Сколько частей в 120 дней Содома. Understanding the Controversial Film: Salo or 120 Days of Sodom

Сколько частей в 120 дней Содома. Understanding the Controversial Film: Salo or 120 Days of Sodom

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Salo or 120 Days of Sodom is a notorious Italian film known for its extreme violence, sexual content, and graphic scenes. However, behind the shocking imagery lies a deeper meaning and social commentary that filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini intended to convey through his work. In this article, we break down the film's different parts and explore its themes and significance.

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❇️ Почему в 120 дней Содома 30 дней

❇️ Сколько дней в 120 дней Содома

❇️ В чем смысл фильма Сало или 120 дней

❇️ Полезные советы и заключение

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Фильм "120 дней Содома" состоит из четырёх частей, каждая из которых основана на произведении "Божественная комедия" Данте Алигьери. Первая часть - "Преддверие ада" ("Antinferno"), в которой зритель знакомится с аристократической компанией, ведущей развратный образ жизни. Вторая часть - "Круг маний" ("Girone delle manie"), где герои становятся свидетелями насилия, убийств и извращений. Третья часть - "Круг дерьма" ("Girone della merda"), в которой происходит ещё большее отвращение, так как герои принимают участие в групповых изнасилованиях и других отвратительных действиях. И, наконец, четвёртая часть - "Круг крови", в которой практически весь фильм превращается в жестокий хоррор, где герои убивают и съедают своих рабов. Фильм вызывает неприязнь и отвращение у многих зрителей своей крайней жестокостью и извращённостью.

The Four Parts of Salo

Based on Dante's Divine Comedy, the film is split into four parts: Antinferno, Circle of Manias, Circle of Shit, and Circle of Blood. Each part revolves around a group of wealthy and powerful individuals who indulge in perverse and sadistic behavior. The film's plot is set in the Italian town of Salo, where the group kidnaps eighteen young men and women and subjects them to a hundred and twenty days of torture and abuse.

Why Only 30 Days are Described in the Book

Marquis de Sade's «120 Days of Sodom» was never completed, and only the first part of the book was fully written. The remaining three parts exist in fragmented form, as drafts and notes left by the author. Therefore, the reason Marquis de Sade only describes 30 days in his book is that he never had a chance to complete the rest of the story.

The Inspiration Behind Salo

Pasolini's film was heavily influenced by his reaction to the political turmoil and corruption of post-war Italy. He saw the powerful elites as corrupt and indifferent to the suffering of poor Italians. The film's portrayal of the ruling class as depraved and heartless individuals is symbolic of Pasolini's disdain for those in power.

The Film as a Metaphor

Pasolini wanted to create a film that was more than just a depiction of brutality. He wanted to make a statement about power, corruption, and the human condition. The film can be seen as a metaphor for the oppressive nature of fascism, which Pasolini personally experienced, and the loss of meaning in a materialistic and oppressive society. By showcasing the darkest and most violent acts possible, Pasolini aims to illustrate the complete dehumanization of individuals living under the influence of oppressors.

Important Takeaways

Salo or 120 Days of Sodom is a film that sparks debate and controversy even forty years after its release. Although the film's content can be repulsive at times, it is essential to understand Pasolini's intentions and the deeper meaning behind the disturbing imagery. The film's portrayal of the ruling class's sadistic nature serves as a warning against the dangers of unchecked power and corruption. Ultimately, the film is a thought-provoking and challenging work of art that offers valuable insight into the human condition and the darker aspects of society.

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