Skinny Dipping With Sister

Skinny Dipping With Sister


Skinny Dipping With Sister

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Responses to Guests being surprised

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on 2015-03-21 00:00:16
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on 2015-03-21 05:11:19
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on 2015-04-17 18:24:42
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on 2015-04-30 01:57:22
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on 2015-05-01 14:36:21
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JamesTO - my kids go skinny dipping a lot (all the time in our backyard pool). There's nothing wrong with it - and it's great that your friend's son was comfortable enough to do so in front of you and his friends. I don't think you should do anything to restrict how they dress. In fact, since your youngest daughter seems so intrigued with the concept, I think it would do her good to "forget" her swimsuit and require her to skinny dip too. For that matter, I don't see why you don't encourage it for the whole family.
We had some fairly recent experience with kids skinny dipping in our family (see earlier post). I think I understand where JamesOT is coming from. He doesn't want his daughter to view the boys nudity as a show to entertain her. Her reaction makes it seem like something else than innocent fun.
I continue to think kids skinny dipping is still a fairly rare occurance these days. Our experience was in the family, with cousins. While I'm OK with my son and daughter skinny dipping with their cousins, I would have major reservations about them doing the same thing with strangers. Our society as a whole isn't that comfortable with kids running around naked and you don't know how others will react. I would have been just as surprised as JamesOT with the 8yo"s unannounced nudity.
I remember back when we were kids, we had a backyard pool. One evening, a friend of my sister's (age 10 at the time) came over to join us. She was wearing a homemade green bikini that her mom had made for her. When she went to lift herself up to come out of the pool, her bikini bottoms slipped almost to her knees, leaving her butt completely exposed! (Think Coppertone girl ad, only a little more exposed than that.) Rather than act embarrassed about it, she just continued climbing out of the pool with her butt still bare to the world! She thought that it was funny, and just giggled about it, but did nothing to conceal herself, and did not cover herself. It was not until she was completely out of the water that she pulled her bikini panties back up and re-entered the water. By then, she, my sister (age 9 at the time), and I (age 14 at the time) all had a big laugh about it. But then a few minutes later, she again got out of the pool and exposed herself again in exactly the same way. We all laughed about it again, and she again chose to remain exposed until she was completely out of the water. She actually did the same thing several more times that evening! I still remember that my sister (a real prude!) complained the next day about her friend's nudity in front of me! I thought it was no big deal, and would have asked her (had we been alone and my sister not been there) to just go ahead and remove her bikini and enjoy the rest of the evening naked! Looking back on it now, I see her behavior as a bit "exhibitionist," but because of our ages at the time, as just good clean fun, although I will admit that I was getting turned on by seeing what a free spirit she was! I never saw her frontally naked, as she never turned around until she had pulled her bikini panties back up, and even though she was pre-pubescent at the time, never saw her topless, as her top stayed on, even though there was not much there at the time for her to cover.
I never told my parents what happened that evening, and my sister (usually a blabbermouth) apparently never did either. I don't know if the neighbor girl (my sister's friend) ever told her parents either, but on her next visit to our pool, she was wearing a one-piece, so I am guessing that she did!
I suppose that skinny-dipping would have been okay at our pool, except for the lack of privacy. We would have had to at least wrap towels around ourselves for the walk to/from the pool to/from the house and back, because we could have easily been seen from our neighbors' yards.
It is worth noting that this was in 1978, when thong bikinis were not really in existence yet, so even butt exposure, which this neighbor girl obviously frequently engaged in, would have been considered "nudity" back then.
My 9yo daughter is very athletic and is playing little league baseball on a boys team. She has become friends with several of her teammates, especially a group of four boys. They invited her to join them next week after the game to go swimming with them at one boy's backyard pool. Its an open secret that this group swims nude when they are at the private pool. I was surprised (shocked) that they invited her. I asked the mother of the host family about this. She agreed that it would be inappropriate for my daughter to skinny dip with the boys. But she said she should wear a swimsuit and come join them. And the boys. She said they'd probably continue to skinny dip, I'm not sure how to react to this invitation. I asked my daughter about how she feels about the invitation. She wants to swim with her friends. When I asked about the boys being naked, she said she sees her little brother naked all the time (he's 4).
I'm not sure how to react. I don't see anything sexual about it. All the boys involved are prepuberty. So all she would see would be a few little boy wieners. But she goes to school with all of them. Would there be some future embarrassment about doing this?
"I'm not sure how to react to this invitation."
llmom, this is just like the feeling JamesOT expressed. If you're not sure how to react to this situation, it sounds like you're just looking for a reason to be upset but are having a hard time finding one. You already don't see anything sexual about it and you know that mother is going to be there supervising, so really there's nothing for you to worry about. It's absolutely harmless that your daughter would be seeing those boys naked. However, you all are sending a very double-standard mixed message by thinking it's inappropriate that your daughter be seen naked and taking away her freedom of skinnydipping like the boys can. That treats the female body as something that should be kept hidden and makes girls think, consciously or subconsciously, that there's something wrong with their bodies, which can easily lead to body issues and low self image/esteem in the girl's teens and possibly the rest of her life. It also takes away her free right to do the same harmless and enjoyable thing that the boys are doing, that being the joy of swimming naked. Just as it's harmless for her to see them naked, it's equally harmless for them to see her naked. You and that other mother should treat any and all nudity of the kids, your daughter included, as a totally harmless non-issue. If the kids don't have any problem with it, why should you?
Whether she skinnydips with them, swims clothed, or backs out of the situation entirely, there could be future embarrassment equally in any case. The fact of kids in school is, kids can be very cruel. It's very easy for kids to find any reason whatsoever to embarrass and make fun of someone else in school even if they have no reason at all. The lesson you should be teaching your daughter is that girls are equal to boys in every way, girls have all the same freedoms as boys, that she should be proud and never ashamed of her body, how to (a) defend herself and (b) ignore it if anyone in the near or distant future should try to embarrass and humiliate her for anything, including something as harmless as skinnydipping with friends, and how to defend herself if at any time in the near or far future someone does make unwanted sexual advances toward her. Teach her that if it should ever happen, it says far more about those trying to make fun of her than it does about her. Instilling a fear about nudity and her body will serve no good purpose.

