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Skinny Fisting Com


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How It Works 3 Important Steps to Lose Healthy Weight for your Lifestyle
If you are tired of your clothes getting smaller, or not having enough energy to get through the day. Then Make the commitment to CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE!
Our EXCLUSIVE Team Members group has everything you need to change your lifestyle. We have Meal Plans, Motivation, Accountability, and a great group who has already lost over 400 pounds!
Whether you choose to join the team or not remember ‘Don’t Cheat Yourself to Treat Yourself’ That ONE cookie might not seem like a lot but who eats just ONE cookie?
The hardest part about changing your lifestyle is figure out what to eat. We take the stress of that away and send you a weekly meal plan making it easy to get to your goal faster!
We help you get tasty meals on your dinner table everyday with the help of our weekly recipes that comes with the meal plan. We are constantly talking to the team and getting their input on what flavors to add next. 
Wake up everyday with a new Motivation Minute from our Founder Jason Big Mama Jones. Plus get 24/7 coaching complete with access to Big and Sara 24/7 via instant messenger or text. Plus a board certified physician Dr Meir Daller MD monitors us. 
When I was in High School…. When I was in the Military… these are things I found uttering out of my mouth constantly. Those were my own excuses for not being healthy and being overweight. I was at 289 pounds when I started my intermittent fasting journey. I knew I was unhealthy and needed to change my life for my family and for myself. When I met Dr. Meir Daller and he explained intermittent fasting to me it changed my life forever.
Now I am down to 191 pounds and the best shape of my life. I didn’t do it by going the gym everyday. I didn’t do it by getting up doing 100 sit ups or push ups. I did it by getting up and eating for fuel and not for fun. I did it by watching what I was actually putting in my body and I didn’t do it alone. I had my lovely wife Sara pushing me along the way. Sara has lost over 45 pounds on her journey and did it ALL postpartum. Her story is one you will have to hear.
I started my journey with Big & Sara’s intermittent fasting group on 1/6/20. Since starting, I have lost a total of 13 pounds. With that, I have gained confidence, energy, & all around feel so much better! I Can’t wait to continue my journey with them for the healthiest years of my life!
I have been on intermittent fasting for 5 weeks now My start weight was 281 and now I’m down 20lb this has been the easiest life change I have done with the help of Jason and Sara. I have always been a big ice coffee drinker in the mornings and I loved my desserts every night I don’t miss any of that anymore. I haven’t told anyone about my life change and people have making comments to me are you losing weight, your looking good what are you doing.
The intermittent fasting group is the best decision I have made! This is more then a group it’s a family. With all the support of the group I have lost over 25lb in 7 short weeks and the weight keeps coming off! I have never lost that much weight on any program or diet and I have tried a lot of them. This program is a life changer! One of the best parts of this program is you don’t have to go to the gym, you get great meal plans each week and the morning motivation /FaceTime live videos help you so much thro out the day with keeping you on track and motivated!
What Does Program Include? From healthy meal plans to organized outings, we will tailor a meal plan for you to follow . We coach your through the Intermittent Fasting Journey.
Every meal of your weekdays are planned out for you and sent complete with a shopping list. We take the headache of meal plans out of it!
Logging your weight and food via an app keeps you honest and accountable. Plus seeing the weight come off will motivate you daily!
Weigh in every morning in the privacy of your own home. No need to put it all out there in a gym or clinic environment. Our team will check on you weekly and see how your progress is coming.  
A daily motivation and LIVE member only chats 4 times a week. During these chats get your questions answered plus so much more. Just another way of getting you to your goal. 
Great Value Low Prices Get individual diet plans & support to help you lose weight.
Short-term fasting leads to several changes in the body that make fat burning easier. This includes reduced insulin, increased growth hormone, enhanced epinephrine signalling and a small boost in metabolism.
Research shows that fasting can help lower blood Pressure, reduce cholesterol, control diabetes and reduce weight. … One word of caution, though: Fasting can lead to an electrolyte imbalance. This can make the heart unstable and prone to arrhythmias.
 In recent years, intermittent fasting has emerged as a novel way of treating patients with type 2 diabetes. There are anecdotal reports of patients who have lost weight, their blood sugar levels have improved significantly, and they no longer need to take their diabetes medications
When you are fasting you can drink water, unsweetened tea, and black coffee. Stay way from Diet sodas period and don’t add lemon to your water these both will break your fast. 
Have you been wanting to improve your lifestyle and get healthier?
Don’t wait: Start TODAY! TODAY’s
* We don’t share your personal info with anyone.
Meet the Team We are NOT nutritionist or dietitians, we are just a couple who learned how to fast from Dr. Meir Daller. Dr Daller monitors the group and insures the quality and integrity of the program.
Jason started the coaching group when so many people asked him how he lost the 85 and 10 inches off his waist. You will love his Morning Motivation you get from him everyday.
Sara’s life was thrown into the limelight when her pregnancy was documented on facebook. Then she went into premature labor and gave birth early. The stress and hormones that came with IVF had Sara gain 50 pounds postpartum. It was intermittent fasting that help her lose all her weight and then some!
If you have any questions or need additional information, please get in touch with us!
Change your Lifestyle and get healthier with Intermittent Fasting!
Start Your Journey Today Join our program and start shedding pounds this week!
Following program enrollment, one of our Coaches will contact you by messenger to send you an invite into the group.
Select a Plan
Standard - $ 8 /mo
Advance - $ 20 /mo
Premium - $ 99 /mo

* We don’t share your personal info with anyone.
* We don’t share your personal info with anyone.
Skinny I.F. is a private members only group that is coached by a person who is NOT a dietitian or nutritionist. Big and Sara did the intermittent fasting journey and now coaches people from around the world on how to achieve their goals. The Group is medically monitored by Dr. Meir Daller
Copyright © 2020Skinny I.F.. Powered by Drd DMD.

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