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Medicaid , Medicare , Social Security all came from Democrats. You pay the taxes while healthier. Republicans prefer you die. See videos too. For more photos see: Flat list of event graphics and photos. Alphabetical order by city. There are many more images there than are shown below. Based on single-payer, universal healthcare. News: US Republicans lead war on cannabis. And near-genocidal US drug war. And other endless wars. Vote out most Republicans! Ballotpedia issues: marijuana and minimum wage. It is not socialist. It is Common Sense. See: List of minimum wages by country. And: Medicare-for-all, like Canada, is not socialist either. A record. Republican state governments in 28 states passed laws to prevent cities from raising the minimum wage. Far-right talk radio helps Republicans do this. Republicans block cheap municipal broadband in 26 states. GMM Facebook. Register and vote for cannabis! Ballotpedia: marijuana and minimum wage. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell will not take up minimum wage issue, and Trump says he will veto it. Bottom half struggles. Skyrocketing hunger in US. And: Trump paid no federal income tax 10 out of 15 years. Google searches: Racism and drug war. And: ICU beds at capacity. Vote out most US Republicans and their cannabis war. Remove Presidential veto power. Presidents should not determine legislation. These 4 states are voting to legalize and tax marijuana sales. The legalization and taxation of recreational marijuana is up for a vote in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey and South Dakota. See source and comments. Dumping Trump is the only way marijuana legalization will happen Leafly. Facebook source and comments for graphic below:. By state. From article: 'Amid the ongoing Covid pandemic, many states have shifted deadlines and expanded registration options. Plus Republican cannabis war. September , Banner below. Marijuana on the ballot - Ballotpedia. Scroll down to And: Video. Canadian single-payer universal healthcare versus US healthcare. Further exposing continuing Republican support of the racist cannabis war. Many teachers bleeding from high-velocity plastic pellets. Officers repeatedly smirked, laughed, and joked. Nov election. Ballot initiatives flyer:. Scroll down for list of US states offering no-excuse mail-in voting. Thomas Hartle has Stage 4 colon cancer. He will have to grow his own mushrooms. See also: Republican -NRA-led drug war, mandatory minimum sentences, and handguns. Child dagga cannabis criminality lifted. From: Forbes. What this really means: Trump supporters overall have worse sex, since they have a higher rate of disapproval towards cannabis. Four cents per gram? See Facebook. A Democratic Senate could take up the many cannabis reform bills already passed by the Democratic House. We need to vote out these Republican morons. Raise minimum wage! And: Biden task force takes states-rights approach to cannabis legalization. From the PDF document :. Countries with more people wearing face masks have much lower Covid death rates. See more charts. July is disability pride month. Police chiefs call on Ottawa to decriminalize possession of illicit drugs for personal use. Clueless Republican hate radio is still arguing over the 'manliness' and effectiveness of face masks. And a petition to do so. Medical marijuana patients can now have cannabis delivered. Video in civil claim shows RCMP officer dragging student, stepping on her head after wellness check. See info on November referendum. And racist drug law enforcement to the present day. And Google search. John Knock was denied compassionate release. He is a 72 year old nonviolent marijuana offender. He has no priors. He has been incarcerated since Portugal takes this approach and their drug-induced death rate is one-fifth the European Union average. Group pushing for recreational marijuana continues efforts to gather signatures. Electronic signatures allowed. Initiative would also allow for home growing. Click on Twitter icons to go to working videos on Twitter. Sunday, June 7, too. Spreadsheets: \\\\\\\\\[71\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[72\\\\\\\\\]. Officer accused of pushing teen during protest has 71 use of force cases on file. And: More info, and video of removal. Half of those 44 were injured. Illinois governor J. Pritzker calls Trump 'a racist, misogynist, a homophobe, a xenophobe. Justice for George Floyd. Drug Policy Alliance. And: Wikipedia: Race and the drug war. And: Race, ethnicity, and drug war. The chokehold that helped kill Eric Garner for allegedly selling loose, untaxed cigarettes in was banned in New York City at the time of his death, yet the cop who used it was never charged with anything, and was only fired in August See Wikipedia: Death of Eric Garner. Apparently, cops can use these 'death-holds' with impunity. Trump encouraged police to rough up suspects. They applauded. No indication it favors one party over another. Leads by 11 points. South Africa minister embraces cannabis video meme. See Politifact. Cannabis may increase resistance to coronavirus. Preliminary research. Scientific American. Article quote emphasis added :. Subsequent twin studies, including one performed with U. Corrupt system like USA under massive stress, political pressure, cronyism. She said there are 