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Love Story Love Stories from real people! Care to share your Love Story?

My sweet little step-sister Josie

Posted on : 22-05-2013 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story

Tags: Erotic , love , Romance Love Story , sexy , sweet , virgin , Young

Welcome to the Love Story Blog of Love-Sessions.
Do you have a special love story? Actually every love story is great. How does it begin, what did it take, who was involved and how did it end if it ended.
Hollywood's best movies are love stories! We are eager to read yours or maybe you are just eager to read others. Maybe one of the producers of Hollywood is reading your story and what a story that would be!
Enjoy our site and we look forward to receive your story!
Chapter one: (Life on the Ranch)
My name is Tim; I am twenty five years old, six feet tall, weigh two hundred pounds and am in good physical shape and I exercise every day. My face is a light tan color with blue eyes and dark brown hair. Girls often tell me that my most attractive features are my eyes and my firm cowboy butt. This is a story about my life growing up with Josie. We were raised on a ranch in the beautiful rolling foothills of the Rocky Mountains near Calgary Alberta Canada.
My biological parents died when I was too young to remember them and I was adopted and raised by a loving couple that owned the ranch I am writing about where this story all takes place.
They are really great and loving parents and treat me like their own child. Dad is white Caucasian and has lived her since he was little, mom is Latina but she was born in Canada and has been in this area her whole life
I lived on the ranch alone with my parents until just after my seventh birthday, when my step sister Josie was born. She just turned eighteen this spring, and has grown into the most beautiful and sexy girl that I have ever seen, she looks very much like she is full Latina, but she is half white because of her dad.
I started riding horses when I was two years old and learned all about ranch work and riding horses on that ranch. I learned how to rope steers and chase cows by the time I was five. I really loved life on the ranch, there was always something fun and exciting to do.
When I turned sixteen I found myself starting to think more and more about girls. One day I saw a flier that mom had left on the kitchen table advertising dance lessons and I had herd somewhere that girls love to dance, so next day I drove into town and signed up for that.
They were teaching the Texas two-step and that was perfect because most of the girls in that area were cow girls so they would all like that type of dancing. The instructor said that I was a natural when it came to dancing and I learned how to two-step very quickly and got really good at it.
I went to all the dances that were going on in that area and most of the girls wanted to dance with me because they said I was a great dancer and could make them feel like they were floating on air as we danced together.
By the time I was eighteen I was really into girls and wanted to do more with them than just dance and the next time I was at a dance I saw a pretty little sixteen year old girl there that really liked me, so I asked her to dance.
After we danced together for a while she was really starting to come on to me so I took her by the hand and led her out the back door to my pickup where we started kissing and holding each other close all the while exploring each others bodies.
By this time we really wanted each other so it was no problem for her when I started to take of her clothes. Before long we were making love on the seat of my truck and we both came very quickly because it was the first time for both of us, afterwards we just sat close together cuddling and talking for the rest of the night till the sun started to come up. I drove her back to her house and dropped her of and on the way home I was thinking about her and how great it felt to have sex for the first time.
Over the next five years I dated quite a few girls and had sex with most of them but it never really felt like any of them were what I really wanted till one day at a wedding dance.
I was twenty three that year and met a really sweet eighteen year old girl that had just gotten married.
She was still a virgin and her new husband was drinking with his friends as her and I danced together and started to get to know each other. We really started liking each other and later that night her husband passed out in their room before they could even make love, so she came over to my room still a virgin.
That night I made love to her and we started to have a secret affair that lasted all summer and we both cared about each other very much but she said she could not leave her husband because to all her family and friends marriage is forever, so we decided it was best if we did not see each other anymore. That was two years ago and the first time that I had really cared about a girl.
I started working in the oil patch when I was around fifteen and have been doing that ever since. I started out just working in the summer months and going to school the rest of the year but when I turned eighteen I started to work full time and now I am consulting for Shell.
I always come home to the ranch whenever I am of work for break-up or if I finished the job that I am on.
I made a lot of money working in the oil patch so three years ago I decided to spend some of it on a small two seat airplane because ever since I was young I wanted to fly.
