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Jessica Winters ,
December 22nd 2015

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“I make fun of them. Who doesn’t? Small penises are hilarious! They’re a punchline all their own: Just say ‘small penis’ in front of a group of women, and they’ll all burst out laughing, because they’ve all known that one guy with a dick the size of a finger.”
“I had a boyfriend who was less than blessed in the genitalia department. He was very uptight about it, and I tried to reassure him not to be uptight about it, but in all honesty, he should have been uptight about it. If I had a vagina the size of a parking garage, I’d be uptight, too. People can talk all they want about body acceptance or whatever, but unless you have bad eyesight or are some kind of Goddess or Adonis, everyone has issues with their appearance. I did make fun of it, but only behind his back. So I guess that only makes me half a bitch.”
“Did you ever hear this joke about this woman and a man with a tiny penis were having sex for the first time and when he whipped it out the woman said, ‘Who are you going to satisfy with that thing?’ And the guy replies, ‘Me!’ I would fuck that guy, no joke. He has a good attitude. I can forgive a small dick, but to please me, a man has to have balls!”
“I guess I don’t really care. They can call me ugly, but that’s just a matter of opinion, you know? But tape measures don’t lie. You can prove someone has a small dick.”
“I’ve been with I think three guys who were severely undersized. I mean, we’re talking Tom Thumb if you know what I’m saying. Not only was it pitiful, but it was really gross. I tried explaining this to a guy with a rather large penis—about how small dicks are absolutely disgusting—and he thought that was funny. He said he could see how someone could laugh at it and think it’s funny, but he didn’t understand they’re revolting to even think about. Small weenies—ew!”
“What’s that saying about tits—‘Anything more than a mouthful is wasted’? Well, the opposite applies to cocks. Anything smaller than a mouthful is not going into any of my holes. Making fun of a man’s small penis is the easiest way in the world to destroy a man forever, and what girl doesn’t love doing that?”
“I feel like throwing up, that’s how I feel. I don’t care—it’s their turn for body shaming! I guess it’s mean, but mean girls rule! Hit him where it hurts! I mean, you have to aim very carefully to hit him where it hurts because it’s so tiny, but hit him there anyway…lol!”
“A long time ago I was with a man and let’s just say that in the chess game of life, this guy was a mere pawn—not a knight or a rook, and definitely not a king. Not only wasn’t he packing a suitcase, he hardly had an overnight bag, if you catch my drift. And I think he accidentally caught the look of disappointment/surprise on my face when I first saw him naked, and I could tell it cut him to the bone. I’m sure this was a lifelong pain for him. We wound up just kissing. I mean, I can’t imagine being with a man if he has a child-sized penis. But neither can I imagine being cruel to a guy just because Mother Nature already played a cruel trick on him.”
“I absolutely mock the living fuck out of guys with small dicks, no apologies, no questions asked, period. You know how immature kids think fart jokes are funny? Well, small-dick jokes are like fart jokes for immature adult women. They may be gross, they may be insensitive, but for a certain group of people, they will always be funny.”
“I fuck a guy with a tiny cock who turns out doing me wrong in some way or another, I will fucking mega-blast my iPhone cache of pictures of his pathetic baby unicorn dick all across the Internet until he moves to a new country under a new identity.”
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Stephanie Pappas

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Stephanie Pappas

published April 08, 2013

Put down the rulers, guys — whether your penis is the "right" size depends on the proportions of the rest of your body, a new study finds.
Women rate men with larger penises more attractive, but the returns on bigger genitals start to decrease at a flaccid length of 2.99 inches (7.6 centimeters), the researchers found. What's more, larger penises gave tall men a bigger attractiveness boost than shorter men. The study suggests that women's preferences for bigger penises could explain why human males have relatively big genitals for their body size.
Studies on women's preferences for penis size have been mixed, with some suggesting that women who frequently orgasm through vaginal stimulation are the pickiest, perhaps because penis size matters for that sort of stimulation. Men typically fret more about size than women , however, at least according to a 2007 review article in the British Journal of Urology International.
But studies have relied on questionnaires, which may not always glean honest answers, Australian researchers wrote today (April 8) in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. And in other studies, scientists have asked women to judge the attractiveness of male figures in photos with only penis size varied, when in fact no trait is ever evaluated in a vacuum, the scientists added. [ The 7 Weirdest Animal Penises ]
To compensate, the researchers, led by Michael Jennions of Australian National University, showed 105 young Australian women life-size computer-generated figures of nude men, varying the figures' flaccid penis size, height and shoulder-to-hip ratio. Height and shoulder-to-hip ratio have previously been shown as factors used by women to judge attractiveness. The computer simulations varied penis width in sync with length, so that all penises were proportional.
The results revealed that women preferred taller men as well as high shoulder-to-hip ratios (meaning that the wider the shoulders were than the hip, the more attractive the man). Shoulder-to-hip ratio was a major determiner of attractiveness , accounting for 79.6 percent of the variation in hot-or-not ratings.
Though the effect was less extreme, women also preferred larger penises, at least up to 5.1 inches (13 cm) flaccid, which was the largest computer-generated penis in the study. Beyond 2.99 inches, however, the additional attractiveness per extra length started to decline. That's good news for guys, according to a 2001 Italian study that found 2.99 inches flaccid to be below average.
When the researchers controlled for shoulder-to-hip ratio, they found that a larger penis had a greater effect on attractiveness for taller men. It's possible that a larger penis just looked more proportional on a taller man's body, the researchers wrote, or it could be that women were biased against shorter men to the extent that even large genitals didn't help.
Women's own features mattered as well, the researchers found: Taller women were more likely to find taller men attractive. Women with greater body mass per height were slightly more likely than thinner women to weigh penis size more heavily in their judgments of attractiveness, though the difference was small.
The findings might help explain why humans have remarkably large genitalia given their average body size, the researchers wrote. Male humans outgun any other primate species: For example, male gorillas can weigh as much as 400 pounds (180 kilograms), but their erect penis length is only about 1.5 inches (4 cm). Human males weigh about half of what gorillas do, but studies peg average erect or flaccid-but-stretched penis length from 4.7 inches (12 cm) to 6.5 inches (16.7 cm).
Evolutionary biologists theorize that large human penises might help remove sperm from competing males during sex, but in an era before clothing, women may have been drawn to mating with men whose genitalia caught their eye. Men with larger penises, then, may have passed on their genes more readily, resulting in the large-genitals trait being handed down the generations. In other words, guys may have women to thank for their greater-than-gorilla-sized genitals.  
Follow Stephanie Pappas on Twitter and Google+ . Follow us @livescience , Facebook & Google+ . Original article on .
Stephanie Pappas is a contributing writer for Live Science, covering topics ranging from geoscience to archaeology to the human brain and behavior. She was previously a senior writer for Live Science but is now a freelancer based in Denver, Colorado, and regularly contributes to Scientific American and The Monitor, the monthly magazine of the American Psychological Association. Stephanie received a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of South Carolina and a graduate certificate in science communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz. 
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