'pockets' in USA without sufficient protective medical equipment. May 6: Trump asks Court to rule Obamacare unconstitutional. Many virtual, online events. Republicans have declared War on the Middle Class. See median-wealth chart. See graphic below about how Trump Republicans transferred wealth from average American households to the rich. Germany has a much lower murder rate than the USA. Also, Germany has better health indicators, and its healthcare cost per person is half US cost all costs, public and private. Medicare spends less than 2 percent on bureaucracy. See chart. We need Medicare for All. Nearly a third of our health care dollars go to something other than health care. See also:. Universal healthcare versus drug war. Canadian single-payer healthcare and Portuguese drug decriminalization. See: More News. And: Cannabis is safer. Vote out most Republicans and their cannabis war. The state of the nation. This news feed may have long lapses. Wikipedia: Cannabis by country. Search for: marijuana march videos. And more. Find GMM graphics and other event graphics. And: Google site search. GMM years signed up. Google site search no longer works well. It does not find all the yearly city lists containing a city name. Special:Search works well. Click: 'Global Marijuana March maps'. This is an advanced search of main pages and templates. This will pull up all yearly maps in which the city is listed. Except for , , or in which only countries were listed for the most part. Putting quotes around multi-word city names helps focus the search: 'New York City'. Yearly maps: 41 nations participated on April 20 and May 4, , or thereabouts. Global Marijuana March links. Yearly event links in most cases will no longer be added to city pages due to the amount of work involved. Such links are found in the yearly city lists and maps. Graphics and crowd photos will also no longer be added to city pages in most cases. Graphics and photos can be found in this alphabetical flat list. Return to top. See Global Marijuana March map. See article: Cannabis is safer. And: Holy War on Drugs, Republican-led mass incarceration. Share link: Obama. See longer article: Cannabis is safer. Above quote is from Sanjay Gupta interview of Obama on April 15, Interview aired on CNN on April 19, Register and vote for cannabis. See: Happy alternatives to Republican-led poverty, mass incarceration, food insecurity, debt, ill health, intense concentration of wealth, endless wars. Chart below. Yellow is for an average increase in cost for people in those groups. Higher costs hitting more people each year. The Trump Matrix. Wage slaves waking up. Washington Post. Top line in timeline below is hourly wages adjusted for inflation. It is flat: Bottom of chart below says: 'Data for wages of production and non-supervisory employees on private non-farm payrolls. See: More charts. Chart below is from the article. Inflation-adjusted federal minimum wage over the years. See also: Wikipedia: List of minimum wages by country. US federal minimum wage timeline below. Top line is adjusted for inflation. Middle class prosperity peaked under Truman and Roosevelt in the s due to steep progressive taxation where the middle class paid less. And the minimum wage was increased. That also pushed up middle class wages. Plus predatory mortgage loans and foreclosure. And predatory unforgivable student loans. Google News search: student debt. Instead of paying higher wages, and higher minimum wages. As Canada does. US middle-class wealth has collapsed. See chart below. See: Income inequality and drug war. And: Wikipedia: List of countries by wealth per adult.? Median wealth is exactly in the middle. Wealth is all assets money, stocks, property, etc. Timeline below of real inflation-adjusted average US household income by quintile and top 5 percent in dollars. Median income by country charts:. Jake Johnson, Common Dreams. By Bernie Sanders. USA Today. Bernie Sanders. The Guardian. Real wages are not just flat, they are falling. Jeff Stein and Andrew Van Dam. June 15, Increasing income inequality over time. New York Times. By Bryce Covert. But the rich are doing great. They captured more than half of all the income growth in the country. See Wikipedia: Household debt. US household debt at all time high. Chart below is from the PDF. Total household debt. From 1st quarter through recent times. Total Household Debt by Type:. See: Canadian single-payer universal healthcare versus US healthcare. By Venessa Wong. BuzzFeed News. Wikipedia: Dwight D. President: January 20, — January 20, Viral meme says Republican platform was pretty liberal. Article by PolitiFact says it is mostly true. See Wikipedia: PolitiFact. President Eisenhower followed progressives like President Roosevelt. Roosevelt and General Eisenhower had worked together to crush the far-right of their day, the Nazis. June 16, He participated in one of the greatest eras of economic prosperity-for-more in the US in the s. That era had lower overall taxes on the middle class. Total of federal, state, and local taxes. In it was By Kyle Jaeger. January 7, Marijuana Moment. From the article: 'Both believe that marijuana should be legalized at the federal level'. Ocasio-Cortez floats 70 percent tax on the super wealthy to fund Green New Deal. And: Haters. And: Dancegate. Highest marginal income tax rates over time. When capital gains are included. Paul