Skinny Dog

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Skinny Dog

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Nicole is the proud mom of Rosa, a New Zealand Huntaway, and Baby, a Burmese cat. Originally from Canada, Nicole now lives on a lush forest property with her Kiwi husband in New Zealand. Nicole has a strong love for all animals and has experience caring for all types of dogs, from Yorkies to Great Danes. Nicole even worked as a dog sitter during her travels through South America and cared for stray pups — something she holds close to her heart.
With a degree in Education and a love for writing, Nicole aims to share her and others' expert knowledge with pet lovers worldwide with Hepper. ... Read more

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You may be surprised at how many skinny dog breeds there are out there. From tall skinny dogs to small and big skinny dogs, this article showcases 10 of those breeds in no particular order or preference. By learning about different skinny dog breeds, you will realize that they have certain similarities, but there are definitely differences with each breed too. Some breeds you probably have heard of, while others may not be as common.
Almost everyone has seen these dogs in action. They have been clocked running at 44 miles per hour on the racetrack, and many people adopt retired racers. Despite the fact that they can run fast, they do well in many different home environments, from the city to the country.
Their typical weight ranges from 50 to 70 pounds, and they have long, lean bodies with a short, smooth coat . An occasional bath and weekly rubdowns with a damp cloth will keep them looking sleek and neat. Regular exercise is good for them, especially offering them a chance to run full-out so they use their body to the full extent.
The Greyhound can become bored easily and require mental stimulation . They are affectionate with their families but can be standoffish with strangers. They would rather do things with you than work for you.
Fun fact: Greyhounds are an ancient Egyptian breed that can be traced back to 3000 B.C.
The Kanni breed resembles the Greyhound but is smaller in size, usually weighing between 35 and 48 pounds. They are shy dogs but loyal and protective of their family. They have short coats and will be black and tan in color.
They are considered a royal indigenous breed in India and are recognized by the Kennel Club of India. The Kanni make good pets if provided with at least an hour of exercise per day, since they have a great deal of energy. They were bred to work independently, so they can be willful and territorial at times. On a positive note, these dogs are intelligent and fairly easy to train.
Fun fact: The Kanni is traditionally fed milk for breakfast, corn porridge at lunch, and a Ragi porridge (millet porridge) at tea time .
The Whippet is like a greyhound with curves. They have long and slender legs with a trim waist and a deep chest. Their short, smooth coat requires minimal maintenance and sheds occasionally . They don’t carry a large amount of body fat, so they are not fond of cold weather and would rather cuddle in a warm bed. Give them a warm, sunny day, and they are ready to expend their energy. Jumping and climbing are not difficult undertakings for their agile frames, and they love to run and chase things. But once playtime is over, the Whippet is ready for relaxation time and will happily curl up on the couch.
A Whippet enjoys spending time with you, but they don’t make good guard dogs since they are gentle and non-aggressive. Being obedient comes second nature to them, and you shouldn’t expect them to be the socialite in the room.
Fun fact: Whippets are the most popular sighthound in the United States.
Known for its hunting skills and speed, the Sloughi is a breed that originated in Northern Africa. They have a short, fine coat that sheds infrequently and only requires weekly brushing to maintain. This breed has fine manners that complement their sleek, athletic body .
They don’t always have to be exercising either, as it’s not unusual to find them sedately resting at home with their loved ones. The Sloughi enjoys being with their family and is somewhat aloof to strangers. The color of the coat can be cream to mahogany, with or without black markings.
Fun fact: The first Sloughi was imported to the United States in 1973.
These hounds are bred to hunt rabbits and small game, and you will still find them hunting in Spain today. Though some of the other hounds enjoy relaxation time, this breed would rather run and hunt over anything else. They resemble greyhounds except for their large ears, and they will be red, white, or a combination of both.
The Ibizan do well with plenty of vigorous exercise, so they are an ideal jogging companion . The Ibizan is even-tempered, loyal, and affectionate, making them a great addition to an active family. If this hound happened to get loose on a chase, it would be difficult to get them back home.
Fun fact: This breed can jump five or six feet from a standing position.
The Saluki is a thinner, more angular hound with long, silky hair on their ears, tail, toes, under their chins, and on their legs. You will find this breed in many colors and patterns. They are among one of the oldest breeds and have been used as hunting hounds for kings and other nobility.
