Skirnir. Ny Ti.indi Hins Islenzka Bokmentafelags Volume 7️⃣8️⃣

Skirnir. Ny Ti.indi Hins Islenzka Bokmentafelags Volume 7️⃣8️⃣

👓 Íslenska bókmenntafélag

Skirnir. Ny Ti.indi Hins Islenzka Bokmentafelags Volume 7️⃣8️⃣

Skirnir. Ny Ti.indi Hins Islenzka Bokmentafelags Volume 7️⃣8️⃣✅ Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1️⃣) We 👥⬅️ have not ❌️ used OCR(Optical 💽 Character Recognition), as this leads to bad 👎️ quality books 📚️ with introduced typos. (2️⃣) In books 📚️ where there are images such as portraits, maps 🗺️, sketches etc We 👥⬅️ have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old 🧓 texts, we 👥⬅️ feel 💆‍♀️ they deserve to be made 🛠️ available for future generations to enjoy.


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Karin Rammerstorfer «Konfliktpravention in der EU»

Gustav Diercks «Ein Jahrhundert Nordamerikanischer Kultur: Ein Begleitbuch Fur Die ☠️ Chicago-Besucher (German ​🇩🇪​ Edition)»

Gustav Diercks «Ein Jahrhundert Nordamerikanischer Kultur: Ein Begleitbuch Fur Die ☠️ Chicago-Besucher (German ​🇩🇪​ Edition)»

Auguste Comte «Discours Sur L.Esprit Positif»

Auguste Comte «Discours Sur L.Esprit Positif»

Luigi Luciani «Das Kleinhirn»

Luigi Luciani «Das Kleinhirn»

Eugene Fasnacht «Les Precieuses Ridicules (French ​🇫🇷​ Edition)»

Eugene Fasnacht «Les Precieuses Ridicules (French ​🇫🇷​ Edition)»

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