Buchheit. Common Dreams. For most U. By Drew DeSilver. Pew Research Center. Bottom of chart says: 'Data for wages of production and non-supervisory employees on private non-farm payrolls. Abraham Lincoln. From a message to the U. Congress, 3 December Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. More sources: \\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\]. The full speech. See: Facebook image. Country Median wealth per adult US dollars Healthcare cost per person. US dollars PPP. To Top. Or Table top. Or News. Or Home. Canada and Portugal. And: Trump asks Court to rule Obamacare unconstitutional. And: Short-term health plans not Obamacare leave consumers on the hook for massive medical costs, investigation finds. Medicare-for-all is single-payer, non-socialist, non-government-owned, Canadian-style healthcare. Canada got better outcomes, spent half as much per person , and thus has a higher median wealth. Canada spent See: info, charts, videos exposing US Republican myths about Canadian healthcare. Country Life expectancy 2 Under-5 mortality rate per live births. And Site navigation \\\\\\\\\[ edit \\\\\\\\\] To Top. News: Americans want universal healthcare and progressive taxation. Democratic Presidents Roosevelt and Truman worked for both. Roosevelt and Truman, followed by Eisenhower, a progressive Republican, had steep progressive taxation where the prosperous middle class paid less taxes as a percent of their income, because the rich paid more. All 3 Presidents increased the minimum wage , \\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\] , which pushed up middle class wages too. Under Trump, inflation-adjusted wages are declining \\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\]. GOP taxes screw middle class \\\\\\\\\[ edit \\\\\\\\\] Return to top. Median wealth per adult. Credit Suisse. Country links are to Wikipedia articles. Click red column headers to sort. Country Median wealth per adult. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read Edit View history. More Report a problem. Navigation Home. A-Z GCM nations. Suggest links. Try editing sandbox Ibogaine heals. Many links All cities. Many events US states International links -- by country -- by region. State of the nation Vote for cannabis Vote out Republicans Wars on demand. Help and tools Admins. Flat list Upload file Upload log. Thumbs Upload multiple files. Return to top Return to top. This page was last edited on 23 March , at Mexico City. May 4, See: Source. Cape Town, South Africa. May 5, See source , with more photos. Sao Paulo, Brazil. May 26, See source. Part of ' Green May ' many cities \\\\\\\\\[2\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[3\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[4\\\\\\\\\] in Brazil. See another photo. See video showing massive crowd from 1 minute on, especially the time lapse video. May 6, May 7, Athens, Greece. May 9, See source , and more photos. Medellin, Colombia. May 3, See more photos: May 4. Also: May 7. Buenos Aires, Argentina. See also: May 5 photo. See street-level crowd shot. See more photos: a, b, c. May 19, Toronto, Canada. May 2, May 8, in Madrid, Spain. For more info and photos: \\\\\\\\\[8\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[9\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\[10\\\\\\\\\]. May 4, in Paris, France in front of the Hotel de Ville. See a source. And: MedicareForAll. Alec Baldwin as Trump. On SNL. US spent Nations with better and healthier quality of life: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Wikipedia: US drug overdose death rates and totals over time. Many charts. Feb 6, , The Intercept. And: Previous article. Mother Jones , Sept Since updated. Source and comments. The Associated Press , got confirmation from two sources. That is because Republicans block universal healthcare. Medicaid , Medicare , and Social Security all came from Democrats. You pay more taxes for them while you are younger and healthier. Republicans prefer that you die. Trump is Toast. Republicans are blocking all cannabis reform there. Request your mail-in ballot online now. Many states have no-excuse mail-in voting for this election. See Wikipedia article on the bill. With Democrats. Marijuana: Decriminalize marijuana use and legalize marijuana for medical purposes at the federal level. Allow states to make their own decisions about legalizing recreational use. Automatically expunge all past marijuana convictions for use and possession. Lift budget rider blocking DC from taxing and regulating legal marijuana and remove marijuana use from the list of deportable offenses. Encourage states to invest tax revenue from legal marijuana industries to repair damage to Black and brown communities hit hardest by incarceration. The loss of memory for example. Obama helped turn around the Reagan-Bush War on Pot , mandatory minimums , mass incarceration. See: US incarceration peaked in Republican tax bill hurts the poor more than originally thought, Congressional Budget Office finds. Daniel B. Hong Kong. New Zealand. United Kingdom. South Korea. United States. Tax cuts went mostly to the rich. Should have gone mostly to the middle class who would have had more money free to plow back into the economy. In other words, the income for a typical worker today buys them less than it did in

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