Mental and physical stimulation is a must for these dogs, and they enjoy sports like lure coursing and agility. They are serious hunters who love to run and chase but can be quiet and gentle too. Lounging for hours is also part of their daily agenda.
Fun fact: Due to the Saluki’s tremendous speed, they have been used for hunting down gazelles.
The Pharaoh Hound weighs 45 to 55 pounds when full grown, and they are tan in color with amber eyes. They are nicknamed “the blushing dog” because when they become happy or excited, their face takes on a glowing appearance.
Running at high speeds on rocky terrain while remaining graceful is their strong suit. People confuse the Pharaoh and the Ibizan hound due to their similar appearance, but the Pharaoh hound is smaller in size. This hound needs to run at least 15 to 20 minutes twice per day to stay happy and healthy.
Fun fact: The Pharaoh Hound is also known for its smile because they can be taught how to show a “happy” face.
This breed originates from West Africa and is known as a tough and durable hunter. They are very lean, and you will see their bone structure beneath the skin. Vision and speed aren’t their strength, but they are highly intelligent and very independent.
Daily exercise is important for their body and mind development, so they are ideal running companions. They enjoy being playing and snuggling with their owners. They were only recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2019 even though this breed has been around for thousands of years.
Fun fact: The Azawakh was introduced in Europe in the 1970s and then to the United States in the late 1980s.
Being skinny helps these dogs remain fast and agile so they can be efficient hunting dogs . They enjoy being active even if they aren’t hunting and can be great companions for active people. Most of these skinny dogs are fiercely loyal but can appear aloof to people they haven’t formed a bond with.
Featured Image Credit: Liliya Kulianionak, Shutterstock
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Written by Heather Robbins in Dogs
The most skinny dog is a Greyhound. They are very athletic and, on average, grow to be around 30 inches tall, and they only have approximately 13% body fat on their frames. But make no mistake, they are powerful and impressive competitors.
In comparison to their obese cousins, skinny dog breeds have a number of advantages. Because these dogs are thin, they can stay swift and agile, making them superb hunting hounds. Even when they aren’t hunting, they enjoy being occupied and make excellent companions for active humans.
Here are the skinny dog breeds we’ve included in this article, as well as a brief history and summary of each breed’s personality traits:
Skinny dog breeds have become popular among the dog lover community. There are several different breeds, which we’ve researched for you. Additionally, we’ve included some stats for each so you can decide if this is a breed that fits your family.
The Italian Greyhound gained its popularity during the Renaissance by the Italian aristocracy. However, evidence of this breed’s existence can be found in artwork from the Mediterranean region dating back over 2000 years.
During the 17th century, the Italian greyhound proved popular with English nobility, just as he had been in Italy. The Italian Greyhound was included in a small number of toy breeds available at the period, and his popularity grew until Queen Victoria’s reign.
The Italian Greyhound packs a lot of athleticism into its tiny body, that’s for sure! He enjoys playing both inside and outside, and running is one of his favorite pastimes. However, he has no problems playing with a plush toy on cold days when he would rather stay inside. The tug of war is a favorite pastime of the Italian Greyhound as well.
Make no mistake; if you don’t let your Italian Greyhound run, then he will take out his energy on your furniture. Other times, he has no problem curling up in your lap.
For thousands of years, the ancient Saluki, also known as the Gazelle Hound, has been hunting in the deserts of the Maghreb and the Middle East. This beautiful sighthound is still employed for hunting today, but it has also made a name for itself in agility and as a faithful pet.
The descendants of the Saluki are thought to have originated in Sumeria or Ancient Egypt. The art on Egyptian tombs from 2100 BC and Sumerian carvings from 7000 to 6000 BC prove this. The Pharaohs’ hunting dogs, the Saluki’s forefathers, were used to pursue gazelles and rabbits.
The dogs were held in such high regard that they were commonly mummified. Nomadic Muslims retained Salukis for hunting in later years. They called the dogs El Hor, which means “noble,” and allowed them to sleep in their tents.
One of the Saluki’s key attributes is lazing. They aren’t high-energy canines and won’t follow anyone around the house. Salukis regard creature comforts as a right; you’ll probably lose that fight if you can’t stand a dog on your furniture.
If you fantasize about a dog with Lassie-like devotion and loyalty, you’re daydreaming about a different breed. Positive training methods can be used to train Salukis, but they prefer to comply at their own pace — and whim.
But they don’t do much wrong, do they? (Aside from running away when called). They don’t pull you down the main sidewalk, howl constantly, or bounce up and down in a crazed manner. However, they are capable of digging, so watch your yard.
During the 19th century, the Afghan Hound was discovered in the western areas of Afghanistan. In the latter half of the century, these dogs were sent to England. Some suggest Afghan Hounds were used as guard dogs and herd dogs, both within the breed’s capabilities.
The primary function of these canines, though, was obviously hunting. For many years, the Afghan rulers would breed a kennel of these hounds solely for these purposes.
The first Ghazni imports to the United States occurred in 1931 when Zeppo Marx and his wife bought a female dog, Asra of Ghazni, and a hound, Westmill Omar, from England.
Because it was bred to be a hunting dog, the Afghan Hound is a very clever creature. They were bred to hunt and solve problems on their own, without the help of humans. As a result, the modern Afghan Hound is a tenacious and self-reliant beast.
Afghan Hounds are ideal for active families who want to spend more time outside and socialize with one another. They enjoy long strolls with their owners and can romp about a fenced yard for hours. Their enthusiastic attitude makes them excellent household pets.
To guarantee that your Afghan Hound puppy is not afraid of children of all ages, it is essential that you socialize your Afghan Hound puppy with children of all ages. However, it is preferable to have older children when adopting an older Afghan Hound.
The Kanni canine is a rare and old breed of dog native to the Tamil Nadu state. Kanni dogs are now located in the districts of Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, and Virudhunagar.
They are standard-sized sighthounds bred to hunt small animals like feral pigs, Blackbuck, and hares. The Kanni dog’s native range includes the Western Ghats. Also, they were used to chase tiny wildlife that dwelt in the Western Ghats’ highlands.
Kanni dogs may be a bit of a curious type, always wanting to know what’s going on and offering some opinion. This, strangely, makes him a strong-willed dog who can make choices on his own when his master is not there.
On the other hand, when it comes to Kanni dog training, this can be a huge difficulty. Because of their strong will, they can be tough to train, and only an experienced hand can help them become better pets.
If you have a Kanni dog, you should never leave him alone. They are susceptible to restlessness, which can lead to destructive behaviors such as chewing on boots and ripping up your essential belongings. Kanni dogs can become uncontrollably vicious and aggressive as a result of isolation and insulation.
The Ibizan Hound is one of the oldest breeds surviving today, with a 5000-year lineage. In the tombs of Pharaohs dating back to 3100 B.C., remains of this dog or its progenitor breed have been discovered. In 800 B.C., they were transported to the Balearic Islands, where they were kept as a pure breed for nearly 2,000 years.
The Ibizan Hounds were specialized as rabbit hunters in Spain, especially in rough, rocky terrain. Because they accompanied the ancient commander across the Alps, they are frequently referred to as “Hannibal’s dogs.”
As a result, Hannibal and Tanit, the first pair of Ibizan Hounds brought to the United States for breeding, were named after the Phoenician goddess.
Small pets, such as rabbits, cats, and rodents, should be avoided because the Ibizan Hound was designed to chase them. Cats reared with the Ibizan Hound will fit right in as part of the “family pack,” but it will hunt and possibly kill an unknown cat.
Ibizan Hounds are calm, tidy, playful, and courteous and are sometimes referred to as “Beezers” by their owners. They’re protective and self-reliant, and they’ll keep a wary eye on newcomers. They will relax rather quickly after they have determined that the stranger is not a threat.
Greyhound-like dogs—domesticated hunters with long, slender bodies—appear in temple drawings dating back to 6,000 BC in the Turkish city of Catal-Huyuk. A 4,000 BC funeral vase discovered in modern-day Iran was adorned with representations of greyhound-like canines.
Because ancient artists preferred to depict only religious or socially significant subjects, these dogs must have been quite important to the people of the time. We don’t know for sure if these canines were the forerunners of today’s greyhounds.
Greyhounds are known for being peaceful dogs that remain quiet and graceful in enclosed spaces. They prefer to curl up and relax in a warm and inviting environment. While these characteristics are ideal for inside a home, the Greyhound does require a l
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