Also that same summer I wanted to have my own place, so together with the help of my dad and a couple of friends we built a log cabin at the end of a meadow about a mile from the main ranch house and now that is my home whenever I am not at work.
The year after we built the cabin, we made an airstrip for my plane that was rite near my cabin.
Chapter Two: (Sweet little Josie)
Ever since Josie was old enough to walk and whenever I came home from school or work she would always find me and want to hang out with me.
She was a really cute and sweet little girl and I just loved to have her around, watching me as I did things and her asking me all kinds of questions. It got to be after awhile that I liked having her around so much that whenever I came home I would always find her just so we could hang out together
When Josie was two, I took her with me to the horse corral and started teaching her how to ride a horse; it did not take very long she was doing really good at riding and when I went out to do my work she would ride along with me.
A couple of years later I took her fishing with me and taught her how to cast a line out into the stream, she would always hold onto my hand as we walked along the trail to the creek and back home again. She was always happy and talked a lot but I never got tired of listening to her.
When Josie was sixteen I taught her how to dance the two-step and most of the time after that she would go to the dances with me and we would dance together, it always felt so good to have her in my arms whenever we danced together. Josie told me that she loved the two-step because she could be so close in the guy’s arms when she was dancing with him.
Thinking back on it now I don’t remember ever seeing her dance with anyone else but me, I never gave it much thought at the time
I spent a couple of months in Lloydminster Alberta getting my private pilots license and May first 2011 I flew home in my new Taylorcraft and a brand new private pilots license.
I remember that day like it was yesterday, it was Josie’s birthday and I had called her earlier that day and told her that when I got home I would take her flying for a birthday present.
When I landed at home Josie came running out to meet me, she was so excited and happy that almost before I got stopped she had the passenger door open and was climbing in.
I had not seen her since just after Christmas which was four months earlier because I had been away getting my pilots licence that whole time.
She had just turned sixteen and it seemed like she changed from a sweet little girl to an absolutely amazingly beautiful and sexy young woman since the last time I saw her.
She was dressed in a tight little pink t shirt and a pair of tight fitting Wrangler blue jeans that showed of her well developed full firm breasts, her sexy little belly and her tight little ass that was fully filled out and pear shaped like a young women. Her legs were perfectly tapered up to her bum and her long wavy brown hair was cascading down her back almost to her bum. Her beautiful blue eyes were sparkling now from her excitement at getting to go up in the air for the first time in her life. This was the first time that I had noticed her as anything more than my sister.
Josie was so very excited to be up in the sky with me as we flew around the ranch and all around in the mountains and foothills looking at everything, after we landed she gave me a big hug and thanked me for the wonderful flight and birthday present. When she hugged me I could feel her breasts pressing into my chest and it was really getting me turned on to have this sweet sexy little girl in my arms like that.
She then turned and started running back to the main ranch house. I watched her till she disappeared into the house, what a beautiful site she was, her long wavy brown hair was bouncing along and her sexy ass wiggled as she ran back towards home.
Chapter Three: (Josie in the shower)
My sister Josie turned eighteen this year and she has grown into an amazingly beautiful and sexy girl. She has long wavy dark brown hair, a very beautiful face with bright sparkling blue eyes and a very sweet smile. She is five feet two inches tall with an amazingly sexy and perfectly proportioned body that is rely toned and fit and whenever I look at her my heart seems to stop for a moment.
Ever since Josie turned sixteen and started to take the shape of a young woman, she has been dressing up in tight blue jeans that show of her very sexy little ass and a tight fitting blouse or sweater the reveals her firm perky breasts. Sometimes she wears short little shorts and I can see her ass cheeks showing out the bottom of them.
It is so hard for me to keep my mind of her, and I have been trying not to let her notice me looking at her because she is my sister, well step sister also I am pretty sure she thinks of me as just her older brother, I don’t think she would like it if she knew what I was thinking about whenever I looked at her. Not only when I look at her but pretty much all the time these days.
Josie is kind of a quiet girl, she does not say much to guys if she doesn’t know them very well, and lately these days there is always some guy that shows up at the ranch to try and ask her out, but she just does not seem very interested in them.
It was the start of spring break a few days ago. I walked into the house and heard the shower going. Our parents had just left that
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