingy. Комментарий от Allakhazam super easy, I went and found one of those mounts and got the buff, ran back to the horde camp. Got in the machine and done! Комментарий от Allakhazam As of patch 2. It lasts for 30 minutes. Комментарий от Allakhazam Wow,you guys are alot more helpful on quests than the alliance They give 2 sentence discriptions on this quest but most of them are not related to the quest. I thank you for the information. Комментарий от Allakhazam 36,66 for coords Комментарий от Allakhazam im going to attempt to make it absolutly clear what to do. As of the new Black Temple patch, you will also recieve a buff that gives the following Also, all gnomes should apply to become footballs for the NFL Комментарий от Allakhazam Here are where I found mine. Spent the sunday afternoon running back and forth, honour Once I got that buff I looked in my bag and did not see anything. I went and stood in the machine at the camp horde and got a Complete message. Talked to the guy and got xp and Traces of Silithyst buff described in one of the other posts. Also received 10 rep for Delivery part and rep when I talked to the guy. Комментарий от Allakhazam Continued turn in is 10 Rep and Honor. Комментарий от Allakhazam I got exp and 30 min of buff. Did this as a 60 Shammy no problem. Комментарий от xDom In current classic you are able to do this quest on a toon as low as a level one. It gives you a free level 5 if anyones looking for some free xp on new alts! Комментарий от Gadget I found a geyser nearby at 43, Истощение пустыни Найдите и принесите силитист к экстрактору силитистов и поговорите с генералом Кирикой в лагере Орды возле Улья Регал. Принесите силитист 1. Пустыня очень опасна,будь настороже, Снатяжкой. В барханах шныряют сторонники Альянса, и каждый шаг может оказаться последним. Ты молодец, Таквер. Мы отправим добытые ресурсы на склад, а наши приобретения все равно что потери для наших врагов! IsQuestFlaggedCompleted Перед публикацией комментария просим принять во внимание следующие рекомендации: Комментарий должен быть написан на русском языке — в противном случае он будет удален. Не уверены, как правильно построить комментарий? Ознакомьтесь с нашим замечательным руководством! Желаете узнать ответ на свой вопрос как можно скорее? Посетите канал russian на нашем Discord-сервере. Написать комментарий. Для загрузки изображения воспользуйтесь приведенной ниже формой. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. Перед загрузкой скриншота, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с требованиями, предъявляемыми к скриншотам! Пожалуйста, введите ссылку на видеоролик в поле, указанное ниже. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter , который собирает данные, пока вы играете! Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, помогая поддерживать базу данных в актуальном состоянии! Серии 1. Генерал Кирика. Сильнейшее лечебное зелье. Сильнейшее зелье